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Lucent Technologies Definity Audix System Release 4.0 Screens Reference Manual
Lucent Technologies Definity Audix System Release 4.0 Screens Reference Manual
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DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference 585-300-213 Issue 1 May 1999 Using the DEFINITY AUDIX Screens 1-5 The Command Line 1 Function Key Equivalents Keyb oard eq uivalents are availab le for users whose terminals c annot ac c ommod ate the DEFINITY AUDIX func tion keys. Eac h func tion key and its control key combination is shown below: The Command Line This sec tion d esc rib es the syntax for the sc reen ac tivation c ommand s. Verb-Object Orientation The sc reen ac tivation c ommand s for the DEFINITY AUDIX System follow a verb -ob jec t syntax. See Chap ter 2 , Sc reens Org anized b y Verb and Sc re e n s Organized by Screen Name (Object), for a c omp lete list of the sc reen ac tivation commands. The struc ture of the DEFINITY AUDIX sc reen ac tivation c ommand s is: VERB O BJ EC T- PH RA SE Q U AL I FI ERS Eac h of these three c ommand line elements is d esc rib ed b elow.Function Key Screen Label Control Key Purpose 1 Canc el cntl-x Canc el c urrent op eration. 2 Refresh cntl-l Refresh (rep aint) current sc reen. 3 Enter cntl-e Exec ute c urrent command or enter c urrent d ata. 4 Clear Fld cntl-k Clear d ata in current field . 5 Help cntl-w Get Sc reen Help . 6 Choices cntl-c Get Field help (and d isp lay field c hoices, if any). 7 Next Pag e cntl-n Go to next p ag e (if any). 8 Prev Pag e cntl-f Go to p revious p ag e (if any).
DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference 585-300-213 Issue 1 May 1999 Using the DEFINITY AUDIX Screens 1-6 The Command Line 1 Command Line Verbs The first c ommand line element is the verb , whic h sp ec ifies the typ e of ac tion. The DEFINITY AUDIX c ommand line verbs are the following : Eac h sc reen name c an be p rec ed ed b y one or more of these verb s (one at a time), and (possibly) followed b y q ualifiers, to c omp ose a c ommand that ac tivates the sc reen. Command Line Objects The sec ond c ommand line element is the sc reen name, or ob jec t-phrase. The sc reen names c onsist of one or more word s (nouns and adjec tives) that id entify the screen. The screen names are generally (but not always) the same as the title of the sc reen as it ap p ears on your sc reen when ac tivated . Examp les of ob jec t p hrases are alarms , measurements , remote-messages , and attendants . Command Line Qualifiers The third c ommand line element is the q ualifier. A c ommand line q ualifier c an b e a sub sc rib er extension numb er ( 12345), a d ate (7/21/94), a sub sc rib er name, and other sp ec ific p arameters. Wherever p ossib le, the key that uniq uely sp ec ifies an ad ministrative rec ord is entered on the c ommand line rather than in the sc reen. For examp le, you enter change subscriber 12345 on the c ommand line rather than just change subscriber followed b y entry 12345 in the sc reen. Most sc reens c an b e ac tivated by more than one version of a c ommand. The d ifferent versions of the sc reen ac tivation c ommand are d isting uished b y the verb that beg ins the c ommand line and b y the q ualifiers that end the c ommand line. For examp le, the Subsc rib er sc reen c an be ac tivated b y four versions of the c ommand whic h ap p ear on the following pag e.add copy get release save audit disable help remove set busyout changedisplay enablelist logoffreset restorestatus test
DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference 585-300-213 Issue 1 May 1999 Using the DEFINITY AUDIX Screens 1-7 The Command Line 1 All of these c ommand s ac tivate the Sub sc rib er sc reen, whic h d isp lays information ab out the sub sc rib er sp ec ified b y sub sc rib er-id. The display and remove versions of the c ommand ac tivate a d isp lay-only version of the sc reen. Th e add and change version of the c ommand ac tivate a d ata-entry version of the sc reen that allows you to make c hang es to the features assigned to the DEFINITY sub sc rib er specified by sub scrib er-id. Command Line Help When you enter a c ommand , the (Choices) function key d isp lays valid selec tions for the c ommand p art on whic h the c ursor rests. You c an selec t one of the displayed options by using (Tab), (Back tab), and arrow keys, or b y typ ing the initial c harac ters of menu entries. Command Line Abbreviation You may abb reviate most c ommand s. For examp le, you c ould ab b reviate change system-parameters sending-restrictions as ch sy s . You may ab b reviate the verb , objec t, or q ualifier(s) b y typ ing the first few letters of eac h word , in the c orrec t sp elling ord er. (Two exc ep tions are announc ement set, whic h is abbreviated annc , and c lass-of-servic e, whic h is ab b reviated cos ). You c an b uild a c ommand one word at a time. For examp le, at the b eg inning of the c ommand line you c an p ress (Choic es) to see a list of all valid c ommand verb s. If you then typ e ch and press , the system expands ch to change and lists all valid word s that c an follow change . If you then typ e sy and p ress (Choic es) the system exp and s the c ommand line to change system- parameters and lists all valid word s that c an follow. By using (Choic es), you c an ac c ess all p ossib le c ommand s without any p rior knowled g e of sp ec ific c ommands, c ommand c omp onents, or even of the c ommand struc ture.add subscriber subscriber-id change subscriber subscriber-id display subscriber subscriber-id remove subscriber subscriber-id F6 TA B¬TAB F6 RETU RN F6 F6
DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference 585-300-213 Issue 1 May 1999 Using the DEFINITY AUDIX Screens 1-8 The Command Line 1 The system notifies you if you enter an invalid ab b reviation. If you omit a req uired c ommand q ualifier (suc h as a sub sc rib er name or extension, or a p ort ad d ress) the system will p romp t you for the missing information. NOTE: The screen activation commands are listed in the sc reen descriptions in Chap ter 3 as fully exp and ed c ommand s. Command History and Command Line Editing The system maintains a c ommand history of the 10 most rec ently entered c ommand s. After a sc reen has b een entered , the user c an “ sc roll” b ac k throug h p revious c ommand s b y p ressing the (up arrow) key. The (d own arrow) key retrieves the next c ommand in the c ommand stac k. You c an p ress the following keys to move the c ursor or ed it the retrieved c ommand line: NOTE: Charac ters typ ed in the mid d le of the c ommand line are inserted, shifting c harac ters to the rig ht of the c ursor. For examp le, you have just entered the following c ommand and ad d ed information for a sub sc rib er with extension 1000: add subscriber 1000 If you now you want to ad d a sub sc rib er with extension 2000. You c ould p erform the following to ac c ess the Sub sc rib er sc reen to ad d sub sc rib er 2000: nPress (up arrow) to retrieve the p revious c ommand nPress (Clear Field) to remove 1000 nTy p e 2000 nPress (Enter) (Cancel) Erases the entire line. (left arrow) Moves the c ursor to the p revious word . (Tab) or (rig ht arrow) Moves the c ursor to the next word . Deletes the p revious c harac ter. (Clear Field ) Erases a sing le word . (Choices) Disp lays valid command -line entries for the p ortion of the command to the left of the c ursor. (Enter) Exp and s the c ommand on the entire line, then acc esses the sc reen.F1 TA B bac ksp ac e F4 F6 F3 F4 F3
DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference 585-300-213 Issue 1 May 1999 Using the DEFINITY AUDIX Screens 1-9 Working in the DEFINITY AUDIX Screen 1 If you ad d ed a subsc rib er, then wanted to c hang e the rec ord you just ad d ed , you could: nPress to retrieve the previous c ommand nPress several times to move to the b eginning of the line nPress (Clear Field) to remove add nTy p e change in its p lac e nPress the (Enter) Working in the DEFINITY AUDIX Screen After you log on to the DEFINITY AUDIX System, a b lank sc reen ap p ears with the c ursor on the c ommand line. When you typ e a valid c ommand on the c ommand line and p ress (Enter), or , the req uested sc reen rep lac es the b lank sc reen. Some sc reens have one or more fields into whic h you c an enter d ata, suc h as sub sc rib er extension numb ers, announc ement IDs, or c lass of servic e names. All other field s are d isp lay-only field s. You c annot enter d ata into d isp lay-only field s. When you ac tivate a sc reen, the c ursor initially rests in the first d ata-entry field . If there are no d ata-entry field s, the c ursor rests at the c ommand line for a one p ag e sc reen and rests on the help /error messag e line for multip le p ag e sc reens. Screen Help For d ata-entry sc reens, the (Choic es) func tion key d isp lays information ab out the valid entries for the field where the c ursor rests. If there are several valid entries, the ac tivity menu d isp lays these entries. You c an selec t a c hoic e b y using (Tab ), (Bac k tab ), and arrow keys, or b y typ ing the initial c harac ters of menu entries. F4 F3 F3RETU RN F6 TA B¬TAB
DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference 585-300-213 Issue 1 May 1999 Using the DEFINITY AUDIX Screens 1-10 Working in the DEFINITY AUDIX Screen 1 Data Entry When a sc reen with data-entry field s is ac tive, the following keys c an b e used for navigating throug h the sc reen and entering d ata in field s: Typ ing in the field s rep lac es its orig inal c ontents. If there are sp ec ific entries, the (Choices) key d isp lays valid entries that field . The system also validates and exp and s field s ac c ording to the entries, when you c hang e a field .Key What it Does or Moves the c ursor to the next field. From the b ottom field , wrap s to the top field . Moves to the p revious field . From top field, wrap s to the b ottom field. Moves to the next field. From b ottom field , wrap s to the top field . Moves to the next field to the p revious field . From top field, wraps to the b ottom field. Moves to the nearest field on the p revious line. From top field , wrap s to the bottom field . Moves to the nearest field on the next line. From b ottom field , wrap s to the top field . Deletes the last charac ter entered in the c urrent field . (Clear Field)Clears the c urrent field . TA B RETU RN ¬TAB bac ksp ac e F4 F6 F6
DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference 585-300-213 Issue 1 May 1999 Using the DEFINITY AUDIX Screens 1-11 Working in the DEFINITY AUDIX Screen 1 Windowing on the 715 Terminal If you are using the 715 terminal, you may use its wind owing c ap ab ilities. You c an use the 715 terminal to log on to b oth the switc h and the DEFINITY AUDIX System to p erform ad ministration tasks and easily tog g le b ac k and forth b etween the two sessions. The wind owing func tions are c ontrolled b y the four func tion keys, F1, F2, F3, and F8 as d esc rib ed in the following tab le. Key Operation Ctrl+ F3 Enab les the wind owing func tion keys and d isplays their lab els F1 Turns off the wind owing function keys F2 Switc hes b etween the DEFINITY AUDIX System wind ow and the switc h wind ow F3 Switc hes b etween sp lit-sc reen and full-sc reen modes Ctrl+ F8 Enab les the DEFINITY AUDIX func tion keys and d isp lays their lab els. Ctrl+ F3 enables the wind owing keys ag ain and d isp lays their lab els.
DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference 585-300-213 Issue 1 May 1999 Using the DEFINITY AUDIX Screens 1-12 Working in the DEFINITY AUDIX Screen 1
Screen Organization 2-1 Screens Organized by Verb 2 DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference 585-300-213 Issue 1 May 1999 2 Screen Organization This c hap ter provid es two tab les that show how ad ministration and maintenanc e op erations c an b e invoked by c omb ining an ac tion (verb ) with a sc reen name (ob jec t) and q ualifiers. The tab les c an also help loc ate the sc reen d esc rip tions in Chapter 3 . The first tab le shows all possib le sc reen ac c ess c ommand s sorted alp hab etic ally b y verb , and sc reen name within eac h verb . The sec ond table lists all sc reens sorted alp hab etic ally b y name. Screens Organized by Verb Ta b l e 2 - 1, Sc reens Organized b y Verb, lists the c ommand s sorted alp hab etic ally, followed b y sc reen name and identifier. The tab le c onsists of the following four columns: nTh e Ve r b c olumn shows all valid verb s that c an b eg in a c ommand to ac c ess a DEFINITY AUDIX ad ministration and maintenanc e sc reen. nTh e O b j e c t c olumn shows the ob jec ts on whic h the verb s c an ac t. Eac h ob jec t c orresp onds to a DEFINITY AUDIX ad ministration and maintenanc e sc reen. Note that an ob jec t, or sc reen name, may c onsist of more than one word . nThe Qualifiers c olumn shows the c ommand q ualifiers. The q ualifiers, if any, are shown to the rig ht of the sc reen name (ob jec t). Op tional qualifiers are shown enc losed in b rac kets [ ] .
DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference 585-300-213 Issue 1 May 1999 Screen Organization 2-2 Screens Organized by Verb 2 nThe Log in/other c olumn shows the login ID that c an exec ute the c ommand . You may exec ute most c ommand s with a cust (customer) log in ID, however several c ommand s req uire the craft log in ID. All c ommand s that can be executed with cust c an also be exec uted with craft. One command, change system-parameters customer options , requires the init log in ID. nThe Log in/other c olumn also id entifies the following restric tions that affec t the exec ution of a c ommand : — Blank ind ic ates that you may run the c ommand from the AUDIX state, b ut may not run it from the OA&M state d esc rib ed b elow. — OA&M ind ic ates that these c ommand s c an b e exec uted from the Operations, Ad ministration, and Maintenanc e state, at whic h time only a few c ore processes are running. These commands may also b e run from AUDIX state as well, exc ep t for the restore backups c ommand whic h may only b e run from the OA&M state. — AMIS ind ic ates that the c ommand may only b e run if the Aud io Messag ing Interc hang e Sp ec ific ation (AMIS) Analog Networking and Messag e Delivery op tion has been purc hased and enab led from the System-Parameters Customer Options sc reen.Dig ital Networking ind ic ates that the c ommand may only be run if the Dig ital Networking op tion has b een p urc hased.