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Lucent Technologies Definity Audix System Release 4.0 Screens Reference Manual
Lucent Technologies Definity Audix System Release 4.0 Screens Reference Manual
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DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference 585-300-213 Issue 1 May 1999 Screen Descriptions 3-129 list Measurements Subscriber Month 3

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference 585-300-213 Issue 1 May 1999 Screen Descriptions 3-130 list Measurements Subscriber Month 3 Field Descriptions Field Name Description (display only) This sc reen d isp lays information for the month and year spec ified at the c ommand line or entered in the Date field. Name Name of the sub scrib er whose traffic information is being rep orted . This is the name entered on the c ommand line. Either a name or an extension must b e includ ed on the c ommand line. If a name is entered , it may b e enc losed in quotes. Extension Extension of the sub scrib er whose traffic information is b eing rep orted . This is the extension entered on the c ommand line. Either a name or an extension must b e inc lud ed on the c ommand line. Date Starting month/year for the traffic report as sp ec ified on the c ommand line. If no d ate is entered on the command line, the current date is used . Ending Date Date on which collecting ended for the specified month. Community ID ID of the c ommunity to whic h the sub sc riber b elong s. Mailb ox Sp ac e Used Amount of messag e sp ac e (in sec ond s) in use b y the sub sc rib er d uring the month rep orted . Mailb ox Sp ac e AllowedMax. allowab le size (in second s) of the sub sc rib er’s mailb ox. Maximum Sp ac e UsedMax. amount of messag e spac e (in sec ond s) in use b y the sub sc rib er at any time d uring the month rep orted . Spac e Guaranteed Amount of messag e sp ac e (in second s) g uaranteed for the subsc rib er’s mailb ox. SESSION TRAFFIC CALL ANSWER Sessions Prime Number of times a caller was red irec ted to the DEFINITY AUDIX System on b ehalf of the subsc rib er d uring prime hours. Non-Prime Number of times a caller was red irec ted to the DEFINITY AUDIX System on b ehalf of the subsc rib er d uring nonp rime hours. VOICE MAIL Sessions Prime Number of times the sub scrib er suc cessfully log ged in during prime hours. Non-Prime Number of times the sub sc rib er suc c essfully logg ed in d uring nonprime hours. CALL ANSWER Session Usage Prime Total duration (in sec ond s) of calls to the subscrib er d uring p rime hours. Non-Prime Total d uration (in sec ond s) of c alls to the sub scrib er d uring nonp rime hours. VOICE MAIL Session Usage Prime Total duration (in sec ond s) of time sp ent log g ed in b y the sub sc rib er d uring p rime hours. Non-Prime Total duration (in sec ond s) of time sp ent log g ed in b y the sub sc rib er d uring nonp rime hours.

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference 585-300-213 Issue 1 May 1999 Screen Descriptions 3-131 list Measurements Subscriber Month 3 PAGE 2 VOICE MAIL MESSAGE RECEIVED Local Voice Mail Messages Prime Numb er of p rime time voic e mail messag es rec eived b y the sub sc rib er. Non-Prime Number of nonp rime voice mail messages rec eived by the subscrib er. Remote Voice Mail Messages Prime Number of p rime time voic e mail messag es rec eived b y the sub sc rib er. Non-Prime Number of nonp rime voice mail messages rec eived by the subscrib er. Undeliverable Notifications Prime Number of p rime time und eliverab le notific ations rec eived by the subscrib er. Non-Prime Number of nonprime und eliverab le notific ations received b y the sub sc rib er. CALL ANSWER MESSAGES RECEIVED Prime Numb er of p rime time new c all answer messag es ac c umulated in the subscrib er’s mailbox. Non-Prime Number of new nonp rime c all answer messag es acc umulated in the subscrib er’s mailbox. PAGE 3 VOICE MAIL MESSAGES CREATED Total Voice Mail Messages Prime Total numb er of p rime time voic e mail messag es c reated by the sub scrib er. Non-Prime Total numb er of nonp rime voic e mail messag es c reated by the subscrib ers. Broadcast Messages Prime Numb er of p rime time voic e mail b road c ast messag es c reated b y the subscrib er. Non-Prime Number of nonp rime voice mail b road cast messag es c reated b y the subscrib er. Login Announcements Prime Number of p rime time voic e mail login announc ements c reated b y the subscrib er. Non-Prime Number of nonp rime voice mail log in announc ements c reated b y the subscrib er. Priority Messages Prime Number of p rime time voic e mail p riority msg s. created by the sub sc rib er. Non-Prime Number of nonp rime voice mail p riority msgs created by the subscrib er. Field Name Description (display only)

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference 585-300-213 Issue 1 May 1999 Screen Descriptions 3-132 list Measurements Subscriber Month 3 Voice-Mail, Private Messages Prime Number of p rime time voic e mail p rivate messages c reated b y the subscrib er. Non-Prime Numb er of nonp rime voic e mail p rivate messag es c reated b y the sub scrib er. VOI C E M A I L M ESSA G ES SEN T Local Voice Mail Messages Sent Prime Number of p rime time voice mail messag es sent to loc al subsc rib ers b y the subscrib er. Non-Prime Number of nonp rime voice mail messages sent to loc al sub sc ribers b y the subscrib er. Remote Voice Mail Messages Sent Prime Numb er of p rime time voic e mail messag es sent to remote sub sc rib ers b y the sub scrib er. Non-Prime Number of nonp rime voice mail messages sent to remote sub sc rib ers b y the sub scrib er. Field Name Description (display only)

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference 585-300-213 Issue 1 May 1999 Screen Descriptions 3-133 add/remove MO-Disk 3 add/remove MO-Disk The MO-Disk sc reen is used to ad d an MO disk to the MO d rive or to remove one from it. add mo-disk add mo-disk initialize remove mo-disk When ad d ing an MO d isk, the initialize q ualifier erases all data on the d isk with the exc ep tion of the volume name. The MO-Disk sc reen c an b e ac tivated while the DEFINITY AUDIX System is in the OA&M state.

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference 585-300-213 Issue 1 May 1999 Screen Descriptions 3-134 add/remove MO-Disk 3 Field Descriptions Name Description MO-Disk Drive Loc ationLoc ation of the MO d rive in a 7 charac ter string that ind icates p ort network, c arrier, slot, and SCSI ID. For examp le, 01a0202 ind icates port network= 01, c arrier= a, slot= 02, and SCSI ID= 02. This field is p opulated with the d efault location of the MO d rive on the TN568. NOTE: The following MO d isk information is read from the volume lab el, or b ac kup if there is no label. Volume Typ e Purp ose of the MO d isk, suc h as b ackup (used for a b ac kup of DEFINITY AUDIX d ata) or g eneric (c ontains DEFINITY AUDIX software p rovid ed b y Luc ent Tec hnolog ies) Volume Name Name for this MO disk. Defaults to c urrently mounted MO d isk. NOTE: The MO disk is erased when the volume name is chang ed. Software Release Identifies the Release, Version, and Issue numb ers of the DEFINITY AUDIX software running at the time the MO d isk was c reated Mac hine Name Name of the mac hine on whic h this MO d isk was c reated Creation Date Date on whic h the MO disk was c reated Status of most rec ent “add mo-disk” op erationStatus of the most recent use of the ad d mo-d isk op eration.

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference 585-300-213 Issue 1 May 1999 Screen Descriptions 3-135 add/remove MO-Disk 3 Sample Tasks To load an MO disk: 1. Type add mo-disk and p ress (Enter). This d isp lays the MO-DISK sc reen. 2. Press (Enter) ag ain. This add s the MO d isk with the existing Volume Name. To load an MO disk and c hang e the volume name: 1. Type add mo-disk and p ress (Enter). 2. To c hange the existing Volume Name, typ e the name for this MO disk in the Volume Name field. !CAUTION: This op eration will erase all d ata on the MO d isk. 3. Press (Enter). 4. When p romp ted , p ress (Enter) to c onfirm erasure of the MO d isk. Press (Canc el) to c anc el the ad d mo-d isk op eration. If an MO d isk is out of sp ac e, or if it has a c orrup t filesystem, you c an ad d the MO d isk b ut erase all existing d ata. System alarms will ind ic ate if an MO d isk is out of sp ac e or has a c orrup t filesystem. To load an MO d isk while erasing p revious data: 1. Type add mo-disk initialize and p ress (Enter). This d isp lays the MO-DISK sc reen. 2. Press (Enter) ag ain. This add s the MO d isk with the existing Volume Name. To remove an MO disk: 1. Type remove mo-disk and p ress (Enter). 2. Press (Enter) to invoke the sc reen op eration. F3 F3 F3 F3 F3 F1 F3 F3 F3 F3

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference 585-300-213 Issue 1 May 1999 Screen Descriptions 3-136 status MO-Disk 3 status MO-Disk The Status MO-Disk sc reen d isp lays the status of the MO d rive and MO d isk. status mo-disk NOTE: This sc reen c an b e ac tivated while the DEFINITY AUDIX System is in the OA&M state.

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference 585-300-213 Issue 1 May 1999 Screen Descriptions 3-137 status MO-Disk 3 Field Descriptions Name Description (display only) MO Drive Loc ation Loc ation of the MO d rive in a 7 c harac ter string that ind ic ates p ort network, c arrier, slot, and SCSI ID. For examp le, 01a0202 ind icates port network= 01, c arrier= a, slot= 02, and SCSI ID= 02. This field is p opulated with the d efault location of the MO d rive on the TN568. Status Status of the MO disk drive In servic e, id le (Drive is in servic e/ availab le for use.) In servic e, b usy (Drive is in servic e for normal op eration. This is the status when the b ac kup /restore op eration is in prog ress.) Status (cont) In servic e, p end ing (Drive is in service p end ing comp letion of ad ministration. This is the status when an ad d mo-d isk op eration is in p rog ress.) Out-of-Servic e — F (Drive is faulted — not op erab le — as d etermined by maintenanc e) Out-of-Servic e — D (Drive is op erab le, but has not b een ad d ed via the ad d mo-d isk command.) Out-of-Servic e — T (Drive is c urrently b eing tested . This is the status when a test mo-d isk is in p rog ress.) Unequipped (No MO d rive is installed at the sp ec ified loc ation.) Drive, Eq uip ped ? Ind icates whether or not an MO d rive is eq uip ped (p resent) at the sp ec ified loc ation Drive, Vend or Vend or name for the sp ec ified MO drive Drive, Mod el Mod el id for the spec ified MO d rive Drive, Revision MO d isk revision id entific ation for the sp ecified MO d rive. d isp lay only field Cartrid ge, Equipp ed?Ind icates whether or not an MO d isk is equipp ed (p resent) at the sp ec ified loc ation Cartrid ge, Administered ?Ind icates whether an MO disk was ad ministered via the add mo-d isk sc reen Cartrid ge, Write Ena b le d ?Ind icates whether or not writing to the MO d isk is enab led Cartrid ge, Cap acity Capac ity of the MO d isk in millions of b ytes Self-Diag nostics Field ind icates if this test p assed , failed or was not run. Write Test Field ind icates if this test p assed , failed or was not run. Read Test Field ind icates if this test p assed , failed or was not run. Verify Test Field ind icates if this test p assed , failed or was not run.

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference 585-300-213 Issue 1 May 1999 Screen Descriptions 3-138 test MO-Disk 3 test MO-Disk The MO-Disk Test Results sc reen initiates a d emand test of the MO d isk and d isp lays the test results. test mo-disk Chec ks the filesystem on the d isk. If there is enoug h sp ac e on the d isk, the test writes a file lab el and test file to the d isk, then read s and verifies the test file.