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Lucent Technologies Definity Audix System Release 4.0 Screens Reference Manual
Lucent Technologies Definity Audix System Release 4.0 Screens Reference Manual
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DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference 585-300-213 Issue 1 May 1999 Screen Descriptions 3-139 test MO-Disk 3 Field Descriptions Sample Tasks To initiate a d emand tap e test: 1. Type test mo-disk and p ress (Enter). 2. Press (Canc el) to return to the c ommand line without exec uting the test. While the test is running , you have three op tions: 1. Press (Canc el) to ab ort the test and return to the c ommand line. 2. Wait for the test to c omp lete. 3. Press (Enter) to p ut the test in the b ac kg round and return to the c ommand line. Ty p e status test to rec onnec t to the sc reen of a test running in b ac kg round , or to d isp lay the results of the most rec ently c omp leted test. Name Description (display only) Date Date and time that the test was requested Resourc e Type of resourc e b eing tested. On this sc reen, the resource typ e is always MO_DISK. Loc . Loc ation of the MO drive in a 7 c harac ter string that indic ates p ort network, c arrier, slot, and SCSI ID. For examp le, 01a0202 ind icates port network= 01, c arrier= a, slot= 02, and SCSI ID= 02. This field is p opulated with the d efault location of the MO d rive on the TN568. Test Name Name of test b eing exec uted . Most Rec ent Test Res ul tResult of the most rec ently run test. The sec ond p art of the field is a 20 c harac ters of text of ad d itional test result information. The first p art of the field is a 1 c harac ter cod e: b lank (test not exec uted) R (test is running ) P (last test p assed ) F (last test failed) A (last test ab orted ) Test Counters Pass Numb er of times the test has p assed sinc e the test c ommand was executed . Fail Numb er of times the test has failed sinc e the test c ommand was exec uted. Abort Numb er of times the test has ab orted sinc e the test c ommand was executed . F3 F1 F1 F3

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference 585-300-213 Issue 1 May 1999 Screen Descriptions 3-140 test MO-Disk 3 status Test The status Test sc reen rec onnec ts with a running test, or with the results of the most rec ently run test. status test This c ommand rec onnec ts with the sc reen of the test running in the b ac kg round , or if none, the most rec ently run test. If none, the c ommand c auses an error to be d isp layed (this should oc c ur only when the status test c ommand is entered b efore any tests have b een run on the system.) Th e status test c ommand disp lays the sc reen of the running test, or the sc reen of the most rec ently run test. Field Descriptions This is a d isp lay-only sc reen. There are no d ata entry field s. Sample Tasks To d isp lay status test: 1. Type status test and press (Enter). The screen of the c urrently running test, or of the most rec ently run test, ap p ears. If a test is still running , you have three op tions: 1. Press (Canc el) to ab ort the test. 2. Wait for the tests to c omp lete. 3. Press (Enter) to return the test to the b ac kg round . Additional Specifications If the status test c ommand is issued while a test is running , rec onnec tion with the test sc reen is d one after c omp letion of the c urrent test step . F3 F1 F3

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference 585-300-213 Issue 1 May 1999 Screen Descriptions 3-141 audit Names 3 3audit Names The Aud it Results sc reen initiates a d emand aud it on sub sc rib er names and d isp lays the results of the aud it. audit names Field Descriptions Sample Tasks/Additional Specifications Sa m e a s audit Mailboxes . Name Description (display only) Date Date that the audit was requested . Time Time that the aud it was req uested . Aud it Name Name of the aud it b eing run. Clean Cac he Writes d ata to d isk Result 1 c harac ter c ode that ind ic ates the last result of the named aud it, and up to 20 c harac ters of text of add itional aud it result information. b lank (aud it has not b een exec uted ) R (aud it is running ) P (last audit passed) F (last aud it failed ) A (last aud it ab orted )

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference 585-300-213 Issue 1 May 1999 Screen Descriptions 3-142 audit Network Data 3 audit Network Data The Aud it Results sc reen initiates a d emand aud it on network d ata and displays the results of the aud it. audit network-data Field Descriptions Name Description (display only) Date Date that the audit was requested . Time Time that the aud it was req uested . Aud it Name Name of the aud it b eing run. Clean Cac he Writes d ata to d isk. Result 1 c harac ter c ode that ind ic ates the last result of the named aud it, and up to 20 c harac ters of text of add itional aud it result information. b lank (aud it has not b een exec uted ) R (aud it is running ) P (last audit passed) F (last aud it failed ) A (last aud it ab orted )

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference 585-300-213 Issue 1 May 1999 Screen Descriptions 3-143 change/display Network-Group 3 change/display Network-Group The Network Group sc reen is used to c hang e or d isp lay g roup s assoc iated with the loc al network. The Chang e c ommand enab les the user to ad minister the network ports and loc ations. The Disp lay c ommand allows the user to d isp lay the groups. change network group

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference 585-300-213 Issue 1 May 1999 Screen Descriptions 3-144 change/display Network-Group 3 display network group Field Descriptions Name Description Valid Entries Memb er The memb er numb er of the network g roup1 or 2 Port The network p ort loc ation assig ned to this network g roup memb erPort in the form - p ort-network c arrier b oard slot, e.g ., 1A0401 Extension The extension attac hed to the portA switch extension number with leng th eq ual to the ad ministered extension leng th on the “ c hange mac hine loc al” sc reen

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference 585-300-213 Issue 1 May 1999 Screen Descriptions 3-145 busyout Network-Port 3 busyout Network-Port The Busyout/Release Network Port sc reen enables the system ad ministrator to b usy out or release a network port and to display the results of the busyout or release op eration.The busyout network port port- address c ommand takes the port specified by port-address out of service. busyout network port port- address Returns the port specified by port-address to servic e.

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference 585-300-213 Issue 1 May 1999 Screen Descriptions 3-146 busyout Network-Port 3 Field Descriptions Sample Tasks To b usy-out a network p ort: 1. Type busyout network port port-address [forced ] and press (Enter). Th e port-address and the op tional keyword , forced , are described above in the Command s section. 2. Press (Canc el) to ab ort the op eration and exit the sc reen. 3. Press (Enter) to invoke the b usy-out operation. To return a p ort to servic e: 1. Type release port port-address and p ress (Enter). 2. Press (Canc el) to ab ort the op eration and exit the sc reen. 3. Press (Enter) to invoke the release op eration. Servic e affec ting a p ort that is b usied-out c annot b e used to send or rec eive calls. Name Description (display only) Resourc e Port b eing b usied -out or released . Loc ation Board loc ation ( port-address) of the p ort b eing b usied -out or released, as spec ified on the c ommand line. This is a 7 c harac ter p ort ad d ress of the sc reen p ort-network (2 d ig its), c arrier (1 letter), slot (2 d igits), and p ort (2 d ig its). For examp le, 01a0201 sp ec ifies p ort-network= 01, c arrier= a, slot= 02, and p ort= 01. Extension Extension assoc iated with the d isp layed p ort. State Result of the b usy-out or release operation. UEQ (unequipped, port board is not present) ISP (in-servic e p end ing ) ISI (in-servic e and id le) ISB (in-servic e and b usy) OSP (out-of-servic e p end ing ) OOS (out of servic e) Reason If the b oard is out of servic e (OOS), this field d isp lays a c od e ind ic ating the reason. CR (manually b usied out, b y c raft) and (resourc e d efic ienc y) M (taken out of servic e b y maintenanc e and the voic e p ort is alarmed) T (Test in p rog ress) F (Taken out of servic e b y maintenanc e and the Networking p ort is alarmed) F3 F1 F3 F3 F1 F3

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference 585-300-213 Issue 1 May 1999 Screen Descriptions 3-147 test Network-Port 3 test Network-Port The Test Networking Port Results sc reen enab les the user to test the network p ort connec tion. This screen tests the networking port spec ified by < loc> . There is a short test and a long test that resets the p ort, a test that starts the 64k-loop test, a test that starts the 56k-loop test, and a test that stop s the ong oing test. The loop tests should only b e used if there is more than one d ig ital networking p ort. test networking port test networking port long test networking port 64k-start-loop test networking port 56k-start-loop test networking port stop-loop When test networking port with a sp ec ific loc ation is entered , the following sc reen appears.

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference 585-300-213 Issue 1 May 1999 Screen Descriptions 3-148 test Network-Port 3 Field Description (display only) Func tion Keys: Initially, p ressing (Canc el) returns the user to the c ommand line without exec uting the test. Pressing (Enter) starts the test. While the test is running , p ressing (Canc el) ab orts the test and pressing (Enter) p uts the test in the b ac kg round and returns the user to the c ommand line. The “ status test” c ommand rec onnec ts to the sc reen that d isp lays the results of the most rec ently run test. Name Description (display only) Date: The d ate the test was req uested. Time: The time the test was requested . Re s o u rc e : N ET_PO RT Loc : This is the loc ation of the p ort in this format: p ort-network, carrier, slot, p ort i.e., 01a0201 Test Name: The name of the test b eing run. Results: The field d esc rib ing the results of the most rec ently run test. The first field is a sing le c harac ter that rep resents the following : A= test ab orted F= test failed P= test p assed R= test running Pass: This is the numb er of times the test p assed . Fail: This is the numb er of times the test failed . Ab ort: This is the numb er of times the test was ab orted . F1 F3 F1F3