Siemens Saturn Epabx Oc1e Dyad Digital Telephone User Instructions
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SATURN EPABX A30808-X5051-E120-3-B919 CMU Procedures Issue 3, December 1985 CUSTOMER MEMORY UPDATE PROCEDURE: TRACE TI Call Trace Data Page 2 of 2 STEP NO. PROMPT/EXPLANATION I I 3. DATA TO BE COLLECTED (0-5)=n . . . n Requests which trace routines are to be activated (3 max.). If none n P data; see Table 802.1. are specified, the following are turned on: 4 - Input Signaling, and 5 - Call Processing. If more than one, separate each by spaces. 4 LINES TO TRAP ((CR) = ALL LINES) = aaaaaaaa Requests which lines to trap. If more than one, separate each by aaaaaaaa = lines (2 max) spaces. L. Table 602.1 Call Trace Data ALPHAMERIC INPUT DESCRIPTION I 0 Unused. 1 All events. 2 Unused. 3 Digit collection routines. 4 Input signaling. 5 Call processing. i MNEMONICS USED IN THIS CMU PROCEDURE: Mnemonic Definition LST Line Status Table Index

SATURN EPABX CMU Procedures A30808-X5051-El20-l-8919 Issue 1, December 1984 CUSTOMER MEMORY UPDATE PROCEDURE: TRAFASSN TITLE: Traffic Metering Assignments and Control Access Level: 3, 4 Page 1 of 2 STEP NO. PROMPT/EXPLANATION 1. ) DIS TRAFASSN NOTE: This procedure is used to display a demand or immediate traffic data report. Traffic data collection must currently be active, in either the manual or automatic report mode. If the sys- tem is operating in the manual mode, the data counts are zeroed at the end of the report. If the system is operating in the automatic mode, data is not affected by the display operation. 2. ALIGN PAPER TO TOP OF PAGE = Requests that user align paper prior to system outputting data. Enter (CR) to printout traffic data. NOTE: The report output is directed to the assigned traffic output device, regardless of the device on which the DISPLAY action is entered. 1. ) BEG TRAFASSN NOTE: This action is used to activate traffic data collection. 2. AUTOMATIC OR MANUAL MODE? (A/M) = a Requests whether traffic metering reporting is to be set for the au- a = A = automatic; a = M = manual. tomatic or manual mode of operation. If Automatic, go to step 3; if Manual, go to step 4. NOTE: If the “A” mode is selected, reports will be periodically printed; if the “M” mode is selected, data collec- tion is initiated but reports must be manually initiated with the DISPLAY action. 3. REPORT TIME PERIOD (15-1440) = nnnn Requests time period between automatic outputting of traffic meter- nnnn = time period (15-1440 minutes). ing reports. NOTE: Entering (CR) automatically selects 15 minutes. 4. OUTPUT DEVICE (TTYO-3) = aaan Requests output port to which the traffic metering reports are to aaan = output device option; see Table be routed. 801.1. 5. ALIGN PAPER TO TOP OF PAGE = Requests that user align paper prior to system outputting data. Enter (CR) to print out traffic data. NOTE: To permanently enable traffic reports, set the output device and report period using either the BEGIN or the CHANGE actions. Set the TRAFAUTO System Option flag, and do a SAVE CUSTDATA operation.

SATURN EPABX A30808-X5051-E120-l-B919 CMU Procedures Issue 1, December 1984 CUSTOMER MEMORY UPDATE PROCEDURE: TRAFASSN TITLE: Traffic Metering Assignments and Control STEP NO. PROMPT/EXPLANATION Page 2 of 2 I 1. > CHA TRAFASSN NOTE: This procedure is used to set the data reporting parameters used by the automatic metering restart feature. This action is allowed only when metering is inactive (stopped). 2. REPORT TIME PERIOD (15-1440) = nnnn Requests time period between automatic outputting of traffic meter- nnnn = time period (15-1440 minutes) ing reports. Enter (CR) for no change. 3. OUTPUT DEVICE (TTYO-3) = aaan I Requests output port to which the traffic metering reports are to aaan = output device option; see Table be routed. Enter (CR) for no change. 801.1. I I I I 1. ) ST0 TRAFASSN I I I I NOTE: This action is used to terminate metering data collection and stop any scheduled metering reporting. ,.; 1 Table 801.1 Traffic Metering Output Options ALPHAMERIC INPUT TTY0 TTY1 TTY2 TTY3 DESCRIPTION RS-232-C Service Port 0 RS-232-C Service Port 1 RS-232-C Service Port 2 RS-232-C Service Port 3 ‘,

bHi Uliiu trfitin CMU Procedures IIV_IY~_II~U”“, -lL”” -.,,.‘ Issue 3, January 1986 CUSTOMER MEMORY UPDATE PROCEDURE: TRAFCTR TITLE: Traffic Metering Counter Assignments Access Level: 3, 4 Page 1 of 12 STEP NO. PROMPT/EXPLANATION 1. ) DIS TRAFCTR 2. COUNTER CATEGORY = aaaa Requests which category of traffic counter data is to be displayed. aaaa = Counter category: see Table 802.1. 1 I ) CHA TRAFCTR I I I. CHANGE MODE (DISABLE ENABLE) = aaaaaaa Requests whether traffic counter category selected is to be enabled (data is printed out on traffic reports) or disabled (data is not printed out on traffic reports). aaaaaaa = DISABLE or ENABLE. 1. COUNTER CATEGORY = aaaa Requests the category for which traffic counter data is to be ena- aaaa = Counter category (one only); see bled or disabled. If ALL,, procedure is completed (see NOTE); if ATOP, Table 802.1. go to step 4; if ATTQ, go to step 5; if AT-W, go to step 6; if DGPP . . -. go to step 7; if HCR go to step 22; if HCU, go to step 23; if DGPU, go to step 8; if LCRP, go to step 9; if LCRU, go to step 10; if MDPR go to step 11; if MDPU, go to step 12; if SYDP go to step 13; if SYDU, go to step 14; if SYSP, go to step 15; if SYSU, go to step 16; if TAA, go to step 17; if TKDP, go to step 18; if TKDU, go to step i9; if TRKP, go to step 20; if TRKU, go to step 21; if ACDR go to step 24; if ACDU, procedure is completed (there is only one counter per ACD group). NOTE: If DISABLE was entered in step 2 and ALL is entered in this step, all traffic counter categories will be disa- bled. If ENABLE was entered in step 2 and ALL is entered in this step, all traffic counter categories except TAA will be enabled 1. ATT POSITION PEG COUNTERS = aaaaaaaa . . . aaaaaaaa Requests which counters applicable to attendant position peg counts are to be enabled or disabled (40 max.). If more than one, separate each by spaces. Procedure is completed. aaaaaaaa = Attendant position peg coun- ters; see Table 802.2. 5. Al7 QUEUE USAGE COUNTERS = aaa . . . aaa Requests which counters applicable to attendant queue usage are to be enabled or disabled (4 max.). If more than one, separate each by spaces. Procedure is completed. 2aa = Attendant queue usage; see Table 802.3. 5. ATT POSITION USAGE COUNTERS = aaaaaaaa . . . aaaaaaaa I Requests which counters applicable to attendant position usage are aaaaaaaaa = Attendant position usage to be enabled or disabled (3 max.). If more than one, separate each counters; see Table 802.4. by spaces. Procedure is completed. 7. DATA ACD GRP PEG COUNTERS = aaaaaa . . . aaaaaa Requests which counters applicable to ACD groups are to be enabled or disabled (3 mm.). If more than one, separate each by spaces. Procedure is completed. aaaaaa = data ACD group peg counters: see Table 802.5. NOTE: If one or more of these counters are enabled after the Trunk Activity Audit (TAA) counter, the trunk 2CtiVitY report will not be generated. If the TAA counter is enabled after any of these counters, these counters and the Data ACD Usage counters will be disabled. The system’will not allow both functions to be active Simul- taneouslv.

SATURN EPABX A30808-X5051-E120-3-8919 CMU Procedures issue 3, January 1986 CUSTOMER MEMORY UPDATE PROCEDURE: TRAFCTR Tl’. ?: Traffic Metering Counter Assignments STEP NO. PROMPT/EXPLANATION Page 2 of 12 8. DATA ACD USAGE COUNTERS = aaaaaaa . . . aaaaaaa Requests which counters applicable to data groups are to be enabled aaaaaaa = data ACD usage counters; see or disabled (3 max.). If more than one, separate each by spaces. Table 802.6. See Note in step 7. Procedure is completed. 9. LCR PEG COUNTERS = aaaa . . . aaaa Requests which counters applicable to LCR peg counts are to be aaaa = LCR peg counters; see Table 802.7. enabled or disabled (2 max.). If more than one, separate each by spaces. Procedure is completed. 10. LCR USAGE COUNTERS = aaaaa . . . aaaaa Requests which counters applicable to LCR usage are to be enabled aaaaa = LCR usage counters; see Table or disabled (2 max.). If more than one, separate each by spaces. 802.8. Procedure is completed. 11. MODEM POOL PEG COUNTERS = aaaaaaa . . . aaaaaaa Requests which counters applicable to modem pools are to be aaaaaaa = modem pool peg counters; enabled or disabled (3 max.). If more than one, separate each by . . ’ see Table 802.9. spaces. Procedure is completed. 12. MODEM POOL USAGE COUNTERS = aaaa . . . aaaa Requests which counters applicable to modem pool usage are to aaaa = modem pool usage counters; be enabled or disabled (2 max.). If more than one, separate each see Table 802.10. by spaces. Procedure is completed. 13. SYSTEM DATA PEG COUNTERS = aaaaaaaaa . . . aaaaaaaaa Requests which counters applicable to system data are to be enabled aaaaaaaaa = system data counters; see or disabled (19 max.). If mqre than one, separate each by spaces. Table 802.11. Procedure is completed. 14. SYSTEM DATA USAGE COUNTERS = aaaaaaaa Requests which counters applicable to system data usage are to be aaaaaaaa = system data usage counters; enabled or disabled (1 max.). Procedure is completed. see Table 802.12. 15. SYSTEM PEG COUNTERS = aaaaaaaaaaa . . . aaaaaaaaaaa Requests which counters applicable to system peg counts are to be aaaaaaaaaaa = system peg counters; enabled or disabled (139 max.). If more than one, separate each by see Table 802.13. spaces. Procedure is completed. 16. SYSTEM USAGE COUNTERS = aaaaaaa . . . aaaaaaa Requests which counters applicable to system usage are to be aaaaaaa = enabled or disabled (11 max.). If more than one, separate each by system usage counters; see Table 802.14. spaces. Procedure is completed. 17. TRUNK GROUP TO BE AUDITED = nn Requests trunk group for which individual trunk statistics are to be accumulated. Procedure is completed. nn = trunk group number (O-31). NOTE: lf the Trunk Activity Audit (TAA) counter is enabled, the Data ACD Group Peg counters and the Data ACD . . I usage counters will automatically be disabled. Conversely, if one or more of the Data ACD Group Peg counters or Data ACD Usage counters are enabled after the TAA counter, the TAA counter will be disabled and the TAA report will not be generated. The system will not allow both functions to be active simultaneously.

SATURN EPABX H.xxlu~-h3U3 1-c ILLJ-J-tJY I J CMU Procedures Issue 3, January 1986 CUSTOMER MEMORY UPDATE PROCEDURE: TRAFCTR TITLE: Traffic Metering Counter Assignments Page 3 of 12 1 STEP NO. PROMPT/EXPLANATION 18. TRUNK GROUP DATA PEG COUNTERS = aaaaaaaa . . . aaaaaaaa Requests which counters applicable to trunk group data calls are aaaaaaaa = trunk group data peg counters; to be enabled or disabled (4 max.). If more than one, separate each see Table 802.15. by spaces. Procedure is completed. 19. TRUNK GROUP DATA USAGE COUNTERS = aaaaaaa . . . aaaaaaa Requests which counters applicable to trunk group data usage are aaaaaaa = trunk group data usage to be enabled or disabled (3 max.). If more than one, separate each counters; see Table 802.16. by spaces. Procedure is completed. I 20. TRUNK GROUP PEG COUNTERS = aaaaaaaaa . . . aaaaaaaaa Requests which counters applicable to trtink group peg counts are aaaaaaaaa = system peg counters; see to be enabled or disabled (7 max.). If more than one, separate each Table 802.17. by spaces. Procedure is completed. Zl. TRUNK GROUP USAGE COUNTERS = aaaaaaa . . . aaaaaaa Requests which counters applicable to trunk group usage are to., ’ aaaaaaa = trunk group usage counters; be enabled or disabled (4 max.). If more than one, separate each see Table 802.18. by spaces. Procedure is completed. 22. HEALTH CARE CALL TYPE PEGS = aaaaaaaaaa . . . aaaaaaaaaa Requests which counters applicable to Health Care peg counts are aaaaaaaaaa = health care peg counters; to be enabled or disabled (17 max.). If more than one, separate each see Table 802.19. by spaces. Procedure is completed. 23. HEALTH CARE CALL TYPE USAGES = aaaaaaaaaa . . . aaaaaaaaaa 1 Requests which counters applicable to Health Care usage are to aaaaaaaaaa = health .care usage coun- be enabled or disabled (17 max.). If more than one, separate each ters; see Table 802.20. by spaces. Procedure is completed. 24. ACD PEG COUNTERS = aaaaaa . . . aaaaaa Requests which counters applicable to automatic call distribution aaaaaa = automatic call distribution are to be enabled or disabled (2 max.). If more than one, separate peg counters; each by spaces. Procedure is completed. see Table 802.21. Table 802.1 Traffic Counter Categories ALPHAMERIC INPUT --Au ATT-P AT-l-Q Al-W -%K- - DGPP DGPU HCP HCU LCRP LCRU MDPP COUNTER DESRIPTION All Traffic Counter Categories. (See NOTE 1) Attendant Position Peg Counters. Attendant Position Queue Usage Counters. Attendant Position Usage Counters. Automatic Call Distribution Peg Counters. Automatic Call Distribution Queue Usage Counters. Data ACD Group Peg Counters. (See NOTE 2) Data ACD Usage Counters. (See NOTE 2) Health Care Peg Counters. Health Care Usage Counters. Least Cost Routing Peg Counters. Least Cost Routing Usage Counters. Modem Pool Peg Counters.

b/ii UtiI\1 iL-JN3x I ,“~v”“-/~clv~ 4-c 1LCl-.J‘UillJ CMU Procedures Issue 3, January 1986 CUSTOMER MEMORY UPDATE PROCEDURE: TRAFCTR TITLE: Traffic Metering Counter Assignments Table 802.1 Traffic Coui:ter Categories (Continued) Page 4 of 12 ALPHAMERIC INPUT COUNTER DESRIPTlQN MDPU Modem Pool Usage Counters. SYDP , System Data Peg Counters. SYDU System Data Usage Counters. SYSP System Peg Counters. SYSU System Usage Counters. TAA Trunk Activity Audit (individual Trunk Data Collection). (See NOTE 2) TKDP Trunk Group Data Peg Counters. TKDU Trunk Group Data Usage Counters. TRKP Trunk Group Peg Counters. TRKU Trunk Group Usage Counters. NOTES: 1. When ALL is entered following a DISABLE entry, all counter categories are disabled. When ALL is entered follow- ing an ENABLE entry, all counter categories except TAA are enabled. 2. If the Trunk Activity Audit (TAA) report is enabled last, the Data ACD Group Peg and/or Usage counters will auto- matically be disabled. Conversely, if one or more of the Data ACD counters are enabled last, the TM report coun- ters will be disabled and the TAA report will not be generated. The system will not allow both functions to be active simultaneously. Table 802.2 Attendant Position Peg Counters: ATTP r ALPHAMERIC INPUT COUNTER DESCRWTION NOTE: One counter of each tvoe for each attendant console (total of 480 counters) I ALL SLMBACT SMDRACT TTLOOP JTCONF SLMBCAN SMDRCAN ACCT All-XTND tNCOANS OPRQANS All-ORlG OVERFLOW OVERRIDE PAGE PAGE1 PAGE2 PAGE3 -PAGE4 RCLQANS TIME TRKFLASH FWDALL FWDBUSY FWDCAN FWDNOANS FWDTOSECR PARK CWLEDFLASH CASQANS EXCCAS EXCINC MSGSET MSGCAN All Position Peg Counters. Attendant-Activated Slumber Time. Attendant-Activated SMDR. Attendant Call Hold. Attendant Conference. Attendant-Deactivated Slumber Time. Attendant-Deactivated SMDR. Attendant-Entered SMDR Account Code. Attendant Extended Call. Attendant Incoming Queue Answer. Attendant Operator Queue Answer. Attendant-Originated Calls. Attendant Overflow Activate. Attendant Override. Attendant Pagir,g. Attendant Paging - Zone 1. Attendant Paging - Zone 2. Attendant Paging - Zone 3. Attendant Paging - Zone 4. Attendant Recall Queue Answer. Attendant Time Display. Attendant Trunk Flash. Call Forwarding - All Calls: Attendant-Activated. Call Forwarding - Busy: Attendant-Activated. Call Forwarding - Cancel by Attendant. Call Forwarding - No Answer: Attendant-Activated. Call Forwarding - Secretarial: Attendant-Activated. Call Park - Attendant. Calls Waiting LED Flashing. CAS Call Queue Answers. CAS Calls Excluded. Incoming Calls Excluded. Message Waiting Activate by Attendant. Message Waiting Cancel by Attendant.

VI,, ill II” L/ I Id, CMU Procedures ,./“C.,” l~.Ldl I L.&V.” ._I . Issue 3, January 1986 CUSTOMER MEMORY UPDATE PROCEDURE: TRAFCTR . TITLE: Traffic Metering Counter Assignments Table 802.2 Attendant Position Peg Counters: ATTP (Continued) Page 5 of 12 ALPHAMERIC INPUT COUNTER DESRIPTION MINALM Minor Alarm Identification. EXCOPR Operator Calls Excluded. EXCRCL Recalls Excluded. SERIAL Serial Call. VOLUME Volume Control - Attendant. CMU MSGGRAM RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE Table 802.3 Attendant Position Queue Usabe Counters: ATTQ ALPHAMERIC INPUT NOTE: Four counters per system. I COUNTER DESCRIPTION ALL INC OPR RCL CAS All Attendant Position Queue Usage Counters. Attendant Incoming Queue. Attendant Operator Queue. Attendant Recall Queue. Centralized Attendant Service Queue. I . . Table 802.4 Attendant Position Usage Counters: ATTU ALPHAMERIC INPUT COUNTER DESCRIPTION I NOTE: Three counters per attendant console. I ALL BSY CWLEDFLSH CWLEDON All Attendant Position Usage Counters. Attendant Position Busy. Call Waiting LED Flashing. Call Waitina LED on. ALPHAMERIC INPUT Table 802.5 Data ACD Group Peg Counters: DGPP COUNTER DESCRIPTION I NOTE: Three counters per ACD group. I ALL ORIG TERM SBYQ All Data ACD Group Peg Counters. Data Call Originations from ACD Group. Data Calls Answered by Data Line Group. Standby Queuing Activations on Incoming Calls. Table 802.6 Data ACD Group Usage Counters: DGPU ALPHAMERIC INPUT COUNTER DESCRIPTION NOTE: Three counters per ACD group. 1 I ALL TERM All Data ACD Group Usage Counters. Incoming Data Call Usage. Outgoing Data Call Usage. Standby Queuing Holding Time (Data Calls).

SATURN EPABX ~~uoU~-X~US1-~i~O-3-tjy1y CMU Procedures Issue 3, January 1986 CUSTOMER MEMORY UPDATE PROCEDURE: TRAFCTR TITLE: Traffic Metering Counter Assignments Page 6 of 12 Table 802.7 LCR Peg Counters: LCRP ALPHAMERIC INPUT I COUNTER DESCRIPTION I NOTE: Two counters per LCR route. All LCR Peg Counters. Route Accessed. Route Advanced. Table 802.8 LCR Usage Counters: LCRU r ALPHAMERIC INPUT COUNTER DESCRIPTION NOTE: Two counters per trunk group. ; ALL All LCR Usage Counters. CBQ Trunk Callback Queue Usage. SBYQ Trunk Standby Queue Usage. Table 802.9 Modem Pool Peg Counters: MDPP ALPHAMERIC INPUT NOTE: Three counters per modem pool. COUNTER DESCRIPTION ALL I BSY SBYQ Al-TEMPT All Modem Pool Peg Counters. All Modems Busy Count. Number of Standby Queuing Activations. Pooled Modem Allocation Attemots. Table 802.10 Modem Pool Usage Counters: MDPU I ALPHAMERIC INPUT COUNTER DESCRIPTION I NOTE: Two counters per modem pool. I ALL GRP CRPQ All Modem Pool Usage Counters. Group Modem Pool Usage. Group Standby Queue Holding Time. Table 802.11 System Data Peg Counters: SYDP AiPHAMERlC INPUT NOTE: Nineteen counters per system. COUNTER DESCRIPTION ALL FAIL ATEMPT LASTNO SBYQTERM SBYQTOTAL All System Data Peg Counters. Data Call Ineffective Attempts. Data Call Originations. Data Call Redials Using Last Number Redial Feature. Data Call Standby Queuing Activations (Destination Device Busy). Data Call Standby Queuing Activations (Includes standby queuing for data destinations and modems). CODEMANIND DATAOFF DATAON CMPLT BSY NOANS Data Code Manual Protocol Selections. DCI Disable (DCI ENABLE Switch Off). DCI Enable (DCI ENABLE Switch On). Internal Data Call Completions. Internal Data Call to Busy Destination. Internal Data Call to No Answer.

CMU Procedures Issue 3, January l%ti CUSTOMER MEMORY UPDATE PROCEDURE: TRAFCTR TITLE: Traffic Metering Counter Assignments , Page 7 of 12 .- 1 Table 802.11 System Data Peg Counters: SYDP (Continued) I ALPHAMERIC INPUT ECHOON ECHOOFF SPDMANIND MPMANIND AUTOANS MANANS SWVOICE SWDATA COUNTER DESRIPTION Local Echo Activations (DC1 Local Echo Switch). Local Echo Deactivations (DC1 Local Echo Switch). Manual Data Speed Selections. Manual Pooled Modem Selections. Number of Activations of DCI Auto Answer Switch. Number of Deactivations of DCI Auto Answer Switch. Switch from Data to Voice Using DCI Data Call Switch. Switch from Voice to Data Using DCI Data Call Switch. Table 802.12 System Data Usage Counters:‘.SYDU ALPHAMERIC INPUT COUNTER DESCRIPTION NOTE: One counter per system. DATALINE Total Data Call Holding Time. Table 802.13 System Pen Counters: SYSP ALPHAMERIC INPUT \LL SYATTP ;YDPIP ;YSTNP SYTRKP 4CD IDDON 4lXONFBSY 4lTRTRV 4.lNCAB 4lTINCQ 47-l-OPRAB 4TTOPRQ 4TTOVFL 4lTQJUMP 4TTRCL4B Al-TRCLQ AUTH ICOMAUTOB ATTCASAB AlTCASQ RLTQJUMP CALLCOSTB FWDALLB FWDALL FWDBUSYB FWDBUSY FWDCAN FWDNOANSB FWDNOANS PWDRTN FWDTOB SPLIT6 SPLIT COUNTER DESCRIPTION All System Peg Counters. All System Attendant Peg Counters. All System DPI Peg Counters. ’ All System Station Peg Counters. All System Trunk Peg Counters. ACD Hunt Group Access. Add-On Conference. Attendant Conference Busy. Attendant Held Call Retrieve. Attendant Incoming Call Abandon. Attendant Incoming Call Queued. Attendant Operator Call Abandon. Attendant Operator Call Queued. Attendant Overflow Facility. Attendant Queue Jump. Attendant Recall Abandon. Attendant Recall Queued. Authorization Code. Automatic Intercom Pickup Button. CAS Attendant Queue Abandoned Calls. CAS Attendant Queue Entries. CAS Call Priority Upgrade Due to Attendant Delay. Call Cost DPI Button Activations. Call Forwarding - All Calls Button. Call Forwarding - All Calls. Call Forwarding - Busy Button. Call Forwarding - Busy. Call Forwarding - Cancel. Call Forwarding - No Answer Button. Call Forwarding - No Answer. Call Forwarding - Return. Call Forwarding - Secretary Button. Call Hold,- Flip-Flop Button. Call Hold - Flip-Flop. COUNTER TYPE ATT DPI STA TRKS X X X X X X X X X :: X X X X X X S’ X X :: X X X X X X