Siemens Saturn Epabx Oc1e Dyad Digital Telephone User Instructions
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SATURN EPABX A30808-X5051-El20-l-B919 - CMU Procedures Issue 1, December 1984 CUSTOMER MEMORY UPDATE PROCEDURE: EXTRN TITLE: External Assignments Access Level: 2, 3, 4 I EXTRN I Page 1 of 2 STEP NO. PROMPT/EXPLANATION 1. )DIS EXTRN NOTE: This action is used to display the numbering plan entries which are routed to another PABX in the Main- Satellite network (Main-Satellite systems only). 2. DISP BY RANGE, TYPE OR TRKGRP? aaaaaa Requests how numbering plan entries are to be displayed. If aaaaaa = type of display. RANGE, go to step 3; if TYPE, go to step 4; if TRKGRP, go to step 5. NOTE: Entering (CR) is the same as entering RANGE. 3. CODE RANGE = aa . . . aa Requests code or code range for which all external code assign- aa . . . aa = access code(s). ments are to be displayed. If range desired, enter two numbers sepa- rated by space. Procedure is completed. NOTE: Enter (CR) for all. 4. CODE TYPE (STN, ATT, FEAT) = aaaa Requests external code type. The procedure will display codes of ~ aaaa = external code type; see Table 270.1. this type. Procedure is completed. 5. MSL TRUNK GROUP NUMBER (O-31) = nn Requests MSL trunk group number. System will display all codes nn = MSL trunk group number (o-31). or code blocks which are routed to this trunk group. Procedure is completed. 1. ) ADD EXTRN 2. EXTERNAL CODE OR CODE BLK = aa . . . aa Requests external code or code block which is to be added. aa . . . aa = external code or code block (16 digits maximum). NOTE: A code is a 1-, 2-, 3-, or 4-digit code (e.g., “I”, “*2”, 333, 7890). A code block is a range of codes specified by appending one or more “X” characters (e.g., “IX”, “2XxX”). 3. CODE TYPE (STN, ATT, FEAT) = aaaa Requests the usage of the added code or code block. aaaa = external code type; see Table 270.1. 4. MSL TRUNK GROUP NUMBER (O-31) = nn Requests MSL trunk group number to which the code or code block nn = MSL trunk group number (o-31). is to be routed. The trunk group must have been defined previous- ly as an MSL trunk group.

SATURN EPABX CMU Procedures A30808-X5051-E120-l-B919 Issue 1, December 1984 CUSTOMER MEMORY UPDATE PROCEDURE: EXTRN TITLE: External Assignments Page 2 of 2 STEP NO. PROMPT/EXPLANATION 1. 1 ) DEL EXTRN I I I I I 2. EXTERNAL CODE OR CODE BLK = a . . . a Requests external code or code block which is to be deleted. a . . . a = external code or code block. 3. CODE TYPE (STN, ATT, FEAT) = aaaa Requests code type which is assigned to external number being deleted. aaaa = code type; see Table 270.1. 1. > CHA EXTRN 2. CURRENT EXTRN CODE = aa . . . aa Requests external code which is to be changed. aa . . . aa = external code. 3. NEW EXTERNAL CODE = aa . . . aa Requests replacement code for current code. aa . . . aa = external code. NOTE: Enter (CR) for No ACC code exchange. 4. NEW CODE TYPE (STN, ATT, FEAT) = aaaa Requests the new usage of the external code. aaaa = external code type. NOTE: Enter (CR) for No code type-change. 5. NEW MSL TRUNK GROUP NUMBER (O-31) = nn Requests the MSL trunk group number to which the code is to be routed. The trunk group must have been defined previously as an nn = MSL trunk group number (O-31). MSL trunk group. Procedure is completed. NOTE: Enter (CR) for No TRKGRP change. Table 270.1 External Station Device Types ALPHAMERIC INPUT ATT FEAT STN DESCRIPTION Attendant - Identifies a code, or code block, used to reach an external attendant. Feature - Identifies a code, or code block, used to reach external features (features at another PABX, such as remote paging or dictation equipment). Station - Identifies a code, or code block, used to reach external stations (stations on another SATURN PABX in the MS network). / MNEMONICS USED IN THIS CMU PROCEDURE: Mnemonic MSL PABX Definition Main-Satellite Link Private Automatic Branch Exchange

SATURN EPABX CMU Procedures A30808-X5051-E120-3-8919 Issue 3, January 1986 CUSTOMER MEMORY UPDATE PROCEDURE: FEATACC TITLE: Feature Access Code Assignments piz-1 :- Access Level: 3, 4 Page 1 of 4 STEP NO. PROMPT/EXPLANATION 1 1. > DlS FEATACC I 2. ACCESS CODE OR FEATURE? (A,F)=a Requests whether access code or feature data is to be displayed. a = A = access code assignments; For list of features assigned to access code range, enter A, then a = F = feature assigned to access go to step 3. For access code assigned to a feature, enter F, then code. go to step 4. ” . . 3. ACCESS CODE RANGE=aaaa . . . aaaa Requests range of access codes for which features are to be dis- played. Separate access codes by spaces. Enter (CR) to display all access codes. Procedure is completed. aaaa = Access code (see Note 1 to Table 420.1 at the end of this CMU procedure. 4. FEATURE TO BE DISPLAYED=aaaaaaaaaa Requests feature for which access code is to be displayed. aaaaaaaaaa = feature; see Table 420.1. I. > ADD FEATACC > -. NEW ACCESS CODE=aaaa Requests access code to beassigned to new feature. aaaa = access code (see Note 1 to Table 420.1 at the end of this CMU procedure. 3. FEATURE ASSIGNED To ACCESS CODE=aaaaaaaaaaa Requests new feature to be assigned to above access code; if TRKGRP, go to step 4; if PAGE, go to step 5; if LCR, go to step 8; if CASATT, go to step 7; if TNTLDN, go to step 8; if MODEMSEL, go to step 9; if DATAACC, go to step 10; if other, procedure is com- pleted. aaaaaaaaaaa = feature; see Table 420.1. 4. TRUNK GROUP NUMBER (O-31)=nn Requests trunk group number to be assigned to this access code; nn = trunk grouup (O-31). procedure is completed. 5. PAGING ZONE(S) (1-4)=n . . . n Requests paging zone(s) to be assigned to this access code. If more n = paging zone(s) l-4 (4 max.). than one, separate by spaces; procedure is completed. 6. LCR WITH DIAL TONE ?(Y,N)=a Requests whether dial tone is to be given after the LCR access code a=Y = Yes, a = N = No. is dialed. Procedure is completed. 7. RLT TRUNK GROUP NUMBER (O-31)=nn Requests RLT trunk group number to be assigned; procedure is com- nn = RLT trunk group(031). Enter RLT pleted. trunk group to be used to reach the central attendant (CASATT). Only valid for CAS operation. t

SATURN EPABX CMU Procedures HJJoUU-~~U~~-~~LU-J-OY IY Issue 3, January 1986 . CUSTOMER MEMORY UPDATE PROCEDURE: FEATACC tpTLE: Feature Access Code Assignments Page 2 of 4 STEP NO. PROMPT/EXPLANATION 8. TENANT GROUP NUMBER (O-254) = nnn Requests the user to enter the Group number which the Tenant LDN nnn = Tenant Group Number (O-254) Feature is being assigned. 9. MODEM POOL NUMBER (O-15)=nn Requests modem pool number to be assigned to this access code. nn = modem pool number (O-15). 10. DATA TRANSMISSION SPEED=nnnnn . . Requests speed rate required for data transmission. nnnnn = speed rate; see Table 420.2 for acceptable values. NOTE: To define a data call access code which does not affect data transmission parameters, enter (CR> in response to the prompts in steps 9 through 12. 11. PARITY=aaaaa Requests parity required for data transmission. aaaaa = parity; NONE, ODD, MARK, SPACE or EVEN. . I I 12. STOP BITS (1, 1.5, 2)=aaa Requests number of stop bits required for data transmission. aaa = 1, 1.5, or 2. 13. 1 DATA BITS (5-8)=n I Requests number of data bits required for data transmission; proce- n = 5, 6, 7, or 8. . . . . I dure IS comoletea. I I I 1. ) ) DEL FEATACC I 2. ACCESS CODE TO BE DELETED=aaaa Requests old access code to be deleted. aaaa = access code (see Note 1 at end of this CMU procedure). 3. FEATURE ASSIGNED TO ACCESS CODE=aaaaaaaaaaa Requests old feature to be deleted. aaaaaaaaaaa = feature; see Table 420.1. ALPHAMERIC INPUT ATT ATTHOLDRTV FWDALL FWDBUSY FWDCAN FWDFIXEDCAN FWDNOANS FWDTONTWK FWDTOFIXED FWDRTN Table 420.1 Features DESCRIPTION Attendant Access (Local). Attendant Hold Retrieve. Call Forwarding - All Calls. Call Forwarding - Busy Line. Call Forwarding - Cancel. Call Forwarding - Fixed Number - Cancel Call Forwarding - No Answer. Call Forwarding - Public Network. Call Forwarding - Fixed Number. Call Forwarding - Return.

SATURN EPABX A30808-X5051-E120-3-0919 CMU Procedures Issue 3, January 1986 CUSTOMER MEMORY UEDATE PROCEDURE: FEATACC TITLE: Feature Access Code Assignments Page 3 of 4 Table 420.1 Features (Continued) ALPHAMERIC INPUT CALLHOLD SPLIT PARK PUDIR PUGRP TRACE CBQCAN CASACT CASDEACT CASATT CODEACC CODEANS CONFRMVLM CONFRMVM DATAACC XCVRTEST DICT DIRTRK SMDRD SMDRE OVERRIDE OVRDENOTN EXTATT EXTFEAT DNDACT DNDCAN LASTNO LCR MMCONF MSGSET MSGCB MSGRCVCAN MSGSENDCAN MOBILEAUTH MODEMSEL PAGE REMOTEHLD SCCE SCCD SCPROG SCGl SCGP SCG3 SCG4 SCIND STNCONF SDRACT SDRCAN STOPHUNTACT STOPHUNTCAN TNTLDN TSTATT TSTDDBTN TSTDDU TSTDDL2 TSTDDl3 DESCRiPTlON Call Hold. Call Hold - Flip Flop (Broker). Call Park. Call Pickup - Directed. Call Pickup - Group. Call Trace. Callback Queue Cancel. . . CAS - Activate. ,, CAS - Deactivate. CAS Attendant Access. Code Calling - Access. Code Calling - Answerback. Conference - Remove Last Member. Conference - Remove Member. Data Call Originate/Data Transmission Parameter Control. Data Device Transceiver Test. Dictation Access. Direct (Specific) Trunk Access. _ .-- Disable SMDR for Trunk Group. Enable SMDR for Trunk Group. Executive Override. Executive Override No Warning Tone External Attendant Access Code (Note 2). External Feature Access Code. Forced Busy - Activate. Forced Busy - Cancel. Last Number Redial. Least Cost Routing. Meet-Me Conference. Message Waiting Activate. Message Waiting Automatic Callback. Message Waiting Receive Cancel. Message Waiting Send Cancel. Mobile Authorization Code. Modem Select Access. Paging Access. Remote Hold. Specialized Common Carrier - Enable. Specialized Common Carrier - Disable. Speed Call - Individual Programming. Speed Calling - Group 1. Speed Calling - Group 2. Speed Calling - Group 3. Speed Calling - Group 4. Speed Calling - Individual. Station-Controlled Conference. Station Dial Restrictions - Activate. Station Dial Restrictions - Cancel. Stop Hunt - Activate. Stop Hunt - Cancel. Tenant Listed Directory Number Test Attendant Console. Test Data Device - Button. Test Data Device - Loopback 1. Test Data Device - Loopback 2. Test Data Device - Loopback 3.

SATURN EPABX A30808X5051-E120-3-5919 CMU Procedures Issue 3, January 1986 CIISTDMER MEMORY UPDATE PROCEDURE: FEATACC . 1: Feature Access Code Assignments ALPHAMERIC INPUT TSTDOL4 TSTOPIBTN TSTDPlDlS TSTMMFSTN TSTDIAG TSTSTN TST-TCNE TlMEPROG TRKGRP ZUNAl ZUNA2 ZUNA3 ZUNA4 TMBCR Test Data Device - Loopback 4. Test OPI - Button. Test DPI - Display. Test DTMF Station (Keypad Test). Test Maintenance Diagnostics. Test Station. Test Tone Access. . Time Programming. ./ Trunk Group Access. Zoned Universal Night Answer - Zone 1. Zoned Universal Night Answer - Zone 2. Zoned Universal Night Answer - Zone 3. Zoned Universal Night Answer - Zone 4. NM APPLICABLE TO DOMESTIC SYSTEMS Page 4 of 4 Table 420.1 Features (Continued) DESCRIPTION NCTES: 1. Access codes assigned may be in the following ranges: 0 - 9999, plus : 0 - ‘999, plus #, #O - #999, plus A, 8, C, and 0 digits (for Is-button telephones). 2. Only DISPLAY is allowed via FEATACC; see EXTRN procedure. Table 420.2 Allowable Data Speed Rates ALPHAMERIC INPUT 50 50 bps 75 75 bps 100 100 bps 110 110 bps 134.5 134.5 bps 150 150 bps 200 200 bps 300 300 bps 600 600 bps 900 900 bps DESCRIPTION MNEMONICS USED IN THIS CMU PROCEDURE: Mnemonic CAS LCR RLT Definition Centralized Attendant Service Least Cost Routing Release Link Trunk ALPHAMERIC INPUT 1200 1 200 bps 1800 1 800 bps 2000 2 000 bps 2400 2 400 bps 3600 3 600 bps 4800 4 800 bps 7200 7 200 bps 9600 9 600 bps 14400 14 400 bps 19200 19 200 bps DESCRIPTION

SATURN EPABX CMU Procedures A30808-X5051-E120-l-B919 Issue 1, December 1984 CUSTOMER MEMORY UPDATE PROCEDURE: HOTLINE TITLE: Hotline Station Assignments Access Level: 2, 3, 4 Page 1 of 1 STEP NO. PROMPT/EXPLANATION 1. ) DIS HOTLINE 2. HOT LINE INDEX NUMBER = nn nn Requests the hot line index number to be displayed. If range desired, nn = index number(s) (O-31). enter two numbers separated by space. NOTE: Enter (CR) for all. 1. ) CHA HOTLINE 2. HOT LINE INDEX NUMBER = nn Requests the hot line index number to be changed. n = index number (O-31). 3. DIGIT SEQUENCE (1-16 DIGITS) = aa . . . aa Requests the new hot line index digit sequence. aa aa = digit sequence (16 digits maximum). NOTE: Only the digits O-9 may be used. Entering (CR) will delete current digit string.

SATURN EPABX CMU Procedures ’ CUSTOMER MEMORY UPDATE PROCEDURE: HUNTGRP TITLE: Hunt Group Assignments Access Level: 2, 3, 4 A30808-X5051-E120-l-B919 issue 1, December 1984 1-1 Page 1 of 3 PROMPT/EXPLANATION 1. ) DIS HUNTGRP 2. DISP TYPE (ClRC,TERM,PlLOT,MEM) = aaaaa Requests type of hunt group for which data is to be displayed. If aaaaa = CIRC, TERM, PILOT, or MEM. PILOT, go to step 3; if MEM, go to step 4; if CIRC or TERM, proce- See Table 203.1. dure is completed. 3. PILOT ACCESS NUMBER = nnnn I Requests pilot number for group to be displayed; procedure is com- nnnn = pilot access number; see NOTE. pleted. NOTE: The allowed range for Pilot Access Numbers is O-9999. 4. GROUP MEMBER EXTENSION NUMBER = nnnn Requests extension number of group member. nnnn = ext number (O-9999). 1. > ADD HUNTGRP 2. ASSIGN GROUP OR MEMBER? (G,M) = a Requests assignment type for new hunt group. If G (Group), go to a = G = Group, step 3; if M (member), go to step 6. a = M = Member. 3. NEW MEMBER EXTENSION NUMBERS = nnnn . . . nnnn Requests members to be assigned to the new hunt group (mini- nnnn = ext numbers (O-9999). mum two required). Up to 30 members may be assigned to a hunt group. If more than one, separate each by spaces. NOTE: All hunt group members must be in the same node for CASlMS applications. 4. HUNT GRP TYPE (CIRCTERM,PILOT) = aaaaa I Requests type of hunt group to be assigned. If PILOT, go to step aaaaa = CIRC, TERM, or PILOT 5; if CIRC or TERM, procedure is completed. 5. PILOT ACCESS NUMBER = nnnn Requests pilot number for pilot type hunt group; procedure is com- nnnn = pilot access number (O-9999). pleted. 6. INSERT AFTER EXISTING GRP MEMBER = nnnn Requests station number of hunt group member that precedes ad- nnnn = ext number (O-9999). ded member in list. 7. NEW MEMBER EXTENSION NUMBER = nnnn Requests station number of member to be added to hunt group. nnnn = ext number (O-9999).

SATURN EPABX CMU Procedures A30808-X5051-E120-l-B919 Issue 1, December 1984 CUSTOMER MEMORY UPDATE PROCEDURE: HUNTGRP TITLE: Hunt Group Assignments Page 2 of 3 I STEP NO. PROMPT/EXPLANATION I 1. > DEL HUNTGRP 2. DELETE TYPE (PILOT,MEM) = aaaaa Requests whether member or pilot number is to be deleted. If MEM, aaaaa = MEM or PILOT go to step 3; if PILOT, go to step 4. 3. MEMBER EXTENSION TO BE DELETED = nnnn Requests station number of member to be deleted; procedure is nnnn = ext number (O-9999). completed. NOTE: If two extensions exist in a hunt group and one is deleted, the other is automatically deleted. There must be at least two extensions in a hunt group. 4. PILOT ACCESS NUMBER = nnnn Requests pilot number of group to be deleted. nnnn = pilot access number (O-9999). NOTE: Deleting a pilot number automatically deletes all members of the hunt group. 1. ) CHA HUNTGRP 2. CHANGE TYPE (PILOT, MEM) = aaaaa Requests whether member or pilot number is to be changed. If aaaaa = MEM or PILOT MEM, go to step 3; if.PILOT, go to step 5. 3. OLD MEMBER EXTENSION NUMBER = nnnn Requests station number of hunt group member to be changed. nnnn = ext number (O-9999). 4. NEW MEMBER EXTENSION NUMBER = nnnn Requests station number of new hunt group member; procedure nnnn = ext number (O-9999). is completed. 5. OLD PILOT ACCESS NUMBER = nnnn Requests pilot number of group to be changed. nnnn = pilot access number (O-9999). 6. NEW PILOT ACCESS NUMBER = nnnn Requests new pilot number to be assigned to hunt group. nnnn = pilot access number (O-9999). ,’ ‘

SATURN EPABX A30808-X5051-E120-l-8919 - CMU Procedures Issue 1, December 1984 CUSTOMER MEMORY UPDATE PROCEDURE: HUNTGRP TITLE: Hunt Group Assignments Page 3 of 3 Table 203.1 Hunt Group Types ALPHAMERIC INPUT CIRC MEM PILOT TERM Circular Hunt Group Hunt Group Member Pilot Number Hunt Group Terminal Hunt Group DESCRIPTION