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Lucent Technologies GuestWorks Issue 6 Technician Handbook

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    							GuestWorks Issue 6 Technician Handbook  555-231-109  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Translations and Testing 
    191 INTUITY Lodging-to-PMS Translations 
    PMS Interface for GuestWorks
    To administer the PMS Interface for GuestWorks, you must do the following:
    nEnable the feature on the switch
    nInstall the software on the INTUITY
    nSet up the system parameters on the INTUITY.
    To enable the Switch/INTUITY/PMS Link Integration feature (the “PMS Interface 
    for GuestWorks” link), enter a y in the Forward PMS Messages to Intuity 
    Lodging field.
    You must then verify if the INTUITY system has the PMS Interface for 
    GuestWorks link software installed and active. Use the Customer/Services 
    Administration, System Management, System Control, PMS Interface 
    Administration screen to display the available options. Press   to change the 
    function keys, and then press   to show the currently-installed interface.
    nIf the “PMS Interface for GuestWorks” is currently installed, no changes are 
    nIf the “Stand-alone PMS Interface” is currently active or no interface has 
    been installed, select the “PMS Interface for GuestWorks” option. Select 
    Yes to continue, insert the software CD or tape, and follow any other 
    instructions displayed to install the software.
    change system-parameters hospitality  Page   1 of   3
                           Message Waiting Configuration: act-nopms
                   Controlled Restrictions Configuration: act-pms
                   Housekeeper Information Configuration: act-pms
                         Number of Housekeeper ID Digits: 0
                            Extension of PMS Log Printer:
                   Extension of Journal/Schedule Printer:
                 Client Room Coverage Path Configuration: act-nopms
                  Default Coverage Path for Client Rooms: 1
    Forward PMS Messages to Intuity Lodging? y
                                  PMS LINK PARAMETERS
                                        Extension of PMS: 7899
                                       PMS Protocol Mode: transparent ASCII mode? y
    Seconds before PMS Link Idle Timeout: 20
    Milliseconds before PMS Link Acknowledgement Timeout: 500
                        PMS Link Maximum Retransmissions: 5
                PMS Link Maximum Retransmission Requests: 5
                        Take Down Link for Lost Messages? y
    							GuestWorks Issue 6 Technician Handbook  555-231-109  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Translations and Testing 
    192 INTUITY Lodging-to-PMS Translations 
    Once the software is installed, use the Lodging Administration, System 
    Parameter Administration command to administer the system parameters for 
    INTUITY Lodging.
    nAttendant Extensions — Enter 0 for the attendant console, the 
    backup telephone extensions, and any extensions that will be used to 
    retrieve messages for guests.
    nPrimary Attendant — Enter the attendant console dial-up number 
    (usually 0) or extension.
    nDefault Language — Select a default language option.
    +                     System Parameter Administration                      +
    |                      Attendant Extensions:                               |
    |        2000
    1950 |
    |                       Hunt Group Or                                      |
    |                   Primary Attendant: 0|
    |                       Voice Mail Parameters                              |
    |                  Mailbox Size: 6  min             Mailbox Type: Separate |
    |            Pause For TT Input: 4 sec          Play Back Format: FIFO     |
    |      Maximum Extension Length: 4                                         |
    |        Maximum Message Length: 120 sec                                   |
    |Allow Guests To Save Messages?: Yes  |
    |Lamp ON For New Messages Only?: Yes  |
    |  Automatic Transfer to  |
    |      Operator At End Of Call?: No  |
    |              Default Language: American English                          |
    							GuestWorks Issue 6 Technician Handbook  555-231-109  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Translations and Testing 
    193 INTUITY Lodging-to-PMS Translations 
    Stand-alone Interface Link
    To administer the stand-alone interface link, do the following:
    nDisable the integrated link feature on the switch
    nInstall the software on the INTUITY
    nSet up the link on the INTUITY
    nSet up the system parameters on the INTUITY.
    To use the hard-wired link between the INTUITY and the PMS (Figure 10
    ), you 
    must first disable the Switch/INTUITY/PMS Link Integration feature. Enter ann in 
    the Forward PMS Messages to Intuity Lodging field.
    Then, verify whether the INTUITY system has the Stand-alone Mode link software 
    installed and active. Use the Customer/Services Administration, System 
    Management, System Control, PMS Interface Administration screen to 
    display the available options. Press   to change the function keys, and then 
    press   to show the currently-installed interface.
    nIf the “Stand-alone PMS Interface” is currently installed, no changes are 
    nIf the “PMS Interface for GuestWorks” is currently active or no interface has 
    been installed, select the “Stand-alone PMS Interface” option. Select Yes to 
    continue, insert the software CD or tape, and follow any other instructions 
    displayed to install the software.
    change system-parameters hospitality  Page   1 of   3
                           Message Waiting Configuration: act-nopms
                   Controlled Restrictions Configuration: act-pms
                   Housekeeper Information Configuration: act-pms
                         Number of Housekeeper ID Digits: 0
                            Extension of PMS Log Printer:
                   Extension of Journal/Schedule Printer:
                 Client Room Coverage Path Configuration: act-nopms
                  Default Coverage Path for Client Rooms: 1
    Forward PMS Messages to Intuity Lodging? n
                                  PMS LINK PARAMETERS
                                        Extension of PMS: 7899
                                       PMS Protocol Mode: transparent ASCII mode? y
    Seconds before PMS Link Idle Timeout: 20
    Milliseconds before PMS Link Acknowledgement Timeout: 500
                        PMS Link Maximum Retransmissions: 5
                PMS Link Maximum Retransmission Requests: 5
                        Take Down Link for Lost Messages? y
    							GuestWorks Issue 6 Technician Handbook  555-231-109  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Translations and Testing 
    194 INTUITY Lodging-to-PMS Translations 
    Once the software is installed, use this screen on the INTUITY to administer the 
    standard hard-wired link between the INTUITY Lodging and the PMS. Use the 
    Lodging Administration, PMS Parameter Administration command to access 
    this screen.
    nDevice for Link — This must match the physical por t connected to the 
    Equinox card. Use /dev/ttysac if the connection is on the Multi-Port Serial 
    Card and use /dev/ttys00 if the connection is on the COM1 port.
    nBaud Rate — Set the speed to match the vendor equipment. If the vendor 
    does not have a recommended speed, use 4800 bps. You must enter the 
    letter B in front of the baud rate you select.
    nAll other options must match the vendor requirements.
    Use the Lodging Administration, System Parameter Administration 
    command to administer the system parameters for INTUITY Lodging.
    nAttendant Extensions — Enter 0 for the attendant console, the 
    backup telephone extensions, and any extensions that will be used to 
    retrieve messages for guests.
    nPrimary Attendant — Enter the attendant console dial-up number 
    (usually 0) or extension.
    nLamp ON For New Messages Only — Enter Ye s if using TCP/IP or 
    X.25 signaling between the switch and the INTUITY system. Enter No if 
    using Mode Code signaling between the switch and the INTUITY system.
    nDefault Language — Select the default language option.
    nPMS Integration Parameters — Must match the vendor require-
    +         PMS Parameter Administration          +
    |               Device for Link: /dev/ttysac |
    |            Maximum Link Error: 50             |
    |  Link Acknowledgement Timeout: 20 sec         |
    |             Link Idle Timeout: 20  sec        |
    |        Maximum Retransmission: 5              |
    |Maximum Retransmission Request: 5              |
    |                     Baud Rate: B4800 |
    							GuestWorks Issue 6 Technician Handbook  555-231-109  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Translations and Testing 
    195 INTUITY Lodging-to-PMS Translations 
    nMessage Lamp Controlled By — This should be set to LDG if you 
    want INTUITY Lodging to control the guest room message lamps. If the 
    lamp control is enabled for the PMS, the front desk personnel should take 
    messages for guests when the PMS link is down because the message 
    lamps will not be turned on even when the INTUITY has taken a message.
    +                     System Parameter Administration                      +
    |                      Attendant Extensions:                               |
    |        2000
    1950 |
    |                       Hunt Group Or                                      |
    |                   Primary Attendant: 0|
    |                       Voice Mail Parameters                              |
    |                  Mailbox Size: 6  min             Mailbox Type: Separate |
    |            Pause For TT Input: 4 sec          Play Back Format: FIFO     |
    |      Maximum Extension Length: 4                                         |
    |        Maximum Message Length: 120 sec                                   |
    |Allow Guests To Save Messages?: Yes   PMS Integration Parameters          |
    |Lamp ON For New Messages Only?: Yes  Message Lamp Controlled By: LDG      |
    |          Automatic Transfer to     When PMS link is down, calls          |
    |      Operator At End Of Call?: No        For Guests Handled By: LDG      |
    |              Default Language: American English                          |
    							GuestWorks Issue 6 Technician Handbook  555-231-109  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Translations and Testing 
    196 INTUITY Lodging-to-PMS Translations 
    Testing the INTUITY Lodging-to-PMS Link
    After the connection is complete and the link is active, the mini-tester should show 
    the following results (see the Note on Pa ge 1 1
    ). The leads marked with an aster-
    isk are controlled by the INTUITY system, and the PMS controls the other leads.
    After using a mini-tester to check data leads, you MUST remove the 
    mini-tester from the connection. DO NOT leave the mini-tester in-line during 
    actual operation.
    After the connection is complete and the INTUITY link is active, the following may 
    indicate that the PMS is not active. Check with the vendor to verify whether the 
    link is active.
    Ta b l e 1 2
     gives a list of PMS alarm codes, the event IDs, a description of the 
    problem, and a method to clear the problem. Use the Customer/Services 
    DTR* RD
    DTR* RD
    							GuestWorks Issue 6 Technician Handbook  555-231-109  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Translations and Testing 
    197 INTUITY Lodging-to-PMS Translations 
    Administration, Log Administration, Maintenance Log command to set up 
    which maintenance events will display.
    Table 12. PMS Event IDs Generated on the INTUITY
    Code Event IDs Description Clearing
    11 PMS01, PMS02, 
    PMS04, PMS05, 
    PMS06, PMS07The PMS communication 
    link is down.Restart PMS through 
    the command menu.
    12 PMS08 An unknown PMS commu-
    nication link problem.Stop and restart the 
    voice system.
    13 PMS10, PMS11, PMS38 Unable to manage allo-
    cated memory.Stop and restart the 
    voice system.
    14 PMS14 PMS received a message 
    of an invalid size.Stop and restart the 
    voice system.
    15 PMS03, PMS09, 
    PMS12, PMS13, 
    PMS15, PMS16, 
    PMS27, PMS29, 
    PMS30, PMS31, 
    PMS33, PMS34, 
    PMS35, PMS39, PMS43The PMS communication 
    interface is having prob-
    lems.Restart PMS through 
    the command menu.
    16 PMS20, PMS22, 
    PMS24, PMS25Unable to use the 
    assigned serial port.Stop and restart the 
    voice system. 
    							GuestWorks Issue 6 Technician Handbook  555-231-109  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Translations and Testing 
    198 INTUITY Lodging-to-PMS Translations 
    Use the following procedure to test the voice mailboxes for the guest rooms:
    When using TCP/IP or X.25 signaling, mailboxes are created automatically 
    for the guest rooms and do not require administration. When using Mode 
    Code signaling, guest mailboxes must be created manually. See “
    for Guest Rooms (INTUITY)” on Page 131 for more information.
    1. Do a test check-in from the PMS terminal to create a valid entry. Access 
    the following screen using the Lodging Administration, Guests Mailbox 
    Administration, Mailbox command.
    2. Press   to change the function key labels.
    3. Enter the extension number and press the DISPLAY function key.
    +                        Mailbox                        +
    |       Guest Extension: 112                |
    |      Guest Room Number: 112  |
    |             Guest Name: ERWIN |
    | Guest Password: * |
    | Guest Language: Canadian French |
    |          Switch number: 1                             |
    |Allow personal greeting: Yes |
    | |
    | Messages Waiting:  |
    |                  Voice:  |
    |                    Fax:  |
    |                   Text:  |
    | Mailbox Capacity Usage:   0%                          |
    |Suite Mailbox Extension: |
    | Comments: |
    							GuestWorks Issue 6 Technician Handbook  555-231-109  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Translations and Testing 
    199 INTUITY Lodging-to-PMS Translations 
    4. Display the following screen using the Lodging Administration, Traffic 
    and Space Usage Reports, Mailbox Usage command to verify that the 
    test mailbox was created.
    5. After you verify that the guest mailbox was created, remove the test entry 
    by doing a check-out at the PMS terminal.
    The Guest Password and Guest Personal Greeting options are not con-
    trolled on a system-wide basis; they are controlled on an individual mailbox 
    basis either by administering them through the INTUITY or by messages 
    sent from the PMS.
    +                            Mailbox Usage Report                            +
    |                            Mailbox Usage Report                            |
    |                            Mailbox size: 360 seconds                       |
    |                            Mon Apr  1 07:40:20 1996                        |
    |  Current Messages:                                                         |
    |  Mailbox             Voice Msgs  Time(secs)  Text Msgs  Fax Msgs           |
    |   112                   0           0            0          0              |
    |   115                   0           0            0          0              |
    |   119                   0           0            0          0              |
    |   123                   0           0            0          0  |
    |  Deleted Messages:                                                         |
    |  Mailbox             Voice Msgs  Time(secs)  |
    |   115  4 230 |
    |  Old Messages: |
    |  Mailbox             Voice Msgs  Time(secs)    |
    |   112 0 0 |
    							GuestWorks Issue 6 Technician Handbook  555-231-109  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Translations and Testing 
    200 Switch-to-Call Accounting Translations 
    Switch-to-Call Accounting 
    You must assign the link between the switch and the INTUITY, administer the CDR 
    parameters, and enable CDR for each incoming and outgoing trunk group that the 
    customer wishes to record. If a stand-alone call accounting system (such as Xiox) 
    is used, the vendor must assist in setting up the call accounting system.
    Link Parameters (INTUITY)
    The data link between the switch and the INTUITY Lodging Call Accounting must 
    be administered by the Homisco technician when he or she installs the software 
    on the INTUITY platform.
    CDR Parameters (Switch)
    Use the change system-parameters cdr command to assign the CDR parame-
    ters on the switch.
    nPrimary Output Format — Enter printer (or the format required by the 
    call accounting vendor).
    nPrimary Output Ext — Enter eia if the call accounting system is 
    directly connected to the switch. Enter the data module extension if using a 
    switched connection.
    nEIA Device Bit Rate — Use the default of 9600 for the INTUITY Lodg-
    ing Call Accounting system, and 1200 for the Xiox call accounting system. 
    For other stand-alone call accounting systems, use the speed specified by 
    the vendor.
    nRecord Outgoing Calls Only — Unless the customer wishes to 
    record incoming calls, enter y. 
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