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    							NEAX2400 IMX Hotel Feature Programming Manual
    ND-70284 (E), Issue 2
    Page 237
    Suite Room Service S-75
    Service Conditions (cont’d)
    7. The station number displayed on the Dterm or Console is the primary station number or phantom number,
    regardless of the telephone used in the suite room.
    8. There is no limitation to the number of suites in a system.
    9. If digital remote units are used for suite room service, ringing cannot be synchronized.
    10. PMS registers all hospitality activity against the primary station.
    a.) Maid service – May be dialed from any suite room phone.
    b.) MESSAGE WAITING [M-6] – This feature is set or cancelled against the primary station or
    phantom number. When set, all suite room stations will display the MESSAGE WAITING [M-6]
    c.) AUTOMATIC WAKE-UP [A-10] – This feature is set or cancelled against the primary station.
    When the wake-up call arrives, it will ring all suite room phones.
    d.) DO NOT DISTURB [D-11] and ROOM CUTOFF [R-9] – These features are set or cancelled
    against the primary station or phantom number.
    11. When the Console dials the primary station, the DSS keys and lamps are used in the operation. The status
    of the suite room phones appear on the DSS lamps. Ringing is generated at the suite room phones when
    the START key is pressed. If a primary or subsidiary phone DSS key is pressed, only the corresponding
    phone will ring. A busy suite room station will show flashing on the DSS lamp and an idle suite room
    phone will show solid.
    Figure 15  DSS Busy Lamps on Attendant Console and Desk Console
    12. When the Console dials a secondary station, the status of that station displays on the first DSS key only.
    To initiate ringing at the secondary station, the attendant must press the first DSS key or the START key.
    13. A delay will occur between the time the station status is displayed on the Console and the time the
    attendant presses the DSS or START key. The status is not updated. Blocking may occur because another
    station in the system has called the primary or secondary station.
    14. A system option allows for only the primary station to ring in a suite room. Any phone in the suite room
    may still answer.
    15. Console and D
    term called number displays will show the primary station only, regardless of the actual
    station connected.
    16. Ringing cycles are controlled by the line card. If suite rooms are not serviced by a common line card, ring
    will not be synchronized.
    17. For the DIRECT STATION SELECTION (DSS) [D-26] display to be available, the GUEST ROOM
    CALLING – HOTEL ATTENDANT [G-11] must be programmed into the system data.
    18. When a D
    term is used in a suite:
    a.) The D
    term must have the my line.
    b.) MULTIPLE LINE OPERATION – Dterm [M-20D] service is available.
    c.) The Dterm should be designated as the primary station of the suite room.
    7500 7501 7502 7503
    S3S4 S2 M1
    DSS/BLF keys on
    Desk Console  
    							NEAX2400 IMX Hotel Feature Programming Manual
    Page 238ND-70284 (E), Issue 2
    S-75 Suite Room Service
    Service Conditions (cont’d)
    19. The primary station number of the suite room must be assigned as the my line number of the Dterm. When
    one Dterm is used in a suite (sub lines will be virtual stations):
    a.) The my line number will be the prime line number, and it should be assigned as the primary
    station number of the suite room.
    b.) The primary station number is used for the interface to PMS.
    c.) All sub lines are assigned as guest room stations.
    d.) Incoming calls terminate to the prime line (my line).
    e.) If a primary station is busy, an incoming call to the primary will, depending on the system
    parameters, allow one of the following:
     Ringing idle secondary stations.
     The caller hears busy tone.
    f.) For originating a call, one of several lines may be selected.
    g.) The maximum number of multiple lines that can be set to a  D
    term is four.
    20. When a few Dterms and a few analog telephones (up to 4) are used in a suite room: (Example: Two stations
    of the primary and secondary 1 are Dterms.)
    a.) The my line number of the primary station will be the prime line number. The my line number of
    the primary station is assigned to the prime line of the secondary station 1.
    b.) The my line number of the primary station is assigned as the primary number of the suite room,
    and the other lines are assigned as secondary station number.
    c.) The primary station is used for the interface to PMS.
    d.) All lines are assigned as guest stations.
    e.) Incoming calls terminate the primary station of a suite room. The key indication and ringing
    status of each telephone are as follows:
    It is possible to set no-ringing by system data.
    f.) Any phone in the suite room may answer. When using Dterms, a guest may answer on the line
    indicating termination. In this case the primary station may answer on my line, and the secondary
    station 1 may answer on the prime line.
    g.) If the primary station is busy, an incoming call will, depending on the system parameters, allow
    one of the following:
     Ringing idle secondary stations.
     The caller hears busy tone.
    Key Indication Ringing
    Primary My line Rung
    Secondary 1 Prime line Rung
    Secondary 2 – Rung 
    Secondary 3 – Rung (Note) 
    							NEAX2400 IMX Hotel Feature Programming Manual
    ND-70284 (E), Issue 2
    Page 239
    Suite Room Service S-75
    Assignment Procedure 
    0Fixed Data
    b2Restriction for hooking when an outgoing C.O. line call has originated from a suite room
    0/1 = Restriction/No Restriction
    3Setting of Message Registration Data to be sent out to the PMS
     0 0 = The pilot number is sent out in the case of Suite Room; the Main Room Station 
    Number is sent out in the case of Connecting Room.
    0 1 = The station Number of each station within the room is sent out. b4
    b5Fixed Data
    b7Connecting Room
    0/1 = Out/In Service
    0Processing for Suite Room Station/Connecting Room Station Busy
    00= Busy Tone
    0 1 = An idle station within the room is called
    1 0 = The call is transferred to the Console if the caller is not the console operator. b1
    b2Fixed Data
    b4Not used
    When a call terminates to the Double Suite Room
    0 = All stations ring simultaneously
    1 = Alternately between Master Suite and Slave Suite
    6Fixed Data
    7Suite Room in Service
    0/1 = Out/In Service 
    							NEAX2400 IMX Hotel Feature Programming Manual
    Page 240ND-70284 (E), Issue 2
    S-75 Suite Room Service
    To skip data entry, press the Enter key to step to the next data entry field. 3AHSY
    Not used b
    Suite Room Individual Station Calling
    0 =  A Suite Room individual station can be called from a Guest Station, Administration 
    Station, and Console.
    1 =  A Suite Room individual station can be called from a Special Administration Station 
    and Console.
    Ringing for Connecting Room General Call
    0 = Sending to all stations
    1 = Sending to the station in the main room in the case of the Connecting Room; sending 
    to the Master station in the case of a Suite Room
    Number to be dialed for a general calling of the stations in the Suite Room 
    0 = Master Station Number or Pilot (Phantom) Number
    1 = Only Pilot (Phantom) Number
    4 AGST Assign Guest Stations.
    5AHSUAssign the Guest Stations as the Suite Room Station.
    TN: Tenant
    TYPE: Suite Room Type (S = Single Suite Room)
    PHANTOM: Phantom Number (Note)
    M1: Master Guest Station Number
    S2-S4: Slave Guest Station Number (Note) STEP CMND BIT EXPLANATION 
    							NEAX2400 IMX Hotel Feature Programming Manual
    ND-70284 (E), Issue 2
    Page 241
    2nd Wake-up Call – Same Guest Station S-128
    S-128  2nd Wake-up Call – Same Guest Station
    General Description
    By combining with AUTOMATIC WAKE-UP [A-27] service, this service allows two wake-up calls to be set for a
    guest room.
    Operating Procedure
    The notice asking the guest to call the Attendant when the guest wants to set the second wake-up call should be
    prepared in the guest room. The guest sees the notice and calls the attendant. The attendant sets the second wake-up
    call using the Console as follows.
    To set the second wake-up call using the WUS key:
    When the guest calls in to request the second wake-up call (see DIRECT SERVICE SET/RESET [D-25]):
    If the wake-up time is entered after the guest line is released:
    Step Action Result
    1Press the WUS key while connected to the guest 
    room.The character display shows “WAKE UP ENT.”
    2 Press the WUS key again.The display shows “2ND WAKE UP ENT (A).” In 
    case of setting AUTOMATIC WAKE-UP – 
    press the WUS key again; the display shows “2ND 
    WAKE UP ENT (S).”
    3 Dial the wake-up time requested.
    4 Press the ENTER key.
    (Note 1)
    Step Action Result
    1 Press the WUS key. The character display shows “WAKE UP ENT.”
    2 Press the WUS key again.The display shows “2ND WAKE UP ENT (A).” 
    In case of setting AUTOMATIC WAKE-UP – 
    press the WUS key again; the display shows “2ND 
    WAKE UP ENT (S).”
    3 Dial the wake-up time requested. The display shows the entered time.
    4 Dial the guest station number. The display shows the station number.
    5 Press the ENTER key.
    (Note 1)
    6To set the second wake-up call for another guest 
    consecutively, repeat steps 4 and 5.
    When all wake-up calls are set, press the END 
    							NEAX2400 IMX Hotel Feature Programming Manual
    Page 242ND-70284 (E), Issue 2
    S-128 2nd Wake-up Call – Same Guest Station
    Operating Procedure (cont’d)
    To cancel the second wake-up call using the WUR key:
    When the guest calls in to cancel the second wake-up call (see DIRECT SERVICE SET/RESET [D-25]):
    If the wake-up cancel is entered after the guest line is released:
    To set the second wake-up call using the WUS key and the service set code:
    Note 1:
    In case of using a Dterm for a guest station, if the second wake-up time steady display is available by system data, the
    following will display:
    Note 2:
    If a D
    term is used for a guest station, the second wake-up time display (if provided) will go out. Step Action Result
    1Press the WUR key while connected to the guest 
    room.The character display shows “WAKE UP RESET.”
    2 Press the WUR key again. The display shows “2ND WAKE UP RESET”.
    3 Press the ENTER key.
    (Note 2)
    Step Action Result
    1 Press the WUR key. The character display shows “WAKE UP RESET.”
    2 Press the WUR key again. The display shows “2ND WAKE UP RESET”.
    3 Dial the guest station number.
    4 Press the ENTER key.
    (Note 2)
     To cancel the second wake-up call for another 
    guest consecutively, repeat steps 3 and 4.
     When all wake-up calls are cancelled, press the 
    END key.
    Step Action Result
    1 Press the WUS key. The character display shows “WAKE UP ENT.”
    2 Dial the wake-up time requested.
    3 Dial the second wake-up set code.
    4 Press the ENTER key.The display shows “2ND WAKE UP ENT (A).” or 
    “2ND WAKE UP ENT (S).” according to the 
    service set code dialed.
    5 Dial the guest station number. The display shows the station number.
    6 Press the ENTER key.
    (Note 1)
     To set the second wake-up call for another 
    guest consecutively, repeat steps 5 and 6.
     When all wake-up calls are set, press the END 
                       (Time and Date)
    							NEAX2400 IMX Hotel Feature Programming Manual
    ND-70284 (E), Issue 2
    Page 243
    2nd Wake-up Call – Same Guest Station S-128
    Service Conditions
    1. When setting the second wake-up call, the attendant can select whether to set it as AUTOMATIC WAKE-
    2. This service can be set/cancelled from the Console or the PMS Terminal (Model 90 and 120 only).
    However, when setting from the PMS Terminal, AUTOMATIC WAKE-UP – HOTEL ATTENDANT
    ASSISTANCE [A-58] cannot be selected.
    3. Original AUTOMATIC WAKE-UP [A-27]/[A-58] service will be referred to as the first wake-up service,
    and will be set/cancelled from the guest station.
    4. The second wake-up call list is printed on the hotel printer at the predetermined time automatically. The
    list excludes those wake-up calls that have already been activated.
    5. If the guest station is busy or does not answer when called by this service, the guest station will be recalled.
    The number of times to retry is determined in the hotel system parameters.
    6. If the guest is identified as the VIP, and if the VIP wake-up service is set, this service operates as the VIP
    wake-up service.
    7. AUTOMATIC WAKE-UP – HOTEL ATTENDANT ASSISTANCE [A-58] service referred to in this
    service operates as the VIP wake-up service.
    8. This service cannot be confirmed by the Automatic Wake-Up announcement.
    9. Upon answering the second wake-up call, the guest is connected to the recorded announcement.
    10. The second wake-up times are to be set at five-minute intervals.
    11. This service is cancelled either from the Console, the PMS Terminal, or via MAID STATUS [M-22]
    12. The second wake-up call entry and result information is reported to the PMS Terminal (Model 90 and
    120). When cancelled automatically via MAID STATUS [M-22] service or called by the attendant in case
    of VIP wake-up/AUTOMATIC WAKE-UP – HOTEL ATTENDANT [A-58] service (“ATT CALLED”),
    the information is printed by the hotel printer (regardless of its models).
    13. The information can be printed by the hotel printer either in one-line or two-line format. (The selection is
    to be made in the hotel system parameters.) However, when cancelled automatically via MAID STATUS
    [M-22] service or when called by the attendant in case of AUTOMATIC WAKE-UP – HOTEL
    ATTENDANT ASSISTANCE [A-58] service (“ATT CALLED”), the information is printed in one-line
    format only.
    14. When setting AUTOMATIC WAKE-UP – HOTEL ATTENDANT ASSISTANCE [A-58] for the second
    wake-up call, the wake-up call can be entered using either 24-hour time or 12-hour time. When using 12-
    hour time, the time is entered by dialing a special code (* or #) before entering the time to indicate PM.
    Depending on the system data, the wake-up time is displayed either in 12-hour or 24-hour time. (In case
    of 12-hour time, either A or P is indicated before the time.)
    The LCD on the guest room D
    term displays the set second wake-up time in 24-hour time even if the second
    wake-up call is entered using 12-hour time.
    The Second Wake-Up call can be cancelled by the Hotel Console only.
    Hotel ConsoleAT I
    Guest Station
    							NEAX2400 IMX Hotel Feature Programming Manual
    Page 244ND-70284 (E), Issue 2
    S-128 2nd Wake-up Call – Same Guest Station
    Service Conditions (cont’d)
    15. When 2ND WAKE-UP CALL is executed, the LCD displays as shown below:
    16. When the guest room D
    term answers the second wake-up call, “WAKE UP” display will remain.
    17. For the conditions of the LCD display when several services are set at the same time, see Service
    Conditions of AUTOMATIC WAKE-UP – D
    term [A-27D].
    Assignment Procedure
    See [A-10] Assignment Procedure for programming initial Wake-Up.
    02nd Wake-Up Call Service
    0/1 = Out/In Service
    12nd Wake-Up Call Time Indication on the Console
    0/1 = Out/In Service
    22nd Wake-Up Call Cancel while the Console is connected to the target station
    0/1 = Out/In Service
    3Not used
    4The number of calls for which automatic wake-up at the same time (per LP)
    0 0 = 512 calls 1 0 = 128 calls
    0 1 = 64 calls 1 1 = 256 calls b5
    b6The number of Retries when a Wake-Up Call encounters busy status.
    00= 3 Times 10=Once
    0 1 =  Twice 1 1 = No Retry b7
    0Hotel printer prints out the “Setting” information of 2nd Wake-Up Call.
    0/1 = Required/Not Required
    1Hotel printer prints out the “Cancel” information of 2nd Wake-Up Call.
    0/1 = Required/Not Required
    2Hotel printer prints out the result of 2nd Wake-Up Call.
    0/1 = Required/Not Required
    Not used b4
    b7Wake-Up Call information (Set, Cancel, Result) is printed out in:
    0/1 = Two Lines/One Line
    AGSPSee [A-10]. Assign the 2nd Wake-Up service access if required.
    For Setting:  CI = N, SRV =SSC, SID = 36, STATE = 48
    For Cancelling: CI = N, SRV = SSC, SID = 36, STATE = 50
    Second Wake-Up service can be set and/or cancelled from the Console only.
                            WAKE UP                                   
                       (Time and Date)
    							NEAX2400 IMX Hotel Feature Programming Manual
    ND-70284 (E), Issue 2
    Page 245
    Toll Terminal Access T-13
    T-13  Toll Terminal Access
    General Description
    This feature enables guest stations to directly access toll trunks. Access may be arranged on a direct-dial or
    attendant-assisted basis, depending on the associated Central Office.
    Operating Procedure
    To operate:
    Service Conditions
    Guest stations must be assigned the proper Route Restriction Class to gain TOLL TERMINAL ACCESS.
    Assignment Procedure 
    Action Result
    The guest station dials the toll access code 
    (usually “8”). If direct-dial service is allowed, the guest will receive 
    dial tone and may place the call.
     If direct-dial service is not allowed, guest will be 
    connected to toll operator for completion of the call.
    AGNPAssign minimum necessary number of digits for C.O. Access Code.
    AGSPAssign the C.O. Access Code.
    3 ARTD Assign Route Data for Toll Terminal Access.
    4 ATRK Assign LENS of the Trunks for the Routes assigned in ARTD.
    5 ARSC Release the restriction for connections between stations and the route assigned in ARTD.
    6 MBTK Release Make Busy of the trunks assigned in ATRK. 
    							NEAX2400 IMX Hotel Feature Programming Manual
    Page 246ND-70284 (E), Issue 2
    T-21 Timing Start
    T-21 Timing Start
    General Description
    This feature allows single-digit and multi-digit stations to use the same numbering plan levels by providing a
    predetermined time delay between the completion of dialing and the start of ringing. By pressing the # or * key after
    dialing the station number, the station user will not have to wait for ring start. By pressing the START key on the
    Console, the attendant will not have to wait for ring start.
    Operating Procedure
    Service Conditions
    1. The Interdigit Timer will be used for TIMING START if a # or * symbol has not been assigned as a
    TIMING START character in system data, or if the station user forgets to press the TIMING START
    2. Levels can be duplicated for station numbering.
    Example: 1st Floor Room No. 11, Station No. 111
    11th Floor Room No. 11, Station No. 1111
    3. The # or * character cannot be used as the second or third digit of any service feature access code or station
    number if it is assigned for TIMING START.
    4. The interdigit timer is adjustable through system programming.
    5. When TIMING START is used, it is necessary to assign dummy station numbers depending on the number
    of digits to be assigned for station numbers.
    Example: 4-digit station number = 4xxx
    1-digit station number = 4 (TIMING START used)
    In the case of data assignment shown in the example above, dummy station numbers of 2 digits=4x and 3
    digits=4xx must also be assigned.
    4-digit station number = 4xxx
    3-digit station number = 4xx
    2-digit station number = 4x
    1-digit station number = 4
    x = 0 ~ 9 Step Action Result
    1 Lift handset or press the SPKR key. Hear dial tone.
    2 Dial the desired station.
    3 Wait for interdigit timeout or dial # or *. Access to the desired service or station is completed.
    Two stations are to be assigned as dummy stations. 
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