Vodavi Starplus Dhs-l Technical Manual
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DHS-L Technical Specification Tables 2-23 Ch apter 2 - Description a n d In stallation Table 2-5: Electrical Specifications Com po nent Des cri pt io n AC Power Sou rce Dedic at ed 11 7/230 V AC + 15% (47 -63 Hz sin gl e ph ase) Power co nsu mptio n 1. 5A max. at 120V AC (180 W ) Power Supply fuse: B at tery Char ger AC in put DC output4A 120V 6. 3A 35V Id le C h an nel No ise -7 4 dBm C r os s T al k A t t e n ua t i on 7 5 dB ( at 1 k Hz ) Ri ng in g Sen siti v ity 40 V R MS 25 H z Ri ng e r E q uiv a le n ce N um be r 1. 1B CO L in e Sig na l ing D TMF a mp lit ud e (-5, -7 dB ) +- 2 d B, a t a p pr ox . 2 V pp Pu lse Dial ing rati o 6 0/40 at 10 Pps Music Source/Background Music 0 dBm at 600 ohm input impedance Cont act rating ( MISB) 1A at 50V DC Ext ern al Page Po rt s 0 dB m at 60 0Ω Seria l Por ts ( COM) N in e-p in fem a le RS-2 32C Table 2-6: Environmental Specifications Requirements In Operation In Storage Temperatu re KSU 32 t o 104 oF 0to 40oC-40 to 185 oF -40 to 85oC R eco mmended Operati ng Temperature 70 to 78 oF Temp eratu re Stati on In stru ment s 32 t o 11 3oF 0to 45oC-40 to 185 oF -40 to 85oC Relative Humidity (non-condensing)5 to 90% 5 to 90% Heat Dissipati on (BTU) 3 00 A lti tud e U p to 10,000 ft . (3,048 m )U p t o 40, 000 ft. (12,192 m )

2-24 D HS-L Tec hn i ca l Sp ec if ic a tion Ta bl es Ch apter 2 - Des crip tion and Ins tallation Ta ble 2-7: Unit Specifications Part # Description Dimensions Weight SP 7000-20 Basic KSU L W H21.6 i n. 18.1 i n. 15 in.46 0 mm 27 0 mm 10 5 mm1 300 Kg 51 l b SP 7030-00 MPB L W H12.5 i n. 9.5 in. 1.25 i n.31 8 mm 24 1 mm 32 m m0.82 Kg 1.85 lb SP 7035-00 MISB L W H12.5 i n. 9.5 in. 1.25 i n.31 8 mm 24 1 mm 32 m m0.82 Kg 1.85 lb SP 7032-00 DTI B16 L W H12.5 i n. 9.5 in. 1.25 i n.31 8 mm 24 1 mm 32 m m0.82 Kg 1.85 lb SP 7032-08 DTI B8 L W H12.5 i n. 9.5 in. 1.25 i n.31 8 mm 24 1 mm 32 m m0.82 Kg 1.85 lb SP 7033-16 SLI B16 L W H12.5 i n. 9.5 in. 1.25 i n.31 8 mm 24 1 mm 32 m m1.1 Kg 2.4 l b SP 7033-00 SLI B-L L W H12.5 i n. 9.5 in. 1.25 i n.31 8 mm 24 1 mm 32 m m1.1 Kg 2.4 l b SP 7031-00 LCOB L W H12.5 i n. 9.5 in. 1.25 i n.31 8 mm 24 1 mm 32 m m1.1 Kg 2.4 l b SP 7031-31 T1IB L W H12.5 i n. 9.5 in. 1.25 i n.31 8 mm 24 1 mm 32 m m0.82 Kg 1.85 lb SP 7035-10 DTMF L W H7.8 in. 5.75 i n. 0.5 in.19 8 mm 14 6 mm 13 m m0.3Kg 0.66 lb SP 7071-00 PSU L W H12.5 i n. 9.5 in. 4.7 in.31 8 mm 24 1 mm 12 0 mm5.76K g 12.7 lb SP 7310-XX* DSS Con sol e L W H8.88 i n. 6.62 i n. 1.75 i n.23 4 mm 16 8 mm 44 .5 mm1.2 Kg 2.64 lb SP 7314-XX* Exec uti ve Key Te l e p h on eL W H9.36 i n. 7.52 i n. 2.58 i n.23 4 mm 18 8 mm 64 .5 mm1.2 Kg 2.64 lb

DHS-L Technical Specification Tables 2-25 Ch apter 2 - Description a n d In stallation SP 7312-XX* Enh anced K ey Te l e p h on eL W H9.36 i n. 7.52 i n. 2.58 i n.23 4 mm 18 8 mm 64 .5 mm1.2 Kg 2.64 lb * XX Denotes col or option: 71 = Charcoal, 0 8 = Of f-White Ta ble 2-8: Max imum Cable Le ngth Digital Key Telephone (D istan ce m easu res in li near ft. of cab le fro m KSU to DK T.)26 AWG - (850 ft ) 255 m 24 AWG - (1416 ft ) 425 m 22 AWG - (1983 ft ) 700 m Standard SLT (D istan ce m easu res in li near ft. of cab le fro m KSU to SLT. 2-Po rt CO M odule may be plac ed anyw here in bet ween. )26 AWG - (650 ft ) 195 m 24 AWG - (1133 ft ) 340 m 22 AWG - (1586 ft ) 476 m Table 2-9: Dialing Specifications DTMF Dialing mode: Frequenc y deviati on R ise t ime Duration of DTMF signal I nt er-d igi t t ime+ 1% 3m s pro gram mabl e 90-15 0ms (90ms defaul t) pro gram mabl e 400-8 00ms (800m s defau lt) Pulse Dialing mode: P ulse dia l ra te P ulse Make/ Break rati o10 pulses per sec ond 60 /40 Tabl e 2 -1 0: FCC Regi st rat i o n Num bers Fo r sy stems c on figu red for hy b rid op era ti on (CO l in es ma y b e accessed by dial codes and Pool/Loop buttons).D6XTAI-23 279-MF-E Ta ble 2-7: Unit Specifications Part # Description Dimensions Weight

2-26 Preparation for DHS-L Installation Ch apter 2 - Des crip tion and Ins tallation Preparation for DHS-L Installation In st a ll at i on Ove rv iew 1. Plan th e installa tion, including the KSU and Ma in Distribution Fra me (MDF) loca tion, station locations, ca ble runs, and optiona l equipme nt. 2. Mount a backboard in the designated MDF location. 3. Mount the KSU on the MDF back board. Use th e provided m ounting temp late to aid in spacing the mounting screws. 4 . Ins ta ll a ll P CB s in sid e t he K SU as re qui re d. 5. Mount the MDF ba ckboa rd, the n a ttach the punch- down te rminal block(s ) to the backboard. 6. Run cab le s f or the ke y telep hone and single -lin e tele phone loca tions from the MD F to each locatio n. No cable should loop from one telephone location to another. 7. Run wiring to any optional equipment, such as external paging equipment, loud bell s ign ali ng dev ic es , mus ic sour ce s, et c . 8 . R oute t el ep hone and CO li ne por t int er f ac e con nec t ion s t hr ough t he app ropr i ate KS U ope ning, a nd terminate a ll industry s ta ndard wiring on pu nch-down te rm inal b lock(s ) on the MDF. Table 2-11: Audible S ignals Si gnal Frequency Cadenc e CO L ine Ringing: Scheme 0 Scheme 1 Scheme 2 Scheme 3 Distinctive 1 Distinctive 2 Distinctive 3 Distinctive 4 SLTN/A N/A N/A N/A SLT bell300 ms On, 400 ms O ff, 300 ms On , 4 sec on ds O ff 300 ms On, 400 ms O ff, 300 ms On , 5 sec on ds O ff 1secondOn,3secondsOff 1secondOn,2secondsOff Foll ow s rin g c a den ce of R ing Sc heme select ed Foll ow s rin g c a den ce of R ing Sc heme select ed Foll ow s rin g c a den ce of R ing Sc heme select ed Foll ow s rin g c a den ce of R ing Sc heme select ed Foll ow s rin g c a den ce of R ing Sc heme select ed In t e r co m R in g i n g : Scheme 0 Scheme 1 Scheme 2 Scheme 3 Distinctive 1 Distinctive 2 Distinctive 3 Distinctive 4 SLTN/A N/A N/A N/A SLT bell1secondOn,4secondsOff 1secondOn,5secondsOff 300 ms On, 400 ms O ff, 300 ms On , 5 sec on ds O ff 300 ms On, 400 ms O ff, 300 ms On , 2 sec on ds O ff Foll ow s rin g c a den ce of R ing Sc heme select ed Foll ow s rin g c a den ce of R ing Sc heme select ed Foll ow s rin g c a den ce of R ing Sc heme select ed Foll ow s rin g c a den ce of R ing Sc heme select ed Foll ow s rin g c a den ce of R ing Sc heme select ed Mes sage Wai t Ca ll bac k Foll ow s rin g c a den ce of R ing Sc heme select ed

Preparation for DHS-L Installation 2-27 Ch apter 2 - Description a n d In stallation 9. Route au xilia ry de vice cab ling through the app rop riate KS U ope ning a nd terminate a s r eq uir ed (musi c s ourc e, pr int e r/ c omput er fo r S M DR , ext er nal pa gin g e quip. , e tc .). 10. Terminate stationcableson punch-downterminalblock(s) onthe MDF. 1 1. Ter mi nate s tat i on cab le s on modul ar j ack a sse mbl i es at t he s ta ti on l ocat ion s. 12. Cross -connect the CO lines and s ta tion p orts to station cables on the corres ponding punch- down terminal block. 13. Install the station instruments and any optional station equipment, such as headsets or SLTs. 14. Plug th e AC power cord into the de dicated AC outle t and p ower up by op erating the AC powe r switch to the ON pos ition. 1 5. O bse r ve the po we r/ M P B he ar tb ea t L ED fo r fl ashi ng st atu s af te r 4- 6 sec . Gen eral Sit e C on si der at i on s The fi r st st ep ofDHS-Linstalla tion, is to loca te an accep ta ble s ite for the comm on equipment (KS Us, boards, etc.). When locating a mounting site for the KSUs , the following p oints must be cons idered: †KSUs are d es igne d f or wall m ounting a nd s hould not be mounte d dire ctly to a mas onry or plaste rboa rd wall. It is re comme nded that 1/2 in. ply wood b ackboa rd be firmly mounted to the wall, and the KSU and MDF be mounted to the backboard. †The l ocati on must have a cce ss to adedicated117V AC (±10%), 60 Hz, single-phase circuit with a circuit breaker or fuse rated at 15 amps. A 3-wire parallel blade grou nded outlet should be within approximately 6 feet of th e lower lef t rear of the KSU mounting. †The l ocati on must have a cce ss to a g ood e ar t h gr ound, s uch as a met al li c col d wat e r pipe without non- metallic joints. Th e g round source s hould be located as close a s possible to the system. †The sy ste m s houl d be l ocat ed in an a re a t hat i s we ll v ent il at ed wit h a r ecomme nde d te mpe ra tu r e ran ge o f 6 8- 78°F and a relative humidity range of 5-60% (non conden sin g). †Thesystemshouldbelocatedwithin25ft.ofthetelephonecompany’stermination point. Als o, th e location should b e within the prescrib ed station loop lengths f or all keysetsandterminals.Ifexistingcablingisused,itslocationandconduitsshouldbe considered. Station wiring should be in the building. Station ports are not designed for in st all at ion out si de of t he bui ldi ng. †Protection from flooding, flamm able materia ls, excessive dus t a nd v ibratio n. †The site should be away from radio transmitting equipment, arc-welding devices, copying ma chines a nd other electrical equipment ca pable of g enerating electrical int er f er enc e s. †Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause interference. In which case the use r, at h is own e xpe nse, is required to tak e a ny ne ces sary mea sure s to c orr ec t t he int e rf er enc e .

2-28 Preparation for DHS-L Installation Ch apter 2 - Des crip tion and Ins tallation Necessary Tools and Supplies To make i nst al lat i on e asi er , con sul t t he fol low ing page s when pr epa ri ng t o i nst al l the sys te m. Tools The following tools are recom mend ed to ins ta ll yourDHS- Lsystem. Others may be needed for certain troubleshooting procedures. †Use unshielded, twisted multi-pair (three-pair minimu m recommended) cable to run fro m the MDF to all station instruments (key telephone and single-line DTMF telephones). Digita l k ey telephones on ly need one twisted pair to operate. †Four conductor modular jack as se mblie s f or all s ta tion instru ments (re commen ded) . †St anda rd punch-d own t er mi nal bl ock(s), 6 6M1 -5 0 ty pe, as re qui re d. †AC voltage surge/spike protector. †Standa rd telep hone h and tools and moun ting hardware f or the KS U, MDF backb oard, punch- down t er mi nal bl ock(s), modu lar j ack ass emb li es for CO l ine s, et c. Ad ditional tools sugg este d to ha ve on-ha nd whe n installing theDHS- Lsys te m i nclud e: Use shielded cable if RFI/EFI is expected. †1box4pairCat3orCat5 twi sted pa i r†Dr y wa ll s cre w s†Mu lt i-met er (flu ke) †25 pair Amp cables (male-female)†Electrical tape†Per manent marker (0.8 mm, 0.5 mm fo r c erta i n a p pl ic at io ns) †25 pair Cat3 cable†Extension cord (three- prong with ground)†P hi lli ps h ea d sc rews: #1 x 4 #2 x 4 #2 x 6 †89B-B rackets†Fiberrodforfishingwalls†Phone jacks †B sp lic e co nn ec tor s or Scothl okTMs p li cin g co nn ect ors†Fi sh t a p e†PunchDownTool(110and66 Blo ck B la des) †Bri dg e cl ip s†Ha rm on ica a d a pt er†RJ11 plugs †But t set (T. S. if possible )†In -lin e a da p ter†RJ45 plugs †Chain for fishing walls†La d de r†St an d ar d sc rewd ri ver s: 1/8x4in. 1/4x4in. 3/16 x 6 in. 5/32 x 4 in. †Co mputer wi th RS232†Le v e l†St at ic/Gr ound Strap †Co rd less d ril l†Li nesme n scissor s†Toner †Di ag on a l w ire c ut te rs†Lo ng no s e p lie r s†Wa n d (I nd u cti on Amp ) †Di git gr a bb e r†M1-66 split blocks†Wire spools †Dr ill†Mod ul ar cr imp in g too l (RJ-11 and RJ-4 5)†Yell ow 77 ( lu br ica n t fo r wi re)

DHS- L In stal la tion2-29 Ch apter 2 - Description a n d In stallation Ve r if y On - S it e E qui pm ent Once the equipment installation site is identified and a dedicated AC ou tlet, earth ground, adequate lighting and ventilation are available, verify that all equipment required is on-site and was not damaged during shipping: †Unpac k ing th e K S U - The K ey Se r vi ce Uni t is sh ipp ed in it s own pr ote c ti ve c ar to n and conta ins the following: Basic KSU One moun ti ng t em pla te One S yst em Ins ta ll at ion & M aint e nanc e M anual Op en the car t on a nd ve ri fy tha t al l i t ems ar e com ple t e a nd und amag ed. Remove al l pack ing materia l and store for future us e in the e vent that return shipme nt is re quire d. T his should be perf orme d a t the installe r’s offi ce wit h a 4 8- hour bur n-i n pe ri od p ri or to ins ta ll at ion. †Che ck that the ty pe and quantity of boa rds rece ive d is correct. D O NOT unpa ck the ind ivi dua l b oar ds a t thi s ti me. †Verify optiona l equipment is received a nd is in g ood condition. †Verify that a Power L ine Surge Protector is on- site. DHS-L Installation Backboard MDF Installation A wooden ba ckboard is recommended for all ins ta llation s an d mus t be ins ta lled when the location ha s ma sonry or pla sterboard wa lls. A 1/2 in. p lyw ood material is sufficient for most i nst al la ti ons. 1. Mount the b ackboa rd at a co nv enient he ig ht, about 3 f t. above the floor. It can be bolted in various places to distribute the weight of the system. 2. SpaceshouldbeavailableonthebottomsideofthebackboardfortheMDFcabling a nd f or o ptional equipment such a s a music s ource and battery b ackup. 3 . I t is re comme nded th at th e l ocat ion of e ach maj or it em be roug hly ske tche d on t he b ackbo ard as an ins ta ll at ion layout . 4. Locate the Telco-provided CO/Centrex lines at the demarc and extend them to the MDF location. If any e qu ipme nt is dama ged o r missi ng, n otify th e ap propr iate per so nne l to cor rec t the si t ua t i o n.

2-30DH S-L In stal la tion Ch apter 2 - Des crip tion and Ins tallation KSU Groun ding To ensure that the system will operate properly, a good earth grou nd is recommended. The Telco protector ground terminal or a metallic COLD water pipe will usually provide a re liab le ground p ath. If cold w ate r pipe is use d, carefully che ck that the p ip e d oes not contain insulated joints that could isolate the ground. In th e a bsence of the cold water pipe, a ground rod or other s ource ma y be us ed. A No. 8 AWGcopperwireshouldbeusedbetweenthegroundsourceandtheKSU. Vo ltag e Surge /Spike Pro te ction To reduce the effects of AC volta ge surges and sp ikes that m ay ca use sys tem malfunctions , f als e logic, a nd/or dama ge to the e le ctronic compone nts, it is re comme nded t hat a sep ar ate l y sou rce d sur ge /s pi ke pro te ctor be i nst al le d. Che ck t he manuf ac tur e rs sp ec i fic a ti ons to ensu re t hat t he devi c e mee t s t he fol lowi ng re qu i re men ts : †The po we r c o rd sho ul d no t b e us ed wi th a 3 -wi re t o 2 -wi re pl ug adap te r. †A power line s urg e p rotector should b e used to protect th e p ower sup ply from electrical surges. The surge protector should be installed in accordance with the manufacturers instructions and applicable local elec trical codes. †Clamp voltage transients at 300V within 5 nsec. when exposed to wave-forms as described in the ANSI/IEEE Standard C62.41-1980 (IEEE 587). †Reduce RFI/EMI noise by at least 20 dB at frequencies b etween 5 kH z and 30 MHz. Bat tery Ba cku p - Syst em External ba tteries m ay be connected to th e KSU via screw terminals o n the lower left area of the KSU cabinet. In the even t of a commercial power outa ge, the b ackup battery will provide the necessary system voltage (24V +/-10%, 10A per hour) to allow full feature key telephone op eration until AC p ower is res tored or the battery voltage reaches m inimum volta ge thres hold s a nd is a utom atically disconne cte d to a void ba ttery d amag e. It is recommended that the battery pack be connected to the power screw terminals with wir e gauge d a t no l es s t han 14 A WG. T he p ack m ust be l ocat ed wit hin 2 0 ft. of the KSU . The amount of system battery operation time is dependent on several factors: †Number and type of key telephones installed †Sys te m t ra ffi c loa d †Age of external batteries †Equipment Room Temperature †Am p/ Ho u r ra ti ng o f ex te rna l bat te ri e s †Recovery time since last AC power interruption Thegroundwireshouldbe keptas shortas possibleandcanbeconnectedtothe ground lug l ocate d on th e bo ttom of the KS U. Ch eck you r local groun din g reg ulat ions be fore ins tal lin g the g roun d wire .

DHS- L In stal la tion2-31 Ch apter 2 - Description a n d In stallation Caut iona ry S t eps To re duc e the r is k of fi re or i njur y t o p er sons , r ea d an d fol low t hese t i ps: †Use only the following type a nd s ize batte ry(ies) listed he re as the m aximum b attery type and size: 24vdc, 40 AH. †Do n ot dis pose of any b attery(ies) in a f ire, the cell may exp lode. Check with local codes for possible special disposal instruc tions. †Do n ot open or mut il at e t he bat t er y(i es ). Re l eas ed el ec t r olyt e is c orr osi ve and may causedamagetotheeyesorskin.Itmaybetoxicifswallowed. †Exe rcise care in ha ndling batte rie s in orde r not to short the b atte ry with conducting materia ls such as rings, bracelets, and ke ys. T he battery or cond uctor ma y ove rhe at and cause bur ns. †Charge the battery(ies) provided with or identified for use with this product only in accordance with the instructions and limitations specified in this manual. †Ob ser ve p rope r pol ar it y or i ent at ion be twe en the ba tt er y( ie s) a nd b at te ry char ger. †Do not mix old and new batteries in this produc t (applies to products employing more t han one use r re pla ceab le se condar y bat te r y). †Do not mix b atte ries of diffe re nt size s or from d iff erent man ufacture rs in this product (app lies to products employing more tha n one user-replacea ble, s econda ry ba ttery) . KSU In st al la tion The KSU is d esigned for wall m ounting only. T he KSU sh ould N OT be mounted d irectly on a m asonry s urf ace. If the KSU is to be mounted on a mas onry surface, a wooden backb oard of sufficient size should be a ttache d to the wall and the KSU mounted on the backb oar d. 1. Using the mounting te mplate as a guide, ma rk the 2 mounting s cre ws locations on the MDF ba ckboa rd. 2. Pred rill 2 s cre w holes and ins ta ll 2 pa n-he ad No. 10 screws into the back board. T he s crew heads should protrude about 1/4- in. from the back board plywood surfa ce. 3 . Li ft the K S U o ve r the 2 sc r ews al l o wing the s c re ws t o e xt end int o t he K SU sl o tt ed mounting holes. As the KSU is allowed to rest in place on the mounting screws it will slip over the screw shanks until the top of the slot is reached. Properly installed, the KS U power transf ormer (where th e KS U AC power cord is located ) is pos ition ed in the up per l ef t co rne r. T he power s wit c h an d P ower /H ear t be at LED ar e posi t ione d a t the left side of the KSU toward the bottom. It i s v ery impor tant th at the KSU be co rrec tly mo unte d to al low pro per p owe r su pply hea t di ss ip ation .

2-32DH S-L In stal la tion Ch apter 2 - Des crip tion and Ins tallation MPB I ns talla tion The MPB has two 9-p in fema le RS232C conne ctors on it. The top conn ector is for progra mming an d ICLID. The bottom conne ctor is des ign ate d f or SMDR ou tput.Figure 2- 17de pict s the MPB La yout . Figure 2-17: MPB Layou t MPB DBA/ SMDR CN2 RS 232-1 CN3 RS 232-1 I S S U E B A R C O D E C A R D C A T . N O C N 1 JP3 D7 U 3 4U 3 0U 2 7U 1 6 U 3 5U 3 1U 2 8U 2 0 U 3 2U 2 9U 2 3U 1 7 ICLID SOFTWAR E CHIP SDEFAULT JUMPER