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Communications System
Lucent Technologies Definity Audix System Release 4.0 Screens Reference Manual
Lucent Technologies Definity Audix System Release 4.0 Screens Reference Manual
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DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference 585-300-213 Issue 1 May 1999 Screen Descriptions 3-229 change/display System-Parameters Outcalling 3

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference 585-300-213 Issue 1 May 1999 Screen Descriptions 3-230 change/display System-Parameters Outcalling 3 Field Descriptions Name Description Valid Entries Default Outc alling Active? Enab les outc alling on a system wid e basisy (enab led ) n (d isab led )n You may sp ecify up to three time p eriod s. Time p eriods cannot overlap and the sum of their d urations must < 24 hours. Start Time Beg inning outc alling period hh:mm format. 00:00 End Time End time of outcalling p eriod hh:mm format 23:59 Interval Time interval b etween outc alling attemp ts within sp ec ified outc alling periodhh:mm format 00:15 (15 min) Maximum Simultaneous PortsMax. voice p orts that c an b e used simultaneously for outc alling d uring this time p eriod . (AMIS Analog Networking and Messag e Delivery calls are inc lud ed in this maximum.)1 to the maximum numb er of provisioned ports (as sp ecified on the System-Parameters Customer Op tions sc reen) on your system1 Initial Delay Minutes after the d elivery of a messag e b efore an outc all can oc cur0 to 60 0 Maximum Numb er Dig itsMax. digits subscriber can specify for outc alling , inc lud ing the c harac ters # and *3 to 60 29 Maximum Numb er of Unsucc essful Outc all Attemp tsIf the field is b lank, the system will p eriod ic ally outc all to g ive notic e of a new message until the targ eted sub sc rib er log s in on the outc all or retrieves all new messages. If outc alled is turned on, and there are p riority messag es, the sub sc rib er can retrieve all new p riority messag es. If the field is set to a value from 1-99, the system will outcall up to this limit or until the targ eted sub sc rib er log s in on the outc all or retrieves all new (or new p riority) messag es. Outc alling will b e restarted once the sub scrib er retrieves the messag es and another new messag e is rec eived .1 - 99 b lank

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference 585-300-213 Issue 1 May 1999 Screen Descriptions 3-231 change System-Parameters Password 3 change System-Parameters Password The System Password sc reen is used to c hang e the system p assword . change system-parameters password Field Descriptions Name Description Valid Entries Customer Log in Pas sw o rdProvid es security b y req uiring the user to enter the p assword for the c urrent customer log in ID before the system p assword c an b e c hanged . Entries in this field are not echoed to the terminal.required input field Old System Pas sw o rdCurrent system p assword. Entries in this field are not ec hoed to the terminal. New System Pas sw o rdNew system p assword . Entries in this field are not echoed to the terminal. 3 to 10 alp hanumeric characters Confirm New System Pas sw o rdThe new system p assword is entered in this field and must exactly match the value entered in the New System Password field . Entries in this field are not ec hoed to the terminal.

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference 585-300-213 Issue 1 May 1999 Screen Descriptions 3-232 display/change System-Parameters- Sending Restrictions 3 display/change System-Parameters- Sending Restrictions The Send ing Restrictions sc reen ac tivates the send ing restric tions feature or sp ec ifies a matrix of send ing restric tion c ommunities. display system-parameters sending-restrictions change system-parameters sending-restrictions Field Descriptions Name Description Valid Entries Activate Restric tions?Spec ifies whether the Send ing Restric tion feature is ac tive. When you ac tivate or deactivate Sending Restric tions you must restart the DEFINITY AUDIX System.y (activate the send ing restric tions feature) n (d eac tivate the send ing restric tions feature) Send er/Recip ient CommunityThese field s are used to d efine sending restrictions b etween c ommunities of subscrib ers. b lank (no restric tions b etween the c orresp ond ing two c ommunities.) r (restric ts the corresp ond ing send er community (row) from sending voic e mail to members of the c orresp ond ing rec ipient c ommunity (c olumn)). Any charac ter other than r is interp reted as r.

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference 585-300-213 Issue 1 May 1999 Screen Descriptions 3-233 display System-Parameters Thresholds 3 display System-Parameters Thresholds The System-Parameters Threshold s sc reen is used to ad minister the sub sc riber and system messag e-sp ac e threshold s. display system-parameters thresholds change system-parameters thresholds Field Descriptions Name Description Valid Entries Default SUBSCRIBER MESSAGE SPACE WARNING The threshold value is interp reted as a perc ent of the sub sc rib er’s mailb ox sp ac e. When this threshold is reac hed , a warning messag e is issued to the sub sc riber up on login to the DEFINITY AUDIX System. Lower Lower messag e sp ac e threshold for a sub sc rib er’s mailb ox0 to 100 Rec ommended : 50% for small (< 9 minutes) mailb oxes and 80% for larg er mailb oxes. 50 Up per Upp er messag e spac e threshold for a sub sc rib er’s mailb ox0 to 100 Rec ommended : 80% for small (< 9 minutes) mailb oxes and 95% for larg er mailb oxes.80

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference 585-300-213 Issue 1 May 1999 Screen Descriptions 3-234 display System-Parameters Thresholds 3 SYSTEM STORAGE SPACE NOTE: The threshold value is interp reted as a percent of total system message sp ace. When this threshold is reac hed , a warning messag e ( lower, mid d le, or upper) ap p ears on the DEFINITY AUDIX status line. Lower Lower messag e sp ac e threshold for the system (the sp ac e available in the voic e text filesystem)0 to 100 75 Mid dle Mid d le message sp ace threshold for the system (the sp ac e available in the voic e text filesystem) 0 to 100 85 Upp er Upp er messag e-sp ac e threshold for the system (the sp ac e available in the voic e text filesystem) 0 to 100 95 Th r e s h o l d s Exc ee d edInd ic ates whic h system messag e sp ac e threshold was exc eed ed : lower, mid d le, up p er, or nonedisplay only field Master Data? Ind ic ates whether or not the master filesystem sp ac e threshold (85%) has b een exc eed eddisplay only field y (threshold exc eed ed ) n (threshold not exceeded ) System Data? Ind ic ates whether or not the system filesystem sp ac e threshold (85%) has b een exc eed ed . This filesystem c ontains mailboxes, messag e headers, and subscriber profiles.display only field y (threshold exc eed ed ) n (threshold not exceeded ) System Storag e? Ind ic ates whether or not the filesystem sp ac e threshold (85%) has b een exc eed ed for the Storag e Filesystem. The storag e filesystem c ontains all record ed sp eec h including names, p ersonal greetings, messag es, and system announc ements.display only field y (threshold exc eed ed ) n (threshold not exceeded ) Name Description Valid Entries Default

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference 585-300-213 Issue 1 May 1999 Screen Descriptions 3-235 display Time 3 display Time Th e D a t e a n d Ti m e sc reen is used to set or d isp lay the c urrent DEFINITY AUDIX d ate and time or to req uest a manual time sync hronization with the switc h. set time display time NOTE: This sc reen c an b e ac tivated while the DEFINITY AUDIX System is in the OA&M state. Field Descriptions Name Description Valid Entries Date Date that the test was req uested d isp lay only field Synchronize to Sw it c h?Synchronizes the DEFINITY AUDIX time with the switch time (q ueries the switc h for the current time and sets the DEFINITY AUDIX time to the c urrent switch time.) This feature is not available in the OA&M state. n (d o not sync hronize) y (sync hronize) The date and time field s d efault to c urrent d ate and time, b ased on system time. Month Sets the month for the c urrent d ate. An entry is mand atory if the Synchronize to Switc h entry is n.month name (January to Dec ember)

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference 585-300-213 Issue 1 May 1999 Screen Descriptions 3-236 display Time 3 Day of the Month Sets the d ay of the month for the c urrent d ate. An entry is mandatory if the Synchronize to Switc h entry is n.1 to 31 Year Sets the year for the c urrent d ate. An entry is mand atory if the Synchronize to Switc h entry is n.4 digit integers b etween 1990 and 2030 Hour Sets the hour for the c urrent d ate. An entry is mand atory if the Synchronize to Switc h entry is n.0 to 23 Minute Sets the minutes for the c urrent date. An entry is mand atory if the Synchronize to Switc h entry is n. 0 to 59 Synchronize to Switc h Result Results of the Synchronize to Switc h op eration. To sync hronize with the switc h, enter y in the Synchronize to Switc h field and press (Enter). If the DEFINITY AUDIX mac hine was suc c essfully sync hronized with the switc h, the d ate and time fields are up d ated and this field d isp lays suc cessful; otherwise, an error cod e d isp lays:display only field All Ports are b usy A p ort is needed to synchronize with the switc h. All the p orts are b usy hand ling c alls or have b een b usied out on the switc h. Unknown Failure Internal software error. Invalid Switc h year The AUDIX d ate starts at 1990. The switc h d ate is less than 1990 Failed An error was g enerated when g etting the time from the switc h. CNV_SW_TIM _FA I L The swi t c h t im e i s invalid. TI M _DI F_OUT_BN DS The swi t c h t im e a nd AUDIX time are out of required b ounds. (This should not show up for synchronize to switc h time at all.) Invalid MP name Internal software error Name Description Valid Entries F3

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference 585-300-213 Issue 1 May 1999 Screen Descriptions 3-237 display Time 3 Sample Tasks To sync hronize the DEFINITY AUDIX time with the switc h time: 1. Type set time and p ress (Enter). 2. Type y in the Sync hronize to Switc h? field, and p ress (Enter) to invoke the op eration. To set the c urrent Year, Month, Day, Hour, or Minute: 1. Type set time and p ress (Enter). 2. Move the c ursor to the d ate/time field (Year, Month, Day, Hour, or Minute) that you want to c hang e and typ e the d esired value. 3. Press (Enter) to invoke the sc reen op eration. Additional Specifications The relation b etween the Password Ag ing feature and the system d ate/time req uires the following : If you enable the Password Ag ing feature (whic h automatic ally exp ires all p assword s with a mod ific ation d ate/time p rior to enab ling d ate/time) and then set the system d ate/time to the p revious d ay, you must run the sub sc rib er d ata aud it. F3 F3 F3 F3

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference 585-300-213 Issue 1 May 1999 Screen Descriptions 3-238 change/display Transfer-Dialplan 3 change/display Transfer-Dialplan The Transfer-Dialp lan sc reen is used to d efine the d ialp lan information used for a valid transfer out of DEFINITY AUDIX. This sc reen allows the ad ministrator to d esc rib e the extensions to whic h transfers are p ermitted , and the sub set of extensions to whic h transfers are not p ermitted . change transfer-dialplan display transfer-dialplan If users are p ermitted to transfer out of the DEFINITY AUDIX voic e mail system, sec urity c onc erns req uire that the ad ministrator b e ab le to restric t transfer to a c ertain set of extensions. Field Description Name Description (display only) Valid Entries Permit Extension This d efines an extension temp late of an extension to whic h transfers out of the system are permitted.The extension temp late must be the same length as a valid mailb ox extension for the voic e mail system. The extension temp late must b egin with a d igit with sub sequent charac ters as either dig its or a wild c ard (X, or x) If the extension leng th is 5 c haracters, 80000 is valid and 74x is not; 74xxx is. Restric t Extension This d efines an extension temp late of an extension to whic h transfers out of the system are not permitted.