Siemens Saturn Epabx Oc1e Dyad Digital Telephone User Instructions
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SATURN EPABX A30808-X5051-E120-2-B919 CMU Procedures Issue 2, January 1986 CUSTOMER MEMORY UPDATE PROCEDURE: DATACOS TITLE: Data Device Class-of-Service Assignments Page 1 of 4 STEP NO. PROMPT/EXPLANATION 1. I ) DIS DATACOS 2. DATA COS NUMBER(S) (O-31) = nn . . . nn Requests data class-of-service (COS) number(s) for which definition nn = COS number (O-31). is to be displayed. One entry displays single COS; two entries specify range (from nn to nn). NOTE: Enter (CR) to display all. 3. DISPLAY ALL MEMBER STNS? (Y,N) = a Requests whether station numbers having the specified data COS(s) a=Y = Yes, a = N = No. are to be displayed. If N (No), only the data COS definition is dis- played; if Y (Yes), the stations and data devices assigned to each data COS are also displaved. 1. ) A00 0ATACOS I DATA COS NUMBER (O-31) = nn , Requests new data class-of-service (COS) number to be assigned, CLASSMARK ASSIGNMENTS = aaaaaaa . . . aaaaaaa Requests new data classmarks to be assigned to specified data COS. If more than one, separate each by spaces. Enter (CR) for none. ALLOWED AUTO MODEM POOLS (O-15)= nn ,.. nn Requests which modem pools are authorized for the specified data COS during automatic modem selection. If more than one, separate each by spaces. Enter (CR) for none. nn = COS number (O-31). aaaaaaa = data classmarks; see Table 460.1 nn = automatic modem pools (O-15). 5. ALLOWED MAN MODEM POOLS (O-15) = nn ,.. nn Requests which modem pools are authorized for the specified data COS when the user dials a modem group access code. If more than one, separate each by spaces. Enter (CR) for none. nn = manual modem pools (O-15). 6. RESTRICTED ACD GROUP NUMS (O-63) = nn . . . nn Requests number of ACD group(s) from which this data COS is to be restricted from accessing. If more than one, separate each by spaces. Enter (CR) for none. nn = ACD groups number(s) (O-63). NOTE: Restricted ACD group assignments only restrict access to ACD groups pilot number. The individual mem- ber extensions can still be accessed directly unless their COS is also restricted. 7. RESTRICTED DATA COS (O-31) = nn . . . nn Requests number of data COS(s) from which this data COS is to be restricted from accessing. If more than one, separate each by spaces. Enter (CR) for none. nn = restricted data COS(s) NOTE: This information can be used to prevent incompatible data devices from communicating erroneously.

;ATURN EPABX :MU Procedures A30808-X5051-E120-2-B919 Issue 2, January 1986 :USTOMER klEMORY cJPDA7E PWBCEDURE: DATACOS ‘ITLE: Data Device Class-of-Service Assignments Page 2 of 4 STEP NO. PROMPT/EXPLANATION I I I 8. ALLOWED TRUNK GROUPS (O-31) = nn . . . nn Requests number of trunk group(s) which this data COS is allowed nn = trunk group numer(s) (1-31). to access. If more than one, separate each by spaces. NOTE: Not required for systems using Least Cost Routing 9. TOLL CODE REST LIST NUMS (O-19)= nn . . . nn Requests member toll code restriction list(s) authorized for speci- nn = toll code restriction list; fied data COS. If more than one, separate each by spaces. see Table 460.2. NOTE: Not. required for systems using Least Cost Routing 1 1 1 1. > DEL DATACOS I , 2. ! DATA COS NUMBER (O-31) = nn I I Requests data class-of-service (COS) number to be deleted. nn = COS number(s) (O-31). - 1. ) CHA QATACOS 1 2. DATA COS NUMBER (O-31) = nn Requests data class-of-service (COS) number to be changed. nn = COS number(s) (O-31). 3. DISABLE CLASSMARKS = aaaaa . . . aaaaa Requests data classmarks to be disabled in specified data COS (8 aaaaa = data classmarks; see Table 460.1. maximum). If more than one, separate each by spaces. Enter (CR) for no change. 4. ENABLE CLASSMARKS = aaaaa . . . aaaaa Requests data classmarks to be enabled in specified data COS (8 maximum). If more than one, separate each by spaces. Enter (CR) for no change. aaaaa = data classmarks; see Table 460.1. 5. DISABLE AUTO MODEM POOLS (O-15) = nn . . . nn Requests which automatic modem pools are to be removed from this data COS. If more than one, separate each by spaces. Enter (CR) for no change. nn = automatic modem pools (O-15). 6. ENABLE AUTO MODEM POOLS (O-15) = nn . . . nn Requests which automatic modem pools are to be assigned to this nn = automatic modem pools (O-15). data COS. If more than one, separate each by spaces. Enter (CR) for no change. I 7. ISABLE MAN MODEM POOLS (O-15) = nn . . . nn Requests which manual modem pools are to be removed from this nn = manual modem pools (O-15). data COS. If more than one, separate each by spaces. Enter (CR) for no change.

I -( - SATURN EPABX A30808-X5051-El20-2-8919 PMU Procedures issue 2, January 1986 CUSTOMER DIIEMORY UFDATE PROCEDURE: DATACOS TITLE: Data Device Class-of-Service Assignments STEP NO. PROMPTlEXPLANATiON Page 3 of 4 8. ENABLE MAN MODEM POOLS (O-15) = nn . . . nn Requests which manual modem pools are to be assigned to this nn = manual modem pools (O-15). data COS. If more than one, separate each by spaces. Enter (CR) for no change 9. DISABLE ACD GROUP NUMBERS (O-63) = nn . . . nn Requests ACD group numbers to be removed from this data COS. nn = ACD group numbers (O-63). If more than one, separate each by spaces. Enter (CR) for no change. 10. ENABLE ACD GROUP NUMBERS (O-63) = nn . . . nn Requests ACD group numbers to be assigned to this data COS. If nn = ACD group numbers (O-63). more than one, separate each by spaces. Enter (CR) for no change. 17. DISABLE RESTRICTED COS’S (O-31) = nn . . . nn 1 Requests restricted’data COSs to be removed from this data COS. nn = COS number(s) (O-31). If more than one, separate each by spaces. Enter (CR) for no change. 12. ENABLE RESTRICTED COS’S (O-31) = nn . . . na Requests restricted data COSs to be assigned to this data COS. nn = COS number(s) (O-31). If more than one, separate each by spaces. Enter (CR) for no change. 13. DISABLE TRUNK GROUPS (O-31) = nn . . . nn Requests trunk groups which are to be removed from this data COS. nn = COS number (s) (O-31). If more than one, separate each by spaces. Enter (CR) for no change. NOTE: Not required for systems using Least Cost Routing. 14. ENABLE TRUNK GROUPS (O-31) = nn . . . nn I Requests trunk groups which are to be assigned to this data COS. nn = COS number(s) (O-31). If more than one, separate each by spaces. Enter (CR) for no change. NOTE: Not required for systems using Least Cost Routing. 15. I DISABLE RESTRICTION LISTS (O-19) = nn . . . nn I Requests toll code restriction list(s) to be removed from this data COS. If more than one, separate each by spaces. Enter (CR) for no change. nn = toll code restriction list(s); see Table 460.2. NOTE: Not required for systems using Least Cost Routing. 16. ENABLE RESTRICTION LISTS (O-19) = nn . . . nn Requests toll code restriction list(s) to be assigned to this data COB nn = toll code restriction list(s); If more than one, separate each by spaces. Enter (CR) for no see Table 460.2 change. NOTE: Not required for systems using Least Cost Routing. 1

SATURN EPABX A30808-X5051-E120-2-6919 CMU Procedures Issue 2, January 1986 CUSTOMER MEMORY UPDATE PRQCEDUWE: DATACOS TITLE: Data Device Class-of-Service Assignments Page 4 of 4 Table 460.1 Data Classmarks ALPHAMERIC INPUT I DES@WIPTION LCR Access to Least Cost Routing for Data Calls. DEVSBYQ Device Standby Queuing. LASTNO Last Number Redial. SCGl Speed Calling - Group - Group 1. SCG2 Speed Calling - Group - Group 2. SCG3 Speed Calling - Group - Group 3. SCG4 Speed Calling - Group - Group 4. SCIND Speed Calling - Individual. TRKSBYQ Trunk Standby Queuing. ALPHAMERIC iNPUT 0 1 : 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 4: 13 14 15 Eight-Digit Restriction List 0. Eight-Digit Restriction List 1. Eight-Digit Restriction List 2. Eight-Digit Restriction List 3. Eight-Digit Restriction List 4. Eight-Digit Restriction List 5. Eight-Digit Restriction List 6. Eight-Digit Restriction List 7. Eight-Digit Restriction List 8. Eight-Digit Restriction List 9. Eight-Digit Restricfion List 10. Eight-Digit Restriction List 11. Eight-Digit Restriction List 12. Eight-Digit Restriction List 13. Eight-Digit Restriction List 14. Eight-Digit Restriction List 15. 16 Fifteen-Digit Restriction List 0. 17 Fifteen-Digit Restriction List 1. 18. Fifteen-Digit Restriction List 2. 19 Fifteen-Digit Restriction List 3. Table 460.2 Toll Code Restriction Lists DESCAlPTBON . . MNEMONICS USED IN THIS CMU PROCEDURE: Mnemonic Definition ACD Automatic Call Distribution AUTO Automatic cos Class-of-Service MAN Manual

SATURN EPABX A30808-X5051-E120-l-B919 - CMU Procedures Issue 1, December 1984 CUSTOMER MEMORY UPDATE PROCEDURE: DIDCONV TITLE: DID Digit Conversion Tables Access Level: 3, 4 1 DIDCONV 1 Page 1 of 1 1 STEP NO. PROMPT/EXPLANATION I I I 1. > DIS DIDCONV 2. 1 DID CONVERSION TABLE INDEX (O-3) = n I Requests DID digit conversion table number to be displayed. n = table number (O-3). 1. ) CHA DIDCONV I NOTE: The digits extracted from the conversion table can be used in either of two ways: 1. The digit(s) can replace the leading two digits of the dialed number (e.g., 7282 translated to 8082) or 2. The digit(s) can be prefixed in front of the dialed number (e.g., 480 changes to 8480). The second option is enabled by setting the DIDPREFIX flag in the trunk group definition. 2. DID CONVERSION TABLE INDEX (O-3) = n Requests DID digit conversion table number to be changed. n = table number (O-3). 3. DGTS TO BE XLATED FROM (00-99) = nn 1 Requests incoming DID digits.that are to be changed. Enter (CR) for none. nn = leading two incoming digits (00-99). 4. DGTS TO BE XLATED TO (00-99) = nn Requests digit or digits that are to replace incoming digit(s) (00-99) specified above. Enter (CR) for none. nn = new DID digit(s) (00-99). MNEMONICS USED IN THIS CMU PROCEDURE: Mnemonic Definition DID Direct Inward Dialing

SATURN EPABX A30808-X5051-E120-l-8919 _ CMU Procedures Issue 1. December 1984 CUSTOMER MEMORY UPDATE PROCEDURE: DPIASSN TITLE: DPI Assignments (Add) Access Level: 2, 3, 4 STEP NO. PROMPT/EXPLANATION Page 7 of 4 1. ADD DPIASSN 2. DPI EXTENSION NUMBER = nnnn Requests station number of DPI for which characteristics are to be nnnn = ext number (O-9999). specified. 3. DPI BUTTON MAP NUMBER (l-32) = nn Requests button map index number to be assigned. nn = button map (l-32). 4. CALL FWD - SECRETARIAL EXT NUM = nnnn Requests station number to which calls will be forwarded for this nnnn = ext number (O-9999). DPI. Enter (CR) for no assignment. NOTES: 1. If DPIMAP for this station includes FWDFORCE and a. If COSASSN includes FWDTOSECR, this parameter may not be entered here. If the destination is required to be changed, use either CHA DPICHGE or CHA STNASSN procedure. b. If COSASSN does not include FWDTOSECR, this parameter is required to be entered here. 2. If DPIMAP for this station does not include FWDFORCE: This parameter may not be entered, regard- less of whether or not COSASSN includes FWDTOSECR. 5. SINGLE BUTTON OPERATION? (Y,N) = a I Requests whether this DPI operates in either the single-button or a = N = No, a = Y = Yes. preselection operation mode. In single-button mode, depressing cer- tain buttons on the DPI automatically enables Hands-Free or On- Hook Dialing (whichever is applicable to the station); that is, the user is not required to manually go off-hook. I I 6. PRIME LINE BUTTON NUMBER (l-26) = nn I Requests line button to be assigned as the prime line for this DPI. nn = button number (l-26). 7. DICTATION BUTTON NUMBER (l-26) = nn Requests button number on this DPI to be assigned for the dicta- nn = button number (l-26). tion access and control feature. Enter (CR) for no assignment. 8. DSS BUTTON NUMBER(S) (l-26) = nn . . . nn Requests button number(s) to be assigned as DSS buttons. If more nn = button number (l-26). than one, separate each by spaces. Enter (CR) for no assignment. 9. DSS EXTENSION NUMBER(S) = nnnn . . . nnnn Requests station number(s) to be assigned to corresponding DSS nnnn = ext number(s) (O-9999). button(s). If more than one, separate each by spaces. Enter (CR) for no assignment. 10. DSS STATUS LAMP REQUIRED? (Y,N) = a . . . a Requests whether a DSS status lamp is to be assigned to the cor- a = Y = Yes; a = N = No. responding DSS button(s). If more than one, separate each by spaces. NOTE: Entering (CR) is the same as entering N for No.

SATURN EPABX A30808-X5051-E120-l-8919 CMU Procedures Issue 1, December 1984 CUSTOMER MEMORY UPDATE PROCEDURE: DPIASSN TITLE: DPI Assignments (Add) Access Level: 2, 3, 4 STEP NO. PROMPT/EXPLANATION Page 2 of 4 11. VOICE CALL-DSS BUnON NUMBER(S) = nn . . , nn Requests button number(s) to be assigned for DSS voice. If more nn = button number(s) (l-26). than one, separate by spaces. Enter (CR) for no assignment. NOTE: Voice calling-DSS applies to two channel DPI only. 12. VOICE CALL-DSS EXTENSION NUM(S) = nnnn . . . nnnn Requests extension number(s) to be assigned to the corresponding nnnn = ext number(s). voice button(s). If more than one, separate each by spaces. Enter (CR) for no assingment. NOTE: Voice calling-DSS applies to two channel DPI only. 13. TRK GRP (TERM) BUTTON NUMBER(S) = nn . . . nn Requests line button(s) to be assigned as terminating trunk group nn = line button(s) (l-26). selection line(s) (4 max.). If more than one, separate each by spaces. Enter (CR) for no assignment. 14. TRK GRP (TERM) GROUP NUMBER(S) = nn . . . nn Requests trunk group number(s) to be assigned to the correspond- nn = trunk group(s) (O-31). ing button(s) in the preceding step. If more than one, separate each by spaces. Enter (CR> for no assignment. 15. TRK GRP RING ON INCOMING? (Y,N) = a . . . a Requests whether incoming calls on trunk group line(s) are to ring a = Y = Yes, a = N = No. the DPI. If more than one, separate each by spaces. NOTE: Entering (CR) is the same as entering N for No. 16. TRK GRP (ORIG) BUTON NUMBER(S) = nn . . . nn Requests line button(s) to be assigned as originating trunk group nn = line button(s) (l-26). selection line(s) (4 max.). If more than one, separate each by spaces. Enter (CR) for no assignment. 17. TRK GRP (ORIG) GROUP NUMBER(S) = nn . . . nn Requests trunk group number(s) to be assigned to the correspond- nn = trunk group(s) (O-31). ing button(s) in preceding step. If more than one, separate each by spaces. Enter (CR) for no assignment. 18. AUTOMATIC ICOM BUlTON NUMBER(S) = nn . . . nn Requests line button(s) to be assigned to automatic intercom (15 nn = line button(s) (l-26). max.). If more than one, separate each by spaces. Enter (CR) for no assignment. 19. AUTOMATIC ICOM EXTENSION NUM(S) = nnnn . . . nnnn Requests extension number(s) to be assigned to the corresponding nnnn = ext number(s) (O-9999). automatic intercom button(s). If more than one, separate each by spaces. Enter (CR) for no assignment. 20. EXECUTIVE ICOM BUlTON NUMBER(S) = nn . . . nn Requests line button(s) to be assigned to executive intercom (15 nn = line button(s) (l-26). max.). If more than one, separate each by spaces. Enter (CR) for no assignment. .T ;: --

SATURN EPABX A30808-X5051-E120-l-B919 CMU Procedures Issue 1, December 1984 CUSTOMER MEMORY UPDATE PROCEDURE: DPIASSN TITLE: DPI Assignments (Add) Access Level: 2, 3, 4 STEP NO. PROMPT/EXPLANATION Page 3 of 4 3. EXECUTIVE ICOM GRP NUM(S) (O-15) = nn . . . nn Requests executive intercom group number(s) to be assigned to the nn = intercom group(s) (O-15). corresponding button(s) in the preceding step. If more than one, separate each by spaces. Enter (CR) for no assignment. 22. EXECUTIVE ICOM DIGIT(S) (O-9) = n . . . n Requests executive intercom digit (O-9) to be assigned to group(s) n = exec intercom digit (O-9). assigned in preceding step (15 max.). If more than one, separate each by spaces. Enter (CR) for no assignment. 23. MANUAL INTERCOM BUTTON NUMBER(S) = nn . . . nn Requests line button(s) to be assigned to manual intercom (15 max.). nn = line button(s) (l-26). If more than one, separate each by spaces. Enter (CR) for no as- signment. 24. MANUAL ICOM GROUP NUM(S) (O-15) = nn . . . nn Requests manual intercom group number(s) to be assigned to the nn = intercom group(s) (O-15). corresponding button(s) in the preceding step. If more than one, separate each by spaces. Enter (CR) for no assignment. 25. LINE EXTENSION BUTTON NUMBER(S) = nn . . . nn Requests line button(s) to be assigned as station lines (8 max.). If nn = line button(s) (l-26). more than one, separate each by spaces. Enter (CR) for no as- signment. 26. LINE EXTENSION NUMBER(S) = nnnn . . . nnnn Requests extension number(s) to be assigned to button(s) assigned nnnn = ext number(s) (O-9999). in preceding step. If more than one, separate each by spaces. Enter (CR) for no assignment. 27. LINE RING ON INCOMING? (Y,N)= a . . . a Requests whether incoming calls on the corresponding station line(s) a = Y = Yes, a = N = No. are to ring the DPI. If more than one, separate each by spaces. NOTE: Entering (CR) is the same as entering N for No. 28. PAGING BUTTON NUMBER(S) (l-26) = nn . . . nn Requests line button(s) to be assigned for paging (4 max.). If more nn = line button(s) (i-26). than one, separate each by spaces. Enter (CR) for no assignment. 29. PAGING ZONES (Zl, 22, . . , 21234) = Znnnn . . . Znnnn Requests paging zone(s) to be assigned to button(s) assigned in Znnnn = paging zone(s) Zl through 21234). preceding step. Enter “Z” plus the zone number(s) that apply to but- ton. If more than one, separate each by spaces. Enter (CR) for no assignment. 30. DIRECT DIAL BUTTON NUMBER(S) = nn . . . nn Requests button number(s) to be assigned for direct dialing (15 max.). nn = line button(s) (i-26). If more than one, separate each by spaces. Enter (CR) for no as- signment.

SATURN EPABX A30808-X5051-E120-l-B919 CMU Procedures Issue 1, December 1984 CUSTOMER MEMORY UPDATE PROCEDURE: DPIASSN TITLE: DPI Assignments (Add) Page 4 of 4 STEP NO. PROMPT/EXPLANATION 1 , 31. DIRECT DIAL DIGITS = n . . . n Requests the dialed digits to be assigned to the corresponding but- n . . . n = enter the dialed digits to be as- ton(s) in the preceding step. If more than one, separate each by signed to each DDS button (1 to 4 digits for spaces. Enter (CR) for no assignment. each button). NOTE: This number may be an external station number, feature access code, or combination of feature access code and identity number (such as a Speed Calling - Group access code and index number). 32. TRUNK BUTTON NUMBER(S) = nn . . . nn Requests line button(s) for trunks (8 max.). If more than one, nn = line button(s) (i-26). separate each by spaces. Enter (CR) for no assignment. 33. TRUNK PEN(S) (WXYZ) = nnnn . . . nnnn Requests PEN assigned to trunk(s) assigned to line button(s) in nnnn = valid PEN(s). preceding step. If more than one, separate each by spaces. 34. TRUNK RING ON INCOMING? (Y,N) = a . . . a Requests whether trunk is to ring set on incoming button(s) assigned a = Y = Yes, a = N = No. above. If more than one, separate each by spaces. Enter (CR> for no assignment. 35. VOICE CALL BUTTON NUMBER (l-26) = nn . . . nn Requests line button to be assigned to voice calling. Enter (CR) nn = line button(s) (l-26). for no assignment. NOTE: Voice calling applies to two channel DPI only. MNEMONICS USED IN THIS CMU PROCEDURE: Mnemonic Definition DDS DPI DSS EXT GRP ICOM IDX IND ORIG PEN SPD TERM TRK Station-Defined Direct Dial Digital Premium instrument (Siemens) Direct Station Selection Extension Group Intercom Index Individual Originating Port Equipment Number Speed (Calling) Terminating Trunk ‘ .’ ,

SATURN EPABX CMU Procedures A30808-X5051-E120-l-B919 - Issue 1, December 1984 CUSTOMER MEMORY UPDATE PROCEDURE: DPICHGE TITLE: DPI Assignments (Change) Access Level: 2, 3, 4 STEP NO. PROMPT/EXPLANATION rTzq Page 1 of 5 1. ) CHA DPICHGE 2. DPI EXTENSION NUMBER = nnnn Requests station number of DPI for which characteristics are to be nnnn = ext number (O-9999). changed. 3. TYPE OF CHANGE = aaaaaaaaa Requests type of DPI map change to be made. aaaaaaaaa = type of change (select one Enter one type: from list below). MAP - to change DPI map number; go to step 4. SECRETARY - to change Secretarial extension number; go to step 6. BTNOPR - to change line button operation; go to step 7. DELBTN - to delete one or more station-defined buttons; go to step 8. ADDBTN - to add one or more station-defined buttons; go to step 9. 4. NEW DPI BUTTON MAP NUMBER (l-32) = nn Requests button map index number to be changed. nn = button map (l-32). NOTE: If the user enters a value for this prompt specifying a new button map index, all current line definitions are lost and the user is required to reenter the line definitions for the new map. 5. PRIME LINE BUTTON NUMBER = nn Requests line button to be assigned as the prime line for this DPI. nn = button number (l-26). Procedure is completed. 6. CALL FWD - SECRETARIAL EXT NUM = nnnn Requests station number to which calls are forwarded for this DPI. nnnn = ext number (O-9999). Procedure is completed. 7. SINGLE BUTTON OPERATION? (Y,N) = a Requests whether this DPI operates in either the single-button or a = N = No, a = Y = Yes. preselection operation mode. In single-button mode, depressing cer- tain buttons on the DPI automatically enables Hands-Free or On- Hook Dialing (whichever is applicable to the station); that is, the user is not required to manually go off-hook. Procedure is com- pleted. 8. BUTTON NUMBERS TO DELETE (l-26) = nn . . . nn Requests which buttons assigned to lines are to be deleted (unas- nn = line button number(s). signed) from this DPI (8 max.). If more than one, separate each by spaces. Procedure is completed.