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Lucent Technologies Definity Audix System Release 4.0 Screens Reference Manual

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    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference  585-300-213  Issue 1
    May 1999
    Screen Descriptions 
    3-29 Auto-Attendant 
    Field Description
    Field Name Description Valid Entries
    Business Sc hed ule  This field  c ontains the name of the 
    individ ual business schedule. Use 
    the list auto-attend-schedules to 
    view the c urrent names of the 
    b usiness sc hed ules.Each name c an contain from 1 to 8 
    c harac ters. The first c haracter, if a 
    letter, must b e alp hab etic  and  there 
    must not be any blanks in the name.
    Day Servic e Hours This field  usually c ontains the hours 
    the c omp any is normally op en. The 
    Start and  End  Times d efine the 
    p eriod  that incoming c alls will b e 
    routed  to the Day Servic e Mailb ox 
    (as defined on the Routing Table 
    sc reen for entries that use this 
    b usiness sc hed ule.)00:00 - 24:00 or b lank
    to define day hours as 8:00 am to 
    5:00 p m, use 8:00 to 17:00
    All hours not inc lud ed  in the 
    Day or Alternate service 
    hours are c onsid ered Nig ht 
    servic e hours.
    Alternate Servic e 
    HoursThis field  c ontains the hours of the 
    Start and End Times defined when 
    incoming c alls are routed  to the 
    Alternate Service Mailb ox (as 
    d efined on the Routing Tab le 
    sc reen for entries that use this 
    b usiness sc hed ule.)00:00 - 24:00 or b lank
    To d efine alternate hours as 11:30 
    am to 12:30 p m, use 11:30 to 12:30
    All hours not inc lud ed  in the 
    Day or Alternate service 
    hours are c onsid ered Nig ht 
    servic e hours. 
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference  585-300-213  Issue 1
    May 1999
    Screen Descriptions 
    3-30 Auto-Attendant 
    change Auto-Attend Routing Holiday-Schedule
    The Auto Attend ant Routing  Holid ay Sc hed ules sc reen enab les the user to set 
    sp ec ific  holid ay sc hed ules that may d iffer from the normal b usiness sc hed ule 
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference  585-300-213  Issue 1
    May 1999
    Screen Descriptions 
    3-31 Auto-Attendant 
    Field Description
    Field Name Description  Valid Entries
    Holiday Sc hed ule This is the sc hed ule to be used b y 
    the routing  func tion if the c alled 
    numb er matc hes the entry in the 
    incoming Called  Numb er field . Valid  
    entries are the holid ay sc hed ule 
    name or number (1-4.) Use the 
    command list auto-attend- 
    schedules to view the c urrent 
    names of the b usiness and  holid ay 
    sc hed ules.Each name c an contain from 1 to 8 
    c harac ters. The first c haracter must 
    b e alp hab etic and there must not 
    b e any b lanks in the name.
    Holiday Name This is an op tional field  and  is used  
    to p rovid e c larific ation to the name 
    g iven to the holid ay in the holid ay 
    name sc hed ule.
    Date  The month and  the d ay of the 
    sp ec ified holid ay. month: 1-12
    d ay:     1 to number of d ays in the 
    02/29 will always b e a valid  
    Mailb ox The mailb ox (extension numb er) of 
    the auto-attendant to be used for 
    this holid ay on this sc hed ule. Valid  entries inc lud e any valid  
    mailbox (extension numb er) 
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference  585-300-213  Issue 1
    May 1999
    Screen Descriptions 
    3-32 Auto-Attendant 
    display Auto-Attend-Routing Routing-
    Table Schedule
    The Auto-Attend ant Routing  Tab le sc reen lists the routing  func tion for inc oming  
    calls to sp ecified  numb ers. These c alls are red irec ted  to sp ecific mailb ox 
    numb ers ac c ord ing  to instruc tions g iven on the holiday schedules 
    business schedule screens 
    sc reen. 
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference  585-300-213  Issue 1
    May 1999
    Screen Descriptions 
    3-33 Auto-Attendant 
    Field Description
    Field Name Description Valid Entries
    Inc oming  Called  
    Numb erThis is the inc oming  c alled  
    extension numberThere are two typ es:
    1. a sing le numb er from 2-10 dig its
    2. a rang e of extensions sep arated  
    b y a hyp hen (ext. 1234 - 1345)
    Business Sc hed ule  This is the name or number of the 
    b usiness sc hed ule to whic h this 
    incoming c all is assigned.1 to 8 charac ters. If a name, the first 
    letter must b e alp hab etic
    Holiday Sc hed ule This is the name or number of the 
    holid ay sc hed ule this inc oming  call 
    is assigned to1 to 8 charac ters. If a name, the first 
    letter must b e alp hab etic
    Day Servic e 
    Mailb oxThe mailb ox numb er used  d uring  
    the d ay hours if the c alled numb er 
    matc hes the incoming c alled  
    numb er.Any existing mailb ox extension 
    numb er
    Nig ht Servic e 
    Mailb oxThe mailb ox extension numb er 
    used  d uring  the nig ht hours if the 
    c alled numb er matc hes the 
    incoming c alled  numberAny existing mailb ox extension 
    numb er
    Alternate Servic e 
    Mailb oxThe mailb ox extension numb er 
    used  during  alternate servic e hours 
    if the called  numb er matc hes the 
    incoming c alled  numberAny existing mailb ox extension 
    numb er 
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference  585-300-213  Issue 1
    May 1999
    Screen Descriptions 
    3-34 Auto-Attendant 
    display Auto-Attend-Routing Menu-Tree
    The Auto-Attend ant Menu Tree sc reen enables you to searc h all auto attend ant 
    menus to verify that eac h mailb ox exists and  the nec essary p ersonal g reeting s 
    have b een rec ord ed .
    Field Description
    Field Name Description Valid Entries
    Start from Called  
    Party ID in Routing 
    Ta b l eThis sp ec ifies whether the rep ort 
    should  b eg in from the routing  tab le 
    or from a sing le automated  
    attend ant.y - begin from the Routing Table
    n - beg in from a sing le automated  
    attend ant.
    Starting  Point This sp ec ifies a mailb ox numb er to 
    start from. To rep ort on a range, 
    enter a numb er that lies within that 
    range.Any 2 -10 d ig it numb er
    If a starting  p oint is not 
    spec ified , all auto attendant 
    entries will b e processed.
    Rep ort Typ e This sp ec ifies whether a full report 
    or just the errors will b e g enerated .error - only the errors are rep orted
    full - a full rep ort, inc lud ing  errors, is 
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference  585-300-213  Issue 1
    May 1999
    Screen Descriptions 
    3-35 list Auto-Attend-Schedules 
    list Auto-Attend-Schedules
    The Auto-Attend ant Sc hed ules sc reen lists all Auto Attend ant Sc hed ules. This 
    inc lud es b oth Business and  Holid ay sc hed ules. Sc hed ule numb ers for eac h also 
    ap p ear.
    list auto-attend-schedules
     (d isp lay only)    
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference  585-300-213  Issue 1
    May 1999
    Screen Descriptions 
    3-36 Audit 
    Th e status Audit
     c ommand  rec onnec ts to the aud it sc reen that was most 
    rec ently run from the log in p ort. The sc reen displayed  is one of the aud it sc reens 
    d esc rib ed  elsewhere in this c hap ter.
    status audit
    Field Descriptions
    Th e  status audit
     c ommand  d isplays the sc reen of the most rec ently run aud it, if 
    Sample Tasks
    To c hec k the status of a d emand  audit:
    1. Type status audit
     and  p ress   (Enter). The form for the most rec ently run 
    aud it ap p ears. If an aud it is c urrently running , the sc reen for that aud it is 
    ac tivated . You c an wait for the aud it to finish or you c an take one of the two 
    following steps:
    a. Press   (Canc el) to ab ort the aud it and  exit the sc reen. 
    b . Press   (Enter) to return to the aud it b ac kg round  mode and  return 
    to the c ommand  line.
    Additional Specifications
    If the status audit
     c ommand  is issued  while an aud it is running , rec onnec tion 
    with the audit sc reen is d one after c omp letion of the aud it step . Therefore, it 
    c ould  take up  to two minutes to rec onnec t to the aud it sc reen.
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference  585-300-213  Issue 1
    May 1999
    Screen Descriptions 
    3-37 display/restore Backups 
    display/restore Backups
    Th e  B a c k u p s sc reen is used to d isp lay and  restore d ata from the MO d isk. All 
    availab le b ac kup s on the d isk ap p ear und er VOLUME CONTENTS. Ad d itional 
    sc reen pages are used if there are more than six available backups.
    display backups
    Disp lays all availab le b ac kup  files on the MO d isk. 
    restore backups
    Restores b ac kups from the MO disk.
    The d isp lay sc reen c an b e ac tivated  while the DEFINITY AUDIX System is in 
    either the AUDIX or the OA&M state. The restore version c an b e ac tivated  
    while the DEFINITY AUDIX System is in the OA&M state. 
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference  585-300-213  Issue 1
    May 1999
    Screen Descriptions 
    3-38 display/restore Backups 
    Field Descriptions
    Field Name Description Valid Entries
    All field s exc ept Backup  Numb er to Restore are d isplay only
    Bac kup  Numb er to 
    Res t or eNumb er of the b ackup that is to b e 
    restored . Req uired inp ut field  for 
    restore backups.Any numb er in the Numb er c olumn 
    sec tion of this sc reen. Defaults to 
    number of latest nig htly or weekly 
    Volume Label Type Volume type as read  from the lab el 
    of the restore MO d isk.backup (used for nightly or weekly 
    b ac kup s of c ustomer d ata)
    g eneric  (used  for Luc ent 
    Tec hnolog ies p rovided  files, 
    inc lud ing  system anncs.) 
    Volume Label Name Volume name as read from the 
    lab el of the restore MO d isk.
    Software Release Software release as read from the 
    lab el of the restore MO d isk.48 c harac ters
    Machine Name Mac hine name as read  from the 
    lab el of the restore MO d isk.10 c harac ter mac hine name
    Creation Date MO d isk c reation d ate as read  from 
    the lab el of the restore MO disk. mm/dd/yy format 
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