Vodavi Starplus Dhs-l Technical Manual
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DHS- L In stal la tion2-33 Ch apter 2 - Description a n d In stallation MISB Inst alla tion The MISB ha s a 24- pin champ amp henol-type connector on it. Each connector should be c abl ed to a d edi c at ed c ros s-c onn ec t bl oc k.Fi g ur e 2- 18di s p l a y s t h e M I S B L a y o u t . F igure 2-18: MISB La yout CN1 I S S U E B A R C O D E C A R D C A T . N O C N 1 D7 U 2 5U 7 U 2 U 1 7 U 8 U 2 6 MUSIC STRAP JP2 K 1K 2 T 1 T 4 T 3 T 2 SNAPS FOR DTMF RECEIVER CARD CONFERENCE ROOMCONFERENCE CHIP SYSTEM TONES EPROM SYSTEM CADENCE TONES EPROM SNAPS FOR DTMF CARD C N 3 CONNECTOR FOR DTMFCARD JP3 M I S B MUSI C ON HOLD 1&2 =Internal Music 2&3 =External Music

2-34DH S-L In stal la tion Ch apter 2 - Des crip tion and Ins tallation 1. To connect the trunk s to the KSU, re fe r to the cros s-conn ect wiring dia gra m inFigure 2- 19whic h shows t he w ir ing ar ra ngem ent for t he 24 -p in c hamp amph enol -t ype connector that mates with th e connector located on each trunk. F igure 2-19: MISB Cut Shee t 2. Ins ta ll the cros s-conne ct block to the right of the KS U allow ing sufficient room to a ccess both s ides of the block. T here should b e s ufficient room between the b ottom of the card cage and the bottom of the KSU to route the cables. 3. Route cab le up through the ce nte r of the cros s-conne ct block, d re ss and secure th e ca ble a t s eve ral points, and then punch d own the le ads using a stand ard color code . DT MF Re ceiv er C ard I nst al la ti on The DT MF Rece ive r Card is a d aughter card that snap s in to the MISB, and conne cts to C N3 as shown inFig u re 2- 18. Port PIN # Color MUSI C 1 80113 1WH/BL BL/WH MUSI C 2 80214 2WH/OR OR/WH PA G E 1 82015 3WH /G N GN /W H 16 4WH/BN BN/WH PA G E 2 82117 5WH/ S L SL / WH 18 6RD /B L BL /R D Bell 1 81019 7RD /O R OR/R D 20 8RD/GN GN/RD Bell 2 81121 9RD /B N BN /R D 22 10RD /SL SL/RD not us ed23 11BK/BL BL/BK not us ed24 12BK/OR OR /BK

DHS- L In stal la tion2-35 Ch apter 2 - Description a n d In stallation T1Interface Board Card The T 1IB provide s the T- 1 (1. 544Mb ps, 24-V oice Cha nnel) d igital inte rfa ce circuit, control circuitry, a nd s ynchronous clock control circuits. It ha s a 15- pin connector (ref er toFigure 2- 20). Fi g u r e 2- 20 : P o in t -To- Po i nt T 1 C o n ne ct i o n . Figure 2-21: T-1 Single Ca rd Connection Sys te m 1 Sys tem 2 P INOU T DB15 Female Pin #DHS -L RJ- 45 (CSU) 1 --->

2-36DH S-L In stal la tion Ch apter 2 - Des crip tion and Ins tallation DT IB- 8/1 6 The re is o ne 24 or 36- pin fe male a mphe nol connector labe le d C ONN 3 locate d on the front of the card. T his allows the sy stem to be cabled to the ma in dis tribution fra me (MDF). Pair telephone cabling must be prepared with mating connectors to extend the inter- face circuits to the MDF . The cables shou ld be routed throug h the cable clamp s a t the b ott om of t he KS U t o t he M DF. Th ese c ab le s a re t hen te r mina te d on in dust ry st anda rd 66 M1- 50 t yp e p unchdown con nect or blo ck s. It i s re commen ded th at 66 M1 -5 0 spl it bl ocks wit h bri dgi ng cl ip s b e used t o si mpl if y troubles hooting and to is olate faults.

DHS- L In stal la tion2-37 Ch apter 2 - Description a n d In stallation Fi g u re 2- 22 : D T I B -8/ 16 W ir i n g Por t Sta ti on PI N # C olo r PI N # 1 201 19 1WH/BL BL/WH13 1 2 202 20 2WH/OR OR/WH14 2 3 203 21 3WH/ GN GN/WH15 3 4 204 22 4WH/BN BN/WH16 4 5 205 23 5WH / SL SL/W H17 5 6 206 24 6RD / BL BL / R D18 6 7 207 25 7RD / O R OR/RD19 7 8 208 26 8RD/GN GN/RD20 8 9 301 27 9RD/BN BN/RD 10 3 0 2 28 10RD/SL SL /RD 11 3 0 3 29 11BK/BL BL/BK 12 3 0 4 30 12BK/OR OR/BK 13 3 0 5 31 13BK/GN GN/BK 14 3 0 6 32 14BK/BN BN/BK 15 3 0 7 33 15BK/SL SL/BK 16 3 0 8 34 16YL /BL BL /YL not used309 35 17BK/SL SL/BK not used310 36 18YL /BL BL /YL

2-38DH S-L In stal la tion Ch apter 2 - Des crip tion and Ins tallation SLIB Wiring This board provides the interface to sixteen (16) 2500-type telephones. The SLIB signals inte rfa ce with me chanical 90V ringe rs. T he S LIB boa rd has one LED indica tor for s ta tus . The SLIB may be inserted o r removed from the system while under power. The station connections a re via one (1) 36-p in fema le (a mphe nol typ e) connector loca te d on the fr ont edge of t he ca rd. Figure 2-23: SLIB Wiring Port St at ion PI N # Co lor PI N # 1 2 01 19 1WH/BL BL/WH13 1 2 2 02 20 2WH/OR OR/W H14 2 3 2 03 21 3WH / G N GN/ WH15 3 4 2 04 22 4WH/BN BN/WH16 4 5 2 05 23 5WH/SL SL/WH17 5 6 2 06 24 6RD/BL BL/ RD18 6 7 2 07 25 7RD/O R OR/RD19 7 8 2 08 26 8RD/GN GN/RD20 8 9 3 01 27 9RD / B N BN / R D 10 3 02 28 10RD / S L SL/R D 11 3 03 29 11BK/BL BL/BK 12 3 04 30 12BK/OR OR/BK 13 3 05 31 13BK / G N GN / B K 14 3 06 32 14BK/BN BN/BK 15 3 07 33 15BK/SL SL/BK 16 3 08 34 16YL/BL BL/YL not used309 35 17BK/SL SL/BK not used310 36 18YL/BL BL/YL

DHS- L In stal la tion2-39 Ch apter 2 - Description a n d In stallation LCOB Wiring The Loop Start CO Interface Board s upports up to 8 CO line s. The LC OB b oard ha s one LED indicator for status. The LCOB may inserted or removed from the system while under power. The C O con nections are via one (1) 24-pin f ema le (amp henol type) conn ector loca te d on the front e dge of the card. Figure 2-24: LCOB Wiring Port PIN # Color 113 1WH/BL BL/WH 214 2WH/OR OR /WH 315 3WH /G N GN /W H 416 4WH/BN BN/WH 517 5WH /S L SL/WH 618 6RD /B L BL /R D 719 7RD /O R OR/R D 820 8RD/GN GN/RD Powe r Fail ure (Line 1)21 9 -- Powe r Fail ure (Line 2)22 10 not u se d23 11 not u se d24 12

2-40DH S-L In stal la tion Ch apter 2 - Des crip tion and Ins tallation S tat ion Cabl i ng Floor pla ns should be develop ed to aid in proper station ca bling in a hom e run configuration from the KSU. The cables are run from the station locations to the MDF. Twisted-pair station cable is required for all telephone connections to the KSU. Category 3 (or equ iva le nt) cables ma y be us ed to connect telep hones to the KSU. Both end s of each cable should be labeled with the statio ns circuit number. The circuit number des ig nat es the s ta ti o n po rt po s it io n i n t he KS U. It i s r e co m mend ed tha t #2 4 AW G st at i o n cable be use d for s ta tion conne ctions . Re fer toTabl e 2-1 2for def aul t St at ion dir ect or y numbe rs . Table 2-12: Default Station Directory Numbers Card Type S lot Number Port BDS T1 AST1DST2 AST2456 789101112 1 B 1 X X 201 209 217 2 25 233 241 249 25 7 265 2 B 1 X X 202 210 218 2 26 234 242 250 25 8 266 3 B 1 X X 203 211 219 2 27 235 243 251 25 9 267 4 B 1 X X 204 212 220 2 28 236 244 252 26 0 268 5 B 1 X X 205 213 221 2 29 237 245 253 26 1 269 6 B 1 X X 206 214 222 2 30 238 246 254 26 2 270 7 B 1 X X 207 215 223 2 31 239 247 255 26 3 271 8 B 1 X X 208 216 224 2 32 240 248 256 26 4 272 9 B 2 X 301 309 317 3 25 333 341 349 35 7 365 10 B 2 X 302 310 318 3 26 334 342 350 35 8 366 11 B 2 X 303 311 319 3 27 335 343 351 35 9 367 12 B 2 X 304 312 320 3 28 336 344 352 36 0 368 13 B 2 X 305 313 321 3 29 337 345 353 36 1 369 14 B 2 X 306 314 322 3 30 338 346 354 36 2 370 15 B 2 X 307 315 323 3 31 339 347 355 36 3 371 16 B 2 X 308 316 324 3 32 340 348 356 36 4 372 T hi s tab le r epr es en ts th e F IXE D s tati on nu mbe ring p lan . Eac h s tatio n numb er ca n be r elo cate d in Pro grammi ng.

DHS- L In stal la tion2-41 Ch apter 2 - Description a n d In stallation Runn ing Cab le Fr om t he M DF lo ca ti on, r un uns hie l ded C at egor y 3 (or eq uiv ale nt ) tw ist e d c abl e to a ll key te le phone l oc at ions an d DT M F s ingl e -li ne t el eph one loc at i ons. Fol low the se gui de li nes : †Ins ta ll pr ope r ty pe cabl e f or the ap pli cat ion accord ing to the Na ti onal El e ctr ica l Code and loca l b uil di ng code s. †Avoid cable runs parallel to fluorescent light fixtures or AC lines not in conduit. If theseobstaclesareunavoidable,runthecablesacrossthematrightangles. †Do n ot run s ta tion cab les inside electrica l cond uit alread y occupied by AC w iring. ( To do so is a violation of the National Electrical Code). †Do n ot run st at ion ca bl es nea r equi pme nt wi th el ec t ri c mo tor s or t hr ough s tr ong magne tic f ie lds , s uch as those ge nerated by l arge cop y ma ch ine s, arc wel din g equipment, heavy motors, etc. †Do not place station cables where they can be stepped on or where they can be ro l le d o v er by o ffi c e f urni t ure. †If using m ulti- pair (25- pair) cable runs to multiple s tation locations do not include AC ringing single-line sets, AC-ringing auxiliary equipment, or CO lines in a cable being use d for k ey te le phone s. K ey t e le phone s s hould al ways be is ola te d i n s epa rat e ded icat ed cabl e ru ns. †Do n ot excee d t he me asur eme nt s f or the st at i on cabl e le ngt hs (usi ng 2 6 AWG wi r e) li st ed inTable 2-8: Maximum Cable Length. Table 2-13: Defa ult CO Trunk Directory Numbers S lot >>> 3 456789101112 Port 1 -- Fo r T1I B -- Po rt s 1-24 Ext. 772-7 957 00 708 716 724 732 740 748 756 764 2 7 01 709 717 725 733 741 749 757 765 3 7 02 710 718 726 734 742 750 758 766 4 7 03 711 719 727 735 743 751 759 767 5 7 04 712 720 728 736 744 752 760 768 6 7 05 713 721 729 737 745 753 761 769 7 7 06 714 722 730 738 746 754 762 770 8 7 07 715 723 731 739 747 755 763 771 Use shielded cable if RFI/EFI is expected. Itis recommended thataminimumof3-paircable and aminimum of4-conductormodular jack s be use d for all stat ion co nne cti ons.

2-42DH S-L In stal la tion Ch apter 2 - Des crip tion and Ins tallation Terminating Cables at Station Locations Terminate key telep hones and DT MF single- line telephon e ca bles on four condu ctor modular ja ck ass emblies a t each station location. Four conductors provid e two pair- wired to the tele phone . Although only one pa ir is req uired for ke y telep hone operation, the second pair is wired through to the ADP jack for a variety of applications at the desktop. For e xc ept i on, r ef er t oTa b l e 2 - 1 4. Do not mount the modular jack assemblies on the wall at this time. They will be wall mounted later when the station instruments are installed. Key Telephones Installation Key te le phone s may be mounted with three diffe re nt orie nta tions: Low Profile De sk Mount, High Profile Desk Mou nt or Wall Mou nted. Pa ckaged inside ea ch key telep hone carton are the following components : †Key telephone †Key te le phone ha ndse t †7- ft . l ine c o r d †4- in. l ine c or d (for wa ll mount i ng) †12-f t. hand set cord †Small base-wedge mount assembly †Largebase-wedgemountassembly Remov e the compon ents f rom th e ca rton a nd determine which m ounting com ponen ts are required. Most telephones are installed with both mounting wedges. Table 2-14: Station Location Cable Terminations C a b le C on d u ct o r J ack W ir e Co l o r D es ig n at i o n W hi te/B lue Gr een Tel ephone voic e and data XT lead B lue/W hit e R ed Tel ephone voic e and data XR lead Whit e/Orange Black ADP Jack Tip lead Ora ng e/ Whi te Yello w AD P J a ck Ri ng lea d Si nce th e dig ital stati on eq uipme nt is not pol arity se nsitiv e, re ve rsing th e dig ital te le phon e pair h as no affec t on ope rati on. The Sta tion I nte rface circu its are c urre nt-l imite d an d are not f us e d. Th e two we dge moun t asse mbli es (larg e and sma ll) are affi xe d at the factory . This con fi gura tion i s us e d for Hig h Profil e De s k Moun ting .