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Communications System
Lucent Technologies Definity Audix System Release 4.0 Screens Reference Manual
Lucent Technologies Definity Audix System Release 4.0 Screens Reference Manual
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DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference 585-300-213 Issue 1 May 1999 Screen Descriptions 3-209 display System-Parameters Features 3 display System-Parameters Features The System-Parameters Features sc reen ad ministers p arameters of the system features. display system-parameters features change system-parameters features
DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference 585-300-213 Issue 1 May 1999 Screen Descriptions 3-210 display System-Parameters Features 3
DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference 585-300-213 Issue 1 May 1999 Screen Descriptions 3-211 display System-Parameters Features 3 Field Descriptions Name Description Valid Entries Default PAGE 1 Login Parameters Log in Retries Log in retries allowed p er session d isplay only field 3 Consec utive Invalid Log in Attemp tsMax. consecutive unsucc essful login attemp ts allowed b efore the user is locked out of the system NOTE: Use the Loc ked ? field on the Sub sc rib er sc reen to unloc k subscriber login IDs.0 to 999 18 System Guest Pas sw o r dPassword that can be used b y nonsub scrib ers to leave messag es for subscrib ersblank integ er from 1 to 15 digits longblank Minimum Password LengthMin. no. of c harac ters for a password entered b y a sub sc rib er0 to 15 0 Password Aging Limits (Days) For the following three field s: Password Exp iration Interval must b e g reater than (Minimum Ag e Before Chang es + Exp iration Warning ). Exp iration Interval Number of d ays for which a subscrib er’s p assword is considered ac tive. If the field is greater than 0, p assword s expire after b eing in affec t for that many d ays.0 to 999 0 (turns off Pas s- w o r d Ag ing ) NOTE: To exp ire all users’ p asswords, enter 0 in Password Exp iration Interval and p ress , then chang e b ack to a value g reater than 0 and press . To exp ire a sub sc rib er’s password , enter e in the Password field on the Sub scrib er form when Password Ag ing is ac tivated . Minimum Ag e Before Chang esMin. numb er of d ays whic h must pass b efore a sub sc riber c an ag ain chang e a p assword . 0 disables exp. warning, allowing sub sc rib ers to c hang e their p assword as often as they want.0 to 99 0 Exp iration Warning Days p rior to p assword expiration that the system notifies subscrib ers of the imp ending exp iration. For examp le, if this field is set to 3 (three d ays b efore their p assword s exp ire) the system warns sub sc ribers that their passwords will exp ire in three days. 0 disables expiration warning so that subscrib ers’ p assword s will exp ire without any warning to the subscrib er.0 to 99 0 ENTER ENTER
DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference 585-300-213 Issue 1 May 1999 Screen Descriptions 3-212 display System-Parameters Features 3 Input Time Limits (Seconds) Normal Sec ond s that AUDIX waits for a subscrib er to enter a c ommand b efore voic ing a time out warning1 to 99 60 Full Mailb ox TimeoutSec ond s that the DEFINITY AUDIX System waits for a touc h tone entry from a c aller after informing the c aller that the c alled sub sc riber’s mailb ox is full1 to 9 5 Wait Sec ond s that the DEFINITY AUDIX System waits after a sub scrib er enters the wait command (*W) before voicing a time out warning1 to 999 180 Between Digits at Auto-Attendant or Stand-alone MenuMax. seconds between touch tones at an auto attend ant menu. In stand -alone mod e, this is the time limit b etween touch tones entered at the call answer p romp t. For systems with p ulse-to-tone c onverters, to acc ommod ate rotary p hones timeout should b e set to 5 or 6 sec ond s. For p ulse-to-tone c onverters timeout should b e set to 12 sec ond s. 3 to 12 3 Disconnect Options The disc onnect op tion ap p lies to international locations, excluding the U.S. and Canad a. Quic k Silence Disc onnec tEnables the quick silence d isconnect op tion. If enabled, the system d isc onnects the c all answer call and removes the silenc e, if it d etects a silenc e interval eq ual to the silence limit field .y (enab led ) n (d isabled)n Silenc e Limit Sec ond s that DEFINITY AUDIX System waits for c aller inp ut b efore drop p ing c all answer rec ord ing s, if q uic k silenc e d isc onnect is enabled. If the q uic k silenc e disc onnect is d isab led , call answer calls are disc onnected at 30 second s.5 throug h 30 15 Tone Based Disc onnec tEnables tone b ased d isconnec t op tion. When enab led , the system d isconnects the c all answer c all if it d etects a d isc onnect tone.y (enab led ) n (d isabled)n Name Description Valid Entries Default
DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference 585-300-213 Issue 1 May 1999 Screen Descriptions 3-213 display System-Parameters Features 3 PA G E 2 Miscellaneous Parameters Broadcast Mailbox Ext en s io nExtension number of the system broadcast mailboxd isplay only field System Prime Time, Sta r tStarting time for the p rime time traffic c ollec tion and multip le p ersonal g reetings. (Normally the time your c omp any op ens for business)hh:mm format 8:00 System Prime Time, EndEnd ing time for the p rime time traffic c ollec tion and multip le p ersonal g reetings. (Normally the time your company closes) hh:mm format 17:00 Weekly Backup Ena b le dEnab les weekly filesystem b ac kup s y (run weekly backups) n (d o not run weekly b ac kups) y Loc als Only New Inc rement, Rewind Amount of time a messag e is rewound if the user p resses 5 (rewind ) d uring messag e p layb ac ks (4 sec ond rewind) l (10 sec ond rewind)s Inc rement, Advanc eAmount of time a messag e is ad vanc ed if the user p resses 6 d uring messag e playbacks (4 sec. ad vanc e) l (10 sec . ad vanc e) s Feature Activation Traffic Collec tion Enables traffic d ata collection y (enab le) n (d isable)n Name Rec ord b y Sub sc r i b e rEnables subscrib ers to rec ord their own names.y (enab le) n (d isable)y Multip le Personal GreetingEnab les multip le p ersonal g reeting featurey (enab le) n (d isable)y End of Message Wa r n i n gEnables End of Message Warning featurey (enab le) n (d isable)y Wa r n i n g Ti m e (seconds)Sec ond s, p rior to the end of the allotted messag e record ing time, at whic h the End of Messag e Warning p romp t is playedb lank (valid only if the feature is not ac tive) 0 warning is not p layed ) 15 to 6015 Priority on Call AnswerEnables Priority on Call Answer feature, allowing c allers to leave a messag e which is then marked p riorityy (enab le) n (d isable)n Name Description Valid Entries Default
DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference 585-300-213 Issue 1 May 1999 Screen Descriptions 3-214 display System-Parameters Features 3 Call Transfer Out of AUDIX Transfer Typ e Ac tivates Call Transfer Out Of AUDIX feature none (d eactivates feature) b asic (for DS mod e only, to ac tivate Basic Call Transfer) enhanced _no_c over_0 (treats the call as a red irec ted c all, with no call- coverag e or c all forwarding) enhanced _c over_0 (treats the c all as a directed c all, with c all-c overag e and c all forward ing as defined for the d estination extension) NOTE: Only G3V4 and later releases sup p ort enhanc ed c all transfer if using Dig ital Port emulation and Control Link integ ration. The transfer is invoked via a messag e from the AUDIX system to the switch on the c ontrol link.none Transfer Restric tion Sp ec ifies the restric tion p lac ed on the d estination ad d ress for c alls that are to b e transferred out of the DEFINITY AUDIX Sy st e m us i ng *T with numeric ad d ressing. Calls are transferred only if the d estination add ress satisfies the sp ec ified restriction c riteria. d ig its (d estination ad d ress must c ontain the same numb er of d ig its as voic e mail extensions) sub sc rib ers (ad d ressee must b e an ad ministered sub sc rib e)sub sc rib ers Covering Extension Default extension to which a c all is transferred when the c aller p resses 0 or *0 to transfer out of the AUDIX system.blank 3 to 10 dig it extension numb er. blank NOTE: The extension of the Messag e Center ag ent or system op erator should b e entered in this field . If the Transfer Typ e field is basic or enhanc ed and this field is left b lank, a warning app ears on the sc reen. You may ig nore the warning if no default c overing extension is d esired. Name Description Valid Entries Default
DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference 585-300-213 Issue 1 May 1999 Screen Descriptions 3-215 display System-Parameters Features 3 PA G E 3 Announcement Sets Use list annc-sets to see valid entries for the following two field s. System Annc. set used for system p romp ts when: 1) Multiling ual feature is d isabled 2) AMIS network call is mad e 3) Call is answered after b eing transferred from AUDIX TRANSFER port 4) A default annc . set is req uired for errors 5) A d efault annc . set is req uired to fill in for unad ministered sub sc rib er annc . set d ata. All annc s. (not including subscrib er names) are p layed from this annc . set.valid annc-set name of up to 14 alp hanumeric charac tersannc. set sp ec ified installation Administrative Announcement set used when mod ifying announc ement frag ments and c omp ositionsvalid annc-set name of up to 14 alp hanumeric charac tersblank NOTE: This field should normally b e blank when not c ustomizing announc ements. This announc ement set c an b e the same as the System announcement set b ut, if so, any chang es mad e will affect the announc ements heard b y users. Rescheduling Inc rementsTime intervals (in minutes, hours, and d ays) between attemp ts to resend a messag e after an unsuc c essful d elivery attemp t. When the system has used the last inc rement sp ec ified , it marks the messag e as “non-d eliverable.” For c hang es to take affec t, Sub scrib er Data Aud it or Restart is req uired.Days: 1 - 99 Hours: 1 - 23 Minutes: 1 - 59Days: 1, 2, 7, 14 Hours: 1, 2, 6 Minutes: 5, 15, 30 Name Description Valid Entries Default
DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference 585-300-213 Issue 1 May 1999 Screen Descriptions 3-216 display System-Parameters Features 3 Page 4 NETWORKING PARAMETERS Automatic Deletion of Nonad ministered Rem ot e Sub sc r i b e r sThis is used to remove large numb ers of nonad ministered remote sub sc rib ers to make room for administered remote subscrib ers. The spec ified remote sub sc rib ers are not deleted immediately. They will be removed d uring the nig htly audit, or d emand sub sc riber d ata aud it.y (enab les) n (d isablesn Days without ActivityThe numb er of d ays after which the nonad ministered remote sub sc ribers with no ac tivity are automatically removed d uring the nig htly audit. This hap pens if the sub sc riber deletion op tion is turned on.0 - 99 0 Even If on a Mailing ListThis ind ic ates whether the nonad ministered remote sub sc ribers with no rec ent ac tivity should b e removed b y the aud it even if they are on the mailing list. If this field in ‘n’, the subscrib ers on the mailing list will not b e removed even if they have had no rec ent ac tivity.y (enab led ) n (d isabledn Machine Names If the remote nonad ministered sub sc rib ers for ALL mac hines are to b e removed , make sure all mac hine name field s are b lank. If only subscrib ers from c ertain remote mac hines are to b e removed , up to 8 machine names c an b e entered for this p urpose.1 - 10 c haracter nameblank Name Description Valid Entries Default
DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference 585-300-213 Issue 1 May 1999 Screen Descriptions 3-217 display System-Parameters imapi-Options 3 display System-Parameters imapi-Options The System-Parameters imap i-Op tions sc reen is used to maintain p arameters nec essary for enab ling Intuity Messag e Manag er. This sc reen is only availab le if you have enab led IMAPI using the System-Parameters Customer Op tions sc reen. NOTE: This sc reen c an only b e viewed if the IMAPI feature is turned on via the System-Parameters Customer Op tions sc reen. display system-parameters IMAPI-options change system-parameters IMAPI-options
DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference 585-300-213 Issue 1 May 1999 Screen Descriptions 3-218 display System-Parameters imapi-Options 3 Field Description Name Description Valid Entries Defaults Maximum Numb er of Enab led IMAPI Ses si on sNumb er of IMAPI Sessions enab led in the Maximum Numb er of IMAPI sessions field on the System-Parameters Customer Op tions sc reen. This is the max. no. of sub sc ribers that can b e log ged into the IMAPI server at the same time.integ er b etween 0 and numb er of purc hased IMAPI sessions 0 (no IMAPI sessions enab led ) Enab le Chec k New Messag esEnab les messag e c hec king , whic h allows c lient app lic ation to c all pub lic function check_ new_messag esy (can c hec k for new msg s. without log ging into AUDIX server) n (must log into AUDIX server to check for new messag es)n Enab le Deliver CA Messag eEnab les c all answer messag e d elivery, whic h allows an IMAPI c lient to send voic e mail msgs. ac ross the LAN to an AUDIX mailbox as a call answer msg .y (enabled) n (c an only send messag es by first logging in and c reating a messag e)n Enab le Voice File Transfer Enab les Voic e File Transfer feature, allowing transfer of voic e files ac ross the LAN b etween the AUDIX server and a c lienty (enabled) n (d isab led )n IMAPI Session TimeoutIf the c lient d oes not ac cess the AUDIX server within this many minutes, the subsc rib er is timed out of IMAPI and automatic ally log g ed out of the AUDIX mailbox (b ut remains c onnec ted to the AUDIX server.)5 to 60 minutes (in 5 minute increments) NOTE: If one of the following four field s is chang ed, you must p erform a system reb oot for the c hang e to take affec t. LAN IP Ad d ress The LAN ad d ress of this AUDIX system. This is obtained from the LAN administrator. nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn where nnn is a numb er from 1 to 126 or from 128 to 254. (You must enter “.”)