NEC Neax 2400 Ipx Feature Programming Manual
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NEAX2400 IPX Feature Programming ManualPage 278NDA-24297, Issue 1 D-7 Direct-In Termination (DIT) Service Conditions (cont’d) 17. When activating this feature via the FCCS network, when the telephone number of the destination station is deleted: a.) When the Attendant Console is used, the DIT call terminates to the Attendant Console. b.) When the Attendant Console is not used, or if the Attendant Console is in night mode, the caller hears ringback tone. 18. When activating this feature via the FCCS network, a DIT call cannot be queued while all the FCCS links are busy. Calling party receives ringback tone at that time and after the FCCS link is restored to idle. 19. When activating this feature via the FCCS network, the different destination for C.O. incoming call (ring down) cannot be set at each tenant group. Interactions 1. Night DIT service is NIGHT CONNECTION - FIXED [N-1]. The NIGHT CONNECTION - FIXED/ FLEXIBLE [N-1, 2] feature can be used to simulate a DIT application. 2. When using NIGHT CONNECTION - FIXED/FLEXIBLE [N-1, 2], if the station is busy, the call will divert to TRUNK ANSWER ANY STATION [T-8], if provided. If not provided, the call will queue at the busy station until it becomes idle. 3. The DIRECT-IN TERMINATION trunk is limited to the following types: a.) DDD b.) FX c.) WATS d.) CCSA 4. All CALL FORWARDING [C-2, 3, 5] features may be used in conjunction with DIRECT-IN TERMINATION. In the case of CALL FORWARDING - DON’T ANSWER [C-3], the call must physically be ringing the DIT station. Call Forwarding is only available from a ground start DIT trunk. 5. STATION HUNTING [S-7, 8, 9] and UNIFORM CALL DISTRIBUTION (UCD) [U-1] may be used with DIRECT-IN TERMINATION. Programming STEP 1:ASYD- System Data 2, Index 11, Bit 7. Will the DIT call to a busy station be routed to the Attendant Console, or will it queue to the busy station? 0/1: Attendant Console/Queue. Assign on a per-tenant basis. If the call goes to the Attendant Console, it will ring in on the BUSY or ICPT key. System Data 1, Index 147. DIT supervisory timer for a busy station. How often will the CPU look at the Idle/Busy status of the station for rerouting the DIT call to the destination? This index works when System Data 2, Index 11, Bit 7 is 1. STEP 2:ARTD- Assign the DIRECT-IN TERMINATION route as shown below: GROUND START: RT: 1 1-OSGS :2 2-ONSG :3 3-ISGS :1 4-INSG :3 5-TF :2 6-TCL :1 7-L/T :1 8-RLP :2 15-LSG :1 LOOP START: RT:1 1-OSGS :2 2-ONSG :3 3-ISGS :1 4-INSG :3 5-TF :2 6-TCL :1 7-L/T :1 8-RLP :2 STEP 3:AT R K- Assign the LENs, DIT Trunk Route Number, Trunk Number, and Tenant Number. STEP 4:MBTK- Assign the Make Idle status to the DIT trunk.
NEAX2400 IPX Feature Programming Manual NDA-24297, Issue 1Page 279 Direct-In Termination (DIT) D-7 Programming (cont’d) STEP 5:ARSC- The DIT target station receiving the call must be assigned a Route Restriction Class (RSC), allowing the station to be connected to the trunk. The DIT route must be allowed via Route Restriction Indexes (RRI) 0 & 1. STEP 6:ACFR- Designate the type of incoming Call Class Indexes (CCI) that require a Transfer Service Feature Index (TSFI) = 3, DIRECT-IN TERMINATION. The type of CCI must match CDN 6 of the DIT route. For Night DIT (NIGHT CONNECTION-FIXED [N-1]), allow the CCI a TSFI = 2, NIGHT CONNECTION-FIXED [N-1]. For Day and Night DIT Service-Same Station STEP 7:ACS I- Assign the Route Number, Trunk Number, and Connection Service Index = 3 for DIT. Then assign the Tenant Number and Station Number to serve as the DIT station. For Day DIT Service STEP 8:ACS A- Assign the Route Number, Trunk Number, Connection Service Index A = 2 for DIT. Then assign the Tenant Number and Station Number to serve as the DIT station. For Day and Night DIT Service-Different Stations STEP 9:ACS I- Assign the Route Number, Trunk Number, Connection Service Index = 4 for NIGHT CONNECTION-FIXED (DIT) [N-1]. Then assign the Tenant Number and Station Number to serve as the DIT station. Night DIT Only STEP 10:ASCI- Assign the Route Number, Trunk Number, Connection Service Index = 4 for NIGHT CONNECTION-FIXED (DIT) [N-1]. Then assign the Tenant Number and Station Number to serve as the DIT station. FCCS Programming This data setting describes only the additional or replacement commands used to activate FCCS services. When used as an FCCS feature, these commands replace the non-network commands (for example, AAED is replaced by AAEDN). Note that the data setting for FCCS service varies depending on the node. Note 1 STEP 1:ACS IL- This command must be assigned to the node accommodating the COT. Assign the logical route number (LGRT), trunk number, and Connection Service Index (CSI) = 3 for DIT activated in Day and Night mode or 4 for DIT activated in Night mode. Then assign the user group number (UGN) and Telephone Number to serve as the DIT station. STEP 2:ACS AL- This command must be assigned to the node accommodating the COT, when setting the DIT service in day only or different DIT station is used in day and night. Assign the logical route number (LGRT), trunk number, and Connection Service Index A (CSIA) = 2 for DIT activated in Day mode. Then assign the User Group Number (UGN) and Telephone Number to serve as the DIT station. Note 1:When using ASYDL or ASYDN to program an FCCS feature, the basic programming of ASYD is required in addition to ASYDL or ASYDN. Note 2:The current data should also be set in addition the above-mentioned command: The command to be set to the node accommodating the COT: ASYD/ARTD/ATRK/MBTK/ARSC/ACFR.
NEAX2400 IPX Feature Programming ManualPage 280NDA-24297, Issue 1 D-8 Direct Inward Dialing (DID) D-8 Direct Inward Dialing (DID) General Description This feature provides for all incoming calls from the public network (except FX or WATS) to reach any system station without Attendant assistance. Operating Procedure The calling party, outside the system, dials the telephone number as usual. However, the call is answered directly at a predetermined station, bypassing the Attendant. Service Conditions 1. This feature requires that special DID trunks and telephone numbers be obtained through the local telephone company. Note:Not all telephone company Central Offices are capable of providing this service. 2. If the Central Office numbering plan differs from the user’s station numbering plan, addition or deletion of digits can be implemented to coincide with the existing numbering plan. 3. This feature is normally used when DIRECT-IN service is desired on an extensive or system-wide basis. 4. DID is also frequently referred to as CENTREX service. 5. If the called station is non-existent, the DID call is automatically routed to the Attendant or another predesignated station. Calls to invalid numbers can be routed to an Attendant or to a recorded announcement. See CALL FORWARDING - INTERCEPT/ANNOUNCEMENT[C-25]. 6. Wink-start or delay-start signaling is recommended for use in conjunction with this feature. 7. The DID trunk contains a switchable 2db transmission pad that is switched in or out via software control. 8. If DID trunk is immediate start, dial pulse is required. Interactions 1. Incoming calls have priority over outgoing calls. When a register is assigned as an Outgoing Register Trunk (ORT), it will also act as an Incoming Register Trunk (IRT) if no IRTs are available. Therefore, ORTs can act as IRTs, but if IRTs are programmed, they will not act as ORTs. 2. If immediate Start DID trunks are required, Incoming Register Trunks must be programmed in the same local processor as the DID trunks. 3. CALL FORWARDING [C-2, 3, 5]: When a station has activated a Call Forwarding feature (CALL FORWARDING - ALL CALLS [C-5], CALL FORWARDING - BUSY LINE [C-2], CALL FORWARDING - DONT ANSWER [C-3]), the DID call is forwarded to a designated station rather than to the specific station dialed. 4. STATION HUNTING [S-7, 8, 9]: If the called station is arranged for this feature and is busy, the call follows any prescribed hunting pattern. 5. CALL WAITING - TERMINATING [C-12]: If the called station has the Call Waiting - Terminating feature, Call Waiting ringback tone to the calling party is provided when the called station is busy. The called station hears a 2-burst Call Waiting Tone. Call Waiting is allowed in CDN 46:CW, of ARDT command. 6. On an incoming call to a busy station, the Call Forwarding feature takes precedence over the Station Hunting feature, and the Station Hunting feature takes precedence over the Call Waiting feature. 7. The PA-8TLT circuit card provides interface capabilities for eight DID circuits.
NEAX2400 IPX Feature Programming Manual NDA-24297, Issue 1Page 281 Direct Inward Dialing (DID) D-8 Programming STEP 1:ASYD- System Data 1, Index 16, Bit 3. Enable the 4-digit station number. It is normal to enable all options regarding length of station numbering. Assign data 1FH. System Data 1, Index 65. Assign the number of routes in the system. System Data 1, Index 70, Bit 0. Is Calling Number for a DID incoming to the Attendant in service? 0/ 1: No/Yes. STEP 2:ARTD- Assign the DIRECT INWARD DIALING route as shown below: RT:1 3-ISGS :7 4-INSG :3 5-TF :2 6-TCL :5* 7-L/T :1 8-RLP :2 15-LSG :8 28-ANS :1 46-CW :1 Note:*This can be assigned as data 1, DDD STEP 3:AT R K- Assign the LENs, DID Trunk Route Number, Trunk Number, and Tenant Number. Assign the LENs and Incoming Register Trunk Route number (903). The LENs must be for levels 0-3 for any 8RST circuit card. (See Interactions.) STEP 4:MBTK- Assign the make idle status to the DID and Incoming Register Trunks. STEP 5:ANPD- Reserve a number level for station access. Assign for Normal (N) and Hooking (H) service. Number of Necessary Digits (NND) is usually four, and the Busy Lamp Field is activated. STEP 6:ASPA- Assign the access code as assigned in ANPD above. Type of Service, SRV = STN (Station). Four is the number of digits usually required. STEP 7:ARSC- The DID station receiving the call must be assigned a Route Restriction Class (RSC) that will allow the station to be connected to the incoming DID route. The DID route must be allowed via Route Restriction Indexes (RRI) 0 & 1. FCCS Programming This data setting describes only the additional or replacement commands used to activate FCCS services. When used as an FCCS feature, these commands replace the non-network commands (for example, AAED is replaced by AAEDN). Note that the data setting for FCCS service varies depending on the node. Note STEP 1:ARTDN- Assign the DIRECT INWARD DIALING route as shown below: RT:1 3-ISGS :7 4-INSG :3 5-TF :2 6-TCL :5 7-L/T :1 8-RLP :2 15-LSG :8 28-ANS :1 46-CW :1 STEP 2:ANPDN- Reserve a number level for station access. Assign for Normal (N) and Hooking (H) service. Number of Necessary Digits (NND) is usually four, and the Busy Lamp Field is activated. STEP 3:ASPAN- Assign the access code as assigned in ANPD above. Type of Service, SRV=TELN. Four is the number of digits usually required. STEP 4:ARSCN- The DID station receiving the call must be assigned a Route Restriction Class (RSC) that will allow the station to be connected to the incoming DID route. The DID route must be allowed via Route Restriction Indexes (RRI) 0 & 1. Note:When using ASYDL or ASYDN to program an FCCS feature, the basic programming of ASYD is required in addition to ASYDL or ASYDN.
NEAX2400 IPX Feature Programming ManualPage 282NDA-24297, Issue 1 D-9 Direct Outward Dialing (DOD) D-9 Direct Outward Dialing (DOD) General Description This feature permits any user to gain access to the public network without the assistance of the Attendant, by dialing an access code and receiving a second dial tone. The user may then proceed to dial the desired public network number. Operating Procedure To place an outside call 1. Go off-hook; receive dial tone, 2. Dial the trunk access code (usually“9”), 3. Receive second dial tone from Central Office, 4. Dial the desired telephone number, 5. If the call is denied for any reason, reorder tone is heard. Service Conditions 1. Outgoing connection restriction can be assigned on an individual station basis. Refer to CLASS OF SERVICE - INDIVIDUAL[C-15]. 2. TOLL RESTRICTION - 3/6-DIGIT [T-7] may be applied to DIRECT OUTWARD DIALING. 3. Various types of trunks (FX, WATS, tie, CO, etc.) can be directly accessed using this feature. 4. The trunk group access code is limited to a maximum of three digits (only when the SPEED CALLING [S-3, 3D, 21, 23] service is required). 5. Use of the DOD feature can be denied on a per-trunk group basis when the following restrictions are active on the originating station line. Fully Restricted Stations: Direct Outward Dialing attempts are routed to reorder tone when the station is fully restricted. Restriction from Outgoing Calls: A station assigned this feature is denied the ability to dial-access preselected trunk groups. HOT LINE [H-1]: Exchange network call completion using this feature is not permitted. The originating station can only be routed to the ATTENDANT CONSOLE [A-3] or another station when going off-hook. MISCELLANEOUS TRUNK RESTRICTION [M-3]: Preselected station lines are denied access to preselected miscellaneous trunk groups, the station is routed to reorder tone when the station attempts to originate a call on the trunk group. TOLL RESTRICTION: Level of this feature restricts unauthorized station lines ability to complete outgoing Central Office or Foreign Exchange calls to specified areas or office codes within an area. TOLL DENIAL: A station with Toll Denial is routed to reorder tone when a 0 or 1 is dialed as the first digit after the trunk access code has been dialed. 6. The outgoing call using a trunk in the remote node via FCCS link is available. For more detailed information, see the NEAX2400 IPX Fusion Network System Manual. Interactions The COT circuit card is used for all ringdown trunks. This circuit card is equipped to interface with Central Office circuits and may be used for either loop start or ground start trunks.
NEAX2400 IPX Feature Programming Manual NDA-24297, Issue 1Page 283 Direct Outward Dialing (DOD) D-9 Programming STEP 1:ASYD- System Data 1, Index 65. Assign the number of routes in the system. STEP 2:ANPD- Reserve a number level for outgoing trunk access. Assign for Normal (N) and Hooking (H). Assign NND in accordance with a predetermined numbering scheme. STEP 3:ASPA- Assign the access code as assigned in ANPD above. Type of Service, SRV = OGC (Outgoing Call) Outgoing Trunk. Assign the route number associated with the access code. STEP 4:ARTD- Assign the DOD route as shown below: GROUND START: RT: 1 1-OSGS :2 2-ONSG :3 5-TF :1 6-TCL :1 7-L/T :1 8-RLP :2 15-LSG :1 LOOP START: RT:1 1-OSGS :2 2-ONSG :3 5-TF :1 6-TCL :1 7-L/T :1 8-RLP :2 STEP 5:AT R K- Assign the LENs, DOD Trunk Route Number), Trunk Number, and Tenant Number. STEP 6:MBTK- Assign the Make Idle status to the DOD trunks. STEP 7:ARSC- The Route Restriction Class must be constructed via RRI: 3, direct access, to allow the station access to the involved routes. FCCS Programming This data setting describes only the additional or replacement commands used to activate FCCS services. When used as an FCCS feature, these commands replace the non-network commands (for example, AAED is replaced by AAEDN). Note that the data setting for FCCS service varies depending on the node. Note STEP 1:ANPDL- Reserve a number level for outgoing trunk access. Assign for Normal (N) and Hooking (H). Assign NND in accordance with a predetermined numbering scheme. STEP 2:ASPAL- Assign the access code as assigned in ANPD above. Type of Service, SRV = OGC (Outgoing Call) Outgoing Trunk. Assign the logical route number associated with the access code. STEP 3:ARTDN- Assign the DOD route as shown below: GROUND START: RT: 1 1-OSGS :2 2-ONSG :3 5-TF :1 6-TCL :1 7-L/T :1 8-RLP :2 15-LSG :1 LOOP START: RT:1 1-OSGS :2 2-ONSG :3 5-TF :1 6-TCL :1 7-L/T :1 8-RLP :2 STEP 4:ARSCN- The Route Restriction Class must be constructed via RRI: 3, direct access, to allow the station access to the involved routes. Note:When using ASYDL or ASYDN to program an FCCS feature, the basic programming of ASYD is required in addition to ASYDL or ASYDN.
NEAX2400 IPX Feature Programming ManualPage 284NDA-24297, Issue 1 D-10 Distinctive Ringing D-10 Distinctive Ringing General Description This feature provides distinctive station ringing patterns so that the user can distinguish between internal and external incoming calls. Operating Procedure No manual operation is required. Service Conditions Ringing Patterns 1. Ringing for Incoming Internal Call a.) When a Service Feature Class that allows Personal Ringer (ASFC command, SFI 148) is assigned to a station: RINGER PATTERN 1 - Ringing for Incoming Internal Call to Pilot Number: 2-second ring / 4-second silence RINGER PATTERN 5 - Ringing for Incoming Internal Call to Personal Number (ex. My Line): Note 2-second ring (3 bursts) / 1-second silence Note:Personal Number means the telephone number allowed Personal Ringer function. b.) When a Service Feature Class that restricts Personal Ringer (ASFC command, SFI 148) is assigned to a station: RINGER PATTERN 1 - 2-second ring / 4-second silence 2. Ringing for Incoming External Call: a.) RINGER PATTERN 0 - 1-second ring / 2-second silence 3. Recall Ringing for CALL BACK [C-1], CALL WAITING - ORIGINATING [C-31], or OUTGOING TRUNK QUEUING [O-2]: a.) RINGER PATTERN 1 - 2-second ring / 4-second silence Or RINGER PATTERN 5 - 2-second ring (3 bursts) / 1-second silence Note:These timing parameters can be changed via the end users requirements (1-15 seconds). 4. This feature may be assigned per-trunk route via system data programming. 5. If an Off-Premises Station (OPX) or denied station is assigned to a station line, an option is available for that Class of Service to eliminate burst ringing signals. 6. The DISTINCTIVE RINGING interruption rates can be optionally selected on a per-system basis. In this case, system initialization may be required. 7. An option is available on a per-trunk group basis to provide one-burst ringing on terminating calls. 8. When calling a third station (THREE-WAY CALLING [T-2], CONSULTATION HOLD [C-17], etc.), the ringing signal to the called station depends on the type of facility (station or trunk) on hold. Interactions 1. CALL HOLD [C-6]: Recall ringing for CALL HOLD [C-6] can be distinguished between a held station call (2-burst ringing) from a held trunk call (1-burst ringing).
NEAX2400 IPX Feature Programming Manual NDA-24297, Issue 1Page 285 Distinctive Ringing D-10 Interactions (cont’d) 2. CONSULTATION HOLD [C-17]: Station A places Party B on CONSULTATION HOLD [C-17] and calls Station C. If Party B is a trunk, Station C hears DISTINCTIVE RINGING for a trunk call. If Party B is a station, Station C hears distinctive ringing for a station call. 3. When Personal Ringer function is set to a station, if an incoming internal call is terminated to the personal number and the call is transferred by CALL FORWARDING - DON’T ANSWER [C-3], Ringer Pattern of the transferred station varies depending upon the type of the telephone as shown below: Programming STEP 1:ASYD- System Data 1, Index 72, Bit 6. Is DISTINCTIVE RINGING applied to calls handled via the Attendant Console? 0/1: No/Yes. Otherwise, these calls will ring as station-to-station calls. RINGER PATTERN 0 - Normally used for C.O. Calls. System Data 3, Index 0. Timer Value for Ringer Pattern 0. Normally, data 21Hex (1 sec.-ON, 2 sec.- OFF) is assigned to this Index. System Data 3, Index 3, Bit 0. 2-Burst (0.4 sec.-ON, 0.2 sec.-OFF, 0.4 sec.-ON) on the ON Time for Ringer Pattern 0. 0/1:Not Required/Required. RINGER PATTERN 1 System Data 3, Index 1. Timer Value for Ringer Pattern 1. Normally, data 42Hex (2 sec.-ON, 4 sec.- OFF) is assigned to this Index. System Data 3, Index 3, Bit 1. 2-Burst (0.4 sec.-ON, 0.2 sec.-OFF, 0.4 sec.-ON) on the ON Time for Ringer Pattern 1. 0/1:Not Required/Required. RINGER PATTERN 5 System Data 3, Index 7. Timer Value for Ringer Pattern 5. System Data 3, Index 3, Bit 5. 3-Burst (0.4 sec.-ON, 0.2 sec.-OFF, 0.8 sec.-ON, 0.2 sec.-OFF, 0.4 sec.- ON) on the ON Time for Ringer Pattern 5. 0/1:Not Required/Required. System Data 1, Index 417, Bit 0. Recall Ringer Pattern for CALL BACK [C-1], CALL WAITING - ORIGINATING [C-31], and OUTGOING TRUNK QUEUING [O-2]. 0/1:Ringer Pattern 5/Ringer Pattern 1. STEP 2:ARTD- To provide a distinctive ring to specific routes, assign data“1”to CDN 12:DR. STEP 3:ASFC- Assign a Service Feature Class that allows SFI 48, Burst Ringing, to PA-16LC port station that will not operate using DISTINCTIVE RINGING. With this feature, the system does not look at ASYD, System Data 3, Index 3, Bits 0 and 1 to determine how this telephone will ring. Telex, FAX machines, and OPX stations may require a longer ringing signal. Digital D terms will not respond to this feature. Assign a Service Feature Class that allows SFI 148 to the stations that activates Personal Ringer function. Personal Ringer function changes Ringing Pattern for Incoming Internal Call according to the called number as shown below: Incoming Internal Call terminated to Pilot Number: RINGER PATTERN 1 Incoming Internal Call terminated to Personal Number (ex. My Line): RINGER PATTERN 5 TYPE OF TRANSFERRED STATION RINGER PATTERN Analog Telephone 1 D term5
NEAX2400 IPX Feature Programming ManualPage 286NDA-24297, Issue 1 D-11D Do Not Disturb - Dterm D-11D Do Not Disturb - Dterm General Description This feature allows a user to establish DO NOT DISTURB status. Incoming calls will be denied access to MY Line, while DO NOT DISTURB status is in effect. Operating Procedure To set 1. Press the DO NOT DISTURB (DND) key. The associated LED will light. The LCD displays: To cancel 2. Press the DO NOT DISTURB (DND) key. The LED will go out. The LCD displays: Service Conditions 1. This service can only be set or cancelled while the Dtermis idle. 2. Lines programmed to ring will not do so while this service is set. 3. While DO NOT DISTURB is set, outgoing calls may be made. The user may answer other lines, excluding MY Line. 4. DND is not displayed on the calling station’sD termwhen the called station is in the DO NOT DISTURB condition. Restriction (REST) appears on the display in place of DND; reorder tone is heard, and no indication will appear in the DO NOT DISTURB condition when the calling station is a HOTLINE [H-1]. 5. A DND station in a HUNT GROUP [D-7, 8, 9] is skipped. 6. CALL FORWARDING - BUSY LINE [C-2] can be activated for an idle station that has set DND. 7. The following service features are denied to the DND station: ATTENDANT CAMP-ON WITH TONE INDICATION [A-1] ATTENDANT OVERRIDE [A-7] BOSS-SECRETARY OVERRIDE - D term[B-5D] BUSY VERIFICATION [B-3] EXECUTIVE RIGHT-OF-WAY [E-1, E-1D] VOICE CALL - D term[V-2D] 8. When the user sets DO NOT DISTURB while engaged in a call, privacy is set. In this case, the following services will be restricted: CALL WAITING TERMINATING [C-12] EXECUTIVE RIGHT-OF-WAY [E-1, E-1D]DND SET (Time Display) DND CANCEL (Time Display) REST XXXXX (Time Display)
NEAX2400 IPX Feature Programming Manual NDA-24297, Issue 1Page 287 Do Not Disturb - DtermD-11D Interactions 1. DO NOT DISTURB may be listed in some literature as available by a programmable Line/Feature key. A DtermACD station is not equipped with a DND key. If DO NOT DISTURB is to be made available to this station, it must be programmed to a Line/Feature key. 2. DATA INTERFACE-AUTOMATIC ANSWER may be activated if the D termstation is in the DO NOT DISTURB mode. Programming STEP 1:AKYD- Assign the following key data for the Dterm: TN: 1 STN: Station Number TP: Type of D term0/1: RING: 0: No Ringing 1: Ringing All Lines 2: RingingonPrimeLineOnly 3: Flexible Ring Assignment, enables RG parameter KYN: Key Number (1-40) KYI: Service Index 0: Key Not Used 1: Feature Key 2: Multi-Line Key KD: Not assigned for Feature Key FKY: Feature key Number FKY: = 50, DO NOT DISTURB STEP 2:ADSL- Assign SN=0 (Idle) and FKY=50 (Do Not Disturb; DND). This command is used for assigning the function to each soft key. STEP 3:ASFC- Select an indication type (REST/DND) on the display of a D termwhen it terminates to a station that has been set DO NOT DISTURB. SFI: = 114, Calling Party DND Indication (D term) 0/1: REST/DND.