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Lucent Technologies Definity Audix System Release 4.0 Screens Reference Manual
Lucent Technologies Definity Audix System Release 4.0 Screens Reference Manual
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DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference 585-300-213 Issue 1 May 1999 Screen Descriptions 3-19 add Announcement-Set 3 copy Announcement Set The Cop y Announc ement Set sc reen is used to c reate a c op y of an announc ement set. Cop ying an announc ement set typ ic ally takes ab out two minutes. copy announcement set Field Descriptions Field Name Description Valid Entries From Announcement SetName of the announcement set to b e copied. req uired inp ut field valid announc ement set name of up to 14 alphanumeric charac ters To Announcement SetName of the announcement set into whic h the From Annc. Set is to b e copied.req uired inp ut field valid announc ement set name of up to 14 alphanumeric charac ters You cannot sp ecify the ac tive announcement set or the From Announc ement Set in this field .

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference 585-300-213 Issue 1 May 1999 Screen Descriptions 3-20 add Announcement-Set 3 list Announcement-Sets The Announc ement Sets sc reen d isp lays the names of the existing announc ement sets. list announcement sets This is a d isp lay-only sc reen. There are no d ata-entry field s.

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference 585-300-213 Issue 1 May 1999 Screen Descriptions 3-21 display Announcement Id 3 display Announcement Id The Announc ement sc reen is used to view and c hang e the c omp osition of announc ements. change announcement announcement-id copy announcement announcement-id display announcement announcement-id display announcement announcement-id annc-set-name remove announcement announcement-id save announcement announcement-id Th e announcement-id is the announc ement id entifier from a1 to a5000 and annc-set-name is the name of the announc ement set. NOTE: This sc reen c annot b e ac tivated while system is in shutd own mod e.

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference 585-300-213 Issue 1 May 1999 Screen Descriptions 3-22 display Announcement Id 3 Field Descriptions copy Announcement Id The Cop y Announc ement sc reen is used to c op y an announc ement, generally from one announc ement set to another. You c an also use this sc reen to c op y an announc ement to a new announc ement id within the same announc ement set. !CAUTION: Mod ific ations mad e with this sc reen c an c hang e announc ements heard b y users. Field Name Description Valid Entries Announc ement Set For change and remove, d isplays the ad ministrative annc. set name. For display, disp lays the annc . set from c ommand line or the ad min. annc . set name from System-Parameters Features screen not entered . d efaults to admin. annc. set Announc ement Id Annc . ID entered on the c ommand line. d isplay only Version Timestamp This field is c hang ed every time an annc . is up dated. d isplay only Mod ? Ind icates if the record ed frag ment on the line has b een c hang ed ; or a blank for lines that are a c ontinuation of the p revious line or for lines that c annot be edited .d isplay only y (frag . changed) n (frag. not changed) Frag ID of frag ment b eing inc lud ed in the announcement. Rules for an announc ement are d etermined by this value tog ether with the value of the Composition field . f0 to f5000 Comp osition Lang uag e rules that d etermine how to select the frag ments to b e p layed . The rules for an announcement are d etermined b y this value tog ether with the value of the Frag field .

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference 585-300-213 Issue 1 May 1999 Screen Descriptions 3-23 display Announcement Id 3 copy announcement Field Descriptions Field Name Description Valid Entries From Announc ement SetAnnounc ement set from whic h the announcement is c opied. To view, use list annc-set.req uired inp ut field valid annc . set names Announc ement Id Announc ement to b e c op ied . a1 to a5000 To Announc ement SetName of the announcement set into whic h the announc ement is cop ied .valid annc . set names Defaults to From Announc ement Set n am e Announc ement Id Announc ement to b e c op ied to. a1 to a5000

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference 585-300-213 Issue 1 May 1999 Screen Descriptions 3-24 display Announcement Id 3 save Announcements The Save Announc ements screen is used to perform a manual backup of the announc ements filesystem to the MO d isk. save announcements Ad d s the b ac kup to the existing b ac kup s on the MO d isk. save announcements initialize Removes all d ata on the MO disk b efore b ac king up the d ata. NOTE: This sc reen c an b e ac c essed while the DEFINITY AUDIX System is in the OA&M state. Field Descriptions Field Name Description Valid Entries (display only) Status of most rec ent “save announcements“ backup Status of the most recent invoc ation of the save announc ements b ac kup .in p rogress (save currently running ) failed (save failed ) c omp leted (save comp leted suc cessfully) not run (save not run since last restart/reb oot)

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference 585-300-213 Issue 1 May 1999 Screen Descriptions 3-25 display Announcement Id 3 Additional Specifications Onc e started , the save announc ements op eration c annot b e c anc elled . The save is run in the bac kg round , whic h means the op eration is still running for some time even after the sc reen d isp lays Command Completed Successfully . To c hec k the status of the b ac kg round save, reac tivate the save Announc ements sc reen. This op eration saves all announc ement sets. You c annot save a single announc ement set b y itself.

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference 585-300-213 Issue 1 May 1999 Screen Descriptions 3-26 list Attendants 3 list Attendants The List Attend ant sc reen d isp lays the automated attend ants b y their extension numb ers. The list is in numeric al ord er b y extension numb er. list attendants list attendants extension Th e extension sp ec ifies the extension numb er with whic h the list b eg ins. Field Descriptions Field Name Description (display only) Extension Extensions of the automated attend ants. Name Names of the automated attend ants assoc iated with the listed extensions.

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference 585-300-213 Issue 1 May 1999 Screen Descriptions 3-27 Auto-Attendant 3 Auto-Attendant The Auto Attend ant sc reen is used to c hang e or d isp lay auto attend ant information for b usiness or holid ay hours. display auto attendant routing change auto attendant routing list auto attendant schedule The following sc reen is d isp layed when the c ommand display auto attendant routing is entered.

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference 585-300-213 Issue 1 May 1999 Screen Descriptions 3-28 Auto-Attendant 3 Field Description change Auto-Attend-routing Business-Schedule The Auto-Attend ant Routing Business Sc hed ules sc reen ap pears when the business-schedule op tion from the previous sc reen is selec ted . There is an interim sc reen that ap p ears so you c an c hoose whic h sc hed ule should b e d isp layed . In the following sc reen, sc hed ule 1 is d isp layed. Field Name Description (display only) b usiness schedule This feature enab les the system ad ministrator to ad just the b usiness sc hed ule auto-attendant c all processing function for b usiness hours holid ay sc hed ule This feature enab les the system ad ministrator to ad just the holid ay sc hed ule auto-attendant c all processing function for various holid ay hours menu tree This sc reen enab les you to searc h all auto attend ant menus to verify that each mailb ox exists and the nec essary personal greeting s have been rec ord ed routing tab le This feature lists the various extensions and the b usiness or holid ay sc hed ules assoc iated with eac h.