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Lucent Technologies Definity Audix System Release 4.0 Screens Reference Manual
Lucent Technologies Definity Audix System Release 4.0 Screens Reference Manual
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DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference 585-300-213 Issue 1 May 1999 Screen Descriptions 3-49 display Class of Service (COS) 3 The following two field s c an only b e n if the numb er of purc hased IMAPI sessions, ad ministered on the System-Parameters Customer-Options, screen is 0. IMAPI ac cess Enables Intuity Messag e Manag er Voic e Messaging c lient ac cess to the server for these sub sc rib ers.y (enabled) n (d isab led )n IMAPI Voic e File TransferEnables the DEFINITY AUDIX server to transfer c lient voic e files over the LAN to a c lient PC. Set this to y to allow sub sc rib ers to arc hive messag es they rec eive.y (enabled) n (d isab led )n Name Description Valid Entries Default

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference 585-300-213 Issue 1 May 1999 Screen Descriptions 3-50 display Class of Service (COS) 3 Incoming Mailbox Ord er Controls scanning order for the incoming mailb ox for subscrib ers with this COS.lifo (last-in, first-out) fifo (first-in, first-out)fifo Categ ory Ord er Controls the ord er of sc anning the inc oming mailb ox c ateg ories (new, unopened, old) for subscrib ers with this COS.the following charac ters in any order: n (new) Neither head er nor messag e was read u (unop ened ) Head er was read b ut not messag e o (old ) Both head er and messag e were read nuo NOTE: The system removes messag es or notific ations (new, old , and unop ened ) with total retention time > spec ified retention time. Retention times are measured from the day the messag e is rec eived as a new messag e Retention Time New Days a new messag e is retained in the inc oming mailb ox for sub sc rib ers with this COS. 0 to 999 10 Retention Time Old Days an old messag e is retained in the inc oming mailb ox for sub sc rib ers with this COS.0 to 999 10 Retention Time Unop enedDays an unop ened message is retained in the inc oming mailb ox for sub sc rib ers with this COS. 0 to 999 10 NOTE: The retention time c loc k is not reset to zero when a message is moved b etween the new, unop ened, and old categories. For examp le, if the retention time is 10 d ays for all three categ ories, a messag e is removed after 10 d ays (not 30 d ays) reg ard less of whether or when it is moved from one category to another. Name Description Valid Entries Default

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference 585-300-213 Issue 1 May 1999 Screen Descriptions 3-51 display Class of Service (COS) 3 Outgoing Mailbox Ord er Controls the ord er in whic h the outg oing mailb ox is sc anned for sub sc rib ers with this COS.lifo (last-in, first-out) fifo (first-in, first-outfifo Categ ory Ord er Controls the ord er of outgoing mailbox categories (file c ab inet, undelivered , nondeliverable, delivered, ac cessed) when sc anning the outg oing mailb ox for subscrib ers with this COS. five charac ters in any ord er: u (und elivered ) Messag es awaiting d elivery n (nond eliverab le) Unsuc c essful message deliveries f (file cab inet) Saved c op ies of c reated msg s. d (d elivered ) Notific ations of delivered messag es a (ac c essed ) Notific ations of delivered and ac cessed messages unfd a Retention Time File Cab Days a file c ab inet messag e is retained in the outg oing mailb ox for sub sc rib ers with this COS. 0 to 999 10 NOTE: System automatically removes messag es or notific ations (cab inet and d elivered /nondeliverab le) old er than the sp ecified retention time. Retention Times Delivered /Nond eliver ab leDays a delivered, nond eliverable, or acc essed messag e is retained in the outgoing mailbox for subscrib ers with this COS. 0 to 999 5 Voice Mail Message, Maximum Leng thMax. leng th in seconds of voic e mail msg s. that c an b e created by subscribers with this COS.0 to 1200 300 Voice Mail Message, Minimum Need edMin. mailb ox sp ace in second s that must b e availab le for sub scrib ers with this COS to c reate a voic e mail messag e.0 to 1200 32 Call Answer Messag e, Maximum LengthMax. leng th in seconds of c all answer messag es that c an b e left for sub scrib ers with this COS.0 to 1200 120 Name Description Valid Entries Default

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference 585-300-213 Issue 1 May 1999 Screen Descriptions 3-52 display Class of Service (COS) 3 Call Answer Messag e, Minimum Need edMin. amount of mailb ox sp ac e that must b e availab le to leave a c all answer messag e for subscrib ers with this COS.0 to 1200 8 End of Message Wa r n i n g Ti m eWhile rec ording an DEFINITY AUDIX System messag e, an “ End of Messag e Warning ” recording is played before the maximum record ing time has elap sed . This field c ontrols the time in sec ond s remaining, when the End of Messag e Warning is p layed , b efore the maximum rec ord ing time is reac hed .0, 15 to 60 b lank (d efaults to value sp ec ified on p age 2 of the System-Parameters Features sc reen, if the warning time is ac tivated on that screen.)15 NOTE: This field overrid es the value sp ec ified with System-Parameters Features. Maximum Mailing ListsMax. numb er of mailing lists that c an b e c reated b y subscrib ers with this COS.0 to 999 25 Total Entries in all ListsMax. total number of mailing list entries that c an b e c reated in all mailing lists owned b y a subscrib er with this COS.0 to 9999 250 Mailb ox Size, MaximumMax. leng th in seconds of the mailbox for a sub sc riber with this COS.0 to 32767 (over 9 hours) 1200 sec ond s (20 min) Mailb ox Size, Minimum GuaranteeMin. numb er of sec ond s of mailb ox sp ac e g uaranteed for eac h sub sc riber with this COS.0 to 9999 0 NOTE: To p revent the system messag e spac e from b eing used up with reserved spac e, it is rec ommended that the d efault of 0 b e used in this field for all or most sub scrib ers. Name Description Valid Entries Default

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference 585-300-213 Issue 1 May 1999 Screen Descriptions 3-53 display Class of Service (COS) 3 list COS The Classes of Service sc reen lists the c urrent names for c lasses of servic e. Twelve classes of service can be defined. In the commands described below, eac h c lass of servic e c an b e id entified b y either a numb er from 0 to 11 or b y its alphanumeric name. list cos Field Descriptions Field Name Description (display only) Numb er Numb er for this COS. Name Class of service name. Initial default COS names, c lass00 through c lass11, are supp lied with the software.

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference 585-300-213 Issue 1 May 1999 Screen Descriptions 3-54 status Disk 3 status Disk The Status Disk sc reen p erforms d isk d iag nostic tests and d isp lays the status of the specified disk drive. status disk status disk drive-location Th e drive-location is the 7-c harac ter loc ation of the d isk d rive. NOTE: The activation c ommands for this form c an b e exec uted b y users with craft or hig her-level log in p ermissions. This screen c an b e ac tivated while the DEFINITY AUDIX System is in the OA&M state .

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference 585-300-213 Issue 1 May 1999 Screen Descriptions 3-55 status Disk 3 Field Descriptions Field Name Description Valid Entries (display only) Disk Drive Loc ation Loc ation of the d isk d rive in a 7 charac ter string that ind ic ates p ort-network, carrier, slot, and SCSI ID. For examp le, 01a0201 ind icates port-network= 01, carrier= a, slot= 02, and SCSI ID= 01. SCSI ID 01 indicates the hard disk drive. SCSI ID 02 indicates the MO disk drive.d rive location, if entered on the c ommand line, otherwise the d efault loc ation of the disk drive on the TN568. Status Status of the d isk In servic e, b usy (d rive is in servic e and is b eing used for normal operation) Out-of-Servic e--F (d rive is faulted (not op erab le), as d etermined b y maintenance) Out-of-Servic e--D (d rive is operable, b ut has not b een ad ded via the ad d d isk screen) Unequipped (no d isk d rive is installed at the spec ified loc ation) Not a disk d evic e (d evic e other than a d isk d rive is installed at the spec ified loc .) Equipp ed Ind icates whether or not a d isk d rive is equipp ed (p resent) at the spec ified loc ation.y (d rive present) n (drive not p resent) Read y Ind icates whether or not a d isk d rive is read y for ac cess (sp un up). y (d rive read y for acc ess) n (d rive not ready for ac c ess) Administered Ind icates whether or not a d isk d rive is administered .y (d isk is ad ministered) n (disk is not ad ministered) Vend or Vend or ID for the sp ecified d isk d rive. Mod el Mod el ID for the sp ec ified d isk drive. Revision Disk revision ID for the sp ec ified d isk drive. Cap ac ity Capac ity of the disk in millions of bytes. Write Enab led Ind ic ates whether or not writing to the d isk is enabled.y (d isk write-enab led) n (disk not write-enabled) Self-Diag nostics Results of the internal d iag nostic tests. p ass, fail, not run Write Test Results of the write test. p ass, fail, not run Read Test Results of the read test. p ass, fail, not run Verify Test Results of the verify test. p ass, fail, not run

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference 585-300-213 Issue 1 May 1999 Screen Descriptions 3-56 display Errors 3 display Errors The Error Rep ort sc reen d isp lays reported DEFINITY AUDIX System errors. display errors NOTE: The activation commands for this sc reen can be executed by users with craft or hig her-level log in p ermissions. Th e d is p la y Er ro rs sc reen has two pag es. Use the first p ag e of the sc reen to selec t whic h errors are to b e d isp layed in the report. To selec t a sub set of errors, enter values in one or more of the input fields.

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference 585-300-213 Issue 1 May 1999 Screen Descriptions 3-57 display Errors 3 The sec ond p ag e d isp lays the req uested error information. Field Descriptions Field Name Description Valid Entries SELECTION PAGE The first time this sc reen is used after a restart or reb oot, the field s on the selection p ag e of the sc reen are b lank. Sub seq uently, each field on the selec tion pag e of the sc reen is p op ulated with the value entered the last time the sc reen was used . Start Date Beg inning d ate for the error rep ort. Any year < 70 is assumed to b e the 21st century.b lank (d isplays all q ualifying errors) d ate in mm/d d /yy format. Time Beg inning hour and minute of the g iven d ay for the error report. The Start Date field must have valid entries before this field can b e used. b lank time in the hh:mm format Session Numb er Session number for the error rep ort. Only errors rep orted d uring this voice session app ear.b lank 0 to 999 Reporting Resource Ty p eResourc e type that rep orted the errors. Resourc e types are d efined in the DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Maintenanc e , 585-300-121.b lank valid resource type

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference 585-300-213 Issue 1 May 1999 Screen Descriptions 3-58 display Errors 3 Resourc e Typ e Resourc e type for whic h the error was rep orted . Resourc e typ es are d efined in the DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Maintenance , 585-300-121.valid resource type Req uired if a value is entered in the Loc ation field. Loc ation Further sp ecifies error rep ort b y req uesting a DEFINITY AUDIX System loc ation for the fault resourc e typ e. If this field c ontains a location, the Resource Typ e field must contain a value. A board loc ation c onsists of only five c harac ters that sp ec ify the port-network, the c arrier, and the slot. If the first five c harac ters sp ecify a valid board location, entering dig its in the 6th and 7th positions (for a p ort) will g enerate an error messag e. A port loc ation req uires all seven charac ters.5- to 7-c haracter port ad d ress of the sc reen p ort-network (2 d ig its), carrier (1 letter), slot (2 digits), and port (2 digits). For example, 01a0201 spec ifies a p ort loc ation as follows: p ort-network= 01, carrier=a, slot=02, and p ort= 01. Valid rang es: Port-network 0 - 99 Carrier A - E Slot 01 - 24 Port 01 - 24 Code Single error code to be displayed in the error rep ort.b lank 0 to 9999 Search String Selects only those error messag es that c ontain the spec ified string. b lank alp hanumeric string of 50 c harac ters or less DISPLAY PAGE For eac h error the following information ap p ears in an 80 c harac ter line. Resourc e Typ e Resourc e type for whic h the error is rep orted. Loc . Loc ation for the resourc e typ e. Event Typ e Ind icates whether the error is IN-LINE or MP-FAIL. See the d isp lay Events sc reen for a b rief d esc ription of event typ es. Cod e Error c od e for this error. Ses. No. Session number for the voice session in whic h this error oc c urred. Field Name Description Valid Entries