Vodavi Starplus Dhs-l Technical Manual
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Programming3-31 Chapt er 3 - Key Station Featu res , Opera tion , an d Programmin g 14.NIGHT SWITCHINGT o def ine the sy ste m night sw itching tim e. S how Te nant 1-6 - Each te nant can be prog ra mm ed with their ow n night sw itching m od e s ettings . Fol low Tena nt1 Y/N Y Te nants 2-6 ca n be set to follow Tena nt1 se t t i n g s. S unday- S aturday Each day of the w ee k can ha ve a Da y/Night st ar t t i me. ºDa y Tim e 0 0:0 0-2 3:5 9 0 8:0 0 Da y mode is in f orce until Night Tim e s etting is rea ched. ºNight Time 00:00-23:59 17:00 Ta ble 3-9 : Mai nt enance A ppl ic at i on Program mi ng Tabl e M AI NT ENA NC EA pp lic at ion R an ge De fa ult De scr ip tio n 1. LOG_ ON DATA Data base pla ys the date, tim e, and last m ethod used to connect to the system . (Current Date/Tim e) 2. A CTIV E AL AR M Y /N Y 3. A LA RM AT T EMPT 1-10 3 T he numb er of tim es the syste m a ttem pts to notify in the e vent of an ala rm. 4. F IELD E N GI N EER CPSWD2 FieldEngineer= Engi nee r #-EnterEng inee r#as the pas sw ord. S ite NN+ AA AA - E nte r 2 di gits and up to 4 alpha le tters. ºBuilt_ In Modem - - Modem informa tion »»D ir ec t o r y #2 00 - 2 00 D IR n u mb er is n ot pr o g r a mma ble. »»Baud Rate 600-2400 1200 For Maintenance, b aud rate should be 600 or 1200. ºM icrocod e Rev. »»Sho w Mo du le 1 - »»Common Ctrl Bd. Common Control Board »»»S /W - - Displays current software v ersion of main control board. »»»H/W - Null Hardware Table 3-8: System Application Programming Table SYSTEM APPLICATION Range Default Description

3-32Programming Ch apter 3 - Key Station Featu res , Operation , an d P rog rammin g 4.»»TAC/MA C Car d To n e a n alyz e r c a r d. »»»S /W - - Displays current software v ersion. »»»H/W - Null Hardware »»Slot Position 4-12 - E nter a slot number. »»»S /W - -- Displays firmware v ersion of card in de signa ted s lot. »»»H/W - Null Hardware »»»Ty pe - - Displays type of ca rd (e.g., ext= digital s tation card, AE I=s ingle li ne board) . ºFac ility Blocking »»Sta Block ing »»»S how Sta - - E nte r vali d station num ber. »··»Blocki ng Y/N N Press CHG to block/unblock the sta tion. »»Line Bl ock ing »»»S how Line E nte r vali d CO line. »··»Blocki ng Y/N N Press CHG to block/unblock the CO Line. »»Sho w Mo du le 1 1 N o t pr o gr am mab le »»»S lot Position 3-12 - E nter slot number of desired ca rd to be block ed. »··»Blocki ng Y/N N Press CHG to block/unblock the card. ºLi ne Status Displays status of line in the system. 5. DE ALE R C PSWD3 Dealer=Dealer### - EnterDeal er###as the pas sw ord. Traffic Recording ºMe s sage Que ue »»U sage 5 0/5 0 Num ber of M es sa ge Que ue av ailab le. »»CBCK Que ue 2 5/2 5 Num ber of C BCK Queue availa ble. Ta ble 3-9 : Mai nt enance A ppl ic at i on Program mi ng Tabl e M AI NT ENA NC EA pp lic at ion R an ge De fa ult De scr ip tio n

Programming3-33 Chapt er 3 - Key Station Featu res , Opera tion , an d Programmin g 6.SER VI CE CENTER C PSWD4 Service=Service## - EnterService# #as the pa ss word. System Type 72/48 72 Reservedfunction / NA for DHS-L. A uto Log-Off 10-60 20 Le ngth of tim e that the progra mm ing ke ys et r em ain s in ac t i ve be fo r e bein g logge d off. Log-On A gain 0-60 30 Le ngth of tim e that a ny key se t us er m ust w ait to ente r Databa se Program ming a fte r 3 conse cutive incorre ct pas swords hav e be en e ntered. Dire ct Addre ss ing ºA ddr. E nte r the m em ory addre ss in (s egm ent: offset) format. ºConte nt S how the conte nt of that m em or y. Wa rm S tart Perform the softwa re restar t. Cold S tart Perform the softwa re restar t. Table 3- 10: Diagnostics Application Programming Ta ble DIAGN OSTIC S Ap pl ica ti onRang e Default Description 1. ERR CODE DE SCRP Error Code Description 1:Sys Restart 1-4 3 System restart 2:Da ta Mem Er 1-4 2 Data M emory Error 3:Pgm Mem Er 1-4 1 Progra m Memory Error 4:Watchdg Tmt 2 Watc hdog Time cut 5:C hecksum E r 1-4 1 Check Sum Error 6:Brd Mi ssing 1-4 2 Board Mi ssing 7:S eria l C Er 1-4 3 Serial C ommunic ation Error 8 :S pi Failure 2 SPI Com munica tion Error 9:Tone Det Er 1-4 3 Tone Detection E rror 10:Loop Det E r 1-4 3 Loop Current Detection E rror 1 1:Dgt Det E r 1-4 3 Digit ( DTMF ) De tection E rror 1 2:CIL Comm E r 1- 4 2 CIL Comm uni cation Error Ta ble 3-9 : Mai nt enance A ppl ic at i on Program mi ng Tabl e M AI NT ENA NC EA pp lic at ion R an ge De fa ult De scr ip tio n

3-34Programming Ch apter 3 - Key Station Featu res , Operation , an d P rog rammin g D at a b a se Pr ogra m m in g Pr o cedu ra l Fl ow The fl owchar t on t he fol lowi ng page s ca n be us ed as a gui de whe n pe rf ormi ng dat aba se progra mming. T here are four progra mming fun ctions a s s hown inFi g ur e 3- 2: Da t ab a se Programming Functions—Station and CO Line. D et ai ls of the se prog ram ming functi ons a re shown in the s ubse que nt fig ure s. Ple ase note the following conve ntions use d in the flowchart are s imila r to the s oft button s previous ly listed: ba c k: re tu r ns to th e p re vi o u s i t em ne x t: mo ves to the next item show: moves to the first item ho ld: re turns to th e b eginning (unle ss note d) 1. 13:Ille gal Pwd 1-4 4 Ille gal Password (3 reje cted a ttem pts) 14:RtTestEr 1-4 2 RoutineTestFault 15:AlrmXFail 1-4 4 AlarmTransfer Failure 16:Ac t Alrm Di 1-4 1 Ac tive Alarm Disable 2. HARDWARE SELFTST Tes t Tim e N u ll D e te r mi n es ti me o f day h a r dwa re t es t wil l run. (m ilitary form at) Tes t St at u s Sho w Mo du le 1 1 Al way s 1 (d ispla ys status) Table 3- 10: Diagnostics Application Programming Ta ble DIAGN OSTIC S Ap pl ica ti onRang e Default Description

Programming3-35 Chapt er 3 - Key Station Featu res , Opera tion , an d Programmin g Figure 3-2: Database Programming Functions—Station and CO Line [feat] + [#] + [✳] + password + [show] Station CO Line Call Handling Resource Restriction Station App. Line App. [next] [next] [next] [next] [next] [next] [next] [back] [back] [back] [back] [back] [back] [back] [next] Show CO Line: bksp show chg Continued on the following pages. [show][hold] System App. [back][show][hold] Station Position non-programmable Tenant Group Assign: 1 back next chg Pickup Group Assign: 1 back next show Paging Group Assign: 1 back next show Sta Type: Staff back next chg Position non-programmable Tenant Group: 1 back next chg Route: 1 back next chg Day Class: 0 back next chg Night Class: 0 back next chg Dialing: TONE back next chg Line Type: CO back next chg Call Abandon: N back next chg Private To: NULL back next chg VM Digits: back next chg Night COS Assign: 0 back next chg Drop Timeout: N back next chg Intrusion Active: N back next chg Call Intrusion Accept: Y back next chg Call Intrusion Tone: Y back next chg Day COS Assign: 0 back next show Function Key Allowed: N back next chg Warning Tone: N back next chg Forced LCR: N back next chg Data Auto Answer:N back next chg ECF Operation: N back next chg SMDR Output: Y back next chg Port Type: EXT back next chg DIR Num Swap back next chg Line Assign: Y back next chg Receive Assign: Y back next chg DSS Unit 1: NULL non-programmable DSS Unit 2: NULL non-programmable DSS Unit 3: NULL non-programmable DSS Unit 4: NULL non-programmable [show][hold] Maintenance Diagnostics [back] [back] [next] [next] Answer Position: 201 back next chg

3-36Programming Ch apter 3 - Key Station Featu res , Operation , an d P rog rammin g Fi g u r e 3- 3: D at ab as e P ro g r am mi n g Fu n ct i on s—Call Handling Show Call Handling: bksp show chg Call Handling [show][hold] [show][hold] [show][hold] Break Time: 67 back next chg Interdigit Time: 800 back next chg Tone Time: 90 back next chg PR Time: 100 back next chg [show][hold] Start Time: 200 back next chg End Time: 1500 back next chg Tennant Calling back next chg SMDR Call Output back next chg Auto Busy Redial back next chg EXT FWD back next chg ICLID Name: Y back next chgMeter Sys: N back next chg Voice Mon Time: 10 back next chg Auto Attendant back next chg DISA back next chg [next][hold] PBX Flash Time: 0.1 back next chg Pause Time: 2 back next chg Dialing Ratio back next showCO Flash: 1.0 back next chg Line Conference: N back next chg Ring Abandon: 6 back next chg Hold Reminder: 60 back next chg Excl. Hold Time: 0 back next chg Warning Time: 5 back next chg SLT Recall: 30 back next chg Dial Tone Detect: N back next chg Dial Tone Time: 200 back next chg Dial Wait Time: 0 back next chg Busy Tone: 500 back next chg Dial Delay: 500 back next chg CO Precfw Time: 30 back next chg Camp-On Time: 20 back next chg PBX Auto Pause: 1 back next chg SLT Hook Flash Time back next show Alarm Play: 30 back next chg TSI Connect: N back next chg Conf Tone: N back next chg Call Duration: 10 back next chg Sys ABBR Check: N back next chg Hotel Enable: N back next chg XFR_I Recall: 30 back next chg XFR_B Recall: 60 back next chgPR Time: 100 back next show

Programming3-37 Chapt er 3 - Key Station Featu res , Opera tion , an d Programmin g Fi gure 3-4 : Data base Program mi ng Funct ions—Resource, Restriction and Station App. Resource[show][hold] Sys Reminder: 1 back next chg User Pswd: 0000 back next chg User Names: NULL back next show Line Names: NULL back next chg Pre-Programmed Msg back next chg Premises Msg back next chg Sys ABBR Num: 100 back next chg Attendant: 201 back next chg Database Pswd: ######## back next chg Loud Bell: N back next chg CIL X_Rate: 9600 back next chg RMT X_Rate: 9600 back next chg DSS/BLF Allocation: NULL back next show Music Source: BOTH back next chg Ext Paging: Y back next chg Call Discrimination back next chg LCR back next chg Acct Codes: NULL back next chgRestriction[show][hold] UCD back next chg Voice Mail back next chgStation App.[show][hold]

3-38Programming Ch apter 3 - Key Station Featu res , Operation , an d P rog rammin g Figure 3-5: Database Programming Functions—L ine App. Line App. [show][hold] ICLID: NULL back next chgT1 Card: N/A back next showTrunk Routes back next chg[show][hold] To Increase back next chg To Decrease back next chg BPV per Hour: 50000 back next chg BPV per Day: 100000 back next chg CRC per Hour: 50000 back next chg OOF per Day: 20 back next chg Slip per Hour: 10 back next chg CRC per Day: 100000 back next chg OOF per Hour: 10 back next chg Slip per Day: 10 back next chg Channel Type back next showRemote Sta back next showParameter Set back next show Trans Tab Assign back next showFraming Type: D4 back next chg Encode: AMI back next chg DID Signal: DTMF back next chg DID Length: 3 back next chg Dial Tone: Y back next chg Inserted Digits: 0 back next chg Inserted Digits: LOOP back next chg Route Number: 1 back next chg Delete Digits: 0 back next chg Leading No.: 1 back next show[show][hold] Channel Type: LOOP back next chg ANI: N back next chg Channel Type back next show [show][hold] [show][hold] [show][hold] [show][hold] [show][hold]

Programming3-39 Chapt er 3 - Key Station Featu res , Opera tion , an d Programmin g Fi g u r e 3- 6: D at ab as e P r og r am mi n g Fu n ct i o ns—Sys te m App. System App. [show][hold] Trunk Route back next chg Sta Dir Number back next chg Sta Page Group back next chg Sta Hunt Group back next chg Sta Pickup Group back next chg Indiv ABBR No back next chg Music Source back next chg External Pager back next chgLoud Bell back next chg Common ABBR No back next chg Line Dir Number back next chg Virtual Number back next chg Operator Code back next chg LCR Code back next chg Account Code back next chg Hour Mode: 24 back next chg Letter Type: 0 back next show Ring Scheme: 2 back next chg Position-to-Dir back next show Dir-to-Position back next show Numbering Plan back next show Suffix Code back next show ABBR No Assign back next show CO Line Copy back next chg Night Service Sta back next chg Night Switching back next chgSystem Time back next chg Station Copy back next chg Feature Copy back next chg DND Override: 3 back next chg Camp-On: 4 back next chg Intrusion:8 back next chg MSG Waiting: 9 back next chgCallback: # back next chg Call Pickup: 6 back next chg ICM OVHA: 0 back next chg ICM Ring/Voice: * back next chg Show Position back next chg[show][hold] [show][hold] [show][hold] Dir Number: XXX back next chg Show Dir back next chg[show][hold]Position: NULL back next chg Individual back next chg[show][hold]Show Sta back next chg Common List back next chg [show][hold]Show Tennant back next chg Individual Copy back next chg[show][hold]Copy From: back next chg Group Copy back next chg [show][hold] Copy From: back next chg [show][hold] [show][hold] Individual Copy back next chg[show][hold]Copy From: back next chg Group Copy back next chg [show][hold] Copy From: back next chg [show][hold] Copy From: back next chg[show][hold]Copy To: back next chg Show Tenant back next chg[show][hold]Member 1-5: NULL back next chgYear back next chg Month back next chg Day back next chg Weekday back next chg Hour back next chg Minute back next chg Follow Tenant 1:Y back next chg[show][hold]Sunday-Saturday back next chg [show][hold] [show][hold] [show][hold][show][hold] [show][hold] [show][hold]

3-40Programming Ch apter 3 - Key Station Featu res , Operation , an d P rog rammin g Fe at u re C od e Ta b l e Tabl e 3 -1 1: Feat ure Ac ces s Co des Fe at ure LCD No n- Dis pla y ALA RM CLOCK Cancel (prior t o alarm) F+[✳]+[9]+[2] F+[✳]+[9]+[2 ] Extension F+[9]+[2 ] F+[9 ]+[2]+HHMM+(1-2) ATTENDANT ADMINISTR ATION F+[#]+[0]+(1-6)+[save] +passw ord (0000)N/ A AUTOMATIC BUSY R EDI AL (A BR) F+[7]+[8 ] F+[7 ]+[8] BAC KGR O UN D MU S IC En abl e [800] o r [801] [800] or [801] Disable [CLEAR] [CLEAR] CA L L A N NO U NC E Al low (hands-free) F+[9]+[8 ] F+[9 ]+[8] Cancel F+ [✳]+[9]+[8] F+[✳]+[9]+[8 ] CALL BACK [Ext]+[#] [Ext ]+[#] Cancel (All) F+[#]+[#] F+[#]+[#] Canc el (Singl e) F+ [✳]+[#]+[#]+extn nbr F+[✳]+[#]+[#]+ext num ber CA L L F O RWA R D Al l F+[2] F+[2 ]+[2]+(stati on) B usy F+[2] F+[2 ]+[1]+(stati on) Cancel F+[2] F+[✳]+(fwd type) DND ( Tr ansfer) F+[2] F+[2 ]+[7]+(stati on) DND (to Attd while ringing) F+[4] F+[4] Exter nal F+[2] F+[2 ]+[6]+(extrnl nbr)+ [HOLD] Fol low To F+[2] F+[2 ]+[5]+(stati on) Fol low Me F+[2] F+[2 ]+[3]+(stati on)+(psswr d) Fol low Me Cancel F+[2] F+[✳]+[2]+[3]+(station)+(psswr d) No A nswer F+[2 ]+[4]+(stati on)+[xx] CA L L PA RK R eceive F+[7]+[3 ] N/ A