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Lucent Technologies Definity Audix System Release 4.0 Screens Reference Manual
Lucent Technologies Definity Audix System Release 4.0 Screens Reference Manual
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DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference 585-300-213 Issue 1 May 1999 Screen Descriptions 3-149 save Nightly 3 save Nightly The Save Nig htly sc reen is used to p erform an immed iate b ac kup to MO disk of the data that is bac ked up automatically eac h night. The nightly backup consists of sub sc rib er d ata inc lud ing sub sc rib er p rofiles, messag e head ers, mailing lists, user d irec tory file, and messag e waiting lamp status. It d oes not inc lud e voic ed -in sub sc rib er names or the text of rec ord ed messag es. save nightly Ad d s the b ac kup to the existing b ac kup s on the MO d isk. save nightly initialize Removes all data on the MO d isk b efore bac king up the d ata. NOTE: This sc reen c an b e ac tivated while the DEFINITY AUDIX System is in the OA&M state.

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference 585-300-213 Issue 1 May 1999 Screen Descriptions 3-150 save Nightly 3 Field Descriptions Sample Tasks This sc reen is used to p erform an immed iate save of the d ata that is b ac ked up automatic ally eac h nig ht. You c an perform this save b y ad d ing the data to the b ac kup s that alread y exist on the MO d isk, or you c an erase the MO d isk and ad d the new d ata in one op eration. Erase the MO d isk if the d isk is full, or if it has a c orrup t file system. If the MO is full, or if it has a c orrup t file system, the system will generate an alarm. Bac king up d ata b y ad ding it to existing b ac kup s on the MO d isk: 1. Type save nightly and p ress (Enter). 2. Press (Enter) to p roc eed with the b ac kup or (Canc el) to c anc el the op eration. The save op eration will p roc eed in the b ac kg round . Bac king up d ata while erasing the MO d isk: 1. Type save nightly initialize and press (Enter). 2. Chec k d isp layed b ac kup status and p ress (Enter) to c onfirm erasure of the MO d isk and proc eed with the b ac kup or (Canc el) to c anc el the op eration. The save op eration will p roc eed in the b ac kg round . To verify that the b ac kup has b een p erformed , typ e display backups . Additional Specifications Onc e started , the save nig htly op eration c annot b e c anc elled . The save is run in the bac kg round , whic h means the op eration is still running for some time even after the sc reen d isp lays Command Completed Successfully . To c hec k the status of the bac kg round save, reac tivate the Save Nig htly screen. Name Description (display only) Status of the most rec ent save nightly b ac kupStatus of the most rec ent invoc ation of the save nig htly b ac kup : in p rog ress (save nig htly is c urrently running ) failed (save failed ) completed (save completed successfully) not run (save not run sinc e last restart/reb oot) F3 F3F1 F3 F3 F1

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference 585-300-213 Issue 1 May 1999 Screen Descriptions 3-151 change Password 3 change Password The Password sc reen is used to c hang e the p assword of the c urrently log g ed in user. change password Field Descriptions Name Description Valid Entries Log in ID Log in ID of the c urrently log g ed -in user. (If the Log in ID is more than 20 c harac ters, only the first 20 c harac ters are d isp layed .)Disp lay only Old Password Current p assword for the log in ID. Entries in this field do not ap p ear on the sc reen when typ ed . New Password New p assword for this log in ID. Entries in this field do not ap p ear on the sc reen when typ ed .6 to 10 alp hanumeric c harac ters. Must c ontain 1 numb er and 1 letter. Confirm New Pa s sw o rd New p assword for the log in ID. It must exac tly matc h the value entered in the New Password field. Entries in this field d o not ap p ear on the sc reen when typ ed .must matc h New Password entry

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference 585-300-213 Issue 1 May 1999 Screen Descriptions 3-152 audit Personal-Directories 3 audit Personal-Directories The Aud it Results sc reen initiates a d emand aud it on sub sc rib ers personal d irec tories and d isp lays the results of the aud it. audit personal directories Field Descriptions Sample Tasks/Additional Specifications Sa m e a s audit Mailboxes . Name Description (display only) Date Date that the aud it was req uested . Time Time that the aud it was req uested . Aud it Name Name of the aud it b eing run. Result 1 c harac ter c od e that indic ates the last result of the named aud it, and up to 20 c harac ters of text of ad d itional aud it-result information. b lank (aud it has not b een exec uted ) R (aud it is running ) P (last aud it p assed ) F (last aud it failed ) A (last audit aborted )

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference 585-300-213 Issue 1 May 1999 Screen Descriptions 3-153 busyout Port 3 busyout Port The Busyout/Release Port sc reen enab les the system ad ministrator to busy out or release a voice port or network port and to d isp lay the results of the b usyout or release op eration. The busyout command takes the port specified by port-address out of servic e. busyout port port-address for voic e p orts busyout network port port-address for the network p ort Th e port-address is the p ort to b usy-out or release. busyout port port-address forced Removes p ort from servic e and d oes not return c ontrol to the c ommand line until the p ort has b een taken out of servic e. If forced is not inc lud ed, the p ort is marked as unavailab le for new servic e b ut its c urrent use is allowed to c omplete. release port port-address Returns the port specified by port-address to servic e.

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference 585-300-213 Issue 1 May 1999 Screen Descriptions 3-154 busyout Port 3 Field Descriptions Sample Tasks To busy-out a port: 1. Type busyout port port-address [forced ] and press (Enter). Th e port-address and the op tional keyword , forced , are described above in the Command s section. 2. Press (Canc el) to ab ort the op eration and exit the sc reen. 3. Press (Enter) to invoke the b usy-out operation. To return a p ort to servic e: 1. Type release port port-address and p ress (Enter). 2. Press (Canc el) to ab ort the op eration and exit the sc reen. 3. Press (Enter) to invoke the release op eration. Servic e affec ting a p ort that is b usied-out c annot b e used to send or rec eive calls. Name Description (display only) Resourc e Port b eing b usied -out or released (VOICE_PT or NET_PORT). Loc ation Board loc ation ( port-address) of the p ort b eing b usied -out or released, as spec ified on the c ommand line. This is a 7 c harac ter p ort ad d ress of the sc reen p ort-network (2 d ig its), c arrier (1 letter), slot (2 d igits), and p ort (2 d ig its). For examp le, 01a0201 sp ec ifies p ort-network= 01, c arrier= a, slot= 02, and p ort= 01. Extension Extension assoc iated with the d isp layed p ort. State Result of the b usy-out or release operation. UEQ (unequipped, port board is not present) ISP (in-servic e p end ing ) ISI (in-servic e and id le) ISB (in-servic e and b usy) OSP (out-of-servic e p end ing ) OOS (out of servic e) Reason If the b oard is out of servic e (OOS), this field d isp lays a c od e ind ic ating the reason. CR (manually b usied out, b y c raft) and (resourc e d efic ienc y) M (taken out of servic e b y maintenanc e and the voic e p ort is alarmed) T (Test in p rog ress) F (Taken out of servic e b y maintenanc e and the Networking p ort is alarmed) F3 F1 F3 F3 F1 F3

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference 585-300-213 Issue 1 May 1999 Screen Descriptions 3-155 busyout Port 3 test Port The Test Port Results screen initiates a d emand p ort test on a p ort and displays the results of the test. test port loc long test port loc long repeat n Th e loc id entifies the p ort to b e tested . Only a long test is availab le, whic h c onsists of a Port Switc h Line Resp onse test and a Port MWI Up d ate test. The test is rep eated n times, if sp ecified . The repeat n p arameter sp ec ifies the numb er of times the tests are to b e run. If not sp ec ified , the tests are performed onc e. NOTE: The activation commands for this sc reen can be executed by users with craft or hig her level login p ermission.

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference 585-300-213 Issue 1 May 1999 Screen Descriptions 3-156 busyout Port 3 Field Descriptions Sample Tasks To initiate a d emand p ort test, first busyout the p ort: 1. Type busyout port loc [forced ] and press (Enter). If the op tional keyword , forced , is inc lud ed on the c ommand line the p ort is removed from servic e immed iately, interrup ting any c urrent use. If forced is not inc lud ed , the p ort is marked as unavailab le for new servic e b ut its c urrent use is allowed to c omp lete. 2. Press (Canc el) to ab ort the op eration and exit the sc reen. 3. Press (Enter) to invoke the b usy out op eration. Name Description (display only) Date Date that the test was req uested . Time Time that the test was req uested . Resourc e Type of resourc e b eing tested . This is always VOICE_PT on this sc reen. Loc . Loc ation of the p ort in a 7 c harac ter string that ind ic ates port-network, c arrier, slot, and p ort. For examp le, 01a0201 ind ic ates p ort-network= 01, c arrier= a, slot= 02, p ort= 01. Test Name Name of test b eing exec uted . Most Rec ent Test Re s u l t - C o d eCod e ind ic ating the result of the test blank (test has not b een exec uted ) R (test is running ) P (last test passed ) F (last test failed ) A (last test ab orted ) Most Rec ent Test Result-StringUp to 20 c harac ters of text of ad d itional test-result information. Te s t Counters-PassNumb er of times the test has p assed sinc e the test c ommand was exec uted . Test Counters-Fail Numb er of times the test has failed sinc e the test c ommand was exec uted . Te s t Counters-Ab ortNumb er of times the test has ab orted sinc e the test c ommand was exec uted . F3 F1 F3

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference 585-300-213 Issue 1 May 1999 Screen Descriptions 3-157 busyout Port 3 When the p ort has b een b usied out, 1. Type test port loc long or test port loc long repeat n to rep eat the tests n times, and p ress (Enter). 2. Press (Enter) to start the test, or (Canc el) to return to the c ommand line without exec uting the tests. While the test series is running , you have three op tions: 1. Press (Canc el) to ab ort the tests and return to the c ommand line. 2. Wait for the test series to c omp lete. 3. Press (Enter) to p ut the test in the b ac kg round and return to the c ommand line. Ty p e status test to rec onnec t to the sc reen of a test running in b ac kg round , or to d isp lay the results of the most recently c omp leted test. Additional Specifications A p ort must b e b usied out (using the b usyout/release Port sc reen) b efore it c an b e tested . F3 F3F1 F1 F3

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference 585-300-213 Issue 1 May 1999 Screen Descriptions 3-158 list Remote-Extensions 3 list Remote-Extensions The List Remote Extensions sc reen d isp lays a list of remote sub sc rib er names, types, and extensions and the usage d ate. The list ap p ears starting with either the first entry or the extension sp ec ified in the c ommand line. list remote-extension machine-name Th e machine-name is a required entry on the c ommand line that id entifies the name of the mac hine to whic h the d isp layed extensions b elong . list remote-extension machine-name extension Th e extension op tion sp ec ifies the starting extension in the list. If the extension is not sp ec ified , the list starts with the numeric ally lowest extension. list remote-extension machine-name extension type Th e type option spec ifies that only extensions of that typ e are listed. Valid extension typ es are administered , verified , and unverified . Any trunc ations of these are ac c epted as long as they are sp elled c orrec tly. For examp le, a, ad , and ad min would be ac c ep ted. list remote-extension machine-name type NOTE: This sc reen c an b e ac tivated only if the AMIS analog networking or d ig ital networking feature has b een ac tivated on the System-Parameters Customer Op tions sc reen b y Luc ent Tec hnolog ies p ersonnel.