NEC Neax 2400 Imx Hotel Feature Programming Manual
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NEAX2400 IMX Hotel Feature Programming Manual ND-70284 (E), Issue 2 Page 177 Language Service L-27 Service Conditions (cont’d) 4. The default identifiers of languages 1-7 can be changed by the customer to include other languages. Up to four ASCII characters can be used. (Refer to the AHSY command for programming index 1-32.) Assignment Procedure STEP CMND BIT EXPLANATION 1SYS1 ASYD INDEX 161b 0Don’t Disturb Override key on Console 0/1 = Out/In Service b 1Message Waiting Lamp in Service 0/1 = Out/In Service b 2Language Service 0/1 = Out/In Service b 3Split Hold Service 0/1 = Out/In Service b 4Not used b 5DSS (Direct Station Section) Keys 0/1 = Out/In service b 6Timing Start using “#” Code 0/1 = Ineffective/Effective b 7Timing Start using “*” Code 0/1 = Ineffective/Effective
NEAX2400 IMX Hotel Feature Programming Manual Page 178ND-70284 (E), Issue 2 L-27 Language Service 2AHSY INDEX 1 32For displaying the kind of language information, assign the data by 2 or 4 characters of ASCII code (INDEXes 1 through 32). When data are not assigned, the kind of language information is displayed as follows: Language = 0: No display Language = 1: JPN. Language = 2: ENG. Language = 3: GER. Language = 4: FR. Language = 5: SP. Language = 6: CHIN. Language = 7: RUSS. For example: To change the default language for Language 7 from RUSS (Russian) to PORT (Portuguese), the required programming would be as follows: AHSY Index 29 = 50 h = ASCII =P 30 = 4F h = ASCII =O 31 = 52 h = ASCII =R 32 = 54 h = ASCII =T STEP CMND BIT EXPLANATION ~ Hex Char Hex Char Hex Char Hex Char Hex Char Hex Char 20 30 0 40 @ 50 P 60 ‘ 70 p 21 ! 31 1 41 A 51 Q 61 a 71 q 22 !! 32 2 42 B 52 R 62 b 72 r 23 # 33 3 43 C 53 S 63 c 73 s 24 $ 34 4 44 D 54 T 64 d 74 t 25 % 35 5 45 E 55 U 65 e 75 u 26 & 36 6 46 F 56 V 66 f 76 v 27 ‘ 37 7 47 G 57 W 67 g 77 w 28 ( 38 8 48 H 58 X 68 h 78 x 29 ) 39 9 49 I 59 Y 69 i 79 y 2A * 3A : 4A J 5A Z 6A j 7A z 2B + 3B ; 4B K 5B [ 6B k 7B 2C , 3C < 4C L 5C 6C l 7C 2D - 3D = 4D M 5D ] 6D m 7D 2E . 3E > 4E N 5E 6E n 7E 2F / 3F ? 4F O 5F _ 6F o 7F
NEAX2400 IMX Hotel Feature Programming Manual ND-70284 (E), Issue 2 Page 179 Language Service L-27 3AHSY INDEX 100b 0Number of times of Wake-Up Answer Retry. b 1 b2Number of characters of language information display 0/1 = Up to 7 Languages/Up to 15 Languages b 3Restriction for hooking when a guest station has originated an outgoing C.O. line call. 0/1 = Not Required/Required b 4Not used b5 b6 Overtime Call when a station user places a C.O. trunk call 0 = Administration and Guest go to CONSOLE 1 = Guest only goes to CONSOLE b 7 Key that means the P.M. in a case where Wake Up time is set by the 12-hour system. (For Automatic Wake Up Service) 0/1 = *Key/#Key 4AHSY INDEX 101b 0LANG = 0When an incoming call terminates to the Hotel/Motel Console from a guest station of the language category corresponding to each bit. The key to which the call terminates: 0: GST1 Key 1: GST2 Key Language data is assigned on each guest station basis as per the information from the PMS. b 1LANG = 1 b 2LANG = 2 b 3LANG = 3 b 4LANG = 4 b 5LANG = 5 b 6LANG = 6 b 7LANG = 7 5AHSY INDEX 102b 0LANG = 8When an incoming call terminates to the Hotel/Motel Console from a guest station of the language category corresponding to each bit. The key to which the call terminates: 0: GST1 Key 1: GST2 Key Language data is assigned on each guest station basis as per the information from the PMS. b 1LANG = 9 b 2LANG = 10 b 3LANG = 11 b 4LANG = 12 b 5LANG = 13 b 6LANG = 14 b 7LANG = 15 STEP CMND BIT EXPLANATION b1b00 0 = No Answer Retry 0 time 0 1 = No Answer Retry 1 time 1 0 = No Answer Retry 2 times 1 1 = No Answer Retry 3 times
NEAX2400 IMX Hotel Feature Programming Manual Page 180ND-70284 (E), Issue 2 L-27 Language Service 6AHSY INDEX 183b 0 Setting of Hotel/Motel Console that sets Alert Service 0 Hex: Service can be set from any of the Console 1–F Hex: Service can be set only from the Console of the designated Console Number b1 b2 b3 b4 Classifying the call termination indicating keys on the basis of the Language category of the guest at the time an incoming call from a guest station has terminated to the Hotel/Motel Console. 0/1 = Not Required/Required b 5Not used b 6 In the case of “All Event No Printout,” the Hotel printer prints out only the information pertaining to outgoing calls. 0/1 = Out/In Service (The outgoing call data is assigned by INDEXes 360 through 367.) b 7Not used STEP CMND EXPLANATION 7 AAKP Assigns the GST2 key (FUNC = 6) STEP CMND BIT EXPLANATION
NEAX2400 IMX Hotel Feature Programming Manual ND-70284 (E), Issue 2 Page 181 Message Waiting M-6 M-6 Message Waiting General Description This feature allows the Console, PMS terminal, or Front Desk Terminal to illuminate a lamp on an individual station to indicate when a message is waiting. With the AUTOMATIC MESSAGE WAITING LAMP OFF [A-48] feature, the MW lamp is automatically extinguished when the guest calls to retrieve messages from the message center. Refer to the AUTOMATIC MESSAGE WAITING LAMP OFF [A-48] feature description for details. Operating Procedure To set MESSAGE WAITING from the Console or Front Desk Terminal: Note: If a Dterm is used for a guest station, the following will display: To cancel MESSAGE WAITING from the Console or Front Desk Terminal: Note: If a Dterm is used for a guest station, “MW” display will go out. Note 1: If an error is made in the course of key operations, press the CLEAR key and continue from Step 2 (station dialing). Note 2: When performing service setting or cancellation for two or more stations at the same time, follow Steps 1 through 3 for the first station. Follow Steps 2 (Station Dialing) and 3 (ENTER) for the remaining stations, then continue with Step 4 to exit from the MESSAGE WAITING service mode. Note 3: DIRECT SERVICE SET/RESET [D-25] is available for this feature. Refer to the feature description for details. Service Conditions 1. MESSAGE WAITING set from the PMS terminal can display at both the Console and Front Desk Terminal. If MESSAGE WAITING is cancelled from the Console, it will remain displayed at the Front Desk Terminal, and vice versa. Step Action Result 1 Press the MWS (set) key. The associated lamp illuminates. 2 Dial the guest station number. The console displays the station number. 3 Press the ENTER key. The lamp flashes to confirm that Message Waiting is set. (Note) 4 Press the EXIT key. The lamp and station display are extinguished. Step Action Result 1 Press the MWR (reset) key. The associated lamp illuminates. 2 Dial the guest station number. The console displays the station number. 3 Press the ENTER key. The lamp flashes to confirm Message Waiting cancellation. (Note) 4 Press the EXIT key. The lamp and station display are extinguished. MW (Time and Date) >>> (Time and Date) >>>
NEAX2400 IMX Hotel Feature Programming Manual Page 182ND-70284 (E), Issue 2 M-6 Message Waiting Service Conditions (cont’d) 2. Desk Terminal – If MESSAGE WAITING is cancelled from the Console, it will remain displayed at the Front Desk Terminal, and vice versa. 3. Message Waiting set from Message Center Interface cannot be displayed at the Front Desk Terminal or Console. Message Waiting set from Message Center Interface must be cancelled from message Center Interface. 4. For the conditions of the LCD display when several services are set to a guest room D term at the same time, see Service Conditions of AUTOMATIC WAKE-UP - Dterm [A-10D]. Assignment Procedure STEP CMND BIT EXPLANATION 1ASYD INDEX 161b 0Don’t Disturb Override key on Console 0/1 = Out/In Service b 1Message Waiting Lamp in Service 0/1 = Out/In Service b 2Language Service 0/1 = Out/In Service b 3Split Hold Service 0/1 = Out/In Service b 4Not used b 5DSS (Direct Station Section) Keys 0/1 = Out/In service b 6Timing Start using “#” Code 0/1 = Ineffective/Effective b 7Timing Start using “*” Code 0/1 = Ineffective/Effective 2ASYD INDEX 172b 0Message Waiting Data transfer to/from PMS when executing the service. 0/1 = Not to be executed/To be executed b 1Message Registration b 2Do Not Disturb, Room Cutoff b 3Room Status b 4Automatic Wake up, Group Announcement b 5Room Change, Room Swap b 6Room Data Change b 7Message Waiting
NEAX2400 IMX Hotel Feature Programming Manual ND-70284 (E), Issue 2 Page 183 Message Waiting M-6 3AHSY INDEX 139b 0Not used b 1 b2MW Lamp Indication of “Do Not Disturb” 0/1 = Lights Steadily/Flashes b 3MW Lamp Indication of “Do Not Disturb” 0/1 = Not Required/Required b 4Message Waiting Lamp 0/1 = Lights Steadily/Flashes b 5Message Waiting Lamp Control 0/1 = In/Out Service b 62-Line Guest Name Display on a Dterm 0/1 = Out/In Service b 7Not used 4AHSY INDEX 403b 0 Processing when Checkout Result (Feature Code = 16, Function Code = 2) has been received from PMS. 0: Change to Out status 1: All guest memory is cleared b 1 Not used b 2 b3 b4 b5 b6 b7 STEP CMND EXPLANATION 5 ASFC Release the restriction of SFI = 69 for the SFC of the stations receiving Message Waiting Service. STEP CMND BIT EXPLANATION
NEAX2400 IMX Hotel Feature Programming Manual Page 184ND-70284 (E), Issue 2 M-22 Maid Status M-22 Maid Status General Description This feature allows the Console, Special Administration, or guest room stations to update the status of guest room conditions. This information is stored in the NEAX2400 IMX Hotel Processor (HP) for printout services, and is forwarded to the PMS computer for readout. AUDIT REPORTS [A-26] of MAID STATUS are also available. Refer to the AUDIT REPORTS [A-26] feature description for details. The types of room conditions that can be entered are as follows: To be Cleaned Cleaned Ready to Sell Out of Service Repair Needed Repair Complete Identification codes may be used with all conditions, if required. Operating Procedure Setting MAID STATUS from guest room station; by maid or repairman: Note: If a Dterm is used for a guest station, the following will display: Service setting from a Special Administration Station: Step Action Result 1 Lift the handset. Hear dial tone. 2Dial the Maid Status access code (programmed via MAT).Hear dial tone. 3If the identification code is used, dial the identification code.Hear service set tone, music, or confirmation announcement. (Note) 4 Hang up. Step Action Result 1 Lift the handset. Hear dial tone. 2 Dial the Maid Status access code. Hear dial tone. 3If the identification code is used, dial the identification code.Hear special dial tone. 4 Dial the guest room station number Hear service set tone. (Note) 5 Hang up. SET (Time and Date) >>>
NEAX2400 IMX Hotel Feature Programming Manual ND-70284 (E), Issue 2 Page 185 Maid Status M-22 Operating Procedure (cont’d) Note: If a Dterm is used for a guest station, the following will display: Note 1: Reorder tone will be heard instead of service set tone if this feature is not accepted by the NEAX2400 IMX. Note 2: Service set tone will be heard after the Maid Status access code is dialed, if the Maid ID code is not in service. Note 3: If the Maid ID code is not in service, the following will be displayed on the LCD (if D term is used for a guest station) after the Maid Status access code is dialed: Note 4: This display appears when the “To Be Cleaned,” “Cleaned,” “Ready to Sell,” or “Out of Service” status is assigned. To set from the Console: Note 1: Standard MAID STATUS codes 1-9, entered at the Console, are listed below: 1: To Be Cleaned 2: Cleaned 3: Ready to Sell 4: Out of Service 5: Not Used 6: Not Used 7: Not Used 8: Repair Needed 9: Repair Completed Note 2: Actual MAID STATUS displays on the Attendant Console as an alpha-character (V, X, S, SC, etc.). Service Conditions 1. When this service is activated, the identification code (if used) and room status are forwarded to the PMS computer and stored in the HP memory until the next data for the room is entered. When MAID STATUS is entered from a guest room station, a printout on the NEAX2400 IMX printer can be provided at the hotel printer only when the PMS-NEAX2400 IMX communication link is closed. Step Action Result 1 Press the STS key. The associated lamp illuminates. 2 Dial the guest room number. The Console displays the guest room number. 3Press ENTER. Station status is displayed and the lamp flashes. 4 Press the STS key again.The most recent Maid Status information appears in the top right hand corner of the room information display. 5To change Maid Status information, press the desired status code (1 – 9). (Note 1)The new status is displayed for confirmation. 6 Press the ENTER key. The STS lamp flashes for confirmation. (Note 2) 7 Press the EXIT key.The Maid Status indication and STS lamp are extinguished. SET RMS XXXX (Time and Date) >>> SET (Time and Date) >>>
NEAX2400 IMX Hotel Feature Programming Manual Page 186ND-70284 (E), Issue 2 M-22 Maid Status Service Conditions (cont’d) 2. MAID STATUS information from the Console, guest phones, or the Special Administration Station is sent to the PMS for readout. 3. A maximum of six digits can be used for the identification code (specific maid, repairman, Special Administration Station). Use of ID codes is optional, and is left to the customers discretion. 4. When setting this service from a guest room or Special Administration Station, each function code has its own access code. 5. If “Repair Needed” status is assigned to a room, the room status displays “OUT OF SERVICE”. (Execution of Repair Needed is the same as Out of Service.) 6. If “Repair Completed” status is assigned to a room, the room status displays “READY TO SELL”. (Execution of Repair Completed is the same as Ready to Sell.) 7. When the room is in “Check-In” status, only the “To Be Cleaned” or “Cleaned” status can be assigned. When the room is in “Check-out” status, any MAID STATUS can be assigned. 8. After the maid or repairman dials Maid Status access code from guest room station, either service set tone or confirmation announcement can be provided, according to selection by the system. (The announcement corresponds to each Maid Status access code, so the maid or repairman can confirm the access code he/ she had dialed.) The announcement is connected in multiple connection, and will be disconnected after 30 seconds. 9. PMS Terminals cannot set Maid Status. 10. This service feature is compatible with the MAID STATUS ANSWERBACK [M-68] feature, and both can coexist in the same system. 11. If an error is made upon dialing the identification code (if used), a reorder tone will be heard. Assignment Procedure STEP CMND BIT EXPLANATION 1SYS1 ASYD INDEX 163b 0Over Time Call timer. b 1 b2Over Time Call 0/1 = Out/In Service b 3Over Time Call indication 0/1 = On Console/Hotel Printer b 4Step Call from Guest Station is allowed 0/1 = Out Service/In b 5Tone type for Maid Dialing b 6b5b6b5 0 0 = SST 1 0 = – 0 1 = Announcement 1 1 = Music on Hold b6 b7Start time of Automatic Wake-Up Call 0/1: On time/5 min. before b1b0b1b000=30 min. 10=90 min. 0 1 = 60 min. 1 1 = 120 min.