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Lucent Technologies Definity Audix System Release 4.0 Screens Reference Manual
Lucent Technologies Definity Audix System Release 4.0 Screens Reference Manual
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DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference 585-300-213 Issue 1 May 1999 Administration Log Entries A-9 A ntrn Unable to read machine information for node Chec k remote mac hine form. pafd System profile corrupt, Password Aging DISABLED!To turn on the feature, c hec k the entries for the PASSWORD AGING LIMITS field s o n th e C H A N GE SYSTEM-PARAM ETERS FEATURES sc reen. pewd System profile corrupt, password warning DISABLED!To turn on the feature, c hec k the entries for the PASSWORD AGING LIMITS field s o n th e C H A N GE SYSTEM-PARAM ETERS FEATURES sc reen. pglt Automated Attendant menu lost for all calls, extension Rerec ord menu. (Automated Attend ant not availab le.) pglt Automated Attendant menu lost for out-of-hours calls, extension Rerec ord menu. (Automated Attend ant not availab le.) pglt Automated Attendant menu lost for internal calls, extension Rerec ord menu. (Automated Attend ant not availab le.) pglt Automated Attendant menu lost for external calls, extension Rerec ord menu. (Automated Attend ant not availab le.) pglt Automated Attendant menu lost for busy calls, extension Rerec ord menu. (Automated Attend ant not availab le.) pglt Automated Attendant menu lost for no-answer calls, extension Rerec ord menu. (Automated Attend ant not availab le.) pglt Automated Attendant menu lost for unknown calls, extension Rerec ord menu. (Automated Attend ant not availab le.) pglt Bulletin Board message lost for all calls, extension Rerec ord Bulletin Board announc ement. (Bulletin Board not availab le.) pglt Bulletin Board message lost for out-of-hours calls, extension Rerec ord Bulletin Board announc ement. (Bulletin Board not availab le.) pglt Bulletin Board message lost for internal calls, extension Rerec ord Bulletin Board announc ement. (Bulletin Board not availab le.) pglt Bulletin Board message lost for external calls, extension Rerec ord Bulletin Board announc ement. (Bulletin Board not availab le.) Table A-1. Administration Log Entries — Continued Search String Message Action Continued on next page

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference 585-300-213 Issue 1 May 1999 Administration Log Entries A-10 A pglt Bulletin Board message lost for busy calls, extension Rerec ord Bulletin Board announc ement. (Bulletin Board not availab le.) pglt Bulletin Board message lost for no-answer calls, extension Rerec ord Bulletin Board announc ement. pglt Bulletin Board message lost for unknown calls, extension Rerec ord Bulletin Board announc ement. (Bulletin Board not availab le.) pglt Personal greeting lost for all calls, extension Chec k into this — Could be an ind ic ation of toll fraud! pglt Personal greeting lost for out-of-hours calls,extension Notify c alled extension (sub sc rib ers). They will have to rerec ord g reeting. pglt Personal greeting lost for internal calls, extension Notify sub sc rib ers. pglt Personal greeting lost for external calls, extension Notify sub sc rib ers. pglt Personal greeting lost for busy calls, extension Notify sub sc rib ers. pglt Personal greeting lost for no-answer calls, extension Notify sub sc rib ers. pglt Personal greeting lost for unknown calls, extension Notify sub sc rib ers. pmad System profile corrupt, minimum password age DISABLED!To turn on the feature, c hec k the entries for the PASSWORD AGING LIMITS field s o n th e C H A N GE SYSTEM-PARAM ETERS FEATURES sc reen. rest Restore failed Try eac h of the following in ord er until the restore suc c eeds: Retry the restore using the RESTORE sc reen. Chang e the MO d isk. Call the RSC. rest Restore passed None Table A-1. Administration Log Entries — Continued Search String Message Action Continued on next page

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference 585-300-213 Issue 1 May 1999 Administration Log Entries A-11 A rest Restore aborted Try eac h of the following in ord er until the restore suc c eeds: Retry the restore using the RESTORE sc reen. Chang e the MO d isk. Call the RSC. rest Unknown issue Call the RSC. rest Unknown release Call the RSC. rmtx Sending matrix missing, default insertedAdminister send ing restric tions by exec uting the CHANGE SYSTEM-PARAMETERS SENDING-RESTRICTIONS sc reen. rmtx Community has illegal entry in sending restriction matrixAdminister send ing restric tions by exec uting the CHANGE SYSTEM-PARAMETERS SENDING-RESTRICTIONS sc reen. rmax Sending restriction matrix file is empty. Default records, which have all entries set to the value PERMIT, were insertedAdminister send ing restric tions by exec uting the CHANGE SYSTEM-PARAMETERS SENDING-RESTRICTIONS sc reen. save Save failed Try eac h of the following in ord er until the save suc c eed s: Retry the save using the SAVE sc reen. Try the save with the initialize option. Chang e the MO d isk. Call the RSC. save Save passed None save Save aborted Try eac h of the following in ord er until the save suc c eed s: Retry the save using the SAVE sc reen. Try the save with the initialize option. Chang e the MO d isk. Call the RSC. save Automated save weekly is disabledEnab le the automated weekly save. save Backup device added None save Removing backup device None save Volume label check failed Run ad d mo-d isk initialize c ommand save Remove tape for rewind None Table A-1. Administration Log Entries — Continued Search String Message Action Continued on next page

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference 585-300-213 Issue 1 May 1999 Administration Log Entries A-12 A save Remove Mo for initialize None sext Subscriber name has null extensionEnter the extension for the subsc rib er using the CHANGE SUBSCRIBER sc reen. sext Remote subscriber name has null extensionEnter the extension for the subsc rib er using the CHANGE REMOTE-SUBSCRIBER sc reen. spce Save failed: backup device full The MO disk is full.The initialize option must b e used. spce Automated save nightly causing rewindNone — Indic ates that p rior bac kup s are not ac c essib le and are b eing overwritten. spce Approaching end of backup device - room for more automated save nightliesIf you want to keep these b ac kup s, invoke REMOVE MO-DISK, rep lac e the MO d isk c urrently in the system, and invoke ADD MO-DISK. spce Automated save nightly removing oldest backupIndic ates that the old est p revious b ac kup is b eing removed to make room for the c urrent save. spce Automated save weeklies removing oldest backupIndic ates that the old est p revious b ac kup is b eing removed to make room for the c urrent save. spwd System Password changed None sxltCharacters ‘to found more than onceChang e the switc h station/trunk name so that it does not c ontain the c harac ters to. Note: Cap italizing the t is suffic ient. sxlt Name: ‘name () not unique. See Chang e one of the names assoc iated with extension1 or extension2 so they are uniq ue. Note: The names may already b e uniq ue, b ut when the switc h sorts them for the d irec tory, they may end up looking the same. When this happ ens, c hang e them ag ain to make them uniq ue. sxlt Too many errors found, logging suspendedClean up switc h ad ministration flaws d esc rib ed in previous log entries, and try the switc h names aud it again. sxlt Name might contain ‘to If the station name on the switc h c ontains the c harac ters to, remove the c harac ters. Note: Cap italizing the t is suffic ient. If the name d oes not c ontain to, no errors will oc c ur. But this messag e will b e log ged every time the aud it runs. Table A-1. Administration Log Entries — Continued Search String Message Action Continued on next page

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference 585-300-213 Issue 1 May 1999 Administration Log Entries A-13 A sxlt Invalid directory display: , port: Chec k the switc h administration of the p ort in q uestion. Ensure that the direc tory feature is administered on the c orrec t b utton. See Installation and Switc h Administration for the DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0, 585-300-122. sxlt Failed to get name/extension pair from the switchFor some reason, d uring the switc h names audit, the switc h d id not respond when the AUDIX System p ressed the next feature b utton. sxlt Too many errors found during audit: , port: Fix the errors d esc ribed in p revious log entries, and try the switc h names aud it ag ain. sxlt Audit failed, no names were found, port: No names/stations have b een ad ministered on this switc h (the switc h d irec tory is empty). Run the audit ag ain after the switc h is ad ministered . sxlt Cannot light MWI on AUDIX port During a port test, AUDIX c ould not lig ht a messag e waiting ind ic ator. Ensure that the p ort extension in q uestion (CHANGE VOICE-GROUP sc reen) is c orrec t. Also, ensure that the switc h administration of the p ort is c orrec t (esp ec ially lwc -store and other field s assoc iated with the leave-word -c alling switc h feature). See Installation and Switc h Administration for the DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0, 585-300-122. sxlt Cannot extinguish MWI on AUDIX port During a p ort test, AUDIX c ould not turn off a message waiting ind ic ator. Ensure that the extension of the p ort in q uestion (AUDIX CHANGE VOICE-GROUP sc reen) is c orrec t. Then, use the switc h c overage-messag e-retrieval feature (on a d isp lay set) to ensure there are no other messag es for this AUDIX p ort. Also ensure that the switc h administration of the p ort is c orrec t (esp ec ially lwc -c anc el and other field s assoc iated with the Leave Word Calling switc h feature). See Installation and Switc h Administration for the DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0, 585-300-122. Table A-1. Administration Log Entries — Continued Search String Message Action Continued on next page

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference 585-300-213 Issue 1 May 1999 Administration Log Entries A-14 A sxlt AUDIX port: does not contain ‘AUDIX display: Ensure that the extension of the p ort in q uestion (CHANGE VOICE-GROUP sc reen) is c orrec t. Also, c hec k switc h ad ministration of the AUDIX port and make sure the station name b egins with the c harac ters A U D I X. See Installation and Switc h Administration for the DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0, 585-300-122. sxlt Call to port does not cover (all calls), display: All AUDIX ports must use a c overag e p ath that c overs (all c alls) to the AUDIX hunt group. Chang e switc h ad ministration so this is the c ase, and test the port again. See Installation and Switc h Ad ministration for the DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0, 585-300-122. sxlt Cannot get dial tone, port: , ret: Chec k in ord er until you c an g et a d ial tone: — Is p ort out of servic e? — Is the system c loc k set? — Do fileysystems exist? — Is system hard ware bad or imp rop erly seated? — If no alarms are p resent, c all the RSC. sxlt No called party information on outgoing call display: During a port test, the tested p ort c alled itself, but did not get any called party information on its d isplay. Make sure the extension of the port in q uestion (CHANGE VOICE-GROUP sc reen) is c orrec t. In the switc h translations, the Calling Permission field on the Class of Restric tion (COR) sc reen was set to n. Chang e to y for the p ort test to p ass. Chec k switc h administration of the AUDIX p ort and ensure that the station name b eg ins with A U D I X. See Installation and Switc h Ad ministration for the DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0, 585-300-122. Table A-1. Administration Log Entries — Continued Search String Message Action Continued on next page

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference 585-300-213 Issue 1 May 1999 Administration Log Entries A-15 A sxlt No administered extension on AUDIX port Chec k the CHANGE VOICE-GROUP sc reen and ensure that an extension is ad ministered for the port in q uestion. See Installation and Switc h Administration for the DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0, 585-300-122. Note: This messag e should never b e log ged . sxlt Cannot select call appearance (port ) Chec k the switc h ad ministration of the g iven AUDIX p ort. Make sure the p ort is ad ministered with all the c all ap pearanc es the d oc umentation req uests. See Installation and Switc h Administration for the DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0, 585-300-122. sxlt Display button (port ) might not have directory featureChec k if feature is ac tive. See Installation and Switc h Administration for the DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0, 585-300-122. sxlt Could not get name/extension pair from the switch.Display button Chec k the switc h administration of the p ort in q uestion. Ensure that the next feature b utton is ad ministered . See Installation and Switc h Administration for the DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0, 585-300-122. sxlt Port () might not have date-time feature Chec k if feature is ac tive. See Installation and Switc h Administration for the DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0, 585-300-122. sxlt Unable to correctly parse time, time data: Chec k the switc h administration of the AUDIX ports, espec ially the d ate-time b utton. See Installation and Switc h Administration for the DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0, 585-300-122. sxlt Invalid month received: Call the RSC. sxlt Invalid weekday received: Call the RSC. sxlt Switch names database discarded Chec k p revious log entries. sxlt Bad voice port extension, port Readminister the voic e p ort extension for < p ort> on the CHANGE VOICE-GROUP sc reen. Table A-1. Administration Log Entries — Continued Search String Message Action Continued on next page

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference 585-300-213 Issue 1 May 1999 Administration Log Entries A-16 A sxlt AUDIX subscriber (ext ) may have LWC disabledChec k that LWC is not disab led on the switc hs CHANGE STATION sc reen, or that a sub sc riber without a c orrespond ing switc h station must have switc h numb er set to 0. syda System parameters lost, default values insertedReadminister values on the CHANGE SYSTEM- PA RA METERS FEA TU RES sc reen and the CHANGE SYSTEM- PA RA METERS O U TC A L L I N G sc reen. syda Limits parameters lost, default values insertedReadminister values on the CHANGE SYSTEM-PARAMETERS LIMITS sc reen. syda Threshold parameters lost, default values insertedReadminister values on the CHANGE SYSTEM- PA RA METERS TH RESH OL D S sc reen. time Time synchronization with switch was successfulNone — Ind ic ates that someone c hang ed the system time to ag ree with the host switc h. See the SET TIME sc reen. time Set time was successful None — Ind ic ates that someone c hang ed the system time b y using the SET TIME sc reen. time Time zone was changed to time_ zoneExe c u t e RESET SYSTEM REBO O T f o r t h e new time zone to take effec t. tmzs Time zone is incorrect Chang e the time zone b y exec uting the CHANGE SWITCH-TIME-ZONE sc reen. If that fails, c all the RSC. traf Subscriber traffic file corrupt Call the RSC. traf Remote message traffic corrupt Call the RSC. undm Undeliverable message from to . Mailbox fullIf this hap p ens freq uently, ask extension 2 to d elete messag es, or give them a larg er mailbox. undm Undeliverable message from to . Subscriber not foundIndic ates that a sub sc rib er no long er is ad ministered on the mac hine. Sender will also b e notified . undm Undeliverable message from to . Permission deniedThe sub sc rib er probab ly tried to send a p rivate messag e whic h is not allowed . (The send er was also notified that the messag e was not delivered.) Tell the sub sc riber not to mark remote messag es as p rivate. Review the sub sc rib ers c ommunity to ensure it is c orrec t on the DISPLAY SUBSCRIBER sc reen. Table A-1. Administration Log Entries — Continued Search String Message Action Continued on next page

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference 585-300-213 Issue 1 May 1999 Administration Log Entries A-17 A undm Undeliverable message from to . Transmission problemsMay ind ic ate that the mac hine is not working p roperly or the d ialed fac ilities used to ac c ess this mac hine are not correct. undm Undeliverable message from to . Sending restrictedNone — Rec ip ient has c hosen not to rec eive messag es from send ers restric tion c ommunity. See the CHANGE SYSTEM-PARAMETERS SENDING-RESTRICTIONS sc reen. undm Undeliverable message from to . Miscellaneous reasonContac t the RSC and rep ort p rob lems with the network. undm Undeliverable message from to . Only one active login announcement allowedNone — The send er will also b e notified . undm Undeliverable message from to . AMIS analog recipient, wrong numberIf the logg ed numb er is not a wrong number, a system restart is nec essary. Otherwise, read ministration of the AMIS number may be nec essary. undm Undeliverable message from to . Transmission attempt exception for AMIS analogChec k out the AMIS network c onnec tions. If troub le persists, c all the RSC. undm Undeliverable message from to . AMIS returned messageCall the RSC. undm Undeliverable message from to . AMIS message longer than 8 minutesNone — The send er will also b e notified . unod Incoming AMIS message from an unknown machine [ccc][nxx][yyyzzzz]Add mac hine using ADD MACHINE, or ig nore message. vprm voice port [port num] removed due to upgrade wrnm Received wrong number failure for AMIS outgoingNone — The send er was notified of the error. xfer Call Transfer turned on/off by login on port None — Provid es c hang e in transfer func tionality for sub sc rib ers/auto attend ants. Table A-1. Administration Log Entries — Continued Search String Message Action Continued on next page

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference 585-300-213 Issue 1 May 1999 Administration Log Entries A-18 A