NEC Neax 2400 Ipx Feature Programming Manual
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NEAX2400 IPX Feature Programming ManualPage 578NDA-24297, Issue 1 P-3 Power Failure Transfer P-3 Power Failure Transfer General Description This feature provides for certain specified trunks to be automatically connected to designated stations in the event of a loss of AC power. It is normally used when the system is not equipped with reserve power. Station Application Operation is automatic if there is loss of input power to the system. Service Conditions 1. If the Central Office is wired ground start, stations must be equipped with ground buttons to complete calls over the exchange network. 2. Power failure station lines should not be wired to common bells. These require outside power sources and will not operate. 3. Type of telephone set (DP or DTMF) connected to CO line via POWER FAILURE TRANSFER shall correspond to the signaling system of the Central Office. 4. The maximum number of POWER FAILURE TRANSFER circuits per PIM is 24 (12 circuits per package). 5. The Power Failure Trunk (PFT) and associated Central Office Trunk should be in the same PIM. 6. When the POWER FAILURE TRANSFER feature is activated, telephone service is limited to incoming calls and/or outgoing calls via the serving Central Office. DID calls cannot be received. 7. D terms cannot be used as Power Failure stations. 8. All calls in progress and/or established calls are lost when a POWER FAILURE TRANSFER occurs. When commercial power is restored, the NEAX2400 IPX is automatically re-initialized. Back-up service is provided via the HDD unit to retain the following features: CALL FORWARDING [C-2, C-2D, C-3, C-3D, C-5, C-5D] SPEED CALLING - GROUP [S-23] SPEED CALLING - STATION [S-21] NAME DISPLAY DATA [N-28] Interactions 1. A PFT circuit card is required. 2. The POWER FAILURE TRANSFER station and Central Office trunk must be on the same Module Group. 3. When power is lost and the POWER FAILURE TRANSFER (PFT) feature is activated, telephone service is limited to incoming and outgoing calls via the predesignated PFT stations. 4. DID service will be lost, as this service is dependent on the operational status of Incoming Register Trunks (IRTs). 5. When power is lost, all calls (station-to-station and station-to-trunk) are lost. When power is restored, PFT calls will stay up until manually disconnected by the participants. Service to the PFT stations is then restored to normal. Programming No programming is required.
NEAX2400 IPX Feature Programming Manual NDA-24297, Issue 1Page 579 Pushbutton Calling P-4 P-4 Pushbutton Calling General Description This feature permits users to originate calls using push button telephones and also allows Dtermstations the ability to control external devices requiring DTMF signals to initiate or perform functions (Code-A-Phone, Conference Unit, etc.). Operating Procedure 1. The users press push-buttons corresponding to the desired numbers. OR 2. After a connection is established between a Dtermstation and a station or trunk port with an external device attached, the Dtermuser may press the key pad or SPEED CALLING BUTTONS - ONE TOUCH - Dterm [S-32D] key to transmit DTMF signals to control the external device. Service Conditions 1. If DTMF lines from the Central Office are not available, then the PUSHBUTTON-TO-ROTARY CONVERSION [P-6] feature must be provided. 2. Rotary and pushbutton instruments may be used simultaneously with PUSHBUTTON CALLING. 3. Timing for the DTMF signals can be set from 0.128 to 2.048 seconds via system commands on a system- wide basis. 4. DTMF frequency combinations are as follows: Interactions 1. Each 8RST circuit card contains eight register and eight sender circuits. Each register circuit can accept either pushbutton or rotary dial pulses. The senders can transmit pushbutton or dial pulse signals and are also used with the ATTENDANT CONSOLE [A-3], LEAST-COST ROUTING-3/6 DIGIT [L-5], SPEED CALLING-SYSTEM, STATION, GROUP [S-3, 21, 23], OUTGOING TRUNK QUEUING [O-2], OFF- HOOK QUEUING [O-7], and PUSHBUTTON-TO-ROTARY CONVERSION [P-6]. 2. Register circuits are located on the first four levels (0-3) and sender circuits are located on the last four levels (4-7) of the 8RST circuit card. Programming STEP 1:ASYD- System Data 1, Index 128. Register Prepause Timer. How long the register waits for the first digit. Normally assign data 00H for 12 seconds. System Data 1, Index 129. Register Inter-digit Timer. How long the register waits between digits. Normally assign data 00H for six seconds. LOW - HIGH 1,209HZ 1,336HZ 1,477HZ 697Hz 1 2 3 770Hz 4 5 6 852Hz 7 8 9 941Hz * 0 #
NEAX2400 IPX Feature Programming ManualPage 580NDA-24297, Issue 1 P-4 Pushbutton Calling Programming (cont’d) System Data 2, Index 2, Bit 0. Type of sender signal for station? 0/1: DP/PB. Assign as appropriate. (This data will only be used if the ARTD data of a specific route is assigned as DP/PB.) System Data 3, Index 11. Normally assign data 00H for 128 milliseconds. STEP 2:ASDT-AssignD term, single-line stations, a Telephone Equipment Class (TEC) of 2; push button (PB), TEC = 3, or Dial-Pulse/ Push button, (DP/PB). STEP 3:AT R K- Assign Originating Register Trunks (ORT) to the system in a quantity calculated from expected traffic. Registers are located on levels 0-3 of any 8RST circuit card. Also, senders must be assigned to the system in a quantity calculated from expected traffic. Senders are located on levels 4-7 of any 8RST circuit card. RT: Route Number Trunk Route Number Intra-office Route Number (901-931) 901-ATT 912-ORT for ATT 902-ORT 913-TCFT for ATT 903-IRT 915- Night ATT 905-Sender 916-MFCR 909-DCFT 917-MFCS 919 to 926-Modem TK: Trunk Number TN: Tenant Number RSC: Route Restriction Class SFC: Service Feature Class STEP 4:ARTD- Routes must be assigned as either PB, DP, or DP/PB. CDN 2:ONSG, Type of Outgoing Signal Selection (ONSG) is assigned to each route as data“1”,DP;data“2”, PB; or data“3”,DP/PB.
NEAX2400 IPX Feature Programming Manual NDA-24297, Issue 1Page 581 Pushbutton Calling - Attendant Only P-5 P-5 Pushbutton Calling - Attendant Only General Description This feature permits an Attendant to place all calls over DTMF signaling lines from a pushbutton keypad on the ATTENDANT CONSOLE [A-3]. Operating Procedure Attendant presses the pushbutton keypad to dial. Service Conditions 1. This feature requires that all Central Office trunks and TIE Trunk terminals accept pushbutton signaling (DTMF). 2. PUSHBUTTON CALLING - ATTENDANT ONLY may be added to the system without providing PUSHBUTTON CALLING [P-4] capability to other stations. Interactions The Attendant Console must first be provided. Programming STEP 1:ASYD- System Data 1, Index 128. Register Prepause Timer. How long the register waits for the first digit. Normally assign data 00H for 12 seconds. System Data 1, Index 134. Register Inter-digit Timer for the Attendant Console. How long the register waits between digits. Normally assign data 00H for four seconds. System Data 2, Index 2, Bit 1. Sender signal for Attendant Console is DP/PB? 0/1: DP/PB. Assign as appropriate. STEP 2:AT R K- Assign Originating Register Trunks (ORT) to the Attendant Console (optional). Registers are located on levels 0-3 of any 8RST circuit card. Also, senders must be assigned to the system in a quantity calculated from expected traffic. RT: Route Number Trunk Route Number Intra-office Route Number (901-931) 901-ATT 912-ORT for ATT 902-ORT 913-TCFT for ATT 903-IRT 915- Night ATT 905-Sender 916-MFCR 909-DCFT 917-MFCS 919 to 926-Modem TK: Trunk Number TN: Tenant Number RSC: Route Restriction Class SFC: Service Feature Class STEP 3:ARTD- Routes must be assigned as either PB, DP, or DP/PB. CDN 2:ONSG, Type of Outgoing Signal Selection, is assigned to each route as data“1”,DP;data“2”, PB; or data“3”,DP/PB.
NEAX2400 IPX Feature Programming ManualPage 582NDA-24297, Issue 1 P-6 Pushbutton to Rotary Conversion P-6 Pushbutton to Rotary Conversion General Description This feature allows DTMF telephones to be used when DTMF signaling is not provided or are not available from the Central Office and/or TIE Line. Operating Procedure Users dial the desired telephone numbers. Service Conditions 1. PUSHBUTTON TO ROTARY CONVERSION is software controlled on a per-trunk route basis. 2. See UNIVERSAL SENDER[U-3]for reference. 3. When the following combination of data settings are assigned, the PB station cannot originate a call: ASDT- TEC = 3 (DP/PB) station data for the calling station ASPA- SSC = OGC/OGCA ARTD- CDN1: OSGS = 2 (second dial tone) CDN2: ONSG = 2 (PB, 60 msec. Interruption or CCIS No. 7) Interactions 1. Each 8RST circuit card contains four register and four sender circuits. Each register circuit can accept either push-button or rotary dial pulses. The senders can outpulse push-button or dial pulse signals and are used with the ATTENDANT CONSOLE [A-3], LEAST-COST ROUTING-3/6 DIGIT [L-5], SPEED CALLING-SYSTEM, STATION, GROUP [S-3, 21, 23], OUTGOING TRUNK QUEUING [O-2], OFF- HOOK QUEUING [O-7], and PUSHBUTTON-TO-ROTARY CONVERSION. 2. Register circuits are located on the first four levels (0-3), and sender circuits are located on the last four levels (4-7) of the 8RST circuit card. 3. Each register may be assigned as either an outgoing or an incoming register. Incoming calls have priority over outgoing calls. Thus, a register programmed as outgoing may serve as an incoming register when none are available. However, an incoming register will never serve as an outgoing register. Programming STEP 1:ASYD- System Data 2, Index 2, Bit 0. Sender signal for station is DP/PB? 0/1: DP/PB. Always assign as data“0”. Assign on a per-tenant basis. This Bit takes priority when ARTD, CDN 2:ONSG is assigned as data“3”, DP/PB. STEP 2:ASDT- Assign single-line stations a Telephone Equipment Class (TEC) of Push-button (PB) TEC = 2 or dial pulse/push-button (DP/PB), TEC = 3. STEP 3:AT R K- Assign Originating Register Trunks (ORT) to the system in a quantity calculated from expected traffic. Registers are located on levels 0-3 of any 8RST circuit card. Also, senders must be assigned to the system in a quantity calculated from expected traffic. Senders are located on levels 4-7 of any 8RST circuit card. RT: Route Number Trunk Route Number Intra-office Route Number (901-931) 901-ATT
NEAX2400 IPX Feature Programming Manual NDA-24297, Issue 1Page 583 Pushbutton to Rotary Conversion P-6 Programming (cont’d) 902-ORT 913-TCFT for ATT 903-IRT 915- Night ATT 905-Sender 916-MFCR 909-DCFT 917-MFCS 919 to 926-Modem TK: Trunk Number TN: Tenant Number RSC: Route Restriction Class SFC: Service Feature Class STEP 4:ARTD- Outgoing routes must be assigned as DP or DP/PB. Flag CDN 2:ONSG as data“1”,DPor data“3”,DP/PB. FCCS Programming This data setting describes only the additional or replacement commands used to activate FCCS services. When used as an FCCS feature, these commands replace the non-network commands (for example, AAED is replaced by AAEDN). Note that the data setting for FCCS service varies depending on the node. Note STEP 1:ARTDN- Outgoing routes must be assigned as DP or DP/PB. Flag CDN 2:ONSG as data“1”,DPor data“3”,DP/PB. Note:When using ASYDL or ASYDN to program an FCCS feature, the basic programming of ASYD is required in addition to ASYDL or ASYDN.
NEAX2400 IPX Feature Programming ManualPage 584NDA-24297, Issue 1 P-7 Peg Count P-7 Peg Count General Description This service feature permits traffic studies and traffic analysis information to be accessed from the MAINTENANCE ADMINISTRATION TERMINAL (MAT) [M-18] and printed out. Operating Procedure Refer to the NEAX2400 IPX System Operations and Maintenance Manual. Service Conditions 1. This feature can be used for the FCCS network. For details, refer to the NEAX2400 IPX Operations and Maintenance Manual. 2. All information required for this feature is registered at the MAT. 3. The following information is available: STATION PEG COUNT: Number of call originations attempted Number of station-to-station or station-to-Attendant calls attempted Number of station-to-trunk calls attempted Number of call originations abandoned Number of station-to-station calls terminated Number of trunk-to-station calls terminated Number of total calls terminated to station Number of calls unanswered within a predetermined time Number of calls answered Number of calls unanswered Number of calls hearing busy tone and forwarded to the ATTENDANT CONSOLE [A-3] ATTENDANT PEG COUNT: Number of incoming calls per INCOMING CALL IDENTIFICATION [I-2] lamp Number of calls answered per INCOMING CALL IDENTIFICATION [I-2] busy ROUTE PEG COUNT: Number of times trunk route seizure attempted Number of times all trunks busy reached Number of times trunk seized Number of calls terminated to trunk route Number of incoming calls that seized register Number of incoming calls directed to ATTENDANT CONSOLE [A-3] Number of incoming calls directed to station Number of incoming calls directed to tandem connection Number of incoming calls abandoned 4. The above information may be registered and cancelled as required. 5. The measurement information printout cycle can be any period of time ranging from 30 minutes to 120 minutes (in 10-minute increments), as required.
NEAX2400 IPX Feature Programming Manual NDA-24297, Issue 1Page 585 Peg Count P-7 Service Conditions (cont’d) 6. Traffic measurement duration time is designated for more than one hour. If the traffic measurement duration time is not designated, the measurement is performed indefinitely until a stop command is entered on the MAT [M-18]. Interactions If the system is reset, traffic measurement requests are no longer in service. Programming To Order PEG COUNTS STEP 1:ASYD- System Data 1, Index 47, bit 7 = 1. STEP 2:ASTD- STM:7, STS:0, ST:1. STEP 3:AT R F- Assignment of Traffic Measurement Order TYPE: Type of Traffic Measurement INTERVAL: Output Interval must be assigned in units of 10 minutes. Available range is from 30-120 minutes or“0”must be assigned. FROM-TO-: Measurement to be designated. TIME: Output Time TYPE: 1: Terminal Traffic Measurement 2: Route Traffic Measurement 3: Station Peg Count 4: Attendant Console Peg Count 5: Route Peg Count 6: Service Peg Count 8: UCD Route Peg Count 9: UCD Group Peg Count 10: UCD Station Peg Count 11: CCIS Traffic Count To Display PEG COUNT Information STEP 1:DTF1- Display of Traffic Data 1 TYPE: Type of Traffic Measurement 1: Terminal Traffic 2: Route Traffic 3: Station Peg Count 4: ATT Peg Count 5: Route Peg Count PEG COUNT NEAX2400 IPX Station Peg Count TN = 1-255 Route Peg Count RT = 1-255 ATT Peg Count - Incoming TN = 1-255 ATT Peg Count - Answer ATT = 1-16
NEAX2400 IPX Feature Programming ManualPage 586NDA-24297, Issue 1 P-7 Peg Count Programming (cont’d) STEP 2:DTF2- Display of Traffic Data 2 TYPE: Type of Traffic Measurement 6: Service Peg Count STEP 3:DTF3- Display of Traffic Data 3 TYPE: Type of Traffic Measurement 8: UCD Route Peg Count 9: UCD Group Peg Count 10: UCD Station Peg Count STEP 4:DTF4- Display of Traffic Data 4 11: CCIS Traffic Count FCCS Programming No unique programming is required for the FCCS network.
NEAX2400 IPX Feature Programming Manual NDA-24297, Issue 1Page 587 Priority Call P-9 P-9 Priority Call General Description This feature allows the ATTENDANT CONSOLE [A-3] to answer various types of calls in the order of their priority. A special type of call can be handled prior to a regular call, at the Attendants discretion. Operating Procedure 1. Lift the handset and receive dial tone. 2. Dial the PRIORITY CALL number, then wait for the Attendant to answer. Note:PRIORITY CALL will terminate on a designated key on the ATTENDANT CONSOLE [A-3]. Service Conditions 1. The PRIORITY CALL must be answered via a designated key in order to gain a priority capability. The keys must be assigned by the MAINTENANCE ADMINISTRATION TERMINAL (MAT) [M-18]. 2. A PRIORITY CALL will not be picked up first, by pressing the ANSWER key, if other calls are waiting. 3. A PRIORITY CALL cannot be initiated while in CONSULTATION HOLD - ALL CALLS [C-17] or CALL HOLD [C-6]. 4. In the night mode, a PRIORITY CALL will terminate at the predetermined station. 5. The calling station obtains this feature via CLASS OF SERVICE - INDIVIDUAL [C-15]. 6. A station, instead of the ATTENDANT CONSOLE [A-3], can be the destination of a PRIORITY CALL in the day mode. 7. If the PRIORITY CALL encounters the destination station busy, the call will wait for the station to become idle. Ringback tone will be heard while the caller is waiting. 8. Three levels of PRIORITY CALLs can be assigned. 9. When the destination is a station, the originating stations should be assigned as a member of a PRIORITY CALL group. The maximum number of PRIORITY CALL groups is 7 per TENANT [T-12]. The terminating station must be assigned to each PRIORITY CALL group. 10. The terminating station of each group can be a member of a HUNTING GROUP [S-7, 8, 9]. 11. The terminating station can set CALL FORWARDING - ALL CALLS [C-5] and CALL FORWARDING -BUSYLINE[C-2]. 12. The terminating station for ATTENDANT NIGHT TRANSFER [A-19] and/or OFF-HOOK ALARM [O- 6] can be assigned as the terminating station of a PRIORITY CALL. 13. If the destination D termis busy (and not the pilot number of a UCD group), when a Priority Call is placed, ringback tone is returned to the calling party rather than busy tone, and the calling party is placed in queue. 14. When a UCD [U-1] station is assigned as the destination of PRIORITY CALL, queuing function of UCD is not available when all the stations within the UCD group are busy. 15. The Fusion Point Code (FPC) of the node which accommodates the called Attendant Console must be assigned after system data assignment. Interactions 1. If the destination Dtermis busy when a Priority Call is placed, ringback tone is returned to the calling party rather than a busy tone, and the calling party is placed in queue. 2. A Warning Tone is not provided at the called D termwhile a Priority Call is in progress.