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    							NEAX2400 IPX Feature Programming ManualPage 108NDA-24297, Issue 1
    C-1D Call Back - Dterm
    Service Conditions (cont’d)
    4. There is no time limit for CALL BACK. Once activated, it will remain in status memory until completed
    or manually cancelled.
    5. CALL BACK cannot be activated to more than one station at a time. (Calling party).
    6. CALL BACK cannot be set by more than one station at a time. (Called party).
    7. A station cannot use CALL BACK and OUTGOING TRUNK QUEUING [O-2] at the same time.
    8. When the calling station is called back, STATION HUNTING [S-7, 8, 9] and CALL PICKUP [C-7]
    programming will be ignored.
    9. There is no limit to the number of stations that may access this feature simultaneously.
    10. CALL BACK can only be activated from MY Line of a D
    11. CALL BACK cannot be established to a busy station when the station is engaged in any of the following:
    CALL HOLD [C-6, C-6D]
    12. A delay timer can be set in system programming, on a system-wide basis. This allows a station to which
    CALL BACK has been set to initiate another call within a predetermined time period after becoming idle,
    before the CALL BACK feature is activated. The delay timer can be set in multiples of 2 seconds, up to a
    maximum of 14 seconds.
    13. CALL BACK service cannot be set when FCCS links are all busy.
    14. CALL BACK service that has already been set is automatically cancelled when FCCS links are all busy
    at the moment the target station becomes idle.
    STEP 1:ASYD- System Data 1, Index 139. No Answer Timer for CALL BACK. Assign 00H. (RAM data is
    3FH = 30 seconds.)
    System Data 1, Index 68, Bit 0. 0/1: SHF and access code/last digit of telephone number + access code.
    System Data 2, Index 0, Bit 0. Is CALL BACK enabled on a per-tenant basis? 0/1: No/Yes.
    System Data 2, Index 4, Bit 0. CALL BACK and OUTGOING TRUNK QUEUING [O-2] access
    codes are same or separate? 0/1: Separate/Same.
    System Data 3, Index 3, Bit 5. Enable Ringer pattern 5 for CALL BACK. See DISTINCTIVE
    System Data 3, Index 7. Assign data 24H for 4 seconds On, 2 seconds Off.
    System Data 1, Index 5, Bit 7: CALL BACK - Delay Timer: 0/1 = Out/In Service.
    System Data 1, Index 5, Bits 4 through 6: Delay Timer. Value equals 2 seconds X the Data set.
    STEP 2:ANPD- Reserve a number level for service feature access and cancel. Assign for Normal (N) and
    Busy (B). Assign NND in accordance with a predetermined numbering plan.
    STEP 3:ASPA- Assign an access code to CALL BACK - Entry, SRV = SSC (Service Code), SID = 3 and a
    Connection Status Index (CI) for Busy (B) service. For CALL BACK - Cancel, SRV = SSC (Service
    Code), SID = 6. Assign a Connection Status Index (CI) for Normal (N) service.
    STEP 4:ASFC- Assign a Service Feature Class that allows SFI = 2 to stations to be allowed the feature, CALL
    STEP 5:AKYD-ForD
    termsets, CALL BACK may be assigned to a programmable line/feature key. Assign
    Type:Function:CALL BACK [5].
    STEP 6:AT N R- Allow TRI 0, station-to-station calling for Inter and Intra-tenant connections. 
    							NEAX2400 IPX Feature Programming Manual
    NDA-24297, Issue 1Page 109
    Call Back - DtermC-1D
    FCCS Programming 
    This data setting describes only the additional or replacement commands used to activate FCCS
    services. When used as an FCCS feature, these commands replace the non-network commands (for
    example, AAED is replaced by AAEDN). Note that the data setting for FCCS service varies depending
    on the node.
    Note 1
    STEP 1:ANPDL- Reserve a number level for service feature access and cancel. Assign for Normal (N) and
    Busy (B). Assign NND in accordance with a predetermined numbering plan.
    STEP 2:ASPAL- Assign an access code to CALL BACK - Entry, SRV = SSC (Service Code), SID = 3 and a
    Connection Status Index (CI) for Busy (B) service. For CALL BACK - Cancel, SRV = SSC (Service
    Code), SID = 6. Assign a Connection Status Index (CI) for Normal (N) service.
    Note 1:When using ASYDL or ASYDN to program an FCCS feature, the basic programming of ASYD is required
    in addition to ASYDL or ASYDN.
    Note 2:System timers may be set on a network basis in ASYDN. 
    							NEAX2400 IPX Feature Programming ManualPage 110NDA-24297, Issue 1
    C-2 Call Forwarding - Busy Line
    C-2  Call Forwarding - Busy Line
    General Description
    This feature permits a call to a busy station to be immediately forwarded to a predesignated station or to the
    If a called station is in a STATION HUNTING [S-7, 8, 9] Group and forwards calls to another Hunt Group, it can
    be determined through system data that the calling party has been directed either to the called parties Hunt Group or
    to the terminating parties Hunt Group when all of the forwarded stations are busy.
    Operating Procedure
    To set from an individual station
    1. Lift the handset, receive dial tone.
    2. Dial the specific CALL FORWARDING - BUSY LINE access code; receive special dial tone.
    3. Dial the desired target telephone number; receive service set tone.
    To cancel from an individual station
    1. Lift the handset, receive dial tone.
    2. Dial the specific CALL FORWARDING - BUSY LINE cancel code; receive service set tone.
    To set from the ATTENDANT CONSOLE [A-3]
    1. Press an idle loop key.
    2. Dial the specific CALL FORWARDING - BUSY LINE access code; receive special dial tone.
    3. Dial the TENANT SERVICE [T-12] number (2/3 digits).
    4. Dial the originating telephone number.
    5. Dial the desired target telephone number; receive service set tone.
    To cancel from the ATTENDANT CONSOLE [A-3]
    1. Press an idle loop key.
    2. Dial the specific CALL FORWARDING - BUSY LINE cancel code.
    3. Dial the TENANT SERVICE [T-12] number (2/3 digits).
    4. Dial the originating telephone number; receive service set tone.
    Service Conditions
    1. This feature may be set and cancelled by either the user or the Attendant.
    2. CALL FORWARDING - BUSY LINE data remains in the data memory, even if the system is re-
    initialized or in the event of a power failure, but it must be saved to HD.
    3. Stations are assigned this feature according to CLASS OF SERVICE [C-15] programming in system data.
    4. Registration memories for CALL FORWARDING - BUSY LINE and CALL FORWARDING - DONT
    ANSWER [C-3] are common. Changing System Data will enable separation of the two, permitting
    separate access codes to be assigned.
    5. CALL FORWARDING - BUSY LINE can be provided on a tenant or an individual station basis.
    6. Call Forwarding on a tenant basis allows any incoming calls that encounter a busy condition to be
    forwarded to a predetermined station or the ATTENDANT CONSOLE [A-3].
    7. Individual CALL FORWARDING - BUSY LINE supersedes system basis call forwarding.
    8. If all the stations in the terminating Hunt Group are busy, the calling party will hear busy tone and will not
    return to the called parties Hunt Group. 
    							NEAX2400 IPX Feature Programming Manual
    NDA-24297, Issue 1Page 111
    Call Forwarding - Busy Line C-2
    Service Conditions (cont’d)
    9. When MULTIPLE CALL FORWARDING - BUSY LINE [M-24] service is activated, hunting will be
    performed at the last destination of the forwarded call, even though the multiple jumped stations are in a
    Hunt Group.
    10. When the pilot station of a STATION HUNTING [S-7, 8, 9] Group activates CALL FORWARDING -
    BUSY LINE to a station (not a member of a Hunt Group) and system parameters specify that call hunting
    will be activated at the forwarded station, the NEAX2400 IPX will send busy tone if the forwarded station
    is busy. If the system parameters specify hunting at the forwarding station, and the forwarded station is
    busy, the call will hunt in the forwarding stations Hunt Group.
    11. When a station CALL FORWARDS - ALL CALLS [C-5] to a pilot in a STATION HUNTING [S-7, 8, 9]
    Group and the pilot activates CALL FORWARD - BUSY LINE to another station, if system parameters
    define the call to hunt to the forwarded Hunt Group and all stations are busy, the calling party will hunt at
    the called stations Hunt Group. If system parameters define the call to hunt to the forwarding Hunt Group
    and all stations are busy, the calling party will then hunt to the forwarding stations Hunt Group.
    12. If the called station is the pilot of a UCD [U-1] group and activates CALL FORWARDING - BUSY LINE,
    the calling station will queue to the UCD [U-1] group and will not Call Forward.
    13. If a calling station, ATTENDANT CONSOLE [A-3], or trunk receives a busy tone after being CALL
    these services will be activated to the calling station.
    14. There is no limitation to the number of stations that can set CALL FORWARDING - BUSY LINE
    15. The operator answering a Call Forwarded call can identify the called telephone number on the
    ATTENDANT CONSOLE [A-3] display.
    16. When a user places a call to a busy station which has been set CALL FORWARDING-BUSY LINE [C-
    2], the calling party can override the call forwarding feature, activating service features associated with
    busy status such as CALL BACK [C-1], EXECUTIVE RIGHT-OF-WAY [E-1], STEP CALLS [S-13],
    provided that the service feature class (SFC) of the calling party permits this feature. Otherwise, the call
    is forwarded to a predetermined destination as usual.
    Programming of this feature:
    TN: Tenant Number
    SFI: 128 (Service selection for a busy station with Call Forwarding - Busy Line service)
    SFC: Service Feature Class
    RES: (Allowed)
    17. The OAI monitor number and the ACD pilot number cannot be assigned as the Call Forwarding target
    telephone number except when called from a station or a tie line trunk.
    18. When a call terminates to a busy station setting CALL FORWARDING - BUSY LINE, depending on the
    calling station service restriction class, it can be selected to make the station busy (not to activate CALL
    FORWARDING - BUSY LINE) and to activate such services as ATTENDANT CAMP-ON [A-1], BUSY
    19. This service is not available when the called party is the attendant console or monitoring station. However,
    the service is available when these stations are designated as the transfer destination of CALL
    20. This service is available only when the called party is busy and has set CALL FORWARDING - BUSY
    LINE. In case CALL FORWARDING - BUSY LINE is set as the second hop and after in the Multiple
    Call Forwarding link, this service is not available. 
    							NEAX2400 IPX Feature Programming ManualPage 112NDA-24297, Issue 1
    C-2 Call Forwarding - Busy Line
    Service Conditions (cont’d)
    21. This service is available in the following occasions:
    a.) When the destination of the CALL FORWARDING - BUSY LINE service is the calling station.
    b.) When the calling party is the attendant console or the night station, and the destination of the
    CALL FORWARDING - BUSY LINE service is also the attendant console or the night station.
    22. SPLIT CALL FORWARDING [S-99] is available only when the calling party is the station or the CCIS
    23. A telephone number must be set to the call forwarding destination.
    24. This feature is not available for stations having a telephone number of seven digits or more.
    25. A call can be forwarded to an Attendant Console in the remote node via FCCS link.
    26. When a call is forwarded through FCCS link, the numbering plan of the originally called station must be
    identical with that of the forwarded Attendant Console.
    [C-3] are the same, only one key needs to be assigned in AKYD.
    2. If a call is terminated, using ATTENDANT CAMP-ON [A-1], Station A has CALL FORWARDING-
    BUSY LINE set to Station B, and Station B is both busy and a member of a STATION HUNTING [S-7,
    8, 9] Group, the call will Camp-On at Station A and not hunt; ASYD - System Data 1, Index 69, Bit 5 = 0.
    3. If CALL WAITING [C-12, 31], ATTENDANT CAMP-ON [A-1], and/or CALL BACK [C-1] is directed
    toward Station A, Station A has CALL FORWARDING-BUSY LINE set to Station B, and Station B is
    busy, and Station A will receive Call Waiting Tone; ASYD - System Data 1, Index 69, Bit 5 = 0.
    4. A non-controlling UD station is allowed to activate CALL FORWARDING-BUSY LINE [C-2]. When
    this station sets CALL FORWARDING-BUSY LINE, only calls directly dialed to this station are Call
    5. If an Attendant attempts BUSY VERIFICATION [B-3] to Station A that has CALL FORWARDING-
    BUSY LINE set to Station B and Station B is busy, BUSY VERIFICATION [B-3] is allowed at Station
    A. If Station B has set CALL FORWARDING-BUSY LINE to the Attendant Console, BUSY
    VERIFICATION [B-3] is allowed at Station A.
    6. When CALL FORWARDING-BUSY LINE is in effect, the activating station may be used to originate
    7. When a call is Call Forwarded, the destination station is recorded for STATION MESSAGE DETAIL
    RECORDING [S-10].
    8. STATION-TO-STATION CALLING [S-11] must be provided.
    FCCS LinkStation Ahas been set
    Call Forwarding service to
    Attendant Console B
    Console B 
    							NEAX2400 IPX Feature Programming Manual
    NDA-24297, Issue 1Page 113
    Call Forwarding - Busy Line C-2
    Interactions (cont’d)
    9. A calling station, Attendant Console, or trunk can successfully activate EXECUTIVE RIGHT-OF-WAY
    VERIFICATION [B-3] after having been Call Forwarded and having received busy tone. (A trunk cannot
    activate EXECUTIVE RIGHT-OF-WAY [E-1] or BUSY VERIFICATION [B-3]); ASYD - System Data
    1, Index 69 = 1, Bit 5 = 1.
    STEP 1:ASYD- System Data 1, Index 5, Bit 0. Are access codes for CALL FORWARDING-BUSY LINE and
    CALL FORWARDING-DON’T ANSWER the same or separate? 0/1: Same/Separate.
    System Data 1, Index 69, Bit 7, and System Data 1, Index 5, Bits 1~3 for MULTIPLE CALL
    STEP 2:ANPD- Reserve a number level for feature access and cancel. Assign Connection Index, CI = N, H,
    B; Normal, Hooking, and Busy (applicable to any feature assigned to this level). Assign NND in
    accordance with a predetermined numbering plan.
    STEP 3:ASPA- Assign an access code to CALL FORWARDING-BUSY LINE Entry, SID = 10 and to CALL
    FORWARDING-BUSY LINE Cancel, SID = 11. Assign Connection Status Index (CI) for Normal (N)
    STEP 4:ASFC- Assign the stations to receive CALL FORWARDING-BUSY LINE a Service Feature Class
    that allows SFI = 9.
    STEP 5:AKYD-ForD
    termsets, CALL FORWARDING-BUSY LINE may be assigned to a programmable
    line/feature key. Assign Type:Function:CALL FORWARDING-BUSY LINE [1].
    STEP 6:AT N R- Allow tenant-to-tenant connection for Inter and Intra-tenant connections. Assign Tenant
    Restriction Index (TRI) = 1. For this feature to be set by the Attendant Console assignment, assign TRI
    = 3 for Inter and Intra-Tenant connection via the Attendant Console. This allows a station in one tenant
    to be Call Forwarded to a station in the same or different tenant. Also assign TRI = 0, station-to-station
    STEP 7:ACFO- For tenant-wide CALL FORWARDING-BUSY LINE of an incoming DID and DIT calls,
    assign CF = 1 for a destination (CFI) of either the Attendant Console or station.
    FCCS Programming 
    This data setting describes only the additional or replacement commands used to activate FCCS
    services. When used as an FCCS feature, these commands replace the non-network commands (for
    example, AAED is replaced by AAEDN). Note that the data setting for FCCS service varies depending
    on the node.
    Note 1
    STEP 1:ASYDL- This Data must be assigned to all the nodes set Call Forwarding service.
    System Data 1, Index 640: Assign the Fusion Point Code (FPC) of the node providing the attendant
    Note 1:When using ASYDL or ASYDN to program an FCCS feature, the basic programming of ASYD is required
    in addition to ASYDL or ASYDN.
    Note 2:The data of the ASFC command is assigned to the node set Call Forwarding service. 
    							NEAX2400 IPX Feature Programming ManualPage 114NDA-24297, Issue 1
    C-2D Call Forwarding - Busy Line - Dterm
    C-2D  Call Forwarding - Busy Line - Dterm
    General Description
    This feature permits a call to a busy station to immediately be forwarded to a predesignated station, or to the
    Attendant. CALL FORWARDING - BUSY LINE - Dtermmay be set or cancelled by the user for all multi-line
    appearances on the Dterm. Additionally, a single line user may set CALL FORWARDING - BUSY LINE - Dtermfor
    all sub-lines on the Dterm.
    Operating Procedure
    To set
    1. Lift the handset or press the SPEAKER key; receive dial tone.
    2. Press the CALL FORWARDING - BUSY LINE FORWARD-BY key; receive special dial tone.
    3. Dial the desired target telephone number; receive service set tone. The LED of the associated feature key
    lights and the LCD displays:
    Target Station
    4. Replace the handset or press the SPEAKER key.
    5. If the target station is the Attendant Console, the LCD displays:
    To monitor
    1. Press the CALL FORWARDING - BUSY LINE FORWARD-BY feature key. The LCD displays:
    Target Station
    2. If the target station is the Attendant Console:
    To cancel
    1. Lift the handset or press the SPEAKER key; receive dial tone.
    2. Press the FORWARD-BY key; receive service set tone. The LCD displays:
    3. The associated LED goes out.
    4. Replace the handset or press the SPEAKER key.FORWARD SET
                       (Time Display) 
    FWD SET 
                      (Time Display)       
                       (Time Display) 
    FWD SET 
                       (Time Display)      
                      (Time Display)  
    							NEAX2400 IPX Feature Programming Manual
    NDA-24297, Issue 1Page 115
    Call Forwarding - Busy Line - DtermC-2D
    Operating Procedure (cont’d)
    To set CALL FORWARDING - BUSY LINE - Dterm to a Dterm multi-line
    1. Press the multi-line key for which CALL FORWARDING - BUSY LINE - Dtermfeature is to be set.
    2. Lift the handset or press the SPEAKER key; receive special dial tone.
    3. Press the CALL FORWARDING - BUSY LINE“FORWARD-BY”feature key; receive special dial tone.
    4. Dial the desired target telephone number; receive service set tone. The LCD displays:
    Target Station
    5. The LED of the associated feature key lights on the D
    termfor which this multi-line is a MY Line.
    6. If the target station is the Attendant, the LCD displays:
    7. Replace the handset or press the SPEAKER key.
    To monitor CALL FORWARDING - BUSY LINE to a Dterm multi-line
    1. Press the multi-line key for which CALL FORWARDING - BUSY LINE - Dtermis to be monitored.
    2. Press the FORWARD-BY key. The LCD displays:
    Target Station 
    If the target station is the Attendant Console:
    To cancel CALL FORWARDING - BUSY LINE to a Dterm multi-line
    1. Press the multi-line key for which CALL FORWARDING - BUSY LINE - Dtermfeature is to be cancelled.
    2. Lift the handset or press the SPEAKER key; receive dial tone.
    3. Press the FORWARD-BY key; receive service set tone. The LED of the associated feature key will go out
    on the D
    termfor which this multi-line is a MY Line. The LCD displays:
    4. Replace the handset or press the SPEAKER key.
    Service Conditions
    1. This feature may be set and cancelled by the user or the Attendant.
    termdata remains programmed, even if the system is
    reinitialized or a power failure occurs.FORWARD SET XXXX
                       (Time Display) 
                       (Time Display) 
                      (Time Display) 
                      (Time Display) 
                     (Time Display)  
    							NEAX2400 IPX Feature Programming ManualPage 116NDA-24297, Issue 1
    C-2D Call Forwarding - Busy Line - Dterm
    Service Conditions (cont’d)
    3. This feature is assigned to stations through CLASS OF SERVICE - INDIVIDUAL [C-15] programming
    in system data.
    4. There is no limitation to the number of stations that can set CALL FORWARDING - BUSY LINE [C-2]
    termmay also be accessed via the dial pad or SPEED CALLING
    - ONE TOUCH [S-22].
    Note:If this feature is accessed via the dial pad, it must be cancelled via the dial pad.
    6. If separate access codes are programmed into system data for CALL FORWARDING - DONT ANSWER
    [C-3] and CALL FORWARDING - BUSY LINE [C-2], separate feature keys must be programmed on
    each D
    termto equip it with both features.
    termcan be provided on a tenant and/or an individual station
    8. Call Forwarding on a tenant basis allows any incoming calls, which encounter a busy condition, to be
    forwarded to a predetermined station or the ATTENDANT CONSOLE [A-3].
    9. Individual CALL FORWARDING - BUSY LINE - D
    termsupersedes tenant basis CALL
    10. The display of an intermediate station on a D
    terms LCD panel may be allowed or denied according to
    system data. This assignment is done on a system basis. The LCD displays:
    Intermediate Station Calling/Called Party
    Note:When the telephone number of the intermediate or calling/called station exceeds 8 digits, the last 8 digits
    are displayed. However, a maximum of 16 digits calling/called telephone number can be displayed on the
    middle line of LCD depending on the system data.
    termsupersedes STATION HUNTING [S-7, 8, 9].
    12. The operator answering a forwarded call can identify the called number on the ATTENDANT CONSOLE
    [A-3] display.
    13. If the called station is the pilot of a UCD [U-1] group and activates CALL FORWARDING - BUSY LINE
    term, the calling station will queue to the UCD [U-1] group and will not CALL FORWARD.
    14. If a calling station, ATTENDANT CONSOLE [A-3], or trunk receives busy tone after setting CALL
    VERIFICATION [B-3], these services will be activated to the calling station.
    15. If all the stations in the terminating Station Hunt Group are busy, the forwarding call will hear busy tone
    and will not return to the calling partys Hunting Group.
    16. When MULTIPLE CALL FORWARDING - BUSY LINE [M-24] service is activated, hunting will be
    performed at the last destination of the forwarded call, even though the multiple jumped stations are in a
    Hunt Group.
    17. When the pilot station of a Hunt Group activates CALL FORWARDING - BUSY LINE - D
    termto a station
    (not a member of a Hunt Group) and system parameters specify that Call Hunting will be activated at the
    forwarded station, the NEAX2400 IPX will send busy tone if the forwarded station is busy. If the system
    parameters specify hunting at the forwarding station and the forwarded station is busy, the call will hunt
    in the forwarding stations Hunt Group.CF BUSY XXXX
                         (Time Display)  
    							NEAX2400 IPX Feature Programming Manual
    NDA-24297, Issue 1Page 117
    Call Forwarding - Busy Line - DtermC-2D
    Service Conditions (cont’d)
    18. When a station sets CALL FORWARDING - ALL CALLS [C-5] to a pilot in a Hunt Group, and the pilot
    activates CALL FORWARDING - BUSY LINE to another station, if the system parameters define the call
    to hunt to the forwarded-to Station Hunt Group and all stations are busy, the calling party will hunt at the
    called stations Hunt Group. If system parameters assign the call to hunt to the forwarding Station Hunt
    Group and all stations are busy, the calling party will then hunt to the forwarding stations Hunt Group.
    19. This service feature can be restricted according to the service restriction class of the D
    termMY Line. Even
    after the CALL FORWARDING - BUSY LINE [C-2] has been set to a Dtermmulti-line, incoming calls
    to the multi-line cannot be transferred if the service restriction class of the MY Line restricts this service
    20. A user may set CALL FORWARDING - BUSY LINE - D
    termfor a multi-line appearance based on the
    CLASS OF SERVICE - INDIVIDUAL [C-15], as assigned to the station setting the service. The figure
    below is a simplified key sheet assignment for stations 200 & 201. The CLASS OF SERVICE -
    INDIVIDUAL [C-15] for station 200 is allowed CALL FORWARDING - BUSY LINE - D
    term, but the
    CLASS OF SERVICE - INDIVIDUAL [C-15] for station 201 is not. Station 200 is able to set CALL
    termfor station 201. The associated feature button LED on station 201
    will illuminate.
    Note:The FORWARD-BY key is same as the CALL FORWARDING - BUSY LINE feature key.
    Even when a sub-line of Dtermis assigned as the destination station, the call is not forwarded if the MY
    Line of that Dtermis not allowed CALL FORWARDING - DONT ANSWER - Dterm.
    21. This feature is applicable to CALL FORWARDING - OUTSIDE [C-28] and CALL FORWARDING/
    22. When a user places a call to a busy station which has been set CALL FORWARDING-BUSY LINE [C-
    2], the calling party can override the call forwarding feature, activating service features associated with
    busy status such as CALL BACK [C-1], EXECUTIVE RIGHT-OF-WAY [E-1], STEP CALLS [S-13],
    provided that the service feature class (SFC) of the calling party permits this feature. Otherwise, the call
    is forwarded to a predetermined destination as usual.
    23. This service is not available when the called party is the attendant console or monitoring station. However,
    the service is available when these stations are designated as the transfer destination of CALL
    24. This service is available only when the called party is busy and has set CALL FORWARDING - BUSY
    LINE. In case CALL FORWARDING - BUSY LINE is set as the second hop and after in the Multiple
    Call Forwarding link, this service is not available.
    25. This service is available in the following occasions:
    a.) When the destination of the CALL FORWARDING - BUSY LINE service is the calling station.
    MY LINE MULTI-LINE MY LINE MULTI-LINE Station 200 Station 201
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