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Lucent Technologies Definity Audix System Release 4.0 Screens Reference Manual

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    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference  585-300-213  Issue 1
    May 1999
    Screen Descriptions 
    3-159 list Remote-Extensions 
    Field Descriptions
    Name Description (display only)
    Extension Extension of the remote sub sc riber
    Name Name of the remote subsc riber, if known
    Ty p eTyp e of the remote subsc rib er listed  — administered , verified , or 
    Usag e Date Last d ay the remote sub sc rib er assoc iated  with this extension had  
    ac tivity, was on the mailing  list, or was the send er of a messag e not 
    yet d eleted 
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference  585-300-213  Issue 1
    May 1999
    Screen Descriptions 
    3-160 add Remote-Subscriber 
    add Remote-Subscriber
    The Remote Sub sc rib er sc reen is used  to d isp lay, ad d , c hange, and  remove 
    sub sc rib ers that are remote to the loc al DEFINITY AUDIX mac hine. For add
    , the 
    sub sc rib er name is op tional. For the other c ommand s either the name, ad dress, 
    or the mac hine name 
    and subsc rib er extension must b e inc lud ed  to id entify a 
    p artic ular sub sc rib er rec ord .
    add remote-subscriber 
    add remote-subscriber
    change remote-subscriber
    change remote-subscriber
    change remote-subscriber
     machine-name subscriber-extension
    display remote-subscriber
    display remote-subscriber
    display remote-subscriber
     machine-name subscriber-extension
    remove remote-subscriber
    remove remote-subscriber
    remove remote-subscriber
     machine-name subscriber-extension
    This sc reen c an b e ac tivated  only if the AMIS analog  networking  or d ig ital 
    networking feature has b een ac tivated on the System-Parameters 
    Customer Op tions sc reen b y Luc ent Tec hnolog ies p ersonnel. 
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference  585-300-213  Issue 1
    May 1999
    Screen Descriptions 
    3-161 add Remote-Subscriber 
    Field Descriptions
    Name Description Valid Entries
    Name Name of the remote-sub sc rib er to b e 
    added, removed, or whose service 
    op tions are to b e d isp layed  or 
    changed. For add
     and change
    , the 
    new name must b e uniq ue and  
    touch-tone unique.req uired  inp ut field
    1 to 29 alphab etic  valid  
    sub sc rib er name
    The sub sc rib er name 
    should be entered in last 
    name, first name format. 
    Extension Sub sc rib ers extension on the remote 
    system. Use display Machine
     to view 
    for valid ranges and extension lengths.3 to 10 d ig it extension 
    that is within rang e, and  
    is of valid  leng th for the 
    remote mac hine (on 
    whic h the remote 
    sub sc rib er is 
    ad ministered ) and  not 
    assig ned  to another 
    sub sc rib er on the 
    remote mac hine.
    Ad d ress Sub sc rib ers ad d ress c onsisting of the 
    p refix (if d efined  on the Mac hine 
    sc reen) for the remote mac hine on 
    whic h the sub sc rib er resid es, followed 
    b y the sub sc ribers extensionblank
    1 to 25 alphanumeric  
    Community ID Community ID to b e assig ned  to this 
    sub sc rib er. This is the d efault 
    c ommunity ID for remote sub sc ribers 
    mac hine. See the Mac hine sc reen, 
    Community ID field .blank
    1 to 15
    Ad ministered ? Sp ec ifies whether or not a remote 
    sub sc rib er is administered . An 
    ad ministered  remote sub sc rib er has 
    the name, extension, and  only one 
    mac hine field  filled  in.y (sub sc rib er 
    ad ministered )
    n (sub scrib er not 
    ad ministered )
    Voic ed  Name? Ind ic ates whether or not a remote 
    sub sc rib ers name has b een rec ord edd isp lay only field
    y (sub sc rib ers name 
    record ed ) 
    n (sub sc rib ers name not 
    record ed ) 
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference  585-300-213  Issue 1
    May 1999
    Screen Descriptions 
    3-162 add Remote-Subscriber 
    Non-Ad ministered 
    Ty p eCond ition of the sub sc rib er if the 
    subsc riber is not administered. 
    verified  (msg . succ essfully rec eived 
    from this sub sc rib er)
    unverified (msg. addressed to this 
    sub sc rib er b ut not yet suc c essfully 
    no p rofile (the DEFINITY AUDIX 
    System has no p rofile info. for the 
    specified address)d isp lay only field  
    Last Usag e Date Date (mm/dd /yy) when the remote 
    sub sc rib er p rofile was last verified  to 
    b e in use (had  ac tivity that d ay or was 
    the send er of a message not yet 
    deleted)d isp lay-only field
    Mac hine Names Names of the mac hines assoc iated  
    with this remote sub sc rib er. For 
    ad ministered  remote sub sc rib ers and  
    for verified  non-ad ministered  
    sub sc rib ers, only one mac hine 
    ap p ears. For unverified 
    non-ad ministered subsc rib ers, up  to 
    16 mac hines ap p ear. blank
    1 to 10 alphanumeric  
    c harac ters. A valid  
    mac hine name must be 
    entered  on a add , 
    c hang e, or remove 
    op eration.
    Name Description Valid Entries 
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference  585-300-213  Issue 1
    May 1999
    Screen Descriptions 
    3-163 get Remote-Updates 
    get Remote-Updates
    The Remote Upd ate Req uest sc reen is used  to g et status information for a d ig ital 
    networking  mac hine.
    Field Description
    Name Description 
    Req uest Full 
    Up d ate from 
    Mac hineThis is the name of the mac hine the remote up d ate is c oming  from.
    Status of Last 
    UpdateThis is either c ompleted  or running .
    Last Comp lete 
    UpdateThis is the d ate when the last up d ate was c omp leted . 
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference  585-300-213  Issue 1
    May 1999
    Screen Descriptions 
    3-164 display Subscriber 
    display Subscriber
    The Sub sc rib er sc reen is used  to ad minister loc al DEFINITY AUDIX sub sc rib ers 
    and  to d isp lay and  manip ulate their servic e attrib utes. For add
    , the sub sc rib er 
    name or extension is op tional. For the other c ommand s, either the name or 
    must b e inc lud ed. A sub sc rib er name must b e d ouble q uoted  if the 
    name c ontains sp ac es.
    add subscriber 
    add subscriber
    add subscriber
    add subscriber
     name extension
    change subscriber
    change subscriber
    display subscriber
    display subscriber
    remove subscriber
    remove subscriber
    The Sub sc rib er sc reen has two or three p ages as shown below. The first p ag e 
    c ontains field s for administering  a sub sc rib er with a p redefined  c lass of servic e. 
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference  585-300-213  Issue 1
    May 1999
    Screen Descriptions 
    3-165 display Subscriber 
    The second page of the screen is used to view or c ustomize class of service 
    The third  pag e of the sc reen is used  to ad minister the automated attend ant menu 
    when the PERMISSIONS Typ e field  on p ag e 2 is set to auto attend ant. 
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference  585-300-213  Issue 1
    May 1999
    Screen Descriptions 
    3-166 display Subscriber 
    Field Descriptions
    Name Description Valid Entries Default
    PA G E  1
    Name Req uired input field .
    Name of the sub scrib er b eing 
    added, removed, or whose 
    servic e op tions are b eing  
    displayed or changed.
    For Bulletin Board  service, the 
    subscrib er name should  id entify 
    the type of messag es to be 
    p osted . For Automated  
    Attend ants, the subsc rib er name 
    should  identify the attend ant 
    service. 1 to 29 alp hab etic  
    charac ters in last name, first 
    name format. For add and  
    change, the new name must 
    b e uniq ue and  touch-tone 
    Loc ked Locked  status of the sub sc ribers 
    login ID. This field  can b e used  
    to unloc k a sub sc rib ers locked  
    login ID by replacing y with n.
    It c annot b e used  to loc k a 
    subscrib ers log in ID — chang e 
    n to y.n (id  is not locked , or unloc k 
    the id )
    y (id is loc ked  — d isp lay 
    Extension Sub sc rib ers extension 3 to 10 d ig it extension that is 
    within rang e, is not assig ned  
    to another loc al sub sc rib er, 
    and  is of valid  length on the 
    loc al DEFINITY AUDIX 
    machine (see the Mac hine 
    Profile sc reen)
    The extension need  not be administered  on the switc h for sub sc rib ers 
    without c all answer cap ab ility. For examp le, some Automated 
    Attend ants may have extensions that are not ad ministered on the switc h 
    if they are stric tly sub menus.
    Password Password  to b e assigned to a 
    subscrib er. 
    To exp ire a user’s 
    password, enter e in this 
    field  when Password  
    Ag ing  is ac tivated  on the 
    Features sc reen.0 to 15 dig it number
    If b lank or if a p assword  is 
    shorter than the min. 
    req uired  leng th, the system 
    forc es the subsc rib er to 
    chang e the p assword  on the 
    next log in.b lank
    COS Name or numb er of the c lass of 
    service to b e assig ned  to this 
    subscrib er. 1 to 8 alp hanumeric  
    charac ters
    Use list COS c ommand  to 
    see valid COS names and  
    numb ers.class0 
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference  585-300-213  Issue 1
    May 1999
    Screen Descriptions 
    3-167 display Subscriber 
    Misc ellaneous Ad d itional sub sc riber information 
    for use b y the administrator. This 
    field  is not used  b y the DEFINITY 
    A U D IX Sys te mblank
    1 to 11 alp hanumeric 
    charac tersb lank
    Switc h Numb er Number of the switc h on whic h 
    this sub sc rib ers extension is 
    ad ministered.0 to 20
    0 means that the sub sc rib er 
    mailb ox b ut no extension on 
    the switch. Mailb oxes for 
    shared  extensions should  
    also have a 0 in this field . Ad minister
    ed host 
    switc h 
    from the 
    Switc h-link 
    sc reen.
    The messag e waiting  ind ic ation (MWI) feature will not work p rop erly 
    unless this switch number is the same as the host switch numb er 
    assig ned  on the Switc h-Link sc reen. Normally, you c an use the d efault 
    value in this field  unless the DEFINITY AUDIX System is op erating  in a 
    DCS environment. For DCS, the switch numb er for eac h subsc rib er must 
    id entify the switc h on whic h the sub sc riber is administered, and  must b e 
    a switch numb er listed on the Switch Link sc reen.
    Ext en s io nDefault destination for the 
    Transfer Out of DEFINITY AUDIX 
    The extension entered  in 
    this field  should  b e an 
    ad ministered  extension on 
    the switc h to minimize the 
    p ossib ility of toll fraud .blank
    (Uses the system d efault 
    covering  extension 
    sp ec ified  on p ag e 2 of the 
    Features sc reen). 
    3 to 10 dig it integ er
    Extension must b e of the 
    correct extension leng th for 
    the switch.
    Community ID Community ID b eing  assig ned  to 
    this sub sc rib er. See the 
    System-Parameters Sending 
    restric tions screen for restrictions 
    on send ing  messag es b etween 
    (uses the system default 
    community ID from the 
    Machine screen for the local 
    mac hine.)
    1 to 15
    Broad cast 
    Mailb oxInd ic ates whether this sub sc rib er 
    is the special broadcast mailbox.
    Fo r  add subscriber you may 
    enter y or n to indic ate a spec ial 
    broadcast mailbox. To change y 
    to n, the b road c ast mailb ox must 
    b e removed  and read ministered. 
    An existing  sub sc riber c annot b e 
    changed to be the broadcast 
    mailb ox.d isplay only field  for 
    change, display, and 
    remove n Name Description Valid Entries Default 
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference  585-300-213  Issue 1
    May 1999
    Screen Descriptions 
    3-168 display Subscriber 
    PA G E  2
    The default values for fields on Pag e 2 d ep end  on the class of servic e assig ned  to the sub sc riber. 
    initial d efault values sp ec ified  for some of the field s may c hang e if the c lass of servic e is 
    chang ed.
    Add ressing  
    Fo r m a tDefault format (name or 
    extension) this sub sc riber will 
    use when ad d ressing  DEFINITY 
    AUDIX messages.name
    extension extension
    Log in 
    Announc ement 
    SetAnnouncement set used for any 
    system p romp ts when the 
    subscrib er log s into the system.
    If Multiling ual feature is OFF, this 
    field  can only contain b lank or 
    system (system is d efined  in 
    System-Parameters Features 
    sc reen).use list annc-sets to see 
    installed  annc -sets on this 
    mac hinesystem 
    Multiling ualSp ecifies whether the System 
    Multiling ual Feature is ON or 
    OFF. This system wid e feature is 
    ad ministered in the 
    System-Parameters Customer 
    Options sc reen.d isplay only field  
    Call Answer 
    Primary Annc. 
    SetAnnouncement set used for the 
    system prompts and greeting 
    (p ersonal or standard  system) 
    unless and  until the caller opts to 
    switc h annc . sets. same as Log in 
    Announc ement Set
    To spec ify an 
    announc ement set, 
    the System 
    Multiling ual Feature 
    must be enabled 
    Call Answer 
    ChoiceEnab les Call Answer Lang uag e 
    Choic e, whic h lets a c aller switc h 
    to a sec ond  languag e.
    If enab led , c all answer c alls to 
    the sub scrib ers mailb ox are 
    g reeted  using  the p rimary 
    lang uag e and  the c aller is 
    instruc ted  (in the sec ond ary 
    lang uag e) to enter *1 to switch to 
    the sec ond ary lang uag e. y (enab led )
    Multiple Personal 
    Greetings feature is 
    not availab le to the 
    sub sc rib er when Call 
    Ans. Lang . Choic e is 
    enab led .
    n (d isabled)n Name Description Valid Entries Default 
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