Vodavi Starplus Dhs-l Technical Manual
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In tru s ion (Pr iv ac y)3 -101 Chapt er 3 - Key Station Featu res , Opera tion , an d Programmin g †If the station number dialed is not connected: †If the called station is your own station number. Co n dit io n s †Intercom d ial tone may be automatic upon lifting the ha ndset or after pres sing the [SPKR] b utton, if ena bled under the Au to L ine S elect [F EAT ] + [9] + [5] station fe ature . Intrusion (Privacy) Des crip ti on Factory de fault settings provide priva cy for all intercom and CO line calls . Th ese calls may not be mo nitored or interrupted by other stations. If the Intrusion Release are available to you may use this feature to override the Intrusion feature. Release Des crip ti on Intrusion Release may be enabled on a per station basis to allow up to three users to join a c onve r sat ion on busy CO li nes (maxi mum of 4 us er s). When Int r usio n R el eas e i s e nabl e d through programming, you may press a busy CO line button at an idle telephone to join tha t c o nve rs ati o n. Opera tion ENHANCED/EXECUTIVETEL EP HO N E S-- 1 . Di al th e d esi r ed st ati on numbe r. 2. When busy signal is heard, dial [8]. When you want to join a conv ersa tion on a b usy C O line: 1 . Di al th e b u sy st ati o n n u mbe r. T he d is pla y sho ws : OUT OF SERVICE YO U R N U M B ER STA XXX B US Y ms g n ext

3-102In t r us i o n ( Pr i va c y ) Ch apter 3 - Key Station Featu res , Operation , an d P rog rammin g 2. When a busy tone is heard, press [next]. 3 . Pr es s [ int ru] . T he d is pla y sh ow s: Pro g ram mi ng Intrusion Release is a system wide setting that affects how the privacy feature functions at st at i ons b usy on CO l ine conv er sat i ons. Whe n se t to Y t he Int r usi on fe at ure i s eff ec t iv el y r emov ed for st at ion s wi t h a lowe r le ve l C OS whe n a st at ion wit h a hi ghe r or equa l COS wa nts to join the C O line conve rs ation in- prog re ss. To join a CO line conversation in-progress a station with higher or equal COS simply presses the busy CO line button. Refer to the description under Day Class for more details on rules of joining calls in progress. When set to N, no station will be able to join an existing CO line conversation by simply pressing the busy CO line button. Intrusion Release will only f unction b y pres sing a CO line b utton. Group access (Pool) buttons cann ot be used to invoke Intrusion Releas e. E XE CUTIVETELE PH O N ES-- Af te r ent er in g your pa sswor d i n D at abas e Pr ogra mmi ng: 1 . Pr es s [ show]. The di spl ay shows. 2. Enter desired station number. 3. Press [show]. 4. Pres s [ next] u ntil you reach th e f ollowing display : 5. Press [chg] and enter Y (yes). 6. Press [clear] when completed. STA XXX B U SY cam p voice intru INTRUS STA XXX Dis ab lin g o f the Intr us ion fea ture may b e limi ted by fe de ral, s tate or lo cal law , s o che ck th e relevant laws in your area before disabling Release Tone. SH OW STA : ___ bks p show chg INTRUS. ACTIVE : N back next chg

Last Num b er Re di al (L NR) 3-103 Chapt er 3 - Key Station Featu res , Opera tion , an d Programmin g Defa ul t TheDHS- LIntrusion Release is set to N (NO), and can be toggled Y/N. Relate d Programm ing Refer to“Day Cl ass of Ser vice (COS)”. Re leas e T one When set to Y a tone will b e heard on the v oice path of the in- progress ca ll when a station joi ns a conv er sa ti on vi a Int r usi on Rel e ase . W hen set t o N , no tone i s hear d. Di sab li ng t he ton e ca n be useful for mo nitoring of call group employees and training requirements . Defa ul t DHS-LI nt rus ion R el ea se Tone i s s et t o Y. Co n dit io n s An Attendant: - C annot intrude on an Atte nda nt in another T ena nt group . - C an int rud e on me mbe rs in anot he r T ena nt gr oup. A Tenant Group Member: - C an only intrude on a mem ber in a nothe r Te nant group when a m emb er in one Te nant gro up ha s Intrus ion Acce pt ena bled, and another T ena nt me mber ha s Intrus ion Active ena ble d. Last Number Redial (L NR) Des crip ti on The La st Numb er Red ia l ( LNR) f eat ur e a utom at ical ly di al s t he la st numb er di al ed fr om your telephone. LNR will repeat a hook-flash in the same sequence as it was first dialed. If a s pee d dia l n umbe r w as fir st di al ed , LN R wil l di al t he s pe ed dia l numbe r and a ny subs eque nt ma nual ly dia le d di gi ts . A m axi mum of 16 d igi t s c an be st or ed in the LN R bu ffe r fo r e ver y s ta ti o n. Opera tion You may either choose a specific CO line for use with LNR by first pressing that CO line button or you may allow the line to be selected automatically by the LNR feature. 1. Pres s a line button. 2. Press [FEAT ]. 3. Dial [8]. The previously dialed number is dialed on the CO line selected. Dis ab lin g of theIntrusionfe ature may be limi ted b y fed eral , st ate or l ocal law, so che ck the rel ev ant la ws i n you r area bef or e dis ab lin g Rel eas e T on e.

3-104 L o u d B el l Co n t ro l ( O p t io n a l ) Ch apter 3 - Key Station Featu res , Operation , an d P rog rammin g 4. IntheeventthatallCOlinesarebusy,youwillhearbusytoneandifyouhavean E xec ut iv e Te le phone, i t wil l dis pl ay: 5. If th e La st Numb er Redial memory is empty, you will hear error tone and a n Executive Telephone will display: Co n dit io n s †Las t Numbe r Redi al cann ot b e appl i ed to i nt er com cal ls . †When you activate LNR, the system will first select the previously used CO line to dial. If that CO line is busy, any idle CO line in the same CO line group will be selected. If all CO lines are busy, you will hear busy tone and an Executive Telephone will display ALL CO LI NES BUSY. †The sy ste m p rogr amm ing dat a f ie lds Di al Wai t Ti me and Di al Tone De te cti on d ir ect l y affe c t t he per fo rma nc e of LNR . Whe n t hes e fea tur es ar e ena ble d, t he te l ephon e wi l l either wait until dial tone is detected on a CO line, or wait for a pre-programmed period of time before d igits a re dialed from th e L NR memory on the CO lin e. †To LNR immediately depends on whether tone detection is allowed or pause timers app ly. I f t one de t ect ion is all owed, the sys te m wi ll Red ial t he l as t num ber af te r CO di al tone i s det ec t ed. O th er wi se, th e s yst em wil l R ed ial t he la st numb er onl y a fte r the pausetimefortonedetectionisexceeded. Loud Bell Contro l (Option al) Des crip ti on The sy stem prov ides two dry contact clos ure for interf ace to an external Loud Bell d evice which is associated with incoming CO line ringing. If Loud Bell is assigned to a specific CO line, the incoming call s igna ling on this CO Line will initia te LBC ope ra tion. The Loud Bell conta cts wil l f oll ow the C O r in g cade nce pr ogr amme d i n sys te m pr ogr ammi ng (da ta fie l d Ring Sche me) . T he external loud b ell ringing de vice is customer provide d. It is recommended that a 24V D C 0.5 am p device be used. An external power source is re qui re d. ALL CO LIN E S B U SY LNR EMP T Y The L NR fe ature code may be prog ramme d on a p rogra mmable feat ure b utton .

Me s sa g e3 -105 Chapt er 3 - Key Station Featu res , Opera tion , an d Programmin g Pro g ram mi ng When set to Y the Loud Bell Contact will opera te ring cadenced closure while this CO line is ringing. The ring cade nce of the Loud Bell co nta ct f ollows the Ring S cheme progra mmed in Res ource. Defa ul t TheDHS- LLoud Bel l Cont act is se t t o N ( NO) , an d can be tog gle d f rom Y/N . Mess ag e Ou t goi ng Des crip ti on You can se nd a me ssa ge w aiti ng, a customi zed mes sage , o r on e of 6 pr e- pr ogra mmed mes sag es to oth er Exe c ut ive Ke y T el eph one user s on t he sys te m. A basi c me ss age waiting is sent by pressing the soft [call me] button. You may customize the last message by usin g the dia l pad and selecting letters (16 characters maximum) to spe ll your mes sag e. You can se nd up to 6 mes sag es (on a pe r st at ion basi s) by sim ply pr es si ng t he [send] button (soft button) when the desired message is displayed. Opera tion Whe n you dia l anot her E xec ut iv e Ke y T el e phone, you wil l be gi ven th e op ti on t o l ea ve a mes sag e: Pres s [ msg] and the disp lay change s to: To sen d a M ess age Wa it ing : Pr es s [ c all m e ] . To sen d a cust omiz e d me ssa ge: 1. Pres s [ pre prog]. The display s hows: STA xxx CBCK MS G MES SAGE TYPE CALL ME PRE PROG HAVE A NICE DAY send ne xt

3-106Message Ch apter 3 - Key Station Featu res , Operation , an d P rog rammin g 2. Press [next] until the following displays: 3. Press [chg]. 4. Spe ll the me ssa ge (16 l etter s/sym bols ma ximum ) usi ng the di al pa d ke ys. 5 . For ins ta nc e, t o s el ec t t he l et te r H, p re ss di al pad key [4 ] t wi ce . To sen d a pr e-p rogr amm ed mes sage : 1 . Pr es s [ next ]. The di spl ay shows: 2 . Cont inue pr e ssi ng [n ext ] unt i l the de si re d m ess age i s di sp laye d. T he pr ogra mmed messages are as listed inTabl e 3-1 7: 7 ___ _ EMP T Y chg _ bks p save chg Tabl e 3 -1 6: D ia l P ad Key Pr o g ra mm i ng Depressions:123456789 ✳0# 1stQADGJMP TW * * Dia l Key [0] is used t o se le ct spec ial ch arac ters.* † †In some cases, you may wish to select letters accessed by the same dial pa d ke y. Afte r you sel ec t the fir st l ette r, dial [#] to acce pt th at le tter a nd ad vanc e to the n ex t positi on to di al th e ne xt le tte r. For in sta nce , t o sp ell TOM y ou woul d dial [8] + [6] + [6] + [6] + [#] + [6]. Dial [#] to insert a space. 2ndZBEHKNRUX 3rd_CF I LOSVY CALL OPERATOR send next

Me s sa g e3 -107 Chapt er 3 - Key Station Featu res , Opera tion , an d Programmin g 3. Press [send]. To view a message: 1. The Message Wait button will flash and the display shows: 2 . Pr es s [ show] to d is pla y t he mes sage s ent t o you. Premise (Messages) Des crip ti on Pre mis e mes sage s prov id es you with a method to info rm intercom ca llers of the re ason you a re awa y fr om your te le phone . A Pr e mis e m ess age can be pr e- prog ram med in th e system database and may contain up to 16 characters or digits. There are six pr e-p rogr am med mes sag es and one pri va te me ssa ge whic h may be ed it ed at your te le phone ac c or di ng t o your pe rs onal pr efe r enc e . T he m ess age you s el ec t wi ll ap pea r on your tel epho ne’s display. Any Executive key telephone that intercom calls (tone ring only ) you wil l vi ew tha t mes sage on the ir d is pla y. Table 3- 17: Ava ilable O utgoing Pre-Programme d Messages HAVE A GOOD DAY CA LL OPER ATOR CALL HOME CALL BACK FRIEND VISITING URGENT EMPTY (custom msg) MW FROM STA xxx sh o w d el

3-108Message Ch apter 3 - Key Station Featu res , Operation , an d P rog rammin g Opera tion To prog ram a mes sage : 1. Press [FEAT ]. 2. Dial [9] + [0]. T he dis play will s how: To cu st omiz e a m ess age : 1. Press [chg]. 2. Use the dia l pad keys to e nte r your persona lized mes sage .Ta bl e 3- 16: Dia l Pa d K ey Programmingt o de te rm ine ho w to s el ec t d esi r ed le tt er s. To sel e ct a pr e- pr ogra mmed me ssa ge: 1. Press [next]. 2 . Cont inue pr e ssi ng [n ext ] unt i l the de si re d m ess age i s di sp laye d. T he pre-programmed messages are as listed inTa b l e 3 - 1 8: 3. Press [sto re]. OUT FOR LUNCH store next OUT FOR LUNCH store next Tabl e 3 -18 : Avai l abl e Pre mi se Pre-pro gra mm ed M ess ages OUT FOR LUNCH BE BAC K SO ON LEFT FOR THE DAY IN A MEETI NG OUT OF OFFICE ON VACATION Empt y Th e Pre mise Me ssag e fea ture c ode m ay be progr amme d on a pro gramma ble fe atu re butto n.

Me s sa g e3 -109 Chapt er 3 - Key Station Featu res , Opera tion , an d Programmin g Whe n anot he r E xec ut iv e Ke y T el eph one us er c al ls you, the me ssa ge O UT FO R LUNC H wil l be di spl aye d on the ca ll er’s telephone display: The cal le r has t he opti on of usi ng the C all Ba ck fe at ure or l eav ing a m ess age for you . Pro g ram mi ng Two typ es of P r ep rogr amm ed M ess age s; OUT GOI NG M ESS AG E a nd P R EM I SE M ES SA GE. The O UTGO I NG M ES SA GE wor ks wi t h M es sag e W ai t and a ll ows the E xec ut iv e Key Telephone user to leave a text message at another Executive Key Telephone. The PREMISE MESSAGE may be enabled to notify other Executive Key Telephone callers of t he use rs st at us. Th is mes sag e w il l be dis pl aye d whe nev er ano the r Exe cuti ve Key Te le phone us er c al ls t he Exe cu ti ve st at ion wit h t hi s f eat ur e ena ble d. The first mes sag e p rom pte d a t the E xecutiv e Te le phone for both OUT GOING ME SS AGE and PREMISE MESSAGE can be customized by the user during setup. The remaining mes sag es c an b e p re -pr ogr amme d h er e. Defa ul t TheDHS- LOUT GO ING and PREMIS E mes sage s are : OUT GO ING— †CA LL OPERATO R †CA LL HOME †CA LL SCH OO L †VISITORS WAITING †URGEN T †COM E SE E ME PREMISE— †OUT F OR LUNC H †BE BACK SOON †LEFT FOR THE DAY †IN A M EE TI NG †OUT O F O FF IC E †ON VA CATI O N OUT FOR LUNCH cbck m sg M es sa ges may be up t o 1 6 c harac ter s.

3-110Message Waiting Ch apter 3 - Key Station Featu res , Operation , an d P rog rammin g Mess ag e Wa i t in g Des crip ti on A busy or unat t ende d s ta ti on m ay b e n oti fi ed of a cal l a tt e mpt vi a t he Mes sage W ait i ng fea ture . At th e E xecutive Key te le phone , the display will show mes sag es waiting and pr ovid e prom pts t o as si st you in re spond ing to the me ss age s. Exe cu ti ve t el ephon e us er s have the choice of le aving a s imp le Ca ll Back Mess age Wa it or a pre-p rogram med mes sag e. For non- dis pl ay t e le phone s (E nhance d), a m ess age wai t ing but ton may be pr ogra mme d on a feature button. The red lamp for that programmed button will flash to notify the use r of me ss ages wa it ing . Opera tion ENHANCEDTEL EP HO N E S-- To sen d a M ess age Wa it ing : 1 . Di al th e s ta ti o n nu m ber wh er e t he me ssa ge is to be le ft . 2. Dial [9]. To answe r a Me ssa ge Wai t ing: 1. Press [FEAT ]. 2. Dial [9] + [6] or pres s a flash ing MESS AGE WAIT button (if a fea ture button has be en p rogrammed for Mess age Wait) . E XE CUTIVETELE PH O N ES-- To sen d a M ess age Wa it ing : Upon ca llin g Station xxx and receiv ing no a nswer o r b usy, one of the f ollowing will di spl ay: -or - STA xxx cbck msg STA xxx BUS Y cbck msg ne xt [cbck ] w on t be d is play ed u nle ss cal le d st ation is i n tone mode .