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Lucent Technologies Definity Audix System Release 4.0 Screens Reference Manual
Lucent Technologies Definity Audix System Release 4.0 Screens Reference Manual
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DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference 585-300-213 Issue 1 May 1999 Screen Descriptions 3-189 audit Switch-Translations 3 audit Switch-Translations The Aud it Results sc reen initiates a d emand aud it on Switc h Translations and d isp lays the results of the aud it. audit switch-translations Field Descriptions Sample Tasks/Additional Specifications Sa m e a s audit Mailboxes . Name Description (display only) Date Date that the audit was requested Time Time that the aud it was req uested Aud it Name Name of the aud it b eing run Result 1-c harac ter c od e that ind ic ates the last result of the named aud it, and up to 20 c harac ters of text of ad d itional aud it result information. b lank (aud it has not b een exec uted ) R (aud it is running ) P (last audit passed) F (last aud it failed ) A (last aud it ab orted )
DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference 585-300-213 Issue 1 May 1999 Screen Descriptions 3-190 reset System OA&M 3 reset System OA&M The Reset System OA&M sc reen resets the DEFINITY AUDIX System to the Operations, Administration, and Maintenanc e (OA&M) state from the AUDIX state. The OA&M state is entered to perform c ertain c onfig uration and maintenanc e p roc ed ures. Call ac tivity and sub sc rib er ad ministration are not p ossib le in the OA&M state. reset system oa&m The reset System OA&M sc reen has two p ag es. The first pag e d isp lays a warning ab out the reset. Pressing (Canc el) while on the first p ag e exits the sc reen without p erforming the reset. Pressing (Enter) while on the first p ag e c onfirms the op eration, b eg ins an unc anc ellab le reset to the OA&M state, and d isp lays the sec ond p ag e of the sc reen. NOTE: Onc e (Enter) is p ressed , the c amp -on reset c annot be c anc elled and will oc c ur when all p orts b ec ome id le. The status line on all sc reen sessions c hang es to read State c hang e to OA&M in progress , and other screen session users should log off immediately. F1 F3 F3
DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference 585-300-213 Issue 1 May 1999 Screen Descriptions 3-191 reset System OA&M 3 While the sec ond p ag e ap p ears, the numb er of ac tive p orts and the b ac kup -restore status are up d ated at least onc e every ten sec ond s. The reset is d one in a c amp -on manner; that is, new c alls are d enied and the reset itself d oes not oc c ur until all p orts and the MO drive are id le. All sc reen sessions are terminated when the reset ac tually starts. The (Canc el) key is ineffec tive onc e the sec ond p ag e ap p ears. Pressing the (Enter) key while the sec ond p ag e ap p ears c auses a forc ed reset; that is, p orts are id led and the reset b eg ins immed iately. !CAUTION: Data c orrup tion c ould oc c ur on the MO d isk if a forc ed reset is p erformed while the MO d rive is ac tive. F1 F3
DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference 585-300-213 Issue 1 May 1999 Screen Descriptions 3-192 reset System OA&M 3 Field Descriptions Sample Tasks To reset the DEFINITY AUDIX System to the OA&M state: 1. Type reset system oa&m and p ress (Enter). The first p ag e of the sc reen appears. 2. Press (Enter) to b egin an unc anc ellable reset to the OA&M state, or p ress (Canc el) to exit the sc reen without p erforming the reset. 3. The second page of the screen displays if (Enter) was pressed. There are two op tions: nWait for the reset to c omplete. nPress (Enter) to c ause a forc ed reset (p orts are id led and the reset begins immediately.) Additional Specifications Onc e a user has started a reset op eration, no other users c an use the same sc reen; that is, only one reset is p ermitted at a time. Also, no other sc reen op erations from that login session are p ossib le. Name Description (display only) Remaining voic e p orts ac tiveNumb er of voic e p orts that remain ac tive. This field is up d ated every ten sec ond s. Remaining networking ports ac tiveNumb er of networking p orts that remain ac tive. This field is up d ated every ten sec ond s. Bac kup /restore op eration in progressInd ic ates whether or not the MO d rive is c urrently ac tive. This field is up d ated every ten sec ond s. F3 F3 F1 F3 F3
DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference 585-300-213 Issue 1 May 1999 Screen Descriptions 3-193 reset System Reboot 3 reset System Reboot The Reset System Reb oot sc reen resets the DEFINITY AUDIX System to the AUDIX state by reb ooting the operating system and restarting the DEFINITY AUDIX software. reset system reboot NOTE: You c an exec ute this c ommand from either the AUDIX or the OA&M state. The reset System Reb oot sc reen has two p ag es. The first p ag e d isp lays a warning ab out the reb oot. Pressing (Canc el) while on the first p ag e exits the sc reen without p erforming the reset. Pressing (Enter) on the first p age c onfirms the op eration, b eg ins an unc anc ellab le reb oot to the AUDIX state, and displays the sec ond pag e. The reset is d one in a c amp -on manner; that is, new c alls are d enied and the reb oot itself d oes not beg in until all p orts and the MO d rive are id le. If the reb oot is initiated from the OA&M state, the c amp -on op tion ap p lies only to the MO-d rive status sinc e no p orts are ac tive. NOTE: Onc e (Enter) is p ressed , the c amp -on reset c annot be c anc elled and will oc c ur when all p orts and the MO d rive b ec ome id le. F1 F3 F3
DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference 585-300-213 Issue 1 May 1999 Screen Descriptions 3-194 reset System Reboot 3 The status line on all sc reen sessions c hang es to read “System reboot in progress ”, and other screen session users should log off immediately. If initiated from the OA&M state, the sec ond p ag e ap p ears only if the MO drive is ac tive. The sec ond p age of the sc reen is shown b elow. In the sec ond p ag e, the numb er of ac tive p orts (if any) and the b ac kup /restore status are up d ated at least onc e every ten sec ond s. All sc reen sessions are terminated when the reset ac tually starts. The (Canc el) key is ineffec tive onc e the sec ond p ag e ap p ears. Pressing the (Enter) key from the sec ond p ag e causes a forc ed reset; that is, p orts are id led and the reb oot beg ins immed iately. !CAUTION: Data c orrup tion may oc c ur if you p erform a forc ed reset while the MO d rive is ac tive. F1 F3
DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference 585-300-213 Issue 1 May 1999 Screen Descriptions 3-195 reset System Reboot 3 Field Descriptions Sample Tasks To execute the reset system reboot c ommand from the AUDIX state: 1. Type reset system reboot and p ress (Enter). The first p ag e of the sc reen appears. 2. Press (Enter) to b egin an unc anc ellable restart to the AUDIX state, or p ress (Canc el) to exit the sc reen without p erforming the reboot. 3. The second page of the screen appears if (Enter) was pressed. There are two op tions: nWait for the reb oot to c omp lete. nPress (Enter) to c ause a forc ed reb oot (p orts are id led and the restart b eg ins immed iately). To execute the reset system reboot c ommand from the OA&M state: 1. Type reset system reboot and p ress (Enter). The first p ag e of the sc reen appears. 2. Press (Enter) to b eg in an unc anc ellab le reb oot to the AUDIX state, or p ress (Canc el) to exit the sc reen without p erforming the reboot. Additional Specifications Onc e a user has started a reset op eration, no other users c an use the same sc reen; that is, only one reset is p ermitted at a time. Also, no other sc reen op erations from that login session are p ossib le. Name Description (display only) Remaining voic e p orts ac tiveNumb er of voic e p orts that remain ac tive. This field is up d ated every ten sec ond s. Remaining net-working p orts ac tiveNumb er of networking p orts that remain ac tive. This field is up d ated every ten sec ond s. Bac kup /restore op eration in progressInd ic ates whether or not the MO d rive is c urrently ac tive. This field is up d ated every ten sec ond s. F3 F3 F1 F3 F3 F3 F3 F1
DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference 585-300-213 Issue 1 May 1999 Screen Descriptions 3-196 reset System Restart 3 reset System Restart The Reset System Restart sc reen restarts the DEFINITY AUDIX System. reset system restart NOTE: The activation commands for this sc reen can be executed by users with craft or hig her level login p ermissions. This sc reen c an b e ac tivated from either the AUDIX state or the OA&M state. The reset System Restart sc reen has two p ag es. The first p ag e d isp lays a warning ab out the restart. Press (Canc el) while on the first p ag e to exit the sc reen without p erforming the reset. Press (Enter) while on the first pag e to c onfirm the op eration, b eg in an unc anc ellab le reset to the AUDIX state, and d isp lay the sec ond p age. The reset is d one in a c amp on manner; that is, new c alls are d enied and the restart itself does not b eg in until all p orts and the MO drive are idle. If the reset is initiated from the OA&M state, the c amp -on op tion ap p lies only to the MO-drive status sinc e no p orts are ac tive. NOTE: Onc e (Enter) is p ressed , the c amp -on reset c annot be c anc elled and will oc c ur when all p orts and the MO d rive b ec ome id le. The status line on all sc reen sessions c hang es to read “System restart in progress” , and other sc reen-session users should log off immed iately. F1 F3 F3
DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference 585-300-213 Issue 1 May 1999 Screen Descriptions 3-197 reset System Restart 3 In the OA&M state, the sec ond pag e ap p ears only if the MO d rive is ac tive. While the sec ond p ag e ap p ears, the numb er of ac tive p orts (if any) and the b ac kup /restore status are up d ated at least onc e every ten sec ond s. All sc reen sessions are terminated when the shutd own ac tually starts. The key is ineffec tive in the sec ond p ag e. Pressing the (Enter) key while the sec ond page appears causes a forc ed reset; that is, ports are id led and the restart begins immediately. !CAUTION: Data c orrup tion c ould oc c ur if a forc ed reset is p erformed while the MO d rive is ac tive. Field Descriptions Name Description (display only) Remaining voic e p orts ac tiveNumb er of voic e p orts that remain ac tive. This field is up d ated every ten seconds. Remaining networking ports ac tiveNumb er of networking p orts that remain ac tive. This field is up d ated every ten sec ond s. Bac kup /restore op eration in progress?Ind ic ates whether or not the MO drive is c urrently ac tive. This field is up d ated every ten sec ond s. CANCEL F3
DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference 585-300-213 Issue 1 May 1999 Screen Descriptions 3-198 reset System Restart 3 Sample Tasks To execute the reset system restart c ommand from the AUDIX state: 1. Type reset system restart and press (Enter). The first p ag e of the sc reen appears. 2. Press (Enter) to b egin an unc anc ellable restart to the AUDIX state, or p ress (Canc el) to exit the sc reen without p erforming the restart. 3. The second page of the screen appears if (Enter) was pressed. There are two op tions: nWait for the restart to c omp lete. nPress (Enter) to c ause a forc ed restart (p orts are id led and the restart b eg ins immed iately.) To execute the reset system restart c ommand from the OA&M state: 1. Type reset system restart and press (Enter). The first p ag e of the sc reen appears. 2. Press (Enter) to b egin an unc anc ellable restart to the AUDIX state, or p ress (Canc el) to exit the sc reen without p erforming the restart. Additional Specifications Onc e a user has started a reset op eration, no other users c an use the same sc reen; that is, only one reset is p ermitted at a time. Also, no other sc reen op erations from that login session are p ossib le. F3 F3 F1 F3 F3 F3 F3 F1