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Communications System
Lucent Technologies Definity Audix System Release 4.0 Screens Reference Manual
Lucent Technologies Definity Audix System Release 4.0 Screens Reference Manual
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DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference 585-300-213 Issue 1 May 1999 Screen Descriptions 3-69 display Fragment 3 copy Fragment The Cop y Frag ment sc reen is used to c op y a frag ment, g enerally from one announc ement set to another. When c op ying fragments, an administrative announc ement set must b e selec ted on the System-Parameters Features sc reen. copy fragment Field Descriptions Field Name Description Valid Entries NOTE: Entries for this sc reen are valid ated when a sc reen op eration is invoked . From Announcement SetAnnounc ement set from whic h the frag ment is c opied.req uired input field valid annc . set names (see the list Annc-Sets sc reen) Frag ment (From) Frag ment to b e cop ied . valid fragment id entifier from f1 to f5000 To Announcement Set Announc ement set into whic h the fragment is cop ied . valid annc . set names (see the list Annc-Sets sc reen) Frag ment (To) Destination frag ment. req uired input field valid fragment id entifier from f1 to f5000

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference 585-300-213 Issue 1 May 1999 Screen Descriptions 3-70 Help 3 3Help The AUDIX Command Line Help sc reen d esc rib es the kind s of help that are availab le with the DEFINITY AUDIX System ad ministration and maintenanc e p roc ed ures. help Th e H e l p screen has two d isp lay only p ag es.

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference 585-300-213 Issue 1 May 1999 Screen Descriptions 3-71 test LAN 3 test LAN The Test LAN Results sc reen tests the local area network (LAN). These screens are availab le only if you have enab led Intuity Messag ing Ap plic ation Prog ramming Interfac e (IMAPI) using the System-Parameters Customer Op tions sc reen. The tests will ab ort if IMAPI is not yet ad ministered for your AUDIX system. test lan Performs a short test that checks the basic operation of the LAN interface software and hard ware without interrup ting c urrent AUDIX system or LAN p roc esses. test lan long Performs a long test that tests the b asic op eration of LAN interfac e software and hard ware; resets the LAN interfac e hard ware; and restarts the software p roc esses that serve Intuity Messag e Manag er users. !WARNING: Running test lan long will disc onnec t Intuity Messag e Manag er users. test lan dest address Performs the UNIX p ing c ommand whic h attemp ts to send a p ac ket over the LAN to the host. The host send s b ac k a resp onse if the LAN c onnec tion is op erational. This tests the c onnec tion b etween the AUDIX server and the PC id entified b y the address. It also tests b asic LAN interfac e hard ware and software. Th e address is a valid IP ad dress in nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn format, where nnn is an integ er from 1 to 255 (the “ .” must b e entered .)

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference 585-300-213 Issue 1 May 1999 Screen Descriptions 3-72 test LAN 3 Additional Specifications While the test series is running , you have three op tions: 1. Press (Canc el) to ab ort the tests and return to the c ommand line. 2. Wait for the test series to c omp lete. 3. Press (Enter) to p ut the test in the b ac kg round and return to the c ommand line. Ty p e status test to rec onnec t to the sc reen of a test running in b ac kg round , or to d isp lay the results of the most recently c omp leted test. F1 F3

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference 585-300-213 Issue 1 May 1999 Screen Descriptions 3-73 display Machine 3 display Machine The Mac hine Profile sc reen is used to c hang e or d isp lay a DEFINITY AUDIX mac hine. This ap p lies to b oth loc al and remote mac hines. You c an also ad d or remove a loc al or remote for AMIS networking or d ig ital networking . (Use list Machines to see mac hines ad ministered on your AUDIX network.) add machine machine-name change machine change machine machine-name display machine display machine machine-name remove machine machine name These func tions c an b e p erformed on the sc reen b elow. The list machine and test machine use different sc reens. These app ear later in the Machine sec tion. NOTE: Th e remove and add versions of this sc reen c an be ac tivated only if the AMIS analog or d igital networking feature has b een ac tivated on the System-Parameters Customer Op tions sc reen b y Luc ent Tec hnolog ies p ersonnel. Th e M a c h i n e Profile sc reen has two p ag es.

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference 585-300-213 Issue 1 May 1999 Screen Descriptions 3-74 display Machine 3 The second page of the Machine Profile sc reen is enab led if the value of the Mac hine Typ e field , on the first p age of the sc reen, is amisap , amisac , or c alld . (See the Machine Type field description.) Field Descriptions Field Name Description Valid Entries PA G E 1 Mac hine Name Name of the mac hine being administered on this screen. 1 to 10 alp hanumeric charac ters spec ifying a uniq ue machine name Defaults to/from command line entry, or to name of local mac hine for change or display Machine Typ e Typ e of machine being ad ministered . aud ix (loc al DEFINITY AUDIX mac hine) amisap (AMIS analog p re-ad ministered mac hine) amisac (AMIS analog with c asual ad d ressing ) c alld (c all-delivery, that is messag e-d elivery, mac hines) Loc ation Spec ifies whether this is a loc al or remote machine.d isp lay-only field

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference 585-300-213 Issue 1 May 1999 Screen Descriptions 3-75 display Machine 3 Voiced Name? Ind icates whether a voic ed name for this mac hine is rec ord ed. This field is automatic ally set to y when a user with announcement p ermission rec ords a name for this machine. This field c annot b e c hang ed from n to y using this screen. y (voic ed name record ed ) n (name not rec ord ed or used to d elete the voiced name and not use it) Extension Leng th Leng th for extensions on this mac hine. For aud ix machine, this is the numb er of d ig its in the extensions of the assoc iated switc h. For amisac mac hine, this is the number of d ig its in the extensions for the remote AMIS mac hine. For calld mac hine, this is the numb er of d ig its in the rec ip ient’s telephone numb er.required input field 3 to 10 Voice Id Voic e id fragment numb er for this mac hine. The voic e id is used when rec ording a machine’s name.d isp lay only field Default Community Default c ommunity number to b e used for the send ing restric tions feature. For messag es received from this mac hine without the originator’s c ommunity number, the default c ommunity number is used .1 to 15 Address Ranges Prefix Prefix d ig its for the rang es of telephone numb ers for sub scrib ers on this mac hine. The p refix c an b e used to d isting uish b etween mac hines that have overlap p ing extension rang es.0 to 21 alp hanumeric charac ters Total leng th of the prefix and extensions must b e < 25 c haracters. Start Ext. Starting extensions for the rang es of telephone numb ers for sub scrib ers on this mac hine. Total leng th of the p refix and extensions must b e < 25 characters.3 to 10 d ig it integ er No. of extension d igits must b e the same as Extension Leng th for this machine. End Ext. End ing extensions for the rang es of telephone numb ers for sub scrib ers on this mac hine. Total leng th of prefix and extensions must be < 25 c harac ters. 3 to 10 d ig it integ er No. of extension d igits must b e the same as Extension Leng th for this machine. Warning s Warning to the user when a sp ec ified add ress range overlap s with another rang e.d isp lay only field Field Name Description Valid Entries

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference 585-300-213 Issue 1 May 1999 Screen Descriptions 3-76 display Machine 3 PAGE 2 Dial String String of dig its used when the DEFINITY AUDIX System d ials the remote mac hine to estab lish a call for networking . For amisap mac hine this is a mand atory inp ut field ; the value is the telephone numb er of the remote mac hine. For amisac and c alld mac hines an entry in this field is optional; if a value is entered it sp ecifies the trunk ac c ess c od e of the switch and will be p rep end ed to the telephone numb er of the remote system that is entered b y the messag e orig inator. 0 to 29 c haracters c onsisting of d igits, P, and /or Pn, inc lud ing the q uotes. The n is a numb er from 1 to 9 ind ic ating the number of second s to p ause. P is eq uivalent to P1. For AMIS c asual or messag e d elivery mac hines, the total numb er of d igits for this field p lus the extension length must b e < 30 c harac ters. Entries in this field are valid ated when leaving the field . Mod em String String to b e sent b y AUDIX to initialize a mod em0-65 alp hanumeric c harac ters (any p rintab le ASCII charac ters.) Default is null. Data Rate The data rate to b e used for an outg oing network c all to this mac hine. This c an also b e used for loop -around testing on the loc al mac hine.9600 19200 56000 64000 Log Connec t Events Ind icates whether this loc al aud ix will log network connec tion events for any remote audix mac hiney - c onnec tion enabled n - c onnection d isab led This field can only be set to ‘y’ if d igital networking is enab led . Password For loc al mac hine, this is the p assword that remote mac hines must use when estab lishing networking c onnec tions.5 - 10 alp hanumeric c haracters Network Turnaround Ind icates whether a network c onnec tion that orig inated from this local audix is allowed to turn around after the local aud ix has sent all its network d ata to any remote audix.y - turnaround enab led n - turnaround disab led This field can only be set to ‘y’ if d igital networking is enab led . Field Name Description Valid Entries

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference 585-300-213 Issue 1 May 1999 Screen Descriptions 3-77 display Machine 3 Additional Specifications Th e add and remove c ommand s c annot b e used for the loc al DEFINITY AUDIX mac hine. The DEFINITY AUDIX mac hine sp ec ified in the add c ommand c annot b e a mac hine that is c urrently d efined . The DEFINITY AUDIX mac hine sp ec ified in the remove c ommand must b e a mac hine that is c urrently d efined . Up dates In Ind icates whether this loc al aud ix will accept updated subscriber database information from any remote mac hine.y - up dates enabled n - updates disabled For a remote machine, this field ind icates whether to ac cep t up dates from that mac hine. If this field is set to ‘n’ on the local mac hine, upd ates will not b e acc ep ted from any remote mac hine reg ard less of the setting on that machine. Automatic full up d ates from a remote machines will b e made if this field and the ‘Updates Out’ field are set to ‘y’. Up dates Out Ind icates whether sub sc rib er information up dates for a local sub sc rib ers may b e sent to a remote mac hine.y - up dates enabled n - updates disabled For a remote machine, this field ind icates whether the loc al mac hine should send up dates to that mac hine. If this field is set to ‘n’ on the loc al mac hine, upd ates will not b e sent to any remote machine. Allow Automatic Full Up datesAllows this mac hine to automatic ally g enerate req uests for full up d ates from remote mac hines.y - allows full up d ates n - halts full upd ates If ‘n’ is entered, all remote up date ac tivity will b e AUDIX halted. Field Name Description Valid Entries

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference 585-300-213 Issue 1 May 1999 Screen Descriptions 3-78 list Machines 3 list Machines The List Machines sc reen is used with DEFINITY AUDIX network administration to d isp lay an alp hab etic ally arrang ed list of the names, typ es, and assoc iated voic e IDs of all DEFINITY AUDIX network mac hines known to the loc al mac hine. The list starts with either the first item in the list or the name spec ified in the c ommand line. list machines list machines machine-name Th e machine-name is a 1 to 10 c harac ter name that identifies the remote mac hine with whic h to start the list. Field Descriptions Field Name Description (display only) Mac hine Name Name of the loc al or remote mac hine. Machine Type Type of loc al or remote mac hine. Voice ID Voice ID assoc iated with the listed mac hine (aud ix, amisap , amisac , calld .) Callbac k No. Callb ac k Numb er associated with the listed mac hine. This is the numb er that other systems use to c ontact this machine.