Siemens Saturn Epabx Oc1e Dyad Digital Telephone User Instructions
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SATURN EPABX A30808-X5051-E120-l-B919 - CMU Procedures Issue 1, December 1984 The characters printed on the first line are defined as follows: upon which the initial customer data base was programmed. This number does not change, even if the site is loaded with a subsequent higher-level generic data base. It changes only in the event that the customer elects to reprogram the entire initial data base for the site. PP - Processor status with which the user is in communication: AC - Active AOS w.rr DB w.rr C S - Cold Standby (dual-processor systems only) H S - Hot Standby (dual-processor systems only) N R- Not Ready (dual-processor systems only) SATURN System designator, system Version (w) and Release (rr) numbers. The numbers (w.rr) denote the generic software version and release, as supplied by Siemens. Customer Data Base designator and related system version and release. The numbers (w.rr) denote the generic software version and release, as supplied by Siemens, PL: nnn SITE:sss Patch Level designator and related patch level release. The numbers (nnn) denote the specific patch level to which minor programming changes have been inserted into the generic system data base. This number. is used by Siemens’ field service personnel only as a guide to the updated level of the system. Site designation as assigned via the SYSOPT procedure. Up to 16 characters may be assigned. 5-5 (5-6 blank)

SATURN EPABX A30808-X5051-E120-l-B919 - CMU Procedures Issue 1, December 1984 APPENDIX A. Glossary of CMU Procedure Terms TERM ACTION DEFINITION That which the user wishes to perform (e.g., to place additional information in memory, the action “ADD” is commonly used). ALPHAMERIC A string of both alphabetic and numeric characters (e.g., the alphameric string “CONMP” to denote a four-port conference circuit). CMU SESSION COMMAND The period of time between the logon and logoff of a user for the purposes of making CMU changes. The name of an individual CMU procedure in which certain actions may be performed (e.g., the command pertaining to class-of-service information is COSASSN). LOGOFF LOGON MMLP The action of terminating an operating session. The action of entering a proper security code and initiating an operating session. Man-Machine Language Processor. The interface software that converts the user’s input to machine-readable codes. MNEMONIC An abbreviation, acronym, or other combination of letters, numbers, and/or symbols to aid the user in remembering the codes required to make CMU procedural changes. OVERLAY A software program that is user-accessible, but not on an interactive basis. That is, the user makes entries into the system, but the entries are not checked for validity until the user depresses the ENTER or RETURN key on the data entry terminal. PARAMETER PEF Any variable for which the user must input data to the system (e.g., equipment quantities, feature classmarks, number assignments, etc.). Plain English Format. All prompting and system responses are in plain English. User inputs con- sist of “yes” or “no” type instructions, numbers for numeric parameters, and alphamerics relat- ing to the item being programmed. A-l

SATURN EPABX CMU Procedures A30808-X5051-E120-l-B919 - Issue 1, December 1984 APPENDIX B. Procedures for Logon and Logoff and Examples of CMU Input LOGON PROCEDURES PROMPT AC-AOS 8.06-DB 8.01-PL:O56 -SITE: ESS-CHICAGO PLEASE ENTER PASSWORD ) User is requested to enter the appropriate (authorized) security key. Refer to the appropriate site documentation or administrator for correct security key; enter after the symbol “)“. RESPONSE: YY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS System responds with the calendar date (year-month-date) and the current time (hour-minute-seconds). PROMPT User is requested to input an ACTION and a COMMAND. Refer to the appropriate CMU procedure for correct com- mand and list of allowed actions. LOGOFF PROCEDURES PROMPT User is prompted for next input. If the user wishes to LOGOFF (terminate the session) at this time, the END OF TRANS- MISSION (ETX) key may be depressed. On other commonly-used keyboard printer/terminals, this is accomplished by the simultaneous depression of the CONTROL (CNTL) key and the “C” key. Some printer/terminals may include a separate key for this function. RESPONSE: PEF SESSION TERMINATED AT YY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS System acknowledges termination of the session, indicating the calendar date (year-month-date) and the current time (hour-minute-seconds). The next line printed by the printer/terminal indicates the LOGON prompt for the next user. EXAMPLE USING CMU PROCEDURE An example CMU procedure is presented on the following pages. The action performed is the addition of a new station class of service (COS). This COS is being assigned as COS 3, and allows the features Call Pickup - Group, Call Forwarding to Public Network, and Call Park to those stations that may be assigned this COS later. It further identifies that stations with this COS are allowed access to four trunk groups, 5, 6, 8, and 9, and that calls are affected by eight-digit toll restriction lists 2 and 7, and fifteen-digit toll restriction list 16. (The toll restriction lists may be either ‘.‘allow only” or “deny only” for numbers in the list, depending on the assignment made via CMU procedure TCRLIST.) When all the data is correctly en- tered, the system responds with an acknowledgement that the COS has been added. INPUT METHODS NOTE: The examples herein refer to the “RETURN” key, which may carry some other designation (e.g., “ENTER”), depending upon the particular terminal/printer used. The system prompts by means of a plain English prompt, indicating the parameter for which input is required, followed by an equals (‘I=“) sign. The user enters the required alphameric data after the equals sign, followed by the RETURN key; the system responds with either the next prompt or an acknowledgement, as appropriate. B-4

SATURN EPABX A30808-X5051-E120-l-B919 CMU Procedures Issue 1, December 1984 APPENDIX B. Procedures for Logon and Logoff and Examples of CMU Input (Continued) PROMPT EXAMPLE CMU PROCEDURE FOR ADDING STATION CLASS OF SERVICE PLEASE ENTER PASSWORD > User is requested to enter appropriate security key. INPUT PLEASE ENTER PASSWORD )12345 User enters security key followed by RETURN key. NOTE: Security key (12345) is not printed out, to prevent unauthorized observation and use. RESPONSE: YY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS System responds with the calendar date and current time. PROMPT: User is requested to input an ACTION and a COMMAND. INPUT )ADD COSASSN User inputs the input action (“ADD”) and command (“COSASSN”) for adding a new station class of service, followed by the RETURN key. PROMPT CLASS OF SERVICE NUMBER (O-31)= System prompts the user to enter the first parameter value for the new class of service. INPUT: CLASS OF SERVICE NUMBER (O-31)=3 User inputs the number of the new class of service; in this example, “3’: followed by the RETURN key. PROMPT: CLASSMARK ASSIGNMENTS= System prompts the user to enter the second parameter value(s) for the classmarks to apply to this class of service. INPUT CLASSMARK ASSIGNMENTS=HKFLSH PUGRP FWDTONTWK PARK User inputs the mnemonics of the classmarks; in this example, HKFLSH for Hookflash (required to be assigned for certain features, including Call Park), PUGRP for Call Pickup - Group, FWDTONTWK for Call Forwarding to Public Network, and PARK for Call Park, followed by the RETURN key. (Refer to CMU procedure COSASSN for a table of classmark mnemonics.) PROMPT ALLOWED TRUNK GROUPS (O-31)= System prompts the user to enter the third parameter value(s) for the trunk group(s) authorized for access by this class of service, followed by the RETURN key. . i B-2

SATURN EPABX A30808-X5051-E120-l-6919 - CMU Procedures issue 1, December 1984 APPENDIX B. Procedures for Logon and Logoff and Examples of CMU Input (Continued) EXAMPLE CMU PROCEDURE FOR ADDING STATION CLASS OF SERVICE INPUT: ALLOWED TRUNK GROUPS (O-31)=5 6 8 9 User inputs the number(s) of the allowed trunk group(s); in this example, “5, 6, 8, and 9,” followed by the RETURN key. PROMPT TOLL CODE REST LIST NUMS (O-19)= System prompts the user to enter the fourth parameter value(s) for the toll code restriction list(s) authorized for access by this class of service. INPUT: TOLL CODE REST LIST NUMS (O-19)= 2 7 16 User inputs the number(s) of the member toll code restriction list(s); in this example, eight-digit toll code restriction lists “2 and 7,” and fifteen-digit toll code restriction list “16,” followed by the RETURN key. RESPONSE: COSASSN YY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS CLASS OF SERVICE ADDED System acknowledges addition of the new class of service, followed by the calendar date and the current time. The next line prompts the user for the next ACTION and COMMAND, or the user may LOGOFF as outlined previously. B-3

SATURN EPABX CMU Procedures A30808-X5051-E120-l-B919 - Issue 1, December 1984 APPENDIX C. Customer Memory Update Procedure Cross-Reference - By Title CUSTOMER MEMORY UPDATE PROCEDURE TITLE Alarm Failure History Attendant Console Assignments Attendant Console Map Assignments Audit Trail Authorization Code Assignments Call Trace Data Class-of-Service Assignments (Station) CMU Command Name (Change) CMU Security Code Assignments Conference Assignments Customer Data Base Backup Data Device Assignments Data Device Class-of-Service Assignments DID Digit Conversion Tables DPI Assignments (Add) DPI Assignments (Change) DPI Assignments (Display) DPI Button Map Assignments DTMF Receiver Assignments Duplex Processor Assignments External Station Assignments Feature Access Code Assignments Hotline Station Assignments Hunt Group Assignments LCR Class-of-Service Assignments LCR Dialing Plan LCR Outdialing Rules LCR Route Assignments LCR Schedules LCR Special Common Carrier Data Modem Assignments Modem Pool Assigments Modem Pool Routing Baud Rate Assignments Nailed-Up Connection Assignments Office Record Data Pickup Group Assignments Protocol Assignments Service State Assignments SMDR Account Code Assignments SMDR Assignments and Control Special Equipment Assignments Speed Calling Group Assignments Station Assignments Station Data (Display) Station Extension Assignments System Options System Sizing Assignments System Time/Date Change System Timer Assignments Toll Code Restriction Lists Traffic Metering Assignments and Control Traffic Metering Counter Assignments Trunk Assignments Trunk Group Assignments UCD Group Assignments UCD Scan COMMAND ALMDATA ATTASSN ATTMAP AUDIT AUTHCODE TRACE COSASSN COMMAND SECURITY CONFASSN CUSTDATA DATAASSN DATACOS DIDCONV DPIASSN DPICHGE DPIDISP DPIMAP DTMFASSN DUPLEX EXTRN FEATACC HOTLINE HUNTGRP LCRCOS LCRDPLN LCRODR LCRROUTE LCRSCHD LCRSCC MODMASSN MODMPOOL MODMRTE NAILUP OFFRCRD PICKGRP PROTOCOL SERVICE SMDRACCT SMDRASSN SPCLEQPT SPEEDGRP STNASSN STN DATA STN EXT SYSOPT SYSSIZE TIMEDATE SYSTIMER TCRLIST TRAFASSN TRAFCTR TRKASSN TRKGRP UCDGRP UCDSCAN C-l

SATURN EPABX A30808-X5051-E120-l-B919 - CMU Procedures issue 1, December 1984 APPENDIX D. Customer Memory Update Procedure Cross-Reference - By Command COMMAND CUSTOMER MEMORY UPDATE PROCEDURE TITLE ALMDATA Alarm Failure History ATTASSN Attendant Console Assignments ATTMAP Attendant Console Map Assignments AUDIT Audit Trail AUTHCODE Authorization Code Assignments COMMAND CMU Command Name (Change) CONFASSN Conference Assignments COSASSN Class-of-Service Assignments (Station) CUSTDATA Customer Data Base Backup DATAASSN Data Device Assignments DATACOS Data Device Class-of-Service Assignments DIDCONV DID Digit Conversion Tables DPIASSN DPI Assignments (Add) DPICHGE DPI Assignments (Change) DPIDISP DPI Assignments (Display) DPIMAP DPI Button Map Assignments DTMFASSN DTMF Receiver Assignments DUPLEX Duplex Processor Assignments EXTRN External Station Assignments FEATACC Feature Access Code Assignments HOTLINE Hotline Station Assignments HUNTGRP Hunt Group Assignments LCRCOS LCR Class-of-Service Assignments LCRDPLN LCR Dialing Plan LCRODR LCR Outdialing Rules LCRROUTE LCR Route Assignments LCRSCC LCR Special Common Carrier Data LCRSCHD LCR Schedules MODMASSN Modem Assignments MODMPOOL Modem Pool Assigments MODMRTE Modem Pool Routing Baud Rate Assignments NAILUP Nailed-Up Connection Assignments OFFRCRD Office Record Data PICKGRP Pickup Group Assignments PROTOCOL Protocol Assignments SECURITY CMU Security Code Assignments SERVICE Service State Assignments SMDRACCT SMDR Account Code Assignments SMDRASSN SMDR Assignments and Control SPCLEQPT Special Equipment Assignments SPEEDGRP Speed Calling Group Assignments STNASSN Station Assignments STN DATA Station Data (Display) STN EXT Station Extension Assignments SYSOPT System Options SYSSIZE System Sizing Assignments SYSTIMER System Timer Assignments TCRLIST Toll Code Restriction Lists TIMEDATE System Time/Date Change TRACE Call Trace Data TRAFASSN Traffic Metering Assignments and Control TRAFCTR Traffic Metering Counter Assignments TRKASSN Trunk Assignments TRKGRP Trunk Group Assignments UCDGRP UCD Group Assignments UCDSCAN UCD Scan D-4

SATURN EPABX CMU Procedures A30808-X5051-E120-l-B919 Issue 1, December 1984 APPENDIX E. Customer Memory Update Procedures The Customer Memory Update (CMU) procedures for all user- alterable areas of the system are contained in the succeed- ing pages. For the user’s convenience, the procedures are arranged alphabetically by COMMAND name in the upper right-hand corner of each individual procedure. The security access level for each CMU procedure is shown on the first page of each individual procedure. Note that all user inputs are shown in boldface type. This applies to the initial action and command, and for each parameter within that action. The ACTIONS shown in the CMU procedures are presented in the shorter, three-character form (e.g., DIS for DISPLAY, etc.). The user may, however, use either form presented previously in this document. A brief explanation of each system prompt is provided in the left-hand half of the CMU procedure, immediately below that prompt. The actual digit(s) that may be inputted by the user in response to that prompt are shown in the right-hand half of the CMU procedure, immediately below that prompt. Parameters that require a numeric input are indicated by one or more lower-case “n’s,” depending on the number of digits to be-specified by the user. Parameters that require an alpha- merit input are indicated by one or more lower-case”a’s,” de- pending on the number of digits to be specified by the user. Some parameters allow the user a wide choice of input selec- tions. In such cases, one or more tables are provided at the rear of the individual CMU procedure. These are referenced in the right-hand half of the procedure, immediately after the corresponding prompt. The table numbers have no sig- nificance to the user. The mnemonics found within the prompts and explanations are also referenced at the rear of each CMU procedure.

SATURN EPABX A30808-X5051-E120-l-6919 CMU Procedures Issue 2, January 1988 CUSTOMER MEMORY UPDATE PROCEDURE: ACDSCAN TITLE: ACD Scan Assignments Access Level: 3, 4 STEP NO. PROMPT/EXPLANATION Page 1 of 1 1. ) DfS ACDSCAN - -_ 2. DISPLAY REPORT OR PARMS ? (R, P) = a 1 Requests type of display. a = R 2 Report; a = P = Parameters. 1. > BEG ACDSCAN 2. 1 OUTPUT DEVICE RT’f, TWO. l7fl. MODEM) = aaaaa I Requests the designation of the output device. aaaaa = TTY, TWO, lTY1, MODEM. 3. INTER REPORT TIME (30-360) SEC = nnn ,.~ G- 1 I Requests the inter-report time to be used. nnn = 30 - 360 seconds. 1. ) CHAACDSCAN 2. OUTPUT DEVICE (TTY, TTYO, lTY1, MODEM) = aaaaa Requests the new designation of the output device. aaaaa = TTY, TWO, lTY1, MODEM. 3. ASCII CODES TC CLEAR CRT SCREEN (@@I) = aa Requests the new ASCII codes to clear the CRT screen. aa = ASCII codes. 4. INTER REPORT TIME (30-360) SEC = nnn Requests the new inter-report time to be used. nnn = 30 - 360 seconds.

SATURN EPABX CMU Procedures A30808-X5051-E120-l-B919 Issue 1, December 1984 CUSTOMER MEMORY UPDATE PROCEDURE: ALMDATA TITLE: Alarm Failure History Access Level: 3, 4 STEP NO. - Page 1 of 1 PROMPT/EXPLANATION 1. ) DIS ALMDATA 2. DISPLAY TYPE (ALL/NEW) = aaa Requests type of alarm data to be displayed. aaa = type: ALL or NEW. NOTE: Entering (CR) is the same as entering ALL for displaying all alarm data. MNEMONICS USED IN THIS CMU PROCEDURE: Mnemonic ALL NEW Definition All Recorded Alarms New Alarms Since Last Display from the Service Terminal