Siemens Saturn Epabx Oc1e Dyad Digital Telephone User Instructions
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CMU Procedures CUSTOMER MEMORY UPDATE PROCEDURE: PROTOCOL TITLE: Protocol Assignments Page 2 of 5 StEP NO. PROMPT/EXPLANATION 9. TIMED DISCONNECT (Y,N) = a Requests whether the specified protocol will use the timed discon- a = Y = Yes; a = N = No. nect option. If Y (Yes), go to step 10; if N (No), go to step 11. IO. TIMED DISC 5 SEC UNITS (l-254) = nnn I Requests the seconds setting of the disconnect timer, in units of 5 nnn = timer setting in 5second units seconds (i.e., input 10 for 50 seconds, input 11 for 55 seconds, etc.). (l-254). NOTE: The system will select an acceptable timer value which is as close as possible to the value specifiec. 11. TYPE OF CONNECTED EQUIP (DTE, DCE) = aaa Requests whether the user-provided equipment which will use this aaa = DTE or DCE. protocol is DTE or DCE. In general data terminals operate in DTE mode and modems operate in DCE mode. If DTE, go to step 12; if DCE, go to step 19. .- 12. ACU EQUIPPED (Y,N) = a Requests whether the protocol is to be used by DCls with an Auto- a = Y.= Yes; a = N = No. matic Calling Unit attached. 13. INTERFACE (RS232, CURRENTLOOP) = aaaaaaaaaaa Requests whether the data equipment using this protocol will use aaaaaaaaaaa = RS232 or the RS-232-C or current loop interface standard. If RS-232-C go to CURRENTLOOR step 14; if current loop, procedure is complete. 14. ANS PROTOCOL (DTRRTS) = aaa aaa Requests what signal from the connected DTE shall be interpreted aaa = answer protocol option; see Table (by the DCI) as a call answer signal. If two types specified, separate 461.2. by space. NOTES: 1. Entering (CR) is the same as entering DTR. 2. The Data Call switch on the DCI can always be used as a call answer request. 15. ORIG PROTOCOL (DTR,RTS) = aaa aaa Requests which signal(s) from the connected DTE shalt be interpreted aaa = originate protocol option: see Ta- (by the DCI) as a call origination request. If two types specified, ble 461.3. separate by space. Enter (CR) to assign no signal to serve as a call origination request from the connected DTE. NOTE: The Data Call switch on the DCI can always be used as a call origination request. 16. DISC PROTOCOL (DTR,LBRK) = aaaa aaaa Requests which signal(s) from the connected DTE shall be interpreted aaa = disconnect protocol option; see (by the DCI) as a data call disconnect request: removal of DTR or Table 461.4. long break on the transmitted data signal. If two specified, separate each by space. Enter (CR) to assign no signal to serve as a call disconnect request from the connected DTE. NOTE: The Data Call switch on the DCI can always be used as a call disconnect request. 17. USE DEFAULT RTS-CTS DELAY? (Y,N) = a Enter Y (Yes) if the DCI should respond with the default delay (20 a = Y = Yes,; a = N = No. ms) with CTS signal when the.connected DTE asserts RTS; enter N (No) if a different delay is desired. If N (No), go to step 18; if Y (Yes), procedure is complete.

biu ut-w trA6jn CMU Procedures II”“U”Cl-,\~“JI‘LILc)---UJ,~ Issue 2, March 1986 CUSTOMER MEMORY UPDATE PROCEDURE: PROTOCOL TITLE: Protocol Assignments STEP NO. PROMPT/EXPLANATION Page 3 of 5 i 8. CTS DELAY 10 MSEC UNITS (l-254) = nnn Enter the desired delay between FtTS and CTS, in 10 millisecond units nnn = timer setting in msec x 10. (iiieednter 1 for 10 msec, enter 2 for 20 msec, etc.). Procedure is corn-- 9. MODEM CONTROLLER EQUIPPED (Y,N) = a Enter Y (Yes) if the DCls using this protocol are connected to user- a = Y = Yes; a = N = No. supplied modems, and are equipped with the optional modem con- trol board (internal to the DCI). !O. INTERFACE (RS232,CURRENTLOOP) = aaaaaaaaaaa Requests interface protocol to be used between the DCI and the user- supplied DCE. If %-232-C, go to step 21; if current loop, procedure is complete. aaaaaaaaaaa = interface option. ‘1. ANSlORlG PROTOCOL (DCD,RI,DSR) = aaa . . . aaa Requests which signals from the connected DCE shall be interpreted aaa = answer/originate protocol options; (by the DCI) as call answer or origination. If more than one specified, .’ .” see Table 461.5. separate each by space. Entering (CR) is the same as entering DSR. NOTES: 1. When the DCI is alerting the connected DCE, either DCD or DSR may be used to signal answer from the DCE. 2. When the DCI is in an idle state, DCD, DSR, or RI may be used to signal a call origination from the connected DCE. 3. The Data Call switch on the DCI can always be used as a call answer/originate request. 32. DISC PROTOCOL (DCD,DSR,LBRK) = aaaa . . . aaaa I Requests which signal(s) from the connected DCE should be inter- aaaa = disconnect protocol option; see preted (by the DCI) as a call disconnect request: removal of DCD, Table 461.6. removal of DSR, or long break on the received data signal. If more than one specified, separate each by space. Enter (CR) to assign no signal to serve as a call disconnect request from the connected DCE. NOTE: The Data Call switch on the DCI can always be used as a call disconnect request. 23. RTS ON ANSWER (Y,N) = a Enter Y (Yes) if the DCI should automatically assert RTS when an a = Y = Yes; a = N = No. answer signal is given by the DCE. Enter N (No) if the RTS signal from the DCI to the attached DCE should follow (agree with) RTS from the originating data terminal. Procedure is completed. 1. > DEL PROTOCOL 2. DATA PROTOCOL NUMBER (O-31) = nn Requests protocol number to be deleted. nn = protocol number (O-31). I I I I 1. > Cl-IA PROTOCOL NOTE: CHA protocol should be used when changes to the data speed, data bits, parity, stop bits, and duplex flag are required. When changes to other protocol parameters are required use the ADD PROTOCOL proce- dure. ADD PROTOCOL can be used to completely overwrite an existing protocol even when DCls are as- signed to the protocol.

bm uhi\i trAt)A T(cl”u”“-,\J”J a-i IL”-L-UJ lil CMU Procedures Issue 2, March 1986 CUSTOMER MEMORY UPDATE PROCEDURE: PROTOCOL TITLE: Protocol Assignments 1 a f-EP NO. PROMPT/EXPLANATION Page 4 of 5 I r > _. DATA PROTCCOL NUMBER (O-31) = nn Requests protocol number to be cfanged. nn -= protocol number (O-31). 3. DISABLE VALID DATA SPEED(S) = nnnnn . . . nnnnn Requests the valid data speeds that are to be disabled for the speci- nnnnn = data speed(s); see Table 461.1. fied protocol. If more than one, separate each by spaces (20 max.). Enter (CR) for no change. 4. DEFAULT DATA SPEED = nnnnn Requests the default data speed to be assigned to the specified pro- nnnnn = data speed: see Table 461.1 tocol. Enter (CR> for no change. 5. ENABLE VALID DATA SPEED(S) = nnnnn . . . nnnnn Requests the valid data speeds that are to be enabled for the speci- nnnnn = data speed(s); see Table 461.1. fied protocol. If more than one, separate each by spaces (20 max.). Enter (CR) for no change. . 6. DATABITS (5,6,7,8) = n Requests the number of data bits which are to apply to the protocol n = 5, 6, 7, or 8. specified. Enter (CR) for no change. I I 1 PARITY (EVEN,ODD,SPACE,MARK,NONE) = aaaaa Requests the parity type which is to apply to the protocol specified. Enter (CR) for no change. aaaa = parity. 8. STOPBITS (1,1.5,2) = aaa Request the number of stop bits which are to apply to the protocol aaa = 1, 1.5, or 2. specified. Enter (CR) for no change. 9. DUPLEX FLAG (FULL.HALF) = aaaa 1 Requests whether the protocol specified is to use either full or half aaaa = FULL or HALF ~ duplex operation. Enter (CR) for no change. Procedure is complete. Table 461.1 Data Soeeds ALPHAMERIC INPUT I DESCRIPTION I ALPHAMERK INPUT I DESCRIPTION 50 50 bps 1200 75 75 bps 1800 100 100 bps 2000 110 110 bps 2400 134.5 134.5 bps 3600 150 150 bps 4800 200 200 bps 7200 300 300 bps 9600 600 600 bps 14400 900 900 bps 19200 1,200 bps 1,800 bps 2,000 bps 2,400 bps 3,600 bps 4,800 bps 7,200 bps 9,600 bps 14,400 bps 19,200 bps 1 1

SATURN EPABX A30808-X5051-fi120-2-t3919 CMU Procedures Issue 2. March 1986 CUSTOMER MEMORY UPDATE PROCEDURE: PROTOCOL TITLE: Protocol Assignments Page 5 of 5 Table 461.2 Answer Protocol Options for DCls Connected to DCE ALPHAMERIC INPUT DESCRIPTION DTFI Data Terminal Ready. RTS Request to Send. Table 461.3 Originate Protocol Options for DCls Connected to DCE ALPHAMERIC INPUT DESCFilPTlON DTR Data Terminal Ready. RTS Request to Send. Table 461.4 Disconnect Protocol for DCls Connected to DTE ALPHAMERIC INPUT DESCRIPTION DTR Data Terminal Ready. LBRK Long Break on Data Received from DTE. ALPHAMERIC INPUT DCD DSR RI Table 461.5 Originate Protocol for DCIs Connected to DCE DESCRIPTION Data Carrier Detect. Data Set Ready. Ringing Indicator. Table 461.6 Disconnect Protocol for DCls Connected to DCE ALPHAMERIC INPUT DESCRIPTION DCD Removal of Data Carrier Detect. DSR Removal of Data Set Ready. LBRK Long Break on Data Received from DCE. MNEMONICS USED IN THIS CMU PROCEDURE: Mnemonic Definition ANS Answer bps Bits Per Second Clear to Send DCD Data Carrier Detect DCE Data Circuit-Terminating Equipment DISC Disconnect DTE DTR Data Terminating Equipment ORIG Data Terminal Ready Originating - RI Ringing Indicator RTS &?qUeSt to Send _^.. ., -.-.. _ ,..-_ -~.-- -._..._. ,. *. I r. , .,_, . . . _ ,- r

SATURN EPABX A30808-X5051-E120-i-B919 - CMU Procedures Issue 1, December 1984 CUSTOMER MEMORY UPDATE PROCEDURE: SECURITY TITLE: CMU Security Code Assignments Access Level: 4 I SECURITY I Page 1 of 1 STEP NO. PROMPT/EXPLANATION OPERATOR INPUT 1. > DIS SECURITY I I I 2. SECURITY LEVEL (l-4) = n Requests security level for which password is to be displayed. Enter n = security level (l-4). (CR> to printout passwords for levels 1 through 4. 1. ) CHA SECURITY 2. SECURITY LEVEL (l-4) = n Requests security level for which password is to be changed. n = security level (l-4). 3. PASSWORD (I-5 DIGITS) = aaaaa Requests password to be assigned to specified security level. aaaaa = password (1-5 Characters).

SATURN EPABX A30808-X5051-E120-l-B919 - CMU Procedures Issue 1, December 1984 . . CUSTOMER MEMORY UPDATE PROCEDURE: SERVICE TITLE: Service State Assignments Access Level: 3, 4 1 SERVICE ] Page 1 of 1 STEP NO. PROMPT/EXPLANATION 1. ) DIS SERVICE 2. PORT EQUIPMENT NUMBER (WXYZ) = nnnn nrinn Requests PEN of item for which service status is requested. If range nnnn = valid PEN(s). of PENS required, enter two PENS separated by space. 3. MODE ((CR) OUT OF SERVICE MODE) = a.. .a . . . a.. .a Requests status of device(s) associated with above PEN(s) to be a. a = status; see Table 523.1. displayed (7 max.). If more than one, separate each by spaces (refer to NOTE on Table 523.1). Entering (CR) displays all circuits in the out of service mode. 1. > CHA SERVICE 2. PORT EQUIPMENT NUMBER (WXYZ) = nnnn Requests PEN of item for which service status is to be changed. nnnn = valid PEN. 3. SERVICE MODE (IN,OUTCAMP,OUTNOW) = aaaaaaa Requests new status of device. aaaaaaa = IN, OUTCAMP, OUTNOW; see Table 523.2. ALPHAMERIC INPUT ALL * IN * MTCE OUT * OUTAUTO l OUTAUTOPEND l OUTCRAFT l OUTCRAFTCAMP l OUTCRAFTPEND Table 523.1 Display Service Modes DESCRIPTION All Service Modes shown below In-Service Modes Maintenance Mode (circuit undergoing automatic or manual test) All Out-of-Service Modes shown below Out-of-Service - Automatic Mode (System has automatically taken circuit out-of-service due to a failure) Out-of-Service - Automatic Pending Mode (System waiting until failing circuit goes idle as which it will be automatically taken out-of-service) Out-of-Service - Craft Mode Out-of-Service - Craft Camp-on Mode (Device in this mode after OUTCAMP is inputted by craftsperson. Device is in the in- service mode, however System is waiting for device to go idle as which it will be placed in the out-of-service mode.) Out-of-Service Mode - Craft Pending Mode (Device in this mode after OUTNOW is inputted by craftsperson. Device is in the in- service mode, however System has not completed the out-of-service routine) ITE: More than one Display Service Mode may be specified during the DISPLAY action; when ALL is selected, the modes indicated by an asterisk (*) are included. Table 523.2 Change Service Mode ALPHAMERIC INPUT ‘ONUTCAMP OUTNOW DESCRIPTION Put In-Service Put Out-of-Service - Craft Camp-On Put Out-of-Service Now MNEMONICS USED IN THIS CMU PROCEDURE: Mnemonic Definition (CR) Carriage Return (RETURN Key) PEN Port Equipment Number

SATURN EPABX CMU Procedures A30808-X5051-E120-l-B919 Issue 1, December 1984 CUSTOMER MEMORY UPDATE PROCEDURE: SMDRACCT TITLE: SMDR Account Code Assignments Access Level: 2, 3, 4 SMDRACCT Page 1 of 1 I PROMPT/EXPLANATION I 1. r~ > DIS SMDRACCT I 2. SMDR ACCOUNT NUMBER (I-11 DGTS) = nnnnnnnnnnn I Requests account number for which data is to be displayed. Enter nnnnnnnnnnn = account number (CR) for all account numbers. (O-99999999999). I I I I I 1. > ADD SMDRACCT I I I I I 2. NEW SMDR ACCOUNT NUM (l-11 DGTS) = nnnnnnnnnnn Requests new account number to be added. nnnnnnnnnnn = account number (O-99999999999). 1. > DEL SMDRACCT I 2. SMDR ACCOUNT NUMBER (l-ii DGTS) = nnnnnnnnnnn Requests account number to be deleted. nnnnnnnnnnn = account number (O-99999999999). 1. > CHA SMDRACCT 2. OLD SMDR ACCOUNT NUM (l-11 DGTS) = nnnnnnnnnnn I Requests account number to be changed. nnnnnnnnnnn = account number (O-99999999999). 3. NEW SMDR ACCOUNT NUM (l-11 DGTS) = nnnnnnnnnnn Requests new account number to be added. nnnnnnnnnnn = account number (O-99999999999). MNEMONICS USED IN THIS CMU PROCEDURE: Mnemonic Definition SMDR Station Message Detail Recording

SATURN EPABX A30808-X5051-E120-l-B919 - CMU Procedures Issue 1, December 1984 CUSTOMER MEMORY UPDATE PROCEDURE: SMDRASSN TITLE: SMDR Assignments and Control Access Level: 3, 4 - STEP NO. PROMPT/EXPLANATION Page 1 of 2 1. ) DIS SMDRASSN I This procedure is used to display the current status of the recording output device(s). 2. TYPE (VOICE,DATA,BOTH,ALARM) = aaaaa I Requests which type of SMDR report parameters are to be dis- played. NOTE: Entering (CR) is the same as entering BOTH. aaaaa = VOICE (standard telephone plus alarm reports); aaaaa = DATA (data call plus alarm reports - OC II only); aaaaa = BOTH (both VOICE and DATA alarms plus reports); or, aaaaa = ALARM (alarm reports only). 1. ) BEG SMDRASSN 2. TYPE (VOICE, DATA, BOTH) = aaaaa Requests type of calls for which detailed recording is to be started. aaaaa = VOICE (standard telephone reports); aaaaa = DATA (data call reports - OC II only); or aaaaa = BOTH (both types or reports). 3. OUTPUT STATUS (CONT,START) = aaaaa Requests output status which shall apply to the SMDR reports. If aaaaa = output status; see Table 800.1. START, go to step 4; if CONT, procedure is completed. 4. OUTPUT DEVICE (TTYO-3) = aaan Requests output port to which the SMDR reports are to be routed. Procedure is completed. aaan = output device option; see Table 800.2. 1. > CHA SMDRASSN 2. ALARM MESSAGE DEVICE (TTYO-3) = aaan Requests the output device to which the SMDR alarm messages aaan = TTY0 - TTY3. are to be routed. NOTE: Alarm messages are used to report conditions such as “output device not ready.” The alarm device is also used to output the annoyance call tracing feature, if SMDR is not running.

SATURN EPABX CMU Procedures A30808-X5051-E120-l-B919 Issue 1, December 1984 CUSTOMER MEMORY UPDATE PROCEDURE: SMDRASSN TITLE: SMDR Assignments and Control Page 2 of 2 STEP NO. PROMPT/EXPLANATION I I I 1 ) ST0 SMDRASSN TYPE (VOICE,DATA,BOTH) = aaaaa Requests type of SMDR output to be stopped, either voice, data, or both types. aaaaa = VOICE (standard telephone reports); aaaaa = DATA (data call reports - OC II only); or aaaaa = BOTH (both types of reports). OUTPUT STATUS (HOLD/END) = aaaa Requests SMDR output status: aaaa = HOLD or END. NOTE: If HOLD, the SMDR output is stopped temporarily, until the craftsperson resumes the reporting routine via the BEGIN action. Call records are maintained on existing and succeeding calls as long as buffers are available, until recording is restarted, so that little or no call data is lost. When recording is restarted, held buffer contents are transmitted to the output device. If END, the SMDR output is terminated. Table 800.01 SMDR Output Status Options I ALPHAMERIC INPUT I DESCRIPTION CONT START Continue recording on the previously-selected output device. This option is valid only if recording was temporarily held using the STOP action. Start recording on a new output device. This option is valid only if recording is current- Iv in an idle state. Table 800.2 SMDR Output Device Options ALPHAMERIC INPUT I TTY0 TTY1 TTY2 TTY3 RS-232-C service port 0 RS-232-C service port 1 RS-232-C service port 2 RS-232-C service DOI? 3 . ,.’ ; MNEMONICS USED IN THIS CMU PROCEDURE: Mnemonic Definition SMDR Station Message Detail Recording _’

i - - SATURN EPABX A30808-X5051-E120-4-B919 CMU Procedures Issue 6, November 1985 CUSTOMER MEMORY UPDATE PROCEDURE: SPCLEQPT TITLE: Special Equipment Assignments Access Level: 3, 4 Page 1 of 6 I STEP NO. PROMF’T/EXPlANATlON I 1. > DIS SPCLEQPT 2. EQUIPMENT TYPE = aaaaaaaaa Requests type of special equipment for which data is to be dis- aaaaaaaaa = equipment type; MUSIC, played. If ZUNA, go to step 3; if RECANN, go to step 4; if PAGE, ZUNA. RECANN, PAGE, go to step 5. Enter (CR) for all. DICT, CODE, XCVRTEST, or VOICEMAIL. 3. UNA ZONE(S) TO DISPLAY (l-4) = n Requests UNA zone numbers to be displayed. n = UNA zone numbers (l-4). 4. ANNOUNCER SERVICE(S) TO DISPLAY = aaaaaaa Requests announcement services to be displayed. 5 ,. aaaaaaa = INTCm, ACDl, ACD2, or ACDNITE. 5. PAGE ZONE(S) TO DISPLAY (l-4) = n Requests paging zones to be displayed. n = paging zone numbers (l-4). 1. > ADD SPCLEQPT 2. EQUIPMENT TYPE = aaaaaaaaa Requests type of special equipment to be assigned. If MUSIC, go aaaaaaaaa = equipment type; MUSIC, to step 3; if ZUNA, go to step 5; if RECANN, go to step 8; if PAGE, ZUNA, RECANN, PAGE, go to step 13; if DICT, go to step 16; if CODE, go to step 18; if DICT, CODE, XCVRTEST, XCVFtTEST, go to step 21; if VOICEMAIL. go to step 23. or VOICEMAIL. NOTE: Refer to Table 509.1 for required interface. 3. MUSIC-ON-HOLD PEN (WXYZ) = nnnn Requests PEN to be assigned to the music source trunk for the nnnn = valid PEN. music on hold feature. 4. INTERFACE TYPE (EM,SLMA,Sl-A16) = aaaaa Requests type of line/trunk interface. Procedure is completed. aa = EM = E&M trunk; aaaa = SLMA = Subscriber line module analog; aaaaa = Sl~J16 = Subscriber line module analog - 16 line. 5. UNA ZONE NUMBER (14) = n Requests zone number to be assigned to ZUNA bell. n = UNA zone numbers (14). 6. UNA ZONE BELL PEN (WXYZ) = nnnn Requests PEN to be assigned to ZUNA bell for zone “n” of the zoned nnnn = valid PEN. UNA feature.