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Communications System
Lucent Technologies Definity Audix System Release 4.0 Screens Reference Manual
Lucent Technologies Definity Audix System Release 4.0 Screens Reference Manual
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DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference 585-300-213 Issue 1 May 1999 Contents xi ndisplay/change System-Parameters- Sending Restrictions3-232 Field Descriptions3-232 ndisplay System-Parameters Thresholds3-233 Field Descriptions3-233 ndisplay Time3-235 Field Descriptions 3-235 Sample Tasks3-237 Additional Specifications3-237 nchange/display Transfer-Dialplan3-238 Field Description3-238 nsave Voice3-239 Field Descriptions 3-239 Sample Tasks3-240 Additional Specifications3-240 naudit Voice Files3-241 Field Descriptions3-241 Sample Tasks/Additional Specifications3-241 nbusyout Voice-Group3-242 Field Descriptions3-243 Sample Tasks3-243 Additional Specifications3-243 ndisplay Voice Group3-244 Field Descriptions3-245 Additional Specifications3-245 nstatus Voice-Group3-246 Field Descriptions3-246 nsave Weekly3-248 Field Description3-249 Sample Tasks3-249 A Administration Log Entries A-1 ABB Abbreviations ABB-1 GL Glossary GL-1 IN Index IN-1

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference 585-300-213 Issue 1 May 1999 Contents xii

About This Document xiii Intended Audience DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference 585-300-213 Issue 1 May 1999 About This Document This manual is a referenc e to the ad ministration and maintenanc e sc reens for the DEFINITY® AUDIX® System Release 4.0. The sc reens desc rib ed here c an be used to fully ad minister the system from a low c ost, sc reen-b ased terminal. You c an ad minister and maintain the DEFINITY AUDIX System using the same terminal that you use to ad minister the switc h, without c hanging op tions suc h as b aud rate. Alternatively, you c an use sep arate ad ministration terminals for the DEFINITY AUDIX System and the switc h. This c hap ter d esc rib es the p urp ose, org anization, and intend ed aud ienc e of this d oc ument, and p rovid es sug g estions on how to use the d oc ument. Information ab out the typ og rap hic c onventions used in this d oc ument, the Trad emarks and Servic e Marks referenc ed , and where to find ad d itional related information. The sc reens d esc rib ed in this referenc e manual c an b e used to p erform over 100 ad ministrative and maintenanc e tasks. The c ommand format and the sc reens are described in more detail in Chap ter 1, ‘‘Using the DEFINITY AUDIX Sc reens’’ . This c hapter also lists the sc reen ac c ess c ommand s. Intended Audience This d oc ument is d esig ned for DEFINITY AUDIX c ustomers, suc h as system ad ministrators and maintenanc e eng ineers, and for Luc ent Tec hnolog ies p ersonnel, suc h as the installers and servic e tec hnic ians for the DEFINITY AUDIX Sys t e m .

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference 585-300-213 Issue 1 May 1999 About This Document xiv Organization Organization The first two c hap ters provid e introd uc tory information about this doc ument, and d esc rib e the sc reens and how to use them. Chapter 1, ‘‘Using the DEFINITY AUDIX Sc reens’’ , d esc rib es the sc reen layout and the c ommand s used to ac c ess the sc reens. It also c ontains a summary of the set of DEFINITY AUDIX System ad ministration and maintenanc e sc reens and their ac c ess c ommand s. These tab les c an help you loc ate sp ec ific sc reen d esc rip tions in this d oc ument. Chapter 2, ‘‘Sc reen Org anization’’ , c ontains two tab les that summarize the set of DEFINITY AUDIX ad ministration and maintenanc e sc reens and their ac tivation c ommand s. These tab les help you loc ate sp ec ific sc reen d esc rip tions in this d oc ument. Chapter 3, ‘‘Sc reen Desc rip tions’’ , c ontains the sc reen d esc rip tions org anized alphab etic ally b y sc reen name. The d esc rip tion of eac h sc reen c ontains the following information: Ap p end ix A, ‘‘Ad ministration Log Entries’’ lists the c od es and messag es that c an b e used to solve p rob lems that may b e oc c urring with the DEFINITY AUDIX System, its features, or the switc h. Desc rip tionSummarizes the p urp ose of the sc reen. CommandsShows all p ossib le versions of the c ommand s that c an ac c ess the sc reen. Where ap propriate, log in p ermissions and the state of the DEFINITY AUDIX System that c an run the c ommand are described in a note. Sc reen LayoutShows the sc reen layout of the sc reen as it would ap p ear on your terminal. Field Desc rip tionsDesc rib es eac h field that app ears on the sc reen. For data-entry fields, gives the valid entries and d efault values. Sa m p l e Ta sk sFor more c omp lic ated c ommand s, lists the step s to ac c omp lish typ ic al tasks for whic h the sc reen is used . Ad d itional Sp ec ific ationsLists any sp ec ial restric tions or other useful information, if any, not c overed in the p revious sec tions.

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference 585-300-213 Issue 1 May 1999 About This Document xv How to Use This Document How to Use This Document This d oc ument is a referenc e manual for the DEFINITY AUDIX System ad ministration and maintenanc e sc reens. The sc reen d esc rip tions are arrang ed in alphab etic al ord er b y sc reen name. Command s p rec ed e eac h sc reen name exac tly as written on the c ommand line. Desc rip tions follow eac h sc reen name using the name as it ap p ears on the sc reen. Use the following p roc ed ure to loc ate a sc reen: More information ab out using the sc reens is g iven in Chap ter 1 , ‘‘Working in the DEFINITY AUDIX Sc reen’’. Conventions Used in This Document The following typographic conventions are used in this document: nBold typ e is used to refer to c harac ters that you typ e on your keyb oard exac tly as shown, suc h as c ommand s. nItalic typ e is used to referenc e the titles of d oc uments, c hap ters, sec tions, tab les, and fig ures, and oc c asionally for emp hasis. nBold italic typ e is used to refer to variab le information that you typ e in, suc h as the variab le extension in the c ommand change subscriber extension. In this examp le you would sub stitute an extension numb er for extension when typ ing the c ommand . nBrac kets, [ ], are used to enc lose op tional p arts of a c ommand . !SECURITY ALERT: This ic on and the word s “ Sec urity Alert” ind ic ate the p resenc e of a toll fraud sec urity hazard . Toll fraud is the unauthorized use of your telec ommunic ations system b y an unauthorized p arty (suc h as p ersons other than your c omp any’s emp loyees, agents, sub c ontrac tors, or p ersons working on your c omp any’s b ehalf. Be sure to read “ Your Responsib ility for Your System’s Sec urity” on the insid e front c over of this b ook. If Then You know the exac t sc reen nameLook in Chap ter 2 , alp hab etic ally, or look in the Contents You d on’t know the exac t sc reen name b ut you know the c ommandLook in the Tab le 2-1, Sc reens Org anized b y Ve r b You are not sure of the c ommand or the sc reen nameLook in the Tab le 2-2, Sc reens Org anized b y Sc reen Name (Ob jec t) You c annot find the sc reen b y any of the ab ove methodsLook in the Index for a word that you assoc iate with the sc reen

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference 585-300-213 Issue 1 May 1999 About This Document xvi Related Resources Related Resources For a list of d oc uments related to the DEFINITY AUDIX System, see the Luc ent Tec hnolog ies Prod uc t Pub lic ations Catalog web site at www.luc ent.c om/enterp rise/d oc umentation. Trademarks and Service Marks DEFINITY is a registered trademark of Lucent Technologies. AUDIX is a reg istered trad emark of Luc ent Tec hnolog ies. How to Make Comments About This Document We are interested in your sug g estions for imp roving this doc ument. Please send your c omments and sugg estions to: Luc ent Tec hnolog ies OMD Tec hnic al Public ations Room 22-2X57 11900 North Pec os Street Denver, Colorad o 80234 Send email c omments to: oc teltec hp ub s@luc ent.c om

Using the DEFINITY AUDIX Screens 1-1 Using the DEFINITY AUDIX Screens 1 DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference 585-300-213 Issue 1 May 1999 1 Using the DEFINITY AUDIX Screens This c hapter d esc rib es how to ac c ess and how to use the DEFINITY AUDIX sc reens. It d esc rib es the layout of the sc reens, how to use help , how to move around the sc reen, and how to invoke or c anc el a sc reen op eration. NOTE: See the DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 System Desc rip tion, 585-300-214, for a list of the sup p orted terminals and mod ems. Using the DEFINITY AUDIX Screens The DEFINITY AUDIX sc reens are used b y two g roup s of p eop le, system ad ministrators and maintenanc e p ersonnel. The resp onsib ilities of eac h are briefly described below. For a more detailed description of system administration and maintenanc e, refer to DEFINITY AUDIX System Ad ministration, 585-300-507, and DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Maintenanc e, 585-300-121. System Administration Ad ministration is the ong oing p roc ess of making the DEFINITY AUDIX System work to the satisfac tion of eac h sub sc rib er. The system ad ministrator is resp onsible for making the system work effic iently from b oth the system sid e and the sub sc rib er sid e. During this ong oing p roc ess the ad ministrator uses the DEFINITY AUDIX screens as tools to p erform several tasks, inc luding the following : nSetting up sub scribers and customizing their service op tions nRecording voice fragments, inc luding subscriber names and c ustomized system announc ements

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference 585-300-213 Issue 1 May 1999 Using the DEFINITY AUDIX Screens 1-2 Using the DEFINITY AUDIX Screens 1 nDetermining whic h DEFINITY AUDIX features to make availab le to sub sc rib ers, and enab ling , d isab ling , mod ifying , or monitoring these features nEstab lishing and maintaining c ommunic ation with the sub sc rib er c ommunity, resp ond ing to p rob lems, and c orrec ting misc onc ep tions nCoord inating switc h and DEFINITY AUDIX System ad ministration when new features are ac tivated nAnalyzing aud its and traffic rep orts and taking c orrec tive ac tion when ap p rop riate nMaintaining and monitoring system sec urity nTroub leshooting and fixing p rob lems as they oc c ur as well as antic ip ating p rob lems b efore they oc c ur System Maintenance Maintaining the DEFINITY AUDIX System involves ensuring that the system is op erating satisfac torily and , in many c ases, p erforming p reventative maintenanc e. These tasks may b e p erformed b y the c ustomer system ad ministrator. Other tasks are limited to the Tec hnic al Servic e Org anization (TSO) Tier 3 eng ineers, and the Luc ent Tec hnolog ies Tier 1 tec hnic ians. Maintenanc e p ersonnel use the DEFINITY AUDIX sc reens as tools to p erform several tasks, inc lud ing the following : nMonitoring and c orrec ting system alarms and errors that oc c ur d uring system op eration nTesting system c omp onents suc h as the MO d rive, c irc uit p ac k, and c ommunic ation p orts nPerforming d ata b ac kup s nRestoring d ata from the mag neto-op tic al (MO) disk nShutting down and restarting the system

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference 585-300-213 Issue 1 May 1999 Using the DEFINITY AUDIX Screens 1-3 Screen Layout 1 Screen Layout The sc reen layout for the DEFINITY AUDIX ad ministration sc reens is shown b elow. Eac h pag e of multip le-p ag e sc reens has the same sc reen layout. There are six areas of the screen used for the following purposes: System Status LineShows status ind ic ator, number of c urrent log ins, and ac tive alarms. Command History LineDisp lays the fully expanded command line. For multi-pag e screens, d isp lays current p ag e numb er and p age c ount. Ind icates if the activity wind ow c ontains help instead of the sc reen itself. Activity Wind owContains: — Data-entry field s for typing in new or chang ed d ata — Disp lay-only field s — Rep orts d isplaying req uested system information — Sc reen and field help acc essed by the Help or Choic es keys Help /Error Messag e Line Disp lays short error messages and p romp ts. Command LineAcc epts and p rocesses the command /sc reen name/id entifier(s) that you enter to ac c ess a screen. Function Key Lab elsIdentifies function keys F1 throug h F8. Command History Line Function Key Labels Command Line Help/Error Message Line System Status Line

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference 585-300-213 Issue 1 May 1999 Using the DEFINITY AUDIX Screens 1-4 Screen Layout 1 Screen-Labeled Function Keys The sc reen-labeled func tion keys are shown on the last line of the sc reen. The p urp ose of eac h key is as follows: Key Command Line Screen (Canc el)Erases the entire contents of the command line. Halts the c urrent activity and places the cursor on the c ommand line. In a help sc reen , returns to the sc reen. (Refresh)N/A Rep aints the sc reen. (Enter)Executes the command . Sub mits a comp leted screen for the ac tion sp ecified on the command line, suc h as add , d isplay, or remove. Executes the command . Moves the cursor forward from one field to the next. (Clear Field )Clears a sing le word. Clears an entire field . (Help )Disp lays a sc reen exp laining the typ es of help availab le.Req uests sc reen help. Id entic al to the help command. (Choices)Disp lays valid entries for the command , sc reen name, or id entifier, if choic es are available. Pressing this key ag ain selec ts the hig hlighted item.Requests field help which displays valid entries for the field . Pressing this key ag ain selects the highlig hted item. (Next Pag e)N/A Moves forward through multip le-p ag e sc reens, rep orts, or help . (Previous Pag e)N/A Moves b ackward through multip le-p ag e sc reens, rep orts, or help . F1 F2 F3 RETU RN F4 F5 F6 F7 F8