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Lucent Technologies Definity Audix System Release 4.0 Screens Reference Manual

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    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference  585-300-213  Issue 1
    May 1999
    Screen Descriptions 
    3-39 display/restore Backups 
    Numb er Numb er id entifying  the b ackup  to 
    b e read  from the MO d isk. The 
    b ac kup s are numb ered  from most 
    rec ent b ac kup  to old est b ac kup .1 to 32 c harac ters
    Typ e  Typ e of the c orresponding  b ackup :
    automated _nightly (nig htly b ac kup  
    d one automatically)
    manual_nig htly (nightly bac kup  
    d one manually, on d emand )
    automated _weekly (weekly bac kup  
    d one automatically)
    announcements (bac kup  of 
    announcements. The 
    c orresp ond ing  Name field  shows 
    the name of the announc ement 
    filesystem subd irec tory from which 
    the b ac kup  was taken.)
    manual_weekly (weekly b ackup  
    d one manually, on d emand )
    Name Name of the bac kup , if any Read  from the sub name field  of the 
    MO d isk file lab el
    Date Date the corresp ond ing  bac kup  
    was mad e.mm/dd/yy format
    Time Time that the corresp ond ing  
    b ac kup  was made. hh:mm format Field Name Description Valid Entries 
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference  585-300-213  Issue 1
    May 1999
    Screen Descriptions 
    3-40 display/restore Backups 
    Sample Tasks
    An MO d isk must be mounted  b efore you c an d isp lay or restore b ac kup s. If an 
    MO d isk is not mounted , or if the wrong  MO d isk is mounted , first use the MO 
    DISK sc reen to ad d  or remove an MO d isk. 
    To d isp lay the b ac kup s on a tape: 
    1. Type display backups
     and  p ress   (Enter). 
    2. Press   (Next Pag e) to view the next p ag e. 
    3. Press   (Previous Page) to view the p revious p ag e. 
    4. Press   (Canc el) to exit the sc reen. 
    To restore d ata from the MO d isk, the DEFINITY AUDIX System must b e in the 
    OA&M state. If the system is alread y in the OA&M state, skip  to step  3.    
    1. Type reset system oa&m
     and  p ress   (Enter). The first p ag e of the 
    sc reen ap p ears. This will stop  voic e_mail servic e.
    2. Press   (Enter) to b egin a reset (that 
    c annot b e c anc elled) to the OA&M 
    state, or press   (Canc el) to exit the sc reen without p erforming  the reset. 
    3. The second page of the screen displays if   (Enter) was pressed. There 
    are two op tions: 
    nWait for the reset to c omplete. 
    nPress   (Enter) to c ause a forc ed  reset (p orts are id led  and  the 
    reset beg ins immed iately). 
    When the reset to the OA&M state is c omp lete, 
    1. Type restore backups
     and  p ress   (Enter). 
    2. Typ e the numb er of the b ac kup  to b e restored  in the Bac kup  Numb er to 
    Restore field . 
    3. Press   (Enter) to invoke the restore op eration or   (Canc el) to exit the 
    sc reen without restoring  the b ac kup . (Onc e started , a restore op eration 
    c annot b e interrup ted  until c omp leted.) 
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference  585-300-213  Issue 1
    May 1999
    Screen Descriptions 
    3-41 test Board 
    test Board
    The Test Board  Results sc reen initiates a d emand  b oard  test series on the TN568 
    and  d isp lays the results of the test. 
    test board 
    test board
     loc long
    If long
     is sp ec ified , the long  test is p erformed ; otherwise, the short test is 
    p erformed. If the long  test is p erformed , the p orts for this board  must first b e 
    busied-out using the Busyout Voice-Group screen. The loc
     q ualifier is op tional.
    The activation commands for this sc reen can be executed by users with 
    craft or hig her-level log in p ermissions.
    Following  is an examp le of the test b oard  results. 
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference  585-300-213  Issue 1
    May 1999
    Screen Descriptions 
    3-42 test Board 
    Following  is an examp le of p ag e 1 of the test b oard long  results. 
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference  585-300-213  Issue 1
    May 1999
    Screen Descriptions 
    3-43 test Board 
    Field Descriptions
    Additional Specifications
    While the test series is running , you have three op tions: 
    1. Press   (Canc el) to ab ort the tests and  return to the c ommand  line. 
    2. Wait for the test series to c omp lete. 
    3. Press   (Enter) to p ut the test in the b ac kg round  and  return to the 
    c ommand  line. 
    Ty p e  status test
     to rec onnec t to the sc reen of a test running  in b ac kg round , or to 
    d isp lay the results of the most rec ently c omp leted  test. 
    Field Name Description (display only)
    Date Date and  time that the test was req uested . 
    Resourc e Name of resourc e b eing  tested .
    Loc . Loc ation of the resourc e being  tested .
    5 c haracter string  that ind ic ates p ort-network, c arrier, and slot. For 
    examp le, 01a02 ind ic ates p ort-network= 01, c arrier= a, slot= 02. 
    Test Name Name of test b eing  exec uted .
    Most Rec ent Test 
    Res ul t - C o d eCode ind ic ating  the result of the test
    b lank (test has not b een exec uted )
    R (test is running )
    P (last test p assed )
    F (last test failed)
    A (last test ab orted )
    Most Rec ent Test 
    Result-String20 c harac ters of text of add itional test result information. 
    Test Counters
    Pass Numb er of times the test has p assed  sinc e the test c ommand  was 
    executed .
    Fail Numb er of times the test has failed sinc e the test c ommand  was exec uted .
    Abort Numb er of times the test has ab orted sinc e the test command  was 
    executed .
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference  585-300-213  Issue 1
    May 1999
    Screen Descriptions 
    3-44 list Configuration 
    list Configuration
    The List Config uration sc reen d isp lays the c urrent hard ware, firmware, SCSI 
    p erip herals, and  software c onfig uration. 
    list configuration 
    This sc reen c an b e ac tivated  while the system is in the OA&M state.
    Field Descriptions
    Field Name Description (display only)
    Software Vintag e  Software Release, Version, and  Issue numb ers. 
    Loc ation Loc ation of the hard ware or SCSI d evic es. Blank for software and  firmware. 
    Typ e Typ e of hardware, type of firmware assoc iated with hard ware, or the SCSI 
    peripherals (MO disk or hard disk.)
    Board  Cod e Board  cod e and  suffix. Blank for software, firmware, and SCSI d evic es. 
    Vintag e Hardware or firmware vintag e. This field  is emp ty for SCSI devic es.  
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference  585-300-213  Issue 1
    May 1999
    Screen Descriptions 
    3-45 display Class of Service (COS) 
    display Class of Service (COS)
    The Class of Service sc reen names and  d efines a set of servic e op tions assig ned  
    to one or more sub sc rib ers. Up  to twelve c lasses of servic e are d efined . Using  
    the c ommand s d esc rib ed  b elow, you c an id entify eac h c lass of servic e b y a 
    numb er from 0 to 11 or b y an alp hanumeric  name. Use the list Classes of Servic e
    sc reen (list cos
    ) to view the c urrent names for c lasses of servic e. 
    change cos
    change cos
    display cos
    display cos
    Th e  
    cos-number/name sp ec ifies either the numb er or name of the c lass of 
    servic e you wish to c hang e or d isp lay.  
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference  585-300-213  Issue 1
    May 1999
    Screen Descriptions 
    3-46 display Class of Service (COS) 
    Field Descriptions
    Name Description Valid Entries Default
    Name Class of servic e name uniq ue c lass of servic e 
    name from 1 to 8 alpha- 
    numeric  charac ters longclass00 
    throug h 
    COS Numb er Number for this COS d isp lay-only field
    Mod ified Ind ic ates whether this COS 
    has b een chang ed since 
    installationd isp lay-only field 
    Add ressing  Format Sp ecifies whether 
    sub sc rib ers are ad d ressed  
    b y name or extension with 
    this COS.extension
    name extension
    Log in Announc ement 
    SetAnnouncement set used for 
    system p romp ts when 
    subscrib er log s into system. 
    A sing le announcement set 
    is sold  with the DEFINITY 
    AUDIX System. Ad d itional 
    announc ement sets may b e 
    p urchased . If Multilingual 
    feature is OFF, this field c an 
    only be b lank or c ontain 
    system.list annc-sets
     d isp lays valid 
    announc ement set namessystem 
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference  585-300-213  Issue 1
    May 1999
    Screen Descriptions 
    3-47 display Class of Service (COS) 
    System Multiling ual is Sp ecifies whether 
    multi-ling ual feature is ON or 
    O FF.    Th is  s ys t em - wid e  
    feature is ad ministered on 
    the System-Parameters 
    Customer-Op tions sc reen.d isp lay-only field
    Call Answer Primary 
    Annc . SetAnnc. set used  for system 
    prompts and the greeting 
    (p ersonal or standard  
    system) unless and  until the 
    caller chooses to switch 
    lang uag es. same as Login Annc. Sets 
    To sp ec ify an 
    alternate annc. set, 
    the System 
    Multiling ual Feature 
    must be enabled 
    Call Answer 
    Language Choic eEnables Call Answer 
    Lang uag e Choic e, whic h lets 
    a c aller switch to a second 
    lang uag e. Call answer c alls 
    to the sub sc rib er’s mailbox 
    are then g reeted using  the 
    p rimary lang uag e and the 
    c aller is instruc ted (in the 
    second ary lang uag e) to 
    enter *1 to switch to the 
    second ary lang uag e. y (enabled)
    n (d isab led )
    Enab ling  this feature 
    d isables the Multip le 
    Personal Greetings 
    feature and  deletes 
    the sec ond ary 
    p ersonal g reeting s of 
    this COS when the 
    next mailb ox audit is 
    Call Answer 
    Sec ond ary Annc . Set Announcement set for 
    system prompts and the 
    g reeting (p ersonal or 
    stand ard  system) onc e the 
    caller chooses to switch 
    announc ement sets from the 
    primary. same as Login 
    Announcement Setssystem
    To sp ecify an alternate lang uag e set, the multilingual feature must b e 
    ON and Call Answer Lang uag e Choice must b e set to y. If this is the 
    c ase, this field  cannot be the same as Call Answer Primary 
    Announc ement Set. Name Description Valid Entries Default 
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference  585-300-213  Issue 1
    May 1999
    Screen Descriptions 
    3-48 display Class of Service (COS) 
    Type Indicates the call-answer 
    b ehavior for sub sc rib ers who 
    have this c lass of servic e.call-answer
    auto attendant
    b ulletin board
    Issue  1   May 1999 none call- answer
    Announc ement 
    ControlLets sub sc rib ers with this 
    COS rec ord  system names 
    and  announc ements. y (can rec ord  names and 
    announc ements)
    n (cannot rec ord  names and  
    announc ements)n
    Sub sc rib ers with this p ermission c an c hang e 
    announc ements heard  b y users. This c ap ab ility 
    should be reserved  for the system ad ministrator.
    Outc alling Enables outc alling for this 
    COS. Outc alling  alerts 
    subscrib ers to new 
    messag es by p lacing a call 
    to the outcalling numb er 
    when a new message is 
    rec eived . y (enabled)
    n (d isab led )n
    Priority Messag es Enables sub sc rib ers having  
    this COS to send  p riority 
    messag es to other 
    subscrib ers.y (enabled)
    n (d isab led )n 
    Broad c ast Controls the kind  of 
    b road c ast messag es that 
    can be created by 
    subscrib ers with this COS. 
    Only a limited  numb er 
    of subscrib ers should 
    be given broadcast 
    p ermission. voic e (Broad c ast voic e 
    messag e p ermission) 
    login (Log in annc. 
    p ermission)
    none none  Name Description Valid Entries Default 
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