Vodavi Starplus Dhs-l Technical Manual
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Programming3-11 Chapt er 3 - Key Station Featu res , Opera tion , an d Programmin g 17. D_TONE TIME 200-800 200 This timer is used if the Dial Tone Detect option is set to YES . 18. D IAL WA IT TIME 0 - 8 0 Th is t ime r is u s ed w h en t h e D ial To n e D e t ec t is s et f or NO. 19. B_TONE TIME 100-800 500 The Busy Tone Interval i s used to match the exp ecte d busy tone from the CO/PBX. This option is used with the AUTO BUS Y RE DIAL fe at u r e. 20. DIAL DELAY 100/500….2000 500 Whe n ma king an outgoing CO call thi s is the time of de lay the tra nsm ission path m ust be dela yed be f ore a connec ti on. T his is use d with the toll restriction fe ature a nd must ma tc h t h e t ime t h e CO r e qu ir es bef o r e providing dia l tone . This is s et in mill ise conds. 21. CO PRE CFW TM E 10 -60 30 This time r controls whe n a CO line wil l be pr es et f o r w ar ded w h en pr o g r am me d u n der CO Pa rameters: Answer Position: CO Preset Forw ard. 22. CAMP ON TIME 0-60 20 This sets the interval between camp on tones. 23. ALA R M P LAY 1 0/ 3 0 / 60 - 60 0 30 Th i s o p t i o n s et s t h e re mi n d er b ee p wh e n t h e extension reminder is reached. 24. HOTEL ENABLE Y/N N This feature is used to set Hotel/Motel fe at u r es o n sy st e m. 25. SYS A BBR CHE CK Y/N N Whe n se t to Ye s the stations COS de term ines wha t spe ed dia l locations may b e dial ed. 26. TS I CONNECT Y/N N This option enab les /dis able s the outgoing CO call tra nsm ission path before toll restriction is satisfied. 27. CONF TONE Y/N N This ena bles/disables conference tone. 28. CAL L DURAT ION 1 -6 0 10 This option is us ed f or outgoing ca ll to sim ulate answ e r s uper vis ion for SM DR. 29. V M MON T I ME 10 - 60 10 Th i s t i me r c o nt r o l s t h e m axi m u m i n t e r val allowed for a sta tion use r to ac tivate the Answe ring Machi ne Em ulation fea ture . 30. MET ER SYS TEM Y/N N This is not ap plicable to theDHS -L. 31. ICLID NA ME Y/N Y Dete rmine s if the ca lling nam e w ill be disp laye d (if provide d) on dis play phone s and ICL ID ID ena bled. 32. TE NANT C ALLI NG Y/N Y Determines which tena nt groups can cal l ea c h ot h e r. Ta ble 3-3: Ca ll Handling Programming Table CALLHANDLING Range Default Description

3-12Programming Ch apter 3 - Key Station Featu res , Operation , an d P rog rammin g 33. SMDR CA LL OU T PU T Outgoing Call Y/N Y Dete rmine s if Outgoing CO call s w ill be outputted to SMDR. Incoming Ca ll Y/N N Dete rmine s if Incomi ng CO calls will b e outputted to SMDR. Account Code Y/N Y Dete rmine s if Account codes will be outputted to SMDR. Ou t p u t Fo r m 80 80 U p to 8 0 c h a r ac t e r s p e r l i n e c an b e se t fo r SMDR o u t pu t . 34. AU TO B U SY R ED IA L ABR Atte mpts 0-99 8 This fe ature de tec ts a busy call a ttem pt and wil l mak e the num be r of atte mpts se t. ABR Interv al 3 0/6 0 /90 /1 20 60 This is the time it will w ait to red ial. This fe ature w ill only ope rate p rop erly if the Bus y To n e is pr og r a mm ed t o ma t c h t h e CO/P B X. 35. EXT ER N AL FW D Se r vic e N ev er /D ay / Night/Alwa ysA lwa ys Stati ons that have the ne ces sa ry programming are allowed to call forward their ca lls to ex ternal l ocations. Talk Time 1-5/10/15 5 Timer controls how long a ECF call may talk. 36. AU TO AT TEN D A N T This f e ature is not avail able f orDHS-L, nor is it appli cable to theDH S - Lsy st e m. Ring_T To Ans 1-20 3 R i n g N o A n s 10 - 90 10 Show Line 700-795 None Au t o _A Lin e Y /N N Se r vic e N ev er /D ay /N ig h t / AlwaysNever Ta ble 3-3: Ca ll Handling Programming Table CALLHANDLING Range Default Description

Programming3-13 Chapt er 3 - Key Station Featu res , Opera tion , an d Programmin g 37. DISA Ring_T To A ns 0-99 0 Se ts the time to a nswer for DI SA . Allow ed S ta COS 0 -7 0 =Y 1 -7=N Allow s DIS A a cces s on a pe r COS. St a COS (0 - 7) Y Show Line 700-795 Allows DISA access on a per CO. DISA Line Y/N N Ena bles /dis able s pe r CO line. DISA Day COS 0 Se ts the day COS for ea ch CO line. DISA N ight CO S 0 - 7 0 Se t s t he night CO S f o r e ach CO. Se r vic e N ev er /D ay / Always/NightA lwa ys Se ts the time of day a nswer. Talk T ime 1 -5 /1 0/1 5 5 Se ts the talk tim e of the line. Ta ble 3-3: Ca ll Handling Programming Table CALLHANDLING Range Default Description

3-14Programming Ch apter 3 - Key Station Featu res , Operation , an d P rog rammin g Table 3-4: Resource Progra mming Table RE SO UR CE Range Default Description 1. DB PASSWORD 00000000/ ########## ## ### # T h e S yst e m D at a bas e P r o gra mm in g password 2. ATTENDANT Show Te nant 1-6 1 E ach te nant group c an have a prima ry and a lterna te atte ndant wi th 4 DSS /BLF units a ssigned to e ach (DSS/BL F units a re p rogra mmed later). Atte ndant A ny valid station 201 A ny sta tion can be a n Attend ant. Att. DSS 1 -4 Null T hes e a re a non program mab le ite m. Alte rnate A ny valid s tation Null A ny sta tion can be a n Alte rnate A ttendant. Alt . D SS 1 - 4 A n Alt e r n at e D S S is n o n pr og r a mm able . 3. SY ST EM R E MIN DER Show Te nant 1 - 6 E ach te nant group c an have 8 s yste m reminders progra mmed (alarms). Pl ay Ti me 1 -1 0 1 T h e pla y t ime r is pr o g r am me d f or e ac h group in 1-10 increm ents. Rem inder 1-8 Null E nter a tim e 24 hour format tha t the re minde r tone shoul d go off. 4. USER PASSWORD 0000-9999 0000 Each station has a password that is used for many system and user options. Length 4 -8 4 Pas sw ord length is programm able . Show Sta E nter num ber of station. PSWD 0000-9999 0000 5. U SER NA MES A ny valid s tation Null E ach s tation use r can have a nam e a ssociate d with it up to 7 cha racte rs long. Show Sta - - E nter num ber of station. (E nter alpha characte rs) Null E nter al pha charac te rs, the n p re ss 1 for Q, * for l ower ca se, 0 for other op ti ons. 6. LINE NA MES A ny valid line # Null E ach line can have a na me as s oci ated w ith it up to 7 characte rs long. Show Line - - E nter line DIR num be r. (E nter alpha characte rs) Null Enter alpha charact ers, then press1for Q , * for l ower ca se, 0 for other opti ons.

Programming3-15 Chapt er 3 - Key Station Featu res , Opera tion , an d Programmin g 7. PREPRO G. MESSAGE Outgoing Message 1-6 T here are 6 preprogrammed messages. The default Outgoing messages are: †Ha v e a g oo d d a y †Call Ope rator †Call Home †Call Back †Friend Vi siting †Ur g e n t Premises Message 1-6 T here are 6 preprogrammed messages. The default Premise messages are: †Out for lunch †Be back soon †Lef t for the d ay †In a Me eting †Out of of fice †On vaca tion 8. SYSTEM ABBR. NO. ABBR refers to Speed Dialing. Show Te nant 1-6 T here a re 100 allocate d spe ed dia l num bers to te nant group 1. The other tena nt groups do not hav e spee d numbe rs assigned. Abbrev. No. 600-699 Each speed dial location has a number assigned to it. By default they are 600 -699 a nd can have a m axim um of 2 0 digits. 9. MUSIC S OURCE Source I D 1-2 T he 2 music source i nputs can be programmed separately. Appl ication Both/ BGM/ MOH Both T his is the setting for ea ch source. Tenant Group 1-6 All Groups =Y E ach tena nt group can have acce ss to e ither of the m usic sources. 10 . EXT ER N A L PAG ER Pa g er I D 1 - 2 T h er e ar e 2 Pa g i n g p o r t s. Tenant Group 1-6 T here is a setti ng for ea ch tenant. Pa g i n g Gp . 1 -2 4 1=Y 2-24=NT here are 24 pa ging groups in the sys tem . Theexternalpaging ports maybeincluded i n tha t paging group so tha t whe n the i nte rnal group is accessed, the page wi ll also broadcastover the external page. Table 3-4: Resource Progra mming Table RE SO UR CE Range Default Description

3-16Programming Ch apter 3 - Key Station Featu res , Operation , an d P rog rammin g 11 . LOUD BE LL Loudbel l ID 1-2 T here are 2 loudbel l interface ports. Trunk Route Y/N N A ny or all of the CO line group s can be p rogra mm ed to ring eithe r of the loudbell ports. 12 . DSS ALLOC AT ION DSS Unit # 1 -12 Up to 12 DS S units ca n be installe d. DSS Owne r A ny valid station Null T he owner m ust be conne cted to the system and can not be an existing DSS di re ctory num ber. DSS Num ber A ny valid station Null T he DS S must be conne cted to the system a nd cannot be the sa me directory num be r as anexisting stationor DSS. 13 . RMT X_RATE 110-19200 9600 The RMT rate is used in setting the baud ra te for the RMP p rogra mm ing or the ICLI D. 14 . CIL X_RATE 110-19200 9600 The CI L rate is used for the SMDR port. Table 3-4: Resource Progra mming Table RE SO UR CE Range Default Description

Programming3-17 Chapt er 3 - Key Station Featu res , Opera tion , an d Programmin g Table 3-5: Restriction Programming Table RES TRIC TI ON Range Default Description 1. CAL L DISC RIM INATION Show Te nant 1-6 E ach tena nt group ha s 100 toll restriction tables 001-100. Dgt. Interval 001-100 From: 0 To : # 0 0 1T his m ea ns that the system can dial a ny digit a s the first digit. St at io n COS Day All ow ed Clas s 0 -7 0= Y E ach COS m ay be allow ed or de nied the a bility to dia l the digits in the Dgt. Interv al. Ni ght A llow ed Clas s 0 -7 0= Y E ach COS m ay be allow ed or de nied the a bility to dia l the digits in the Dgt. Interv al. Line COS ºDay All ow ed Clas s 0 -7 0-7 =Y E ach COS m ay be allow ed or de nied the a bility to dia l the digits in the Dgt. Interv al. ºNi ght A llow ed Clas s 0 -7 0-7 =Y E ach COS m ay be allow ed or de nied the a bility to dia l the digits in the Dgt. Interv al. 2. LEA ST CAL L ROUTING Show Te nant 1-6 E ach of the 6 te nants c an have a unique LCR assignment. LC R Ta b. A ss ign T here are 4 table s program me d in LCR. T he tabl es are unique to the tenant group be ing program me d. ºDigit Comp.Tab. 0 -30 0 3 00 T here are 3 00 digit comp aris on ta bles that ca n be shared by the tena nt groups. (A ll 300 ta bles are a ss igne d to te nant group 1) . ºTimeofDay 0-60 60 Thereare60Timeofdaytablethatcanbe sharedby the tenant groups (All 60 tables are a ssigned to te nant group 1). ºRoute Table 0-24 24 There are 24 Trunk Route tables that can be shared by the tenant groups (All 24 trunk routes are assigned to tenant group 1). ºDigit Modi. Table 0-48 24 T here are 48 digi t m odification tabl es tha t ca n be shared by the tena nt groups A maximum of 24 tables can be assigned to 1 te nant group.

3-18Programming Ch apter 3 - Key Station Featu res , Operation , an d P rog rammin g 2. LC R Ta b. Prog. T he content of the LCR table s a re progra mme d in the following table s. ºDigit Comp. Tab. T he digit com paris on ta bles a re programm ed s imi lar to the toll res triction tabl es . E nter a F RO M: digit 0-9 X = w ildcard to a TO : dig it 0-9 X = wil dcard Time of Week List= Sunday=1 Monday=1–Saturday=1 T he tim e of we ek lis t is us ed to a ss ign LCR trunk route num bers to this inte rval for a pa rticular da y of the we ek. ºList Number 001-300 The digit comparison tables are programmed s imi lar to the toll res triction tabl es . E nter a F RO M: digit 0-9 X = w ildcard to a TO : dig it 0-9 X = wil dcard Time of Week List= Sunday=1 Monday=1–Saturday=1 T he tim e of we ek lis t is us ed to a ss ign LCR trunk route num bers to this inte rval for a pa rticular da y of the we ek. T im e of Da y Tab. T ime of da y table s de fi ne w hich LC R trunk routes will be used for a par ticular time of da y. A different LCR trunk route may b e assigned to a di fferent ti me slot during the da y. ºList Number 01-60 Enter a time of day list number. ºTim e A ssignme nt T he tim e assignme nts are established by e ntering a starti ng ti me i n T IME 1 and a n ending time in TIME 2. TIME 2 then becomes your starting time for the next tim e s lot of the day. T IME 6 be come s the start time for the la st slot of the day with T IME 1, time 1 be ing the ending time. ºRoute As signm ent E ach tim e s lot ha s a n LC R route ta ble a ssigned to it. Ente r a route 1-24 for ea ch tim e slot for the day. Table 3-5: Restriction Programming Table RES TRIC TI ON Range Default Description

Programming3-19 Chapt er 3 - Key Station Featu res , Opera tion , an d Programmin g 2. T im e of Da y Tab. T ime of da y table s de fi ne w hich LC R trunk routes will be used for a par ticular time of da y. A different LCR trunk route may b e assigned to a di fferent ti me slot during the da y. ºList Number 01-60 Enter a time of day list number. ºTim e A ssignme nt T he tim e assignme nts are established by e ntering a starti ng ti me i n T IME 1 and a n ending time in TIME 2. TIME 2 then becomes your starting time for the next tim e s lot of the day. T IME 6 be come s the start time for the la st slot of the day with T IME 1, time 1 be ing the ending time. ºRoute As signm ent E ach tim e s lot ha s a n LC R route ta ble a ssigned to it. Ente r a route 1-24 for ea ch tim e slot for the day. Route Tab. T here are 2 4 route ta bles . Each ta ble ha s 4 dig it modif ication tabl es -- choice 1 is the pri mar y; choice 2 is the se condary, etc. ºLi st N u m ber 1- 2 4 E n t er t h e l i st n u mb er. ºChoice 1-4 E nter the choice . ºRoute 1-24 E nter the trunk route to use when this choice is imp lem ente d. Dgt M odi Tab. T here are 2 4 digi t m odif ication tabl es w hich a re use d in conjuncti on with the trunk route s to e nsure tha t the proper dial ing se quence i s pe rf orme d. ºList Number 1-24 Enter the number of the digit modification ta ble to be prog ra mm ed. ºDele te Digits None ,1-16 0 E nter the location of the digit, if any to dele te f rom the dialing s tring. T he loca tion ca n be from 0 (none ) to 16. ºPre fix Digi ts 0-9,*,# Em pty Up to 14 digits can be prog ra mm ed a s pre fix dig its Prefix digits are dia led pri or to the num ber and can be 0 -9 , *, # pa use a nd w ait for dia ltone. ºInse rt Digits 0-9,*,# Em pty Up to 16 digits may be inserte d into the dia ling s tri ng. T he digits are ins er ted in the s tring at the i ns e rt location. ºInse rt Position 0-16 0 T he inserte d digits are inser te d at the i nse rt position. The insert posi tion ca n be 0 (none) to 1-16. Table 3-5: Restriction Programming Table RES TRIC TI ON Range Default Description

3-20Programming Ch apter 3 - Key Station Featu res , Operation , an d P rog rammin g 3. ACCOUNT CODE S T he s yste m a llows 30 0 d iff ere nt account code s to be programm ed. The a ccount code s areusedforSMDRandtravelingCOS. Length 2-8 3 T he le ngth of the a ccount code s m ay be progra mme d f rom 2 to 8 digits A ll account code s follow this le ngth. Password Enter the desired password ID number you w ill be programm ing. ID Number 001-300 Pswd. Null E nter the de sire d account code that m atches t h e len g t h s et ab ov e. COS 0 -7 0 E nter the s tation COS to be use d during dialing. Table 3-5: Restriction Programming Table RES TRIC TI ON Range Default Description