Siemens Saturn Epabx Oc1e Dyad Digital Telephone User Instructions
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SATURN EPABX CMU Procedures A30808-X5051-El20-l-B919 Issue 1, December 1984 CUSTOMER MEMORY UPDATE PROCEDURE: CONFASSN TITLE: Conference Assignments Access Level: 3, 4 1 CONFASSN ] Page 1 of 1 1 STEP NO. PROMPT/EXPLANATION I , 4 1. > DIS CONFASSN 1. > ADD CONFASSN 2. TYPE (ATTCONF, MMCONF, CONFPCB) = aaaaaaa Requests type of conference, ATTCONF or MMCONF, for which cir- aaaaaaa = ATTCONF, MMCONF, or cuit(s) are to be reserved, or the assignment of the optional confer- CONFPCB. ence board (CONFPCB) (new board adds 4 circuits - SATURN III only). If ATICONF or MMCONF, go to step 3; if CONFPCB, procedure is completed. NOTE: CONFPCB does not apply to SATURN II. 3. CONFERENCE COUNT (l-8) = n 1 Requests number of conference circuits to be reserved for this type n = count. of conference. NOTE: SATURN II conference count = 1 - 3 circuits. SATURN III conference count = 1 - 3 circuits (without optional conference board) 1 - 8 circuits (with optional conference board) 1. > DEL CONFASSN 2. TYPE (ATTCONF, MMCONF, CONFPCB) = aaaaaaa Requests type of conference circuit (ATTCONF or MMCONF) to be aaaaaaa = ATTCONF, MMCONF or released to general pool, or if second conference board (CONFPCB) CONFPCB is to be unassigned. If ATTCONF, go to step 3; if MMCONF, go to step 4; if CONFPCB, procedure is completed. NOTE: CONFPCB does not apply to SATURN II. 3. RESERVED CONFERENCE COUNT (1 - 8) = n Requests number of conference circuits reserved for attendant con- n = count (l-3): SATURN II; ference to be released to the general conference circuit pool; proce- n = count (l-8): SATURN III. dure is completed. 4. CONFERENCE CIRCUIT NUMBER (O-7) = n . . . n Requests the unique single digit defining the particular Meet-Me Conference(s) to be released to the general conference circuit pool. n . . . n = conference number(s) = O-2: SATURN II; If more than one, separate each by spaces. Enter (CR) to delete O-7: SATURN III. no Meet-Me Conference circuits. Procedure is completed. NOTE: The circuit number corresponds to the Meet-Me Conference code (e.g. Meet-Me code 0 is circuit 0. Meet-Me code 1 is circuit 1, etc.). Perform the DIS CONFASSN procedure to display all assigned Meet-Me Confer- ence codes. MNEMONICS USED IN THIS CMU PROCEDURE: Mnemonic Definition ATTCONF CONFPCB MMCONF Attendant Conference Conference Circuit Printed Circuit Board Meet-Me Conference

SATURN EPABX CMU Procedures A30808.X5051-E120-4-B919 - Issue 4, January 1986 CUSTOMER MEMORY UPDATE PROCEDURE: COSASSN TITLE: Class of Service Assignments Access Level: 2, 3, 4 Page 1 of 5 STEP NO. PROMPT/EXPLANATION 1 1. ) DIS COSASSN 2. CLASS OF SERVICE NO(S). (O-31)=nn Requests class of service (COS) number(s) for which definition is nn = COS number (O-31). to be displayed. One entry displays single COS; two entries specify ’ .’ range (from nn to nn). NOTE: Enter (CR) to display all. 3. DISPLAY ALL MEMBER STNS? (Y,N)=a I Requests whether station numbers having the specified COS(s) are a = Y = Yes, a = N = No. to be displayed. If a = N (No), only the COS definition is displayed. If a = Y (Yes), the stations assigned to each COS are also displayed. NOTE: The allowed trunk group list is used only during direct trunk group access. Least Cost Routing (LCR) does not use this information. ,. _ . 1 1 ADD COSASSN I L - I !. CLASS OF SERVICE NUMBER (O-31)=nn Requests new class of service (COS) number to be assigned. nn = COS number (O-31). I. CLASSMARK ASSIGNMENTS = aaaaaaaaaa...aaaaaaaaaaa Requests new classmarks to be assigned to specified COS. If more than one, separate each by spaces. aaaaa 5 classmarks; see Table 402.1. I. ALLOWED TRUNK GROUPS (O-31)=nn . . . nn Requests member trunk group(s) authorized for specified COS. If nn = trunk group(s) (O-31). more than one, separate each by spaces. NOTE: Not required for systems using Least Cost Routing. 5. TOLL CODE REST LIST NUMS (O-19)=nn . . . nn Requests member toll code restriction list(s) authorized for specified nn = toll1 code restriction list; COS. If more than one, separate each with spaces. see Table 402.2 NOTE: Toll Code Restriction lists are not used by LCR, which uses its own restriction tables. 6. RESTRICTED ACD GROUP NUMS (O-63)=nn . . . nn Requests number of ACD group(s) from which this COS is to be re- stricted from accessing. If more than one, separate each by spaces. nn = restricted ACD group(s). 7. 1 RESTRICTED STATION COS’S (O-31I=nn . . . nn I Requests class(es) of service from which this COS is to be restrict- ed from accessino. If more than one, seoarate each bv spaces. nn = restricted COS number(s).

SATURN EPABX CMU Procedures f4dutwa-xsOS 1-t IZU-4-t5Y IY Issue 4, January 1966 CUSTOMER MEMORY UPDATE PROCEDURE: COSASSN T’-‘.E: Class of Service Assignments Page 2 of 5 STEP NO. PROMPT/EXPLANATION 1. ) DEL COSASSN NOTE: Stations and trunks assigned to a Class of Service must be deleted or reassigned prior to deleting the Class of Service. 2. CLASS OF SERVICE NUMBER (O-31)=nn Requests old class of service (COS) number to be deleted. nn = COS number (0’31). 1 I 1. ) CHA COSASSN . . ; 2. CLASS OF SERVICE NUMBER (0-31)=nn Requests old class of service (COS) number to be changed. nn COS number (O-31). 3. DISABLE CLASSMARKS = aasaaasaaaa ..aaaaaaaaaaa Requests classmarks to be disabled, i.e., removed from thii COS. aaaaa = ciassmark (s); see Table 402.1. if more than one, separate each by spaces. ., -.’ NOTE: Limit the number of classmark assignments to ten; additional classmarks may be entered using the CHANGE action. 4. ENABLE CLASSMARKS = aaaaaaaaaaa . . . aaaaaaaaaaa Requests classmarks to be enabled, i.e., assigned to this COS. if aaaaa = classmark( see Table 402.1. more than one, separate each by spaces. I 5. DISABLE TRUNK GROUPS (O-31)=nn . . . nn Requests trunk group(s) to be disabled, i.e., unauthorized by users of this COS. if more than one, separate each by spaces. nn = trunk group(s) denied access by this COS (O-31). NOTE: Not required for systems using Least Cost Routing. 6. ENABLE TRUNK GROUPS (O-31)=nn . . . nn Requests trunk group(s) to be enabled, i.e., authorized by users of this COS. If more than one, separate each by spaces. NOTE: Not required for systems using Least Cost Routing. nn = trunk group(s) allowed access by this COS (O-31). 7. DISABLE RESTRICTION LISTS (O-19)=nn . . . nn Requests toll code restriction lists(s) to be removed from this COS. nn = toll code restriction list(s) not if more than one, separate each by spaces. authorized for access by this COS; NOTE: Not required for systems using Least Cost Routing. see Table 402.2. 8. ENABLE RESTRICTION LISTS (0-19)=nn . . . nn Requests toll code restriction lists(s) to be assigned to this COS. If nn = toll code restriction list(s) not more than one, separate each by spaces. authorized for access by this COS; NOTE: Not required for systems using Least Cost Routing. see Table 402.2. 9. DISABLE ACD GROUP NUMBERS (O-63)=nn . . . nn Requests restricted ACD group(s) to be removed from this COS. If nn = ACD group number(s) (O-63). more than one, separate each by spaces.

bnl unhv cr-tu21t CMU Procedures ti3UOUd.rA3JLi 1-c IL”-*-0;1I.J Issue 4, January 1986 CUSTOMER MEMORY UPDATE PROCEDURE: COSASSN TITLE: Class of Service Assignments Page 3 of 5 STEP NO. PROMPT/EXPLANATION 10. ENABLE ACD GROUP NUMBERS (O-63)=nn . . . nn Requests restricted ACD group(s) to be assigned to this COS. If nn 5;: ACD group number(s) (O-63). more than one, separate each by spaces. 11. DISABLE RESTRICTED COS’S (O-31)=nn . . . nn Requests restricted COSs to be removed from this COS. If more nn = COS number(s) (O-31). than one, separate each by spaces. 4 . 12. ENABLE RESTRICTED COS’S (O-31)=nn . . . nn Requests restricted COSs to be assigned to this COS. If more than nn P COS number(s) (O-31). one, separate each by spaces. ALPHAMERIC INPUT TSTAPP AnHOLDRlV ATTOVRDSEC AUTOANSICOM AUTOANSPRIME FWDALL FWDTOFIXED . FWD’TONTWK CALLHOLD SPLIT PARK PUDIR PUGRP TRACE CWORIG CWTERM CASACT CODE DATASEC DICT DND EMERGENCY OVERRIDE OVRDAUTO OVRDENOTN OVRDENOTNSEC EXECOVRDSEC HKFLSH HUNTBUSY HUNTNOANS LASTNO LCR TESTDIAG MMCONF MSGCB MSGSET Table 402.1 Station Classmarks DESCRIPTION Apparatus Test (COS Basis; for System-Wide Basis, set TSTDIAG Flag in SYSOPT) Attendant Hold Retrieve Attendant Override Security Automatic Answer - Intercom Calls Automatic Answer - Prime Line Calls Call Forwarding - All Calls (See Note 1) Call Forwarding - Fixed Call Forwarding to Public Network Call Hold E%; ;i; - Flip Flop (Broker) Call Pickup - Directed Call Pickup - Group Call Trace Call Waiting Originating Call Waiting Terminating CAS Activate/Deactivate Feature Code Call Data Line Security Dictation Access Do Not Disturb Emergency - Health Care Executive Override Executive Override - Automatic Override - No Tone Override - No Tone Security Executive Override Security Hookflash Hunting for Busy Condition Only Hunting for No-Answer Condition Only Last Number Redial Least Cost Routing Maintenance Diagnostic Tests (From Maintenance Telephoiie) Meet-Me Conference Message Callback Message Waiting - Activate REQUIRED FEATURE HKFLSH H KFLSH HKFLSH HKFLSH HKFLSH HKFLSH HKFLSH HKFLSH

SA-I lJHI\I IiPAtLX ~o8o~-x~~51-~12o~-~YlY CMU Procedures Issue 4, January 1986 CUSTOMER MEMORY UPDATE PROCEDURE: COSASSN T”1.E: Class of Service Assignments ALPHAMERIC INPUT OFFHOOK PAGE1 PAGE2 PAGE3 PAGE4 PATIENT FORCEDRLS SLUMBER SCGl SCGP SCG3 SCG4 SCIND TRKSBYQ STNCBQ STNCONF STQPHUNT TOLLDIV TRKCBQ RINGBACK TRKTOTRK ZUNAl ZUNAP ZUNA3 ZUNA4 Table 402.1 Station Classmarks (Continued) DESCRIPTION Off-Hook Alarm - Health Care Paging Access - Zone 1 Paging Access - Zone 2 Paging Access - Zone 3 Paging Access - Zone 4 Patient - Health Care . Provides One Second Open - Circuit Upon Disconnect Slumber Time Service - Health Care Speed Calling - Group - Group 1 , , , Speed Calling - Group - Group 2 Speed Calling - Group - Group 3 Speed Calling - Group - Group 4 Speed Calling - Individual Standby Tiunk Queuing Station Camp-On with Automatic Callback Station-Controlled Conference Stop Hunt Toll Diversion Trunk Queuing Normal Ringback Tone (See Note 2) Trunk-to-Trunk Station Connection Zoned UNA - Pickup Zone 1 Zoned UNA - Pickup Zone 2 Zoned UNA - Pickup Zone 3 Zoned UNA - Pickup Zone 4 .” ‘- Page 4 of 5 REQUIRED FEATURE TRKCBQ HKFLSH HKFLSH .zs: 1. Includes “Call Forward - Busy,” “ Call Forward - All Calls,” and “Call Forward Return,” which also requires Hookflash. 2. When this flag is set in the trunk group class of service, an incoming trunk call which camps on a busy station will receive normal ringback tone rather than special audible ringback tone. IMPORTANT: This flag should be set in the COS for all DID trunk groups to comply with FCC regulations. Table 402.2 Toll Code Restriction Lists I ALPHAMERIC INPUT 0 : 3 4 5 6 ;: 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 DESCRIPTION Eight-Digit Restriction List 0 Eight-Digit Restriction List 1 Eight-Digit Restriction List 2 Eight-Digit Restriction List 3 Eight-Digit Restriction List 4 Eight-Digit Restriction List 5 Eight-Digit Restriction List 6 Eight-Digit Restriction List 7 Eight-Digit Restriction List 8 Eight-Digit Restriction List 9 Eight-Digit Restriction List 10 Eight-Digit Restriction List 11 Eight-Digit Restriction List 12 Eight-Digit Restriction List 13 Eight-Digit Restriction List 14 Eight-Digit Restriction List 15 Fifteen-Digit Restriction List 0 Fifteen-Digit Restriction List 1 Fifteen-Digit Restriction List 2 Fifteen-Digit Restriction List 3

~AI umv a-nuA CMU Procedures CUSTOMER MEMORY UPDATE PROCEDURE: COSASSN TITLE: Class of Service Assignments MNEMONICS USED IN THIS CMU PROCEDURE: Mnemonic Definition DID FCC LCR ACD UNA Direct Inward Dialing Federal Communications Commission Least Cost Routing Automatic Call Distribution Universal Night Answer HJucllJlPh3u3 1-t ILU-L)-oY LY Issue 4, January 1986 Page 5 of 5

SATURN EPABX CMU Procedures A30808-X5051-E120-l-B919 - Issue 1, December 1984 CUSTOMER MEMORY UPDATE PROCEDURE: CUSTDATA TITLE: Customer Data Base Backup Access Level: 2, 3, 4 1 CUSTDATA Page 1 of 1 STEP NO. PROMPT/EXPLANATION 1. ) DIS CUSTDATA Requests display of time and date of: (a) last save to disk, and (b) last data base change. 1. ) SAV CUSTDATA 2. SAVE TO (ACTIVE, STANDBY, BOTH) = aaaaaaa Requests to which floppy disk drive the data is to be saved. aaaaaaa = ACTIVE, STANDBY, or BOTH. NOTES: 1. Entering (CR) is the same as entering ACTIVE. 2. STANDBY and BOTH apply to SATURN III duplex systems only. 3. Customer data base saves to floppy disk will be prohibited if a checksum error exists in system memory, in order to prevent corruption of disk customer memory data.

SATURN EPABX CMU Procedures A30808-X5051-E120-l-8919 - Issue 1, December 1984 CUSTOMER MEMORY UPDATE PROCEDURE: DATAASSN TITLE: Data Device Assignments Access Level: 2, 3, 4 Page 1 of 4 STEP NO. PROMPT/EXPLANATION I. fiTiiiiiDISDATAASSN~ I 2. DATA DEVICE EXTENSION NUMBER = nnnn nnnn Requests station number(s) of data device(s) for which data are to nnnn = station number(s) (O-9999). be displayed. If range desired, enter two numbers separated by space. Enter (CR) to display all. 3. DISPLAY TYPE (SLT,DCI,ALL) = aaa ! Enter the type(s) of devices to be displayed. If both range (step 2) aaa = type: SLT, DCI, or ALL. and type are entered, all devices of the specified type(s) within the specified extension number range are printed. NOTE: Entering (CR) is the same as entering ALL. 1. > ADD DATAASSN This procedure is used to add a digital data device (DCI) or to give data call priviledges to an existing analog station (SLT) which is to operate in the Alternate Voice/Data mode. 2. DATA DEVICE EXTENSION NUMBER = nnnn Requests station number of data device to be added. nnnn = station number (O-9999). 3. DATA CLASS OF SERVICE (O-31) = nn Requests data COS of device to be added. nn = data COS (O-31). 4. DATA DEVICE TYPE (SLT,DCI) = aaa Specify device to be added (DCI) or existing device to be given data aaa = data device: SLT or DCI. call priviledges (SLT). If DCI, go to step 5; if SLT, go to step 11. 5. PORT EQUIPMENT NUMBER (WXYZ) = nnnn Requests PEN of data device to be added. nnnn = valid PEN. 6. DATA PROTOCOL NUMBER (O-31) = nn Requests number of protocol that is applicable to this data device. nn = data protocol number (O-31). NOTE: Protocol number must have been previously assigned. 7. DATA DEVICE CONNECTION TYPE = aaaaaaaa Requests type of connection for this data device. If ASSOC, go to aaaaaaaa = connection type; see Table step 8; if HOTLINE or WARMLINE, go to step 9; if DIAL, go to step 261.1. 10; if NAILUP, procedure is completed. 8. ASSOCIATED STATION EXTENSION NUM = nnnn Requests station number of station with which the data device is nnnn = station number (O-9999). associated. Go to step 10.

SATURN EPABX A30808-X5051-E120-l-B919 CMU Procedures Issue 1, December 1984 CUSTOMER MEMORY UPDATE PROCEDURE: DATAASSN TITLE: Data Device Assignments Page 2 of 4 I STEP NO. PROMPT/EXPLANATION -1 9. HOT/WARM LINE DEST TABLE IDX = nn Requests hotline or warmline destination index for this data device. nn = index into HOTLINE table (O-31). (Refer to the procedure HOTLINE.) 10. DATA DEVICE ATTRIBUTES = aaaaaaaaaa Requests attributes of data device (7 maximum). Enter (CR) for aaaaaaaaaa = attributes; see Table 261.2. none. 11. DMDR ENABLED? (Y,N) = a Requests whether data message detail recording applies to this data a = Y = Yes, a = N = No. device. NOTE: Entering (CR) is the same as entering N for No. 12. DMDR ACCOUNT NUMBER IDX (O-254) = nnn I I Requests DMDR account index number. (Refer to the SMDRACCT nnn = index into SMDR table (O-254). procedure.) Enter (CR) for none. Procedure is comoleted. 1. > DEL DATAASSN 2. DATA DEVICE EXTENSION NUMBER = nnnn Requests station number of data device which is to be deleted. nnnn = station number (O-9999). 1. > CHA DATAASSN 3 -. CURRENT EXTENSION NUMBER = nnnn Requests station number of data device which is to be changed. nnnn = station number (O-9999). 3. DATA CLASS OF SERVICE (O-31) = nn Enter new data COS, or (CR) for no change. nn = data COS (O-31). Q. CURRENT DEVICE TYPE (SLT,DCI) = aaa 1 I Requests the existing data device type. If existing type is SLT, go aaa = data device: SLT or DCI. to step 12; otherwise, go to step 5. 5. NEW EXTENSION NUMBER = nnnn I Enter new extension number, or (CR) for no change. nnnn = station number (O-9999). 6. NEW DATA PROTOCOL NUM (O-31) = nn Enter new data protocol number or (CR) for no change. nn = protocol number (O-31). 7. 1 DATA DEVICE CONNECTION TYPE = aaaaaaaa I Enter new or existing data device connection type. If ASSOC, go aaaaaaaa = connection type; see Table to step 8; if HOTLINE or WARMLINE, go to step 9; if DIAL, go to 261.1. step 10; if NAILUP, procedure is completed. NOTE: Entering (CR) for no change, go to step 10. /

SATURN EPABX A30808-X5051-E120-l-B919 - CMU Procedures Issue 1, December 1984 CUSTOMER MEMORY UPDATE PROCEDURE: DATAASSN TITLE: Data Device Assignments Page 3 of 4 STEP NO. PROMPT/EXPLANATION 8. ASSOCIATED STATION EXTENSION NUM = nnnn Enter extension number of new associated station. Go to step 10. nnnn = station number (O-9999). 9. HOT/WARM LINE DEST TABLE IDX = nn Enter new hotline or delayed hotline destination (see HOTLINE nn = index into HOTLINE table (O-31). procedure). 10. ENABLE DATA DEVICE ATTRIBUTES = aaaaaaaaaa . ..aaaaaaaaaa Enter data device attributes which are to be changed to the ena- aaaaaaaaaa = attribute(s); see Table bled state (0 to 7 attributes separated by spaces). Enter (CR) for 261.2. no change. 11. DISABLE DATA DEVICE ATTRIBUTES .= aaaaaaaaaa . . . aaaaaaaaaa Enter data device attributes which are to be changed to the disa- aaaaaaaaaa = attribute(s); see Table bled state (0 to 7 attributes separated by spaces). Enter (CR) for 261.2. no change. 12. DMDR ENABLE/DISABLE (E/D) = a Enter new state of the data message detail recording feature for a = E = enable, this device. Enter (CR) for no change. a = D = disable. 13. CHANGE DMDR ACCOUNT INDEX (Y/N) = a Enter whether the DMDR account index is to be changed for this a = Y = Yes, a = N = No. device. If Y (Yes), go to step 14; if N (No), procedure is complete. Enter (CR) for no change. 14. NEW DMDR ACCOUNT INDEX (O-254) = nnn Enter new DMDR account index number. (Refer to the SMDRACCT nnn = index into SMDR account table procedure.) Enter (CR) to delete the account index. (O-254). ALPHAMERIC INPUT ASSOC DIAL HOTLINE NAILUP WARMLINE Table 261.1 Data Device Connection Types DESCRIPTION User must dial all calls from the associated telephone (SLT or DPI). User must terminal dial destination number for each data call origination. Device is connected to a predefined destination number upon initiating a call request. Device is connected to a predefined destination as long as both are in-service and enabled. If user fails to terminal dial a destination number within a specified time after origina- tion, the call is routed to a predefined destination number.