Vodavi Starplus Dhs-l Technical Manual
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DHS- L In stal la tion2-43 Ch apter 2 - Description a n d In stallation .High Pro file M oun t-- For the High Profile Mounted pos itio n, ref er to the illu stration and attach the Base Mount wed ges . 1. Thesmallwedgeisalwaysused for the v arious te lephone mounting positions. 2. Thesmallwedgehaslockingtabs a t one end a nd hook s at the other endusedinahingingfashion. Lo w P rofile Mo unt-- Whe n t he key telephoneistobedeskmountedin the L ow Prof ile position: 1. Remove the two small screws that se cure t he s mal l an d lar ge we dge s to g et her. 2. Storethelargerwedgefor p ossi bl e use la te r (th e l ar ge we dge is not us ed whe n mounting the key telephone in the Low Profile position). 3. Position the smaller wedge as illustrated. Whe n u si ng the Lo w Pr o fil e mo u nt in g po s it io n , i t is im po r ta nt th at the l in e c o r d b e channe le d through the slots in the te le phone bottom hous ing, such tha t the sm alle r wedge locks them in place when in position. Wall Mount- - W hen th e t el e phone is to be Wal l M o u nt ed: 1. Remove the two small screws that se cure t he s mal l an d lar ge we dge s to g et her. 2. Storethelargerwedgefor p ossi bl e use la te r (th e l ar ge we dge is not us ed whe n wall mounting the key telephone). 3. Position the smaller wedge as in theillustrationattherightforwall m ounting. Once in position, the smaller wedge and key telephone bottom housing provide for standard 630-type wall mount wa ll jacks.

2-44DH S-L In stal la tion Ch apter 2 - Des crip tion and Ins tallation Key Telephone Modular Jacks Each k ey telep hone h as two modular ja ck connectors on the und erside of the ins trume nt. Both are located in a re ces sed conne ctor cav ity. When th e te le phone is he ld so tha t the rub ber a nti-s kid fe et are downwa rd (no mou nting we dge installe d), the mod ula r jack s faceoneanotherinthecavity.ThemodularjackattherightsideofthecavityistheADP connector and may b e conn ected to a n ana log dev ice at th e de sktop.The ADP jac k i s only ac t iv e w h e n co n n e ct e d f or o pe r a tio n a t t h e MDF.Themodularjackattheleftsideofthe cavity is the KSU ja ck and should be connected to th e wa ll jack and station ca bling for connection to the syste m KSU (refe r toFigure 2-25: Key Telephone Modular Jack Locations). Figure 2-25: Key Telephone Modular Jack Locations †ADPJack-WhenwiredattheMDF,thesecondpairofthetelephonelinecord/cable will activ ate this jack for any a nalog de vice f unction. This ja ck and wiring a re completely indep end ent of the key te le phone ope ra tion and may b e us ed for system re sour ces. Thi s is not FCC l is te d. †KSU Jack - Connect the station ca ble line cord here. Two pair are p rovided. T he first pair is all th at is required f or telephone voice a nd d ata . T he secon d pa ir is looped to the ADP jack for use of ana log dev ices at the desktop. Lock-anchors for mounting baseHinge-anchors for mounting base KSU JackADP Jack Rubber Skid-stops

DHS- L In stal la tion2-45 Ch apter 2 - Description a n d In stallation SMDR/SMDA Out put Device The output device or the Station Message Detail Recording (SMDR) must meet the re qui re men ts and mat ch t he RS2 32 C pi n-out de scr ibe d b el ow. †TheSMDRportbaudrateisprogrammablefrom110to19,200BPS. †TheDataFormatis:8databits,1stopbit,Noparitybit. †Connection of the SMDR s eria l port to a comp uter for call accounting is often re la ti vel y sim ple , s inc e a st rai ght -t hr ough c ab le wi ll t ypi c al ly mat e the de vi c es. †The SMD R serial port output is on e wa y to the p rinter or other call accounting dev ice. KS U Co nnection To co nnect an output device to the KSU: 1. Matchthebaudratesontheoutputdeviceandthesystem. 2. Turn ON the AC power to b oth the de vice a nd the sys te m b efore connecting the RS232C ca ble to Port- 2 on the KSU. This p revents any electrical surges from being transmitted by the interface. 3. Caref ully connect the RS232C D B-9 male end of the interf ace cab le from th e device to the SMD R RS232C DB-9 f emale connec tor located a t the b ottom edge of the MPB. Figure 2-26: RS-232C DB-9 Connector Th e KS U en d is con si dere d D CE and pr inte r or ca ll acc ount ing d ev ice i s D TE. The R S232C c able con nec ting t he SMDR device t o the K SU mu st n ot ex ceed 50 ft . in lengt h. DCE Male DB- 9 De signa tion K S U1DCD 2RX 3TX 4DTR 5GND 6DSR 7RTS 8CTS 9RI Con s ult yo ur pe riph era l de vic e doc ume ntati on for ad ditio nal i nforma tion.

2-46DH S-L In stal la tion Ch apter 2 - Des crip tion and Ins tallation Caller ID Connection The purpose of this service is to provide calling party identification to the dialed party. This information can be the calling party’s ph one num ber, na me, or a combination of this inf orma ti on. The i nfor mat ion is de li ve re d i n be t wee n t he fir st a nd s ec ond ri ng. The system can use this information to provide LCD information to stations receiving calls, and mai nta in a l is t of un answe re d ca ll s for call b ack v ia th e C al le r ID in form ati on. Caller ID Box-- When Incoming Caller ID is to be used with theDHS- Lsyst e m it i s nece ssa ry to use the Calle r ID Box. The C alle r ID Box mus t be connected to theDHS-L sys te m I CLI D/ P C P rogr amm ing por t usin g t he Cal le r ID Ca bl e. The Ca ll er I D B ox c ol le c ts data at ea ch CO line to b e us ed for Incoming Ca ller ID a nd p ass es the d ata to theDHS-L sys te m for p roce ssi ng. Ea chDHS-LCO li ne por t must b e p rogr amm ed for th e a ssoci at ed Caller ID Box port inC ust omer Database Pr ogr ammi ng. ICLID/P C Port-- The Caller ID Box module is connected to theDHS-Lsystem via the IC LID/PC programming port on th e MPB. Cons equently, th e PC programming p ort cannot then be use d f or PC -ba sed programming a nd Incoming C alle r ID data collection si mult ane ousl y. Whe n al l har dwar e connect i ons a re comp le te : 1. Ad jus t the Ca ller ID Box option switches for 1200 BPS opera tion. 2. Then program theDHS-Lsyst e m PC Pr ogra mmi ng p ort f or 12 00 BPS ope ra ti on. ( A p ropr i et ar y c a bl e c a n be or der ed, or you c a n use a st anda rd null m odem. ) Ext erna l P ag in g Equ i pmen t (Op tion a l) The system pro vides a one way paging output at the KSU fro m the MISB which connects to two external pa ging ports . T he input s pecifications for the e xternal pag ing equipme nt should a ccept a 600 ohm and 0 dBm interface. Install the external paging equipment as follows: 1. Punchdowntoa50-pairblock. 2. Conne ct the othe r e nd of the cable to the high impe dance input accordin g to the manufacturer’sinstructions. 3. Conne ct the p aging sp ea ker(s) to the a mplifier us ing sp eak er cable. 4 . P lug in the am pli fi er s AC powe r cor d. (DONOTusethesameACoutletbeingusedfor the KSU). 5. Se t the p aging am plifiers volum e contro l to the lowe st s etting a nd turn ON the e xt er nal am pli fi er. 6 . Fro m a s ta ti o n l o c at io n , ma ke a p age by l i fti ng the ha ndse t, and di ali ng 82 0 o r 82 1 , the External Page feature code. 7 . Ad jus t the am pli fi er t o t he des ir ed le ve l w hil e announc i ng t he pag e. 8 . PAGE VO L may be adj us te d t o l ower t he outp ut sig nal in t he e ve nt it i s t o s tr ong f or the conne cte d a mplifier input (ove r-driv ing inp ut).

DHS- L In stal la tion2-47 Ch apter 2 - Description a n d In stallation Ext erna l Mu si c Sour ce Thesystemprovidestwoexternalmusicinputsforconnecting.Thesamemusicsource may be used for both inputs. The music source may be any device which provides a line output, including tape players, ra dios , or C D p lay ers. If using a radio, us e only the he adp hone ja ck if no line outp ut connection is a vaila ble. Toinstallanexternalmusicsource: Conne ct the lin e output lea ds of the music so urce to the wire 1(+) and wire2(-) connections on the MISB con nector. Musi c L ev el A djus t ment 1. Access an idle CO line, and dial into the system on another CO line. 2 . Whe n t he syst em be gin s t o r ing, pr es s [H OLD ] t o pl ac e th e f ir st c al l on hol d. 3 . An swer t he ri ngi ng C O l i ne. You sh ould hea r the M O H fr om t he pr evi ous (now ho ldi ng) CO li ne. 4. Ad jus t the mus ic le vel at the source. That is, use the volum e control of the rad io ( or othe r music source) to adjust the MOH le vel to a de sirab le leve l. If a com forta ble d esired music le ve l ca nnot be obtained using the se te chniques , it is likely that the music source is not properly matched to the MOH input circuitry. How to D isconn ect Background Music To pre ve nt Musi c-on-H old from pl ayi ng i n t he ba ck groun d: Move Jumpe r (J2) to pins 1 and 2. †MOH1 to BL/W †MOH2 to OR/W Loud Bell Control (LB C) Whe n the MIS B is installe d, the sy stem prov ide s two dry contact clos ure s to sig nal externally powered alerting devices for any incoming CO Line call. Transferred CO Lines that recall system wide will also activate the LBC, in the same cadence as for an incoming CO Line ring. 1. De te rm ine which CO line s should ope ra te the Loud Be ll C ontrol (LBC) re la y. Program each of these lines separately for LOUD BELL = Y. 2. Termina te the other end of the cab le on a n industry s ta ndard 66M1-50 block f or interconnection to the loud bell and power source. Do n ot use th e spea ke r outp uts o f a ny music sou rce . In som e cir cumstan ces, the re m ay be broad cast re str ictio ns assoc iate d with music. C hec k with the o rigi nal d istribu tor an d/or th e ra dio stati on for cop yri ght an d broa dcast re st ricti ons con cern ing Back grou nd Music an d Musi c-on -Hold .

2-48DH S-L In stal la tion Ch apter 2 - Des crip tion and Ins tallation 3 . Te r mina te t he Loud B e ll a nd powe r supp ly le ads on a n i ndust r y s ta ndar d 6 6 M1 - 50 block. 4. Using cross- connect ( jump er) wire , conne ct ea ch of the three LBC compone nts ( contact, bell and power s ource) in series f ashion. 2 - P o r t An al o g Ad apt er The 2 -Por t Ana log Ad apt er i s used t o conne ct anal og S LTs and ot her an alog de vice s to the system. The analog device must provide DTMF (touch tone) signals in order to make int e rc om c all s, ac c e ss outs ide l ine s and to ac ti va te sy st em fea tur es . S ome exa mpl es of anal og devi c es ar e : t el ep hone answ er ing dev ic e (T AD ), f ac si mil e mac hi ne (FA X) or mode m. The 2-Port Analog Adapter is designed for installation at the MDF but may be positioned anywh ere a long the ca ble p ath be twe en th e KS U a nd the SLT (or other a nalog de vice). 1. The 2-Port Analog Adapter is contained in a wall mount enclosure with pre-drilled flange s for s imp le mounting. Prop erly mounted, th e hinge d cove r will ope n upwa rd and lock into p osition for s ervicing. 2. Inside the enclosu re, the 2-Port Analog Adapter Printed Circuit Board (PCB) is seen with three RJ-11 modular jacks alo ng the bottom edge of the PCB. One oriented toward the right side of the 2-Port Analog Adapter PCB is labeled IN. The other two jacks are labeled OUT1 and OUT2. 3. Extend each of these jacks to the MDF using modular cords and terminal blocks. 4. Once on the MD F, connect the IN ja ck to the des ired digital station p ort to be used for a nalog de vice interfa ce . T his conne ction req uires that the g re en and re d wire s (White/Blue pair) be used. 5 . The modu lar j ack OUT 1 is now o per at iona l as an a nal og de vi ce p ort wi t h t he sam e s ta tion num ber that would h ave bee n us ed by a digital k ey te le phone conne cte d to this port. (The OUT2 is the same extension as if a DTIB-16 card was installed in the slot or the B2 channel for that slot. ) Th e LBC ou tput on the KS U prov ide s on ly inte rru pte d dr y c onta ct c losure du ring th e r ingi ng pe riod of in comi ng C O Li ne s. Re lay co ntac ts on th e DH S-L ar e rate d at 50V D C 1.0 amp. Do no t a pply AC v olta ge to the se con tacts. Th e 2-Por t An alog A dap ter i s n ot an O PX de vic e as de term ine d by F CC Rul es. Ad diti onal equ ipme nt is re quir ed to s up port O PX lin es . The A na log A dap ter wi ll not s up port Me ss age Wai ting In dic ation for S LT de vic es . Th e A nalo g Ad apte r will s upp ly S tutte r Dia l To ne to th e us er. Th e 2-Por t An alog A dap ter o nly w orks wit h the D TIB-8. Do not e xce ed th e max imum c able len gth fro m K SU to S L T re gard les s of whe re th e 2-Port C O Modu le is in st alle d.

DHS- L In stal la tion2-49 Ch apter 2 - Description a n d In stallation 6. Refer to the Station Numbering Plan listed inTabl e 2- 12. Figure 2-27: 2-Port Analog Adapter 2-Port Analog Expander The 2-Port Ana log Exp ande r is a s ing le PCB ide ntical to the PCB of th e 2-Port Analo g Ad apter. One 2-Port Ana log Expa nsion ma y be hous ed in th e 2-Port Analog Adapter enclosure. The expansion is shipped with screws used to secure it to the existing 2-Port An alog A dapt e r PC B st and -offs . S ince t he PCB a nd ci rcui t funct ion ar e i de nti cal t o t he 2-Port Analog Adapter, follow the installation wiring instructions provided for the 2-Port An alog A dapt e r ( Re fe r to2-Port Analog Adapter). 1. Pos ition the 2-Port Analog Ex pander over the stand- off posts tha t are fa ctory installed on the 2-Port Analog Adapter PCB. 2. Using the s cre ws s upplie d with the 2-Port Analog E xpande r, s ecure the 2- Port An alog E xpan der PCB to the stan d-off pos ts (refer toFi g ur e 2- 27). On ly on e 2-Por t An alog E xp and er can be i nstall ed in a 2-Port A nal og Ad apte r hou si ng. OUT 2 OUT 1IN 2 Port Analog Adapter OUT 2 OUT 1IN 2 Port Analog Expander

2-50Sy s t em C he ck -O ut Ch apter 2 - Des crip tion and Ins tallation Sy stem Che ck-Out Af te r c ompl et ing i nst all at i on on t heDHS- Lsystem,itmustbeinitializedsothatdefault dat a ca n be l oade d. Pr i or to actua l powe r u p an d i nit ia li zat ion, th eDHS-Lsh ould be checked-ov er to av oid startup dela ys or improper loa ding : 1 . M ake su r e th at the K S U i s p ro pe r ly gro u nd ed. 2 . Ve r ify t hat al l PC Bs a re fi r mly se ate d on to t he ir conne ctor s. 3. Inspect the MDF for shorted wiring and improper polarity that would affect the Digital Key Terminals or DSS consoles. 4. Makesurethattheplug-endedMDFcablesconnectedtotheKSUaresecureandare p lugg ed into the correct p osition. Power Up Sequence The pow er up seq uenc e i nvol ves t he prop er ap pl ic at i on of AC powe r to th e s yst em . A successful power up is assured if the installation procedure has been followed: 1 . P lu g the A C p o wer c o rd o f the K S U i nto t he de di ca te d 1 1 7V AC o u t le t. 2 . Locat e t he dat abas e I NI TI A LI ZAT I ON j ump er JP3 on the MPB (re fe r t oFigure 2 -28). It is located at the front edge of the MPB (in the center). It is also labeled ON and OFF. Figure 2-28: Jumper Switch 3. This jump er controls the conne ction to the dyna mic RAM b atte ry circuit. Whe n jump er is OFF, customer d ata bas e p rogramm ing is not protected by the mem ory b at te ry in the ev ent power i s l ost . I n nor mal ope rat i on t his jum per sho uld b e O N at a ll times. 4. To loaddefaultatthistime,turnKSUpowerOFF. 5 . Op er ate t he IN IT IA LI ZATI ON j u mpe r to the O FF (le ft ) po s it i o n. 6 . Al l ow t he syst em and ju mper t o r em ain in th is st at e f or appr oxim ate l y 2 mi nute s. 7 . Op er ate t he IN IT IA LI ZATI ON j u mpe r to the O N (r i ght) po si t io n. 8. Res tore system power. MPB Jumper Switch (JP3)

Fe a t ure Upg ra de Pr oce du re 2-51 Ch apter 2 - Description a n d In stallation 9. Ob serve the MPB/Power LE D. After ap proximately 4- 6 sec., the LED should b egin to flash. 10. If the LED re mains unlit or lit with out fla shing, repe at the above s te ps from Step 3. Onc e t he power up se que nce i s com ple te , D EFAULT DATA is lo ade d and t he syst em should be fully operational. Feature Upgrade Procedure UsethefollowingproceduretoupgradetheDHS- Ls yst e m Fe at ure Packa ge soft war e. Onc e t he upgr ade i s c omp le te , t he sys te m m ust be i nit ia li z ed to a ssu re pr ope r op er at ion. 1 . Di sconne ct syst e m powe r and re move the KS U cover. 2. Remove the MPB Card. 3. Using a n IC extra ctor tool, remove theDHS-Lsof twa re EPRO M. 4. Caref ully remov e the ne w sof twa re EPROM from its pa ck ing material and ins pe ct for d amage (i f any da mage i s n oti ceab le pl ea se conta ct Vo davi Cus tome r Se r vi ce ). 5. Install the new EPROM into the socket with extreme care so that no EPROM pins are b ent whe n inse rte d. T he EPROM must be inse rte d s uch that the n otch is orien te d at the top of the chip w hen in pla ce (s ame orientation a s the prev ious ly removed chip). 6. Reinstall the MPB removed in Step 2. 7. Following proper power up and initialization, the system should func tion properly wi t h t he new Feat ur e Pack age soft war e fe atur es ope ra ti onal . Al l spe cif ic cus tome r database data must be re-entered to customize system operation for use. Refe r t oChapter 6,“Maintenance/Troubleshooting,”, fo r fur ther assistance if po wer up can not be activ ate d. A ny han dli ng o f system int egr ated ci rcuit s must b e d one in a st atic con troll ed en vir onme nt. Ple as e us e s at is fa ctory sta tic pr ev en tive prac tice s wh ile han dlin g s ys tem co mpon ent s an d whileworkingonthesystemKSUwithcoverremoved.(USEA STATICWRISTSTRAP!) Th e RA M batt ery re qui res 14 hr norma l (po were d) sy ste m o per ation for ade qua te char ging .

2-52 Fe a tu re Up g ra de Pr o c ed ure Ch apter 2 - Des crip tion and Ins tallation