Starplus Triad S System Programming Manual
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4-32 Page B I ntro ductio n Di gi t al K eys et s Specif ic b uttons may be as sig ned as unused or locked out. W hen a but ton is pr ogr amme d a s unus ed , t he but ton may not be pr ogra mme d by the station user using flex button programming procedures. 24-Bu tton Default : 12-Bu tton Default 8-Butto n Defau lt STA 10 0STA 101STA 102STA 103 =1Q=2W=3E=4R STA 10 4STA 105STA 106STA 107 =5T=6Y=7U=8I STA 10 8STA 109STA 110STA 111 =9O=10 P=11 A=12 S CO 1CO 2CO 3CO 4 =13 D=14 F=15 G=16 H CO 5CO 6LOOPPOO L =17 J=18 K=19 L=20 ; CA L L BA CKPICK UPDNDLINE QUEUE =2 1 Z=22 X=23 C=24 V STA 100STA 101STA 102STA 10 3 =1Q=2W=3E=4R CO 1CO 2LO OPPO OL =5T=6Y=7U=8I CALL BACKPICK UPDN DLINE QUEU E =9O=10 P=11 A=12 S STA 100STA 101LOOPPOOL =17 J=18 K=19 L=20 ; CA L L B A CKPIC KUPDN DLI N E Q U E U E =21 Z=22 X=23 C=24 V
Page B Introduction 4-33 Keyset Mode Pro g ram mi ng S te ps 1. Press the KEYSET MODE flexible button (FLASH 50, Page B, Bu tton #12). Th e f oll owing me ssa ge dis pl ays: 2. Enter a valid number (0-4) to change the mode of a digital telephone: [0] = In active Mode (normal mo de without CT I box) [1] = PC Phone (D is cov ery D es ktop ) Mode at 4800 ba ud [2] = ATD Command Mode at 4800 baud [3] = ATH Command Mode at 4800 baud [4] = CKTU Mode at 4800 baud [5] = SPI Mode at 4800 baud 3. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation tone is heard and the display updates. Des crip ti on The Ke yse t Mod e f eat ur e le ts t he st ati on user d et er mi ne t he mode i n which the Digital Telephone with CTI Box (optional) operates. The 5 mode s a re : Inactiv e, PC Phone (D is cover y Des ktop ), AT D C ommand , ATH Comma nd a nd CKT U. T hr ough t he us e of a d ial code , t he st at ion user can also determine the baud rate for each mode selected. This setting is stored in b ack-up memory in the event of a power outage or sys tem reset. By default, Keyset is set for Inactive Mode. Voice Mail ID Translation Pro g ram mi ng S te ps 1 . Pr es s t h e V M I D T R AN SLAT IO N fl e x ibl e bu t to n (FLASH 50, Page B, Bu tton #13). Th e f oll owing me ssa ge dis pl ays: 2. Enter a VMID number which corresponds to 0000 to 9999. KEYSET MODE 0-5 INACTIVE MO DE VOICEMA IL ID 0 00 0-9 99 9 01 00
4-34 Page B I ntro ductio n 3. Press HOLD to update the table. A confirmation tone is heard and the display updates. Des crip ti on The Voi ce Mai l I D T ra nsl at ion fe at ur e e nabl es prog ram ming of t he st at i on numbe r se nt to the Voice Mail v ia In -Band inte gra tion. By de fault, the station numbe r is se nt to th e Voice Mail s ystem . In s tation programming, there is a field to insert a 4-digit entry (0000-9999) which can be sent to the Voi c e M ai l s yst em in pl ac e of t he st at ion numbe r . By defa ult , St at ion Numbers are assigned as VMID Digits. (Refer to Ch a p ter 8, V o ic e Ma il I D Digi t Lengt h.) Display Flexible Buttons Pro g ram mi ng S te ps Pr es s t he DI SP LAY BUT T ONS fl exi bl e but ton (F L ASH 5 0, Pa ge B , Bu tton #14) to display programming assignments. The following message displays: XXX = S tation Number BB = Bu t t on N umb e r YYY = Button F unction (Refer to Ta b le 4- 4 .) Des crip ti on Each time the DISPLAY BUTTONS flexible button is subsequently pressed, the ne xt four buttons dis play s ta rting with the lowes t button numbe r. †When a button is assigned as Flex Button [0], the user can program any f eatures or function s on the b uttons to which they ha ve acces s. †Whe n t he but tons ar e prog ram med wit h us er pr ogr amme d functions, the display shows the function assigned to the button. BUT TONS XXX - YYY 01D100 02D101 03D103 04D104
Page B Introduction 4-35 Tabl e 4 -4: Fl ex But ton Di spl ay Des ignat i ons Flex Butt onDesignationFlex But tonDe sign at ion A[ AA A] AC D G r o u p w it h Pi lo t N u m ber MMP Mee t Me P ag e ACC Account Code Enter MUL Flex ible Button ACP Al l Call Page MUS Background Mus ic ALI Age nt Login NTS Night S er vice ALO Age nt Logout OFD ACD Ov erf low S tation Ava il/Unava il AMD Agent Member D isplay OHP Off-Hook Preference ANS Answering Ma ch. E mula tion Mode OHV Off-Hook Voi ce Ove r AOR Atte ndant Ov erride (attn) P[ CCC] Call Park w ith Pa rk Location AV L AC D o r U CD Av ail/U n ava il PK U Pic k u p CBK Cal l Ba ck PL [GG] Pool with CO Line Group Numb er CID Cal ler ID Name / Number Toggle PPK Personal Park CIQ ACD or UCD Calls in Queue S[YY ] Speed Dial Button with Bin Number CO[L LL] CO Line Button ( CO Line [L LL] ) SCP Station Ca ll Pa rk CQD AC D C alls in Queue Displ ay SLI Supe rvis or Login D[XXX ] St a t io n DSS / B LF SLO Su pe r vis o r Lo go u t DND Do Not Disturb SNR Sav e Number Redia l DRG Dis tinctive Ringing STS Supe rvis or Status Displ ay DUA Dis play Unans we red Ca lls U[ UUU] UC D Group w ith Pi lot Num ber EAC External All Call UNA Universal Night Answer EOR Exe cutive Ove rride V[VVV ] VM Group with Pilot Numbe r EP[N] Ex ternal Page with Zone FF W Incom ing Tra nsfer CO L ine-------------------------- LEGEND ----------------------- H[HHH] Hunt Group with Pilot Number[ AAA] ACD G roup P ilot Num ber HLP Agent Help[CCC] Call Park Location HST Hea dse t Mode[GG] Pool or CO Line Group Number IAC Inte rna l All C all Page[H HH ] Hu n t G r ou p N u mb e r IP[N] Inte rna l Pa ge with Zone[LLL] CO Line Number LCR LCR Acce ss[N] Page Zone Num ber LP Loop[U UU ] UCD Group Pilot Number IAC Inte rna l All C all Page[VVV] Voice Mail Group Num ber LNR Last Number Redial[XXX] Station Number LQU Line Queue[YY] Speed Dial Bin M[ Z Z] P er s on a liz ed M es sag e w / Msg N br[ ZZ] Personal ized Message Number
4-36 Page C I ntro ductio n Co rdle ss KTU Featu re Button Pro g ram mi ng S te ps Press the CORDLESS KEY flexible button (Fla s h 50, Pa g e B, B utto n #17) to ass ign t he F EA T Butt ons. T he f oll owi ng me ssa ge di spl ays : XX = Ass igned FEAT Button 00 = N o ne 01 -2 4 = Bu t t o n 1- 2 4 (0 1- 30 f or La r ge Sc r een D is pla y te leph o n e) Des crip ti on If a CKT U i s as socia te d wi th the st at ion , th e FE A T But ton on th e CKT U ma y be ass ig ned to function as any o ne ( 1) of the 24 F lexib le Button s on the te le phone . Thi s p rogr amm ing ar ea def ine s whic h Fl exi bl e B ut t on on the te le pho ne wi l l b e a ppl ie d t o t he CK T U F EA T Bu tt o n. No t al l fea tu r es ar e ava il abl e to be ass ig ned to the C K TU F EA T B u tt o n. B y de fau l t , no bu t to n (0 0) is ass ig ned to the F EA T. Page C Introduction Pro g ram mi ng S te ps 1. Press FLASH and di al [50]. F le xib le B ut ton #2 4 (Ne w R ang e) i s li t and the f oll owing me ssa ge dis pla ys: 2. Enter a valid numbe r for the station rang e to b e p rogramm ed. To p rogr am one st at ion, ent er t he numb er t wic e (1 00 1 00 ). CORDL ESS KEY BT N 0 0-3 0 XX STAT ION AT TRIBUT ES SEL ECT A STATION RA N GE If the H OL D butto n is pr essed with out en ter ing a statio n r ange , AL L statio ns are se lec ted .
Pa ge C I ntr o ducti o n 4 - 37 When programming the Page C features, the flexible buttons are mapp ed as fol lows: 3. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation tone is heard and the display updates. Flexible Button #19 (Page A) is lit. 4. Press Button #21. The display updates to reflect current programming for Page C. XXX-XXX = Station Range (1 00- 1 31) Des crip ti on Range programming enables the programmer to change a specific parameter or a few parameters for a range of stations, leaving intact the remaining data fields not requiring changes. Those data fields continue to operate with the previously programmed data. IN TERNAL N O ANSWER FWDINTERN AL BUSY F W DEXTERNAL NO ANSWER FWDEXTER NAL BUSY F W D =1Q=2W=3E=4R NO ANSW ER TIMERSPEED D IAL ACCESS =5T=6Y=7U=8I =9O=10 P=11 A=12 S =13 D=14 F=15 G=16 H PAGE APAG E B =17 J=18 K=19 L=20 ; PAGE CNEXT (FW D)NEX T ( BAC K)NEW R ANGE =21 Z=22 X=23 C=24 V XXX-XXX PAGE C EN TE R B U TT ON N U MB ER
4-38 Page C I ntro ductio n Preset Call Forward Pro g ram mi ng S te ps To program internal and external calls with separate Busy and No Answer destinations, perform the following steps. Internal No Answer Destination 1. Press FLASH 50, Page C, Bu tton #1. The following message displays: 2. Enter a valid number and press HOLD. 3 . To de le te t he ent r y, pr ess t he [#] key and th en p re ss HO LD. Int erna l Bu sy De st i na t io n 1. Press FLASH 50, Page C, Bu tton #2. The following message displays: 2. Enter a valid number and press HOLD. 3 . To de le te t he ent r y, pr ess t he [#] key and th en p re ss HO LD. Ex t er nal No Answ er De st ina t ion 1. Press FLASH 50, Page C, Bu tton #3. The following message displays: 2. Enter a valid number and press HOLD. 3 . To de le te t he ent r y, pr ess t he [#] key and th en p re ss HO LD. Val id de st inat ion e ntri es are : 1020-1999 = Sp eed bin s. 100- 131 = S tatio n numb ers . 440- 447 = Voi ce ma il gro ups. 450- 457 = Hun t grou ps. 550- 565 = ACD g roup s. INTERNAL NO ANSWER F WD ## ## INTERNAL BUSY F WD ## ## EXT ER N AL N O AN SW ER F WD ## ##
Pa ge C I ntr o ducti o n 4 - 39 Ex t er n al Bu s y D est i n at i on 1. Press FLASH 50, Page C, Bu tton #4. The following message displays: 2. Enter a valid number and press HOLD. 3 . To de le te t he ent r y, pr ess t he [#] key and th en p re ss HO LD. No Ans we r Ti mer 1. Press FLASH 50, Page C, Bu tton #5. The following message displays: 2. Enter a val id numbe r (00- 99) a nd p re ss HOL D (00=di sa ble ). Des crip ti on The P r ese t Ca ll For war d fea tur e pro vid es se par at e Bu sy a nd N o A nswe r des ti nat i ons f or int er nal a nd e xte r nal cal ls wi th a No A nswe r T im er ass ocia te d t o e ach s ta ti on. Ext er nal cal ls r ing ing tha t par ti cul ar st at ion, tr ans fer r ed c all s, and in te rna l ca ll s foll ow t hi s P r es et F orwa rd fea tur e. B y def au l t, th e T im er i s s et at 1 0 se c o nds. Conditions Station For war din g ove rr i des the Pr e set F orwa rd se tti ngs. EXTERNAL BUSY FWD ## ## NO ANSWE R TIM ER 00-99 10
4-40 Page C I ntro ductio n Spe ed D ial Ac cess Pro g ram mi ng S te ps 1 . Pr es s t he SPE ED DI AL AC CES S b utt on (FLASH 50, PAGE C , Bu tton #6). The following message displays: 2. Enter a range of speed bins to be allowed (100-999). 3 . Pr es s H OLD t o sav e t he e ntr y. Des crip ti on The S yst em Spe ed Di al A ccess fe at ure ha s 9 0 0 ent ri es av ai lab le (wi th exp ande d me mory). A station ca n be a llowed or de nie d a cce ss to bins 10 0 -9 99 . St at ions may be gr ant ed the a bil i ty to dia l al l S pe ed Di al Numbers within the range. Flexi ble Number ing Ass ignment Pro g ram mi ng S te ps Pre ss FLASH an d di al [5 2]. The following message displays: Sele cti ng a Fi xed or Fle xi bl e C ode 1. Press Button 24 (Fixed) or Bu tton 21 (Flex). 2. Enter the desired code to change. 3 . Pr es s HO LD. T he Fi xed a nd Fl ex N umbe r as wel l a s a d es cr i pt ion of t he code d isp lay s on the LCD. SY S SP EE D B IN 1 00- 99 9 ## # - # ## FIX: 10 0 F LEX: 10 0 NAME: STATION 100 You can sc roll th roug h Fi xe d Cod es by us in g the PR EV IO US b utton (23) or the NEXT b utton (22).
Pa ge C I ntr o ducti o n 4 - 41 Ch an g i n g a F lex i ble Cod e 1. Select the desired code. 2 . Pr es s But t on 1 . T he re d LE D i l lumi nat es . 3 . De le te t he Fle x N umber b y pr es si ng But ton 2 and the n p re ssi ng HOLD. The Flex number field will be blank 4. Enter the new code (2-4 digits). 5. Press HOLD. Erasing a Flexible Code 1. Select the desired code, then pess Button 1 (must be lit). 2. Press Button 2, then press HOLD. Des crip ti on The Flexible Numbering feature allows the system numbering plan to be modi fie d from it s def aul t val ue to accommoda te sp eci fic cust omer requirements. Station, Pilot, and Feature Access Code numbers may be changed with this feature. The length of these numbers may also be modified to meet specific customer applications. The buttons on the key te le phone a re de fin ed as shown when ent er i ng t he Fl exi bl e N umbe ri ng As si gnme nt fea tur e pr ogra mmi ng a re a: Sta tion/ Pilo t numbe rs can o nly c onta in 0-9. Fe ature code s can co ntai n 0-9, *, #. CH A N G E FL E X I B L E C OD EERASE FLEXIBLE CO DE =1Q=2W=3E=4R =5T=6Y=7U=8I =9O=10 P=11 A=12 S =13 D=14 F=15 G=16 H =17 J=18 K=19 L=20 ; NEW FLEXIBLE CO DE E NT RYNEXT FIXED CODE ENTRYPREV IOUS FIXED CO DE E NT RYNEW FIXED CODE ENTRY =21 Z=22 X=23 C=24 V