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Communications System
Lucent Technologies Definity Audix System Release 4.0 Screens Reference Manual
Lucent Technologies Definity Audix System Release 4.0 Screens Reference Manual
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DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference 585-300-213 Issue 1 May 1999 Screen Descriptions 3-169 display Subscriber 3 Call Answer Sec ond ary Annc . SetAnnouncement set for system prompts and the greeting (p ersonal or standard system) once the caller op ts to switc h announc ement sets from the primarysame as Log in Announc ement Sets To sp ecify an alternate announcement set, the multiling ual feature must b e ON and Call Answer Language Choic e must b e y.system PERMISSIONS Typ e How Call Answer c alls to this subscrib ers mailb ox will b e hand led b y the DEFINITY AUDIX Sy st e mauto-attend ant (Changing to auto attendant ad d s a third p age to this sc reen; c hang ing from auto-attend ant removes the third p ag e of this sc reen.) b ulletin-b oard call-answer none (No Call Answer— Voic e Mailb ox only)call answer Announc ement ControlInd ic ates whether this sub sc rib er c an rec ord names and system announc ementsy (c an rec ord) n (c annot record ) !CAUTION: Sub sc rib ers with this p ermission can c hang e announc ements heard b y users. This c apab ility should b e reserved for system administrators. Outc alling Allows subscrib er to activate the Outc alling feature, whic h alerts a subscrib er to a new message b y p lac ing a c all to that sub sc rib ery (outc alling p ermitted ) n (outc alling not p ermitted ) Pri o r it y Messag esAllows sub sc rib er to send p riority voice-mail messages to other sub sc rib ersy (c an send p riority msgs.) n (c an’t send priority msg s.)n Broad cast Types of broad c ast messag es subscrib er c an c reatevoic e log in both none If the numb er of p urchased IMPAI sessions is zero, as ad ministered on the System-Parameters Customer Op tions screen, these fields can only be n. IMAPI ac cess Enab les Intuity Messag e Manag er c lient to acc ess server.y (enab led ) n (d isabled)n IMAPI Voic e File TransferEnab les the DEFINITY AUDIX server to transfer c lient voic e files over the LAN to a c lient PC. Set this to y to allow this subscrib er to arc hive messag es they rec eive.y (enab led ) n (d isabled)n Name Description Valid Entries Default
DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference 585-300-213 Issue 1 May 1999 Screen Descriptions 3-170 display Subscriber 3 INCOMING MAILBOX Ord er Order for retrieving inc oming mailb ox messag es for this subscrib erfifo (first in, first out) lifo (last in, first out)fifo Categ ory Ord er Order for sc anning the inc oming mailb ox messag e c ateg ories for this sub sc rib er. For examp le, nuo sp ec ifies that new messag es are sc anned first, unop ened messag es sec ond , and old messag es last.these three c haracters in any ord er: n (New — Neither header nor messag e b od y has been read) u (Unop ened — Head er has b een read b ut not message body) o (Old — Header and messag e bod y have b een read ) Retention Time, (New, Old , and Unop ened ) Number of d ays that (new, old , or unop ened ) messages are retained in the inc oming mailb ox for this sub sc riber.0 to 999 NOTE: The retention time c loc k is not reset to zero when a messag e is moved b etween the old , unopened , and new c ategories. For example, if the retention time is 10 d ays for all three categ ories, a messag e is removed after 10 d ays (not 30 d ays) reg ard less of whether or when it is moved from one c ateg ory to another. OUTGOING MAILBOX Ord er Order for retrieving messages from the outg oing mailbox for this sub sc rib erfifo (first in, first out) lifo (last in, first out)fifo Categ ory Ord er Order for scanning sub sc rib er’s outg oing mailb ox message categories Valid entries are these five charac ters in any ord er: f (File c abinet — Saved cop ies of created messag es) u (Undelivered — Messag es awaiting d elivery) n (Nond eliverable — Unsuc cessful messag e d eliveries) d (Delivered — Notifications of d elivered messages) a (Accessed — Notifications of delivered and accessed messag es)ufd an Retention Times - File Cab inet and Delivered / Nond eliverab leNumber of d ays that (file cab inet or d elivered /nondeliverab le) messag es are retained in the outgoing mailbox for this subscrib er 0 to 999 Voice Mail Messag es, Maximum Leng th Max. duration (in sec ond s) of voic e mail messag es that can b e created by this subscriber0 to 1200 300 Name Description Valid Entries Default
DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference 585-300-213 Issue 1 May 1999 Screen Descriptions 3-171 display Subscriber 3 Voice Mail Messag es, Minimum Need ed Min. mailb ox sp ace (in second s) that must b e availab le for this subscrib er to c reate a voice mail messag e0 to 1200 32 Call Answer Messag es, Maximum Leng th Max. duration (in sec ond s) of c all-answer messages that c an b e left for this sub sc riber0 to 1200 120 Call Answer Messag es, Minimum Need ed Min. mailb ox sp ace (in second s) that must b e availab le to leave a c all-answer message for this subscrib er0 to 1200 8 End of Message Wa r n i n g Ti m eSp ecifies when the End of Messag e Warning recording is p layed — number of sec ond s b efore the maximum rec ord ing time has b een reac hed d uring a messag e rec ording. The warning messag e is p layed this numb er of second s b efore the max. rec ord ing time has b een reached.b lank (the value on the System-Parameters Features sc reen is used ) 0 (no end -of-messag e warning is p layed ) 15 to 60b lank Maximum Mailing Lists Max. numb er of mailing lists that can be created by this subscrib er0 to 999 25 Total Entries in all ListsMax. total number of mailing list entries that can b e c reated for all mailing lists owned b y this subscrib er0 to 9999 Mailb ox Size, Maximum Max. seconds of mailb ox sp ace for this sub sc riber 0 to 32767 (just over 9 hours)1200 (20 min.) Mailb ox Size, Minimum Guaranteed Number of sec ond s of mailbox sp ac e g uaranteed for this subscrib er. It is rec ommend ed that no sp ac e b e guaranteed b ecause the reserved sp ace may never b e used b y some subscrib ers.0 to 9999 0 Name Description Valid Entries Default
DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference 585-300-213 Issue 1 May 1999 Screen Descriptions 3-172 display Subscriber 3 PA G E 3 This p ag e ap p ears only if the PERMISSIONS Type field on Pag e 2 is set to auto-attendant. Allow Call TransferAllows callers to transfer out of the DEFINITY AUDIX System via *T when this automated attend ant is reachedy (p ermit c allers to use *T to transfer) n (d o not p ermit c allers to use *T to transfer)n NOTE: It is strongly recommend ed that this field b e left at its d efault setting , n for most attend ants. Extension Extension assoc iated with the listed b utton. This is the extension that the caller ac cesses when dialing the d igit b utton for this line of the sc reen. blank e (lets c aller d ial any extension or name beginning with this button numb er) 3 to 10 dig it extension numb erb lank !SECURITY ALERT: No extension field should be left unassig ned . Leaving it unassigned , makes your system vulnerab le to toll fraud . Luc ent Tec hnolog ies strong ly rec ommend s that you assig n an extension in every c ase. NOTE: To use the automated attend ant to red irect c alls to c aller-spec ified extensions or mailboxes, enter e in this field . The p romp t should instruc t the c aller to enter an extension or a name. If a name is exp ected, the Ad d ressing Format field on p age 2 of the sc reen must b e set to name. Also, all extension field s for buttons 2 throug h 9 should have an e in those field s. For a sing le b utton menu, the value in this field should b e an extension Treatment How the DEFINITY AUDIX System hand les the c all when the b utton is pressed . Valid entries are: blank c all-answer (transfers c all into the extension’s mailb ox and plays the Call Answer g reeting . Provid es normal Call Answer treatment for the mailb ox; for examp le, c all answering , automated attend ant, bulletin b oard ). g uest-greeting (transfers the c all into the extension’s mailb ox, without transferring through the switch. Plays the stand ard g uest g reeting, Please leave a messag e for name., and allows the caller to record a message.) transfer (Transfers the c all to the extension on the switc h.)b lank . NOTE: A b lank in the Extension field req uires a b lank in the Treatment field . A nonb lank value in the Extension field req uires a nonb lank value in the Treatment field Name Description Valid Entries Default
DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference 585-300-213 Issue 1 May 1999 Screen Descriptions 3-173 display Subscriber 3 Comment Comments to help id entify the extensionblank 1 to 29 alp hanumeric charac tersb lank Time out, Ext en s io nExtension to which the caller is transferred when the Time out p eriod has elap sedb lank (caller is d isconnected after two Time out p eriod s have elap sed ) 3 to 10 dig it extension numb er Time out, TreatmentHow the DEFINITY AUDIX System hand les the c all if a Time out oc curs and no inp ut is rec eivedsame as Treatment field on this screen NOTE: A b lank in the Time out, Extension field req uires a b lank in the Time out, Treatment field. A nonblank value in the Extension field requires a non b lank value in the Treatment field . Time out, Comment Comments to help id entify the Time out extensionblank 1 to 29 alp hanumeric charac tersb lank Length of Time out on Initial EntryNumber of sec ond s the DEFINITY AUDIX System will wait for a resp onse from the caller0 to 9 5 Name Description Valid Entries Default
DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference 585-300-213 Issue 1 May 1999 Screen Descriptions 3-174 audit Subscriber-Data 3 audit Subscriber-Data The Aud it Results sc reen initiates a d emand aud it on eac h sub sc rib ers d ata and d isp lays the results of the aud it. audit subscriber-data Field Descriptions Sample Tasks/Additional Specifications Sa m e a s audit Mailboxes . Name Description (display only) Date Date that the audit was requested Time Time that the aud it was req uested Aud it Name Name of the aud it b eing run Clean Cac he Writes d ata to d isk Result 1 c harac ter c ode that ind ic ates the last result of the named aud it, and up to 20 c harac ters of text of add itional aud it-result information. b lank (aud it has not b een exec uted ) R (aud it is running ) P (last audit passed) F (last aud it failed ) A (last aud it ab orted )
DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference 585-300-213 Issue 1 May 1999 Screen Descriptions 3-175 audit Subscriber-Data 3 list Subscribers The List Sub sc ribers sc reen d isp lays a list of loc al sub sc rib er names, extensions, c lasses of servic e, and misc ellaneous information. The list is shown in alphab etic al ord er b y sub sc riber name. list subscribers list subscribers name-characters Th e name-characters is all or p art (b eg inning c harac ters) of the name of the first sub sc rib er to be listed . Field Descriptions Name Description (display only) Name Names of the loc al sub sc rib ers. The sub sc rib er names are listed in alp hab etic ord er starting with the first alp hab etic name or starting with the c harac ters sp ec ified on the c ommand line. Extension Extension numb ers of the loc al sub sc rib ers. Class of Servic e Name of the sub sc rib ers assig ned c lass of servic e. Misc . From 0 to 11 alp hanumeric c harac ters of ad ditional sub sc rib er information. PMWX WYFWGVMFIVW HVQJF %GXMZI %PEVQW % 8LVIWLSPHW RSRI 0SKMRW 0-78 79&76-&)67 IRXIV GSQQERH ERGIP 6IJVIWL )RXIV PIEV*PH ,IPT LSMGIW 2I\X4EKI 4VIZ4EKI 2EQI 7QMXL &SF .SRIW 1EV] ;LMXI *VERO &PEGO 0SYMWI 6STIVXW .SI)\XIRWMSR PEWWSJ 7IVZMGI GYWXSQ GPEWW GPEWW GPEWW GPEWW1MWG
DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference 585-300-213 Issue 1 May 1999 Screen Descriptions 3-176 display Switch-Link (CL Mode) 3 display Switch-Link (CL Mode) The Switc h Link DCIU-SCI sc reen is used b y the system installer to d efine the c ontrol link from the switc h to the DEFINITY AUDIX System. The sc reen d esc rib ed in this sec tion is ac tive when the DEFINITY AUDIX System is running in the CL switc h integ ration mod e, as sp ec ified on the System-Parameters Customer Op tions sc reen. A d ifferent version of this sc reen is ac tive for the DP mod e. The sc reen ac tivation c ommand s are the same for b oth mod es. display switch-link change switch-link
DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference 585-300-213 Issue 1 May 1999 Screen Descriptions 3-177 display Switch-Link (CL Mode) 3 Field Descriptions Name Description Valid Entries Default AUDIX Port Switc h Numb er Identifies the switc hes using this DEFINITY AUDIX System. In a DCS network, this numb er must matc h the DCS node numb er for eac h switc h. If not in a DCS network, only one switc h should b e ad ministered.d isplay only field NOTE: The following three AUDIX Port field s have default values for the Switc h Numb er corresponding to the value of the Host Switch field. These three values must be cleared b efore values for another Switch Numb er c an b e entered . Log ic al Channel DEFINITY AUDIX p ort numb er/log ical c hannel used to communicate with the DCS switch nod e with this Switch Numb er. For the host switc h, this must match the log ic al c hannel ad ministered on the host switc h for communicating with the DEFINITY AUDIX System. For a remote DCS nod e, this is the log ic al c hannel ad ministered on the host switc h for the hop c hannel to that DCS nod e. b lank 1 to 641 for switc h 1 b lank for other switches Sw it c h Po r t Sw it c h p o r t nu mb e r f o r c o mm un i c a t in g with the DEFINITY AUDIX System. The switch p ort numb er is administered on the host or remote switc h as the “ p roc essor channel” for the System 75, G1, G3i, G3s, G3si, G3vs, and ProLog ix switches, and as the “ loc al p ort” for G3r, G2, and System 85 switches. b lank 1 to 64none Data Link Numb er of the p hysic al d ata link on the host switc h associated with the c orresp ond ing DCS switc h node, if the DEFINITY AUDIX System is not operating in a DCS environmentb lank 1 The only valid entries are b lank and 1.b lank
DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference 585-300-213 Issue 1 May 1999 Screen Descriptions 3-178 display Switch-Link (CL Mode) 3 NOTE: The Log ic al Channel, Switc h Port, and AUDIX numb ers must b e the same as the c orresp ond ing numb ers ad ministered on the switc h. These field s have different names on the switc h sc reens. The field names on the switc h sc reens c orrespond ing to the DEFINITY AUDIX Switc h Link sc reen field names are shown in the following tab le Host Switch Switc h numb er assig ned to the host switc h1 to 20 NOTE: The host switc h numb er should b e entered on this sc reen b efore subscrib ers are ad ministered . The AUDIX Port/Logic al Channel, Switch Port, and Data Link field s must b e filled in for the switc h numb er entered in this field . The host switch numb er should not b e c hang ed after installation. If the host switch number is chang ed after installation, the switc h numb er on the Sub sc rib er sc reen must b e c hang ed to matc h this numb er for all sub scrib ers; then a switc h translations aud it must be run or the system must b e restarted . AUDIX DEFINITY AUDIX machine number as known b y the switc h. 1 to 8 DEFINITY AUDIX Switch-link DCIU-SCI ScreenSystem 75, G1, G3i,s,vs,si, ProLogix G3rRemote system 85/G2 AUDIX Port Logic al ChannelInterfac e Channel, or Remote Proc essor ChannelInterfac e Channel, or Remote portRe mo t e port Switc h Port Processor Channel Loc al Port Local Port AUDIX Machine ID Mac hine ID Machine ID Name Description Valid Entries Default