Siemens Saturn Epabx Oc1e Dyad Digital Telephone User Instructions
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SATURN EPABX CMU Procedures ’ A30808-X5051-E120-2-8919 Issue 2, December 1985 CUSTOMER MEMORY UPDATE PROCEDURE: LCRSCC TITLE: LCR Special Common Carrier Data Page 2 of 2 STEP NO. PROMPT/EXPLANATION 1 1. ) DEL LCRSCC 2. ENTER SCC# TO MODIFY (O-2) = n . Requests SCC number for which data is to be deleted. n = SCC number (O-2). ; 3. ENTER NPA TO DELETE FROM = nnn Requests NPA number to be deleted. nnn = NPA number (200-919). 4. ENTER OFFICE CODES TO DISABLE = nnn Requests office codes which are to be deleted from above NPA (20 max.). Enter (CR) to delete all office codes. nnn = office code(s) (200-999). _- MNEMONICS USED IN THIS CMU PROCEDURE: Mnemonic (CR> HNPA LCR NPA see Definition Carriage Return (RETURN key) Home Numbering Plan Area (Area Code) Least Cost Routing Numbering Plan Area (Area Code) Special Common Carrier

SATURN EPABX CMU Procedures A30808-X5051-E120-l-B919 - issue 1, December 1984 CUSTOMER MEMORY UPDATE PROCEDURE: LCRSCHD TITLE: LCR Schedules Access Level: 3, 4 STEP NO. PROMPT/EXPLANATION Page 1 of 1 1. ) DIS LCRSCHD NOTE: Each hour of the week (168 hours) can be assigned to one of 8 LCR schedules, providing trunking con- trol by time-of-day and day-of-week. The LCRROUTE procedure allows trunk groups to be enabled or blocked according to which schedule (A through H) is currently operative. Because calling party class of service is also consulted during the routing process, the use of LCR sched- ules can provide a temporary class of service alteration (by time of day), as far as external trunk access is concerned. 1. ) CHA LCRSCHD 2. ENTER DAY(S) TO CHANGE = aaa . . . aaa Requests day(s) of the week for which the LCR schedule is to be aaa = day(s) of week (SUN, MON, TUE, changed (7 max). If more than one, separate each by spaces. WED, THU, FRI, or SAT). 3. ENTER HOUR(S) TO CHANGE = nn . . . nn Requests which hours for day(s) specified above for which the nn = hour(s) (O-23). schedule is to change (24 max.). If more than one, separate each by spaces. 4. ENTER SCHEDULE: = a Requests schedule to apply to the day(s) and hour(s) specified a = schedule (A - H). above. Refer to the appropriate data base form for the assigned schedules for this site. Enter (CR) for no change. 5. ENTER DEFERRED MINUTES = nn Allows a new schedule to be implemented on other than on an hour nn = number of minutes (O-59). boundary; i.e., indicates how many minutes into the hour a sched- ule change is to be implemented. Enter (CR) for no change. MNEMONICS USED IN THIS CMU PROCEDURE: Mnemonic LCR Definition Least Cost Routing

SATURN EPABX CMU Procedures A30808-X5051-E120-l-8919 - Issue 1, December 1984 CUSTOMER MEMORY UPDATE PROCEDURE: MODMASSN TITLE: Modem Assignments Access Level: 2, 3, 4 STEP NO. PROMPT/EXPLANATION Page 1 of 1 1. > DIS MODMASSN 2. PORT EQUIPMENT NUMBER (WXYZ) = nnnn Requests PEN of modem for which data is to be displayed. nnnn = valid PEN. 1. > ADD MODMASSN 2. DIGITAL PEN (WXYZ) = nnnn Requests digital PEN to be assigned to modem specified. nnnn = valid PEN. NOTE: The digital end of the pooled modem is connected to an SLMD port. 3. ANALOG PEN (WXYZ) = nnnn Requests analog PEN to be assigned to modem specified. nnnn = valid PEN. NOTE: The analog end of the pooled modem is connected to an SLMA port. 4. MODEM POOL NUMBER (O-15) = nn Requests modem pool number to which modem is to be assigned. nn = modem pool number (O-15). 1. > DEL MODMASSN 2. DIGITAL PEN (WXYZ) = nnnn Requests digital PEN assigned to modem to be deleted. nnnn = valid PEN. 3. ANALOG PEN (WXYZ) = nnnn Requests analog PEN assigned to modem to be deleted. nnnn = valid PEN. MNEMONICS USED IN THIS CMU PROCEDURE: Mnemonic PEN SLMA SLMD Definition Port Equipment Number Subscriber Line Module - Analog Subscriber Line Module - Digital

SATURN EPABX CMU Procedures A30808-X5051-E120-l-B919 - Issue 1, December 1984 CUSTOMER MEMORY UPDATE PROCEDURE: MODMPOOL TITLE: Modem Pool Assignments Access Level: 2, 3, 4 MODMPOOL Page 1 of 2 I STEP NO. PROMPT/EXPLANATION I 1. ) DIS MODMPOOL I 2. MODEM POOL NUMBER(S) (O-15) = nn nn Requests modem pool number(s) for which data is to be displayed. nn = modem pool number (O-15). If more than one, separate each by spaces. Enter (CR) for all modem pool assignments. 3. DISPLAY ALL MODEMS? (Y,N) = a Requests whether data is to be displayed for all modems in speci- a = Y = Yes; a = N = No. fied pool(s). NOTE: Enterina (CR> is the same as enterina Y for Yes. 1. > CHA MODMPOOL NOTE: This procedure is used to define the characteristics of a modem pool. 2. MODEM POOL GROUP (O-15) = nn Requests modem pool number for which data is to be changed. nn = modem pool number (O-15). 3. PROTOCOL NUMBER (O-31) = nn Requests protocol number to be assigned to this modem pool. Enter nn = protocol number (O-31). (CR) for no change. NOTE: Refer to the CMU procedure, PROTOCOL. 4. MODE (ANS, ORIG, BOTH) = aaaa Requests mode of modems in modem pool specified. If BOTH or aaaa = .mode; see Table 560.1. ORIG, go to step 5; if ANS, procedure is completed. NOTE: Entering (CR) is the same as entering BOTH. 5. TRANSFER CONTROL SEQUENCE = aaaaaaaaa Requests transfer control sequence to be applied to this modem aaaaaaaaa = transfer control sequence; pool. if ENDDIAL, go to step 7; otherwise, proceed to step 6. Enter see Table 560.2. (CR) for no change. 6. TONE FILTER MSEC (100, 500, 1500) = nnnn Requests the filter time to be applied when Called Party Tone is nnnn = tone filter timer setting: 100, initially detected until the time the tone is considered valid. Enter 500, or 1500 msec.. (CR) for no change. 7. MllMlC CONTROL FOR DATA MODE = aaaaa Specify whether the DCI relay connecting the modem’s Ml and MIC aaaaa = OPEN or CLOSE. leads is to be opened or closed to initiate data operation on the established connection. If OPEN, procedure is completed. Enter (CR) for no change. * 8. TRANSFER CONTROL TYPE (CONT, MOM) = aaaa Specify whether the pooled modem Ml and MIC leads are to receive aaaa = CONT = Continuous, a continuous (CONT) or a momentary (MOM) change to the state aaaa = MOM = Momentary. specified in the previous prompt. Enter (CR) for no change.

SATURN EPABX A30808-X5051-El20-l-B919 CMU Procedures Issue 1, December 1984 CUSTOMER MEMORY UPDATE PROCEDURE: MODMPOOL TITLE: Modem Pool Assignments Page 2 of 2 Table 560.1 Modem Pool Modes ALPHAMERIC INPUT ANS BOTH ORIG DESCRIPTION Answer Mode Only (see Note 1). Answer and Originate Modes. Originate Mode Only (see Note 1). Table 560.2 Transfer Control Sequence I ALPHAMERIC INPUT I DESCRIPTION I ENDDIAL ENDTONE STARTTONE Transfer to the Data Mode at End of Dialing. Transfer to the Data Mode at End of Called Party Tone (see Note 2). Transfer to the Data Mode at Start of Called Partv Tone (see Note 21. NOTE: 1. A modem which operates in the ANS mode can only be used for analog to digital calls (TRK or SLMA to DCI). A modem which operates in the ORIG mode can only be used for digital to analog calls (DCI to TRK or SLMA). 2. Called Party Torie is the high-pitched tone transmitted by the far end modem when it answers the data call. Transfer to data mode connects the pooled modem to the line so that it can transmit and receive data. Some modem types are confused by called party tone; these should use the ENDTONE sequence. Other modem types must hear called party tone before they will communicate; these should use the STARTTONE or ENDDIAL sequence.

SATURN EPABX CMU Procedures A30808-X5051-E120-l-8919 Issue 1, December 1984 CUSTOMER MEMORY UPDATE PROCEDURE: MODMRTE TITLE: Modem Pool Routing Baud Rate Assignments Access Level: 2, 3, 4 STEP NO. PROMPT/EXPLANATION Page 1 of 1 1. > DIS MODMRTE NOTE: This procedure is used to indicate, in order of preference, which modem pools should be used for each data rate. 2. ENTER UP TO 20 DATA SPEEDS = nnnnn . . . nnnnn Requests up to twenty data speeds be entered for which data is nnnnn = data speed(s); see Table 562.1. to be displayed. If more than one, separate by spaces. NOTE: The procedure displays a list of all modem pools which can support this data speed, in order of prefer- ence. The first pool listed will be used, if possible, for calls at the specified data speed. The second pool will be used only if all modems in the first pool are busy. This mechanism allows the user to specify the most efficient match of data speed to modem hardware. 1. > CHA MODMRTE NOTE: This procedure is used to specify, in order of preference, which modem pools can be used for each data speed, during automatic modem selection. 2. DATA SPEED = nnnnn Requests data speed for which a list of eligible modem pools is to nnnnn = data speed; see Table 562.1.. be specified. 3. 1 MODEM POOL NUMBER(S) (O-15) = nn . . . nn I Requests modem pools which can handle this data speed, in ord- nn = modem pool number (O-15). er of preference. If more than one, separate each by space (16 max.). Enter (CR) for no change. ALPHAMERIC INPUT DESCRIPTION ALPHAMERIC INPUT 50 50 bps 1200 75 75 bps 1800 100 100 bps 2000 110 110 bps 2400 134.5 134.5 bps 3600 150 150 bps 4800 200 200 bps 7200 300 300 bps 9600 600 600 bps 14400 900 900 bps 19200 Table 562.1 Data Speeds DESCRIPTION 1,200 bps 1,800 bps 2,000 bps 2,400 bps 3,600 bps 4,800 bps 7,200 bps 9,600 bps 14,400 bps 19,200 bps MNEMONICS USED IN THIS CMU PROCEDURE: Mnemonic Definition bps Bits Per Second

SATURN EPABX A30808-X5051-E120-l-B919 CMU Procedures Issue 1, December 1984 CUSTOMER MEMORY UPDATE PROCEDURE: NAILUP TITLE: Nailed-Up Connection Assignments Access Level: 3, 4 STEP NO. PROMPT/EXPLANATION Page 1 of 1 I I I 1. ) DIS NAILUP I I I 2. PEN OF NAIL-UP CONN TO DISPLAY = nnnn . . . nnnn Requests PEN(s) to be displayed which are assigned to the nailed- nnnn = valid PEN. up connection. If both PENS specified, separate by space. I I I 1. ) ADD NAILUP NOTE: Connection type must be assigned via DATAASSN CMU procedure before assigning first and second PEN of nailed-up connection. I I I 2. FIRST PEN (WXYZ) TO NAIL-UP = nnnn Requests first PEN of nailed-up connection to be assigned. nnnn = valid PEN. I I I 3. SECOND PEN (WXYZ) TO NAIL-UP = nnnn Requests second PEN of nailed-up connection to be assigned. nnnn = valid PEN. 1. > DEL NAILUP 2. PEN OF NAIL-UP CONN TO DELETE = nnnn Requests either PEN of nailed-up connection which is to be deleted. nnnn = valid PEN. MNEMONICS USED IN THIS CMU PROCEDURE: Mnemonic PEN Definition Port Equipment Number

SATURN EPABX A30808-X5051-E120-l-8919 - CMU Procedures Issue 1, December 1984 CUSTOMER MEMORY UPDATE PROCEDURE: OFFRCRD TITLE: Office Record Data I OFFRCRD I Access Level: 1, 2, 3, 4 Page 1 of 1 STEP NO. PROMPT/EXPLANATION I 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. ) DIS OFFRCRD DISPLAY DEVICE(S)? (Y,N) = a Requests whether device data are to be displayed by PEN(s). If Y a = Y = Yes, a = N = No. (Yes), go to step 3; if N (No), go to step 4. PORT EQUIPMENT NUMBER(S) (WXYZ) = nnnn nnnn Requests PEN of device for which office record data is to be dis- played. If two PENS are entered, system displays data for that range of PENS (from - to); separate PENS by space. Enter (CR) to dis- play all. Procedure is completed. nnnn nnnn = valid PEN(s). DISPLAY NUMBER PLAN (Y,N) = a Requests whether system number plan is to be displayed. If Y (Yes), a = Y = Yes, a = N = No. go to step 5; if N (No) go to step 6. NUMBER(S) = aaaa aaaa Requests number(s) of device(s) for which office records are to be nnnn = ext number(s) (O-9999). displayed. If two numbers are entered, system displays data for that range of numbers (from - to); separate numbers by space. Enter (CR) to display all. Procedure is completed. DISPLAY PCB TABLE (Y,N) = a Requests whether PCB layout table is to be displayed. a = Y = Yes, a = N = No. NOTE: PCB table reflects assigned hardware only (either in-service or out-of-service). if Y (Yes), go to step 7; if N (No), procedure is completed. DISPLAY TYPE (SYSTEM,SHELF,PEN) = aaaaaa Requests whether card types are to be displayed for system, shelf, aaaaaa = Type of card display; SYSTEM, or PEN. If SHELF, go to step 8; if PEN, go to step 9; if SYSTEM, SHELF, or PEN. procedure is completed. SHELF NUMBER (O-7) = n Requests shelf number for which card type data is to be displayed. n = shelf number (O-7). Procedure is completed. PORT EQUIPMENT NUMBER (WXYZ) = nnnn Requests PEN for which card type data is to be displayed. nnnn = valid PEN. MNEMONICS USED IN THIS CMU PROCEDURE: Mnemonic PCB PEN Definition Printed Circuit Board Port Equipment Number

SATURN EPABX A30808-X5051-E120-l-8919 CMU Procedures Issue 1, December 1984 CUSTOMER MEMORY UPDATE PROCEDURE: PICKGRP TITLE: Pickup Group Assignments Access Level: 2, 3, 4 STEP NO. PROMPT/EXPLANATION pzq Page 1 of 1 1. ) DIS PICKGRP 2. GROUP MEMBER EXTENSION NUMBER = nnnn Requests station number of any member of the group to be dis- nnnn = ext number (O-9999). played. Enter (CR) to display all pickup groups. 1. ) ADD PICKGRP 2. ASSIGN GROUP OR MEMBER? (G,M) = a Requests whether assignmment is to be made for group or mem- a = G = Group, ber. If G (Group), go to step 3; if M (Member), go to step 4. a = M = Member. 3. NEW MEMBER EXTENSION NUMBERS = nnnn . . . nnnn Requests station numbers of members of new pickup group (mini- nnnn = ext numbers (O-9999). mum two required). Up to 30 members may be assigned to each pickup group. If more than one, separate each by spaces. Proce- dure is complete. 4. GROUP MEMBER EXTENSION NUMBER = nnnn Requests station number of membei that defines the pickup group. nnnn = ext number (O-9999). 5. NEW MEMBER EXTE&JON NUMBER(S) = nnnn . . . nnnn Requests station number(s) of member(s) to be added to pickup nnnn = ext number(s) (O-9999). group (28 max.). If more than one, separate each by spaces. NOTE: All pickup group members must be in the same node for CAS/MS applications. I I I I 1. > DEL PICKGRP I I I 2. MEMBER EXTENSION TO BE DELETED = nnnn Requests station number of member to be deleted from pickup group. nnnn = ext nummber (O-0000). I I I 3. 1 DELETE PICKUP GROUP? (Y,N) = a Requests whether entire pickup group is to be deleted. Entering (CR) a = Y = Yes, a = N = No. is the same as entering N for No. NOTE: If two extensions exist in a pickup group and one is deleted, the other is automatically deleted. There must be at least two extensions in a pickup group. 1. ) CHA PICKGRP 2. OLD MEMBER EXTENSION NUMBER = nnnn , Requests station number of pickup group member to be changed. nnnn = ext number (O-9999). 3. NEW MEMBER EXTENSION NUMBER = nnnn Requests new station number of pickup group member. nnnn = ext number (O-9999).

1.’ ) DIS PROTOCOL SATURN EPABX CMU Procedures A30808-X5051-t120-2-tiY19 issue 2, March 1986 CUSTOMER MEMORY UPDATE PROCEDURE: PROTOCOL TITLE: Protocol Assignments Access Level: 2, 3, 4 STEP NO. PROMPT/EXPLANATION Page 1 of 5 2. DISPLAY DATA PROTOCOL (O-31) = nn Requests protocol number(s) for which data is to be displayed. One entry displays single protocol; two entries specify range (from nn to nn). Enter (CR) to display ail. nn = protocol number (O-31). I I 3. DISPLAY ALL DEVICES? (Y,N) = a Requests whether ail devices assigned the specified protocol are to a = Y = Yes; a = N = No. be displayed. if N (No), only the protocol definition is displayed; if Y (Yes), the devices assigned to each protocol specified are also dis- played. NOTE: Entering (CR) is the same as entering Y for Yes. ) ADD PROTOCOL .v NOTE: The protocols defined by this procedure are used to define the interface characteristics between the DCI and its connected data device. I. DATA PROTOCOL NUMBER (O-31) = nn Requests new protocol number to be assigned, or existing protocol nn = protocol number (O-31). number to be reassigned. I. DEFAULT DATA SPEED = nnnnn Requests the default speed rate to be assigned to the specified protocol. nnnnn = speed rate; see Table 461.1. I. OTHER VALID DATA SPEEDS = nnnnn . . . nnnnn Requests the valid data speeds that may be specified by users for nnnnn = data speed(s); see Table 461.1. the specified protocol. if more than one, separate each by spaces. Enter (CR) for none. 5. DATABITS (5, 6, 7, 8) = n Requests the number of data bits which are to apply to the protocol specified. if “8” is entered, go to step 7; parity is forced to “NONE”. n = 5, 6, 7, or 8. PARITY (EVEN, ODD, SPACE, MARK, NONE) = aaaaa Requests the parity type which is to apply to the protocol specified. STOPBITS (1, 1.5, 2) = aaa Requests the number of stop bits which are to apply to the protocol specified. aaaaa = parity. aaa = 1, 1.5, or 2. 8. DUPLEX (FULL, HALF) = aaaa Requests whether the protocol specified is to use either full or half aaaa = FULL or HALF. duplex operation.