Vodavi Starplus Dhs-l Technical Manual
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Sy s te m D ia g no st i cs6-7 Ch apter 6 - Mainten ance /Trou bles hootin g Tabl e 6 -5: Key Tel eph o n e (c an n ot h ea r) Symptom Diagnostic Aid Cause Corrective Action Cannot hear (handset)Key Tel ephone Co mponent Fail ure1. Ver ify MUTE i s no t l it. 2. Lift handset, ICMtone should be heard o ver the handset . 3. Pr ess [SP KR ] key, observe red LED and place handset on hook. †If I C M ton e is hea rd ov er t he lo udspeaker, but was not heard th ro ug h t he h a nd s e t i n S t e p 1, exchange handset assem bl y wit h another known working unit. †If I C M ton e is stil l n ot h ea rd a ft er rep eatin g th e test i n St ep 1, rep lace the coiled handset cord. If the cord is defective, the original handset is probably okay. †If ICM dial tone still cannot be heard, replace key telephone. Tabl e 6 -6 : S peak erphone ( canno t be heard) Symptom Diagnostic Aid Cause Corrective Action Other part y cannot he a r yo u o n y ou r speaker phoneKey tel ephone (other st at ion)Connections, co mp on ent fa ilu res1. Ver ify MUTE i s no t l it. 2. Pr ess [SP KR ] a n d listen fo r to ne o ver the speaker. 3. C a ll a kn ow n g oo d wor k in g sta t ion . (The distant party should be using the handset). 4. I f the ot her part y canno t hear yo u, l ift handset and verify proper handset operation. Tabl e 6- 7: No S o und Fro m S peak er Symptom Diagnostic Aid Cause Corrective Action No s ou nd o ve r speakerKey tel ephone Co nnec tio ns, co mp on ent fai lu re1. Pr ess [SP KR ] b u tto n (red L ED). 2. If you can hear ICM tone over t he handset, but not the speaker, replace t he key telephone.

6-8System D iagnostics Ch apter 6 - M ain ten ance/ Troubles hooting Ta b le 6- 8 : St ati c /N o is e D u r in g C o nve rs at io n Symptom Diagnostic Aid Cause Corrective Action Static and/or noise can be heard d uri ng aconversationLo gi c o f elim in at io nIf y ou ca n hea r th e sta tic , is i t o n intercom handset t o handset c al ls? If yes, do you hear the static when you ca ll a n y o the r IC M st a tio ns?(The p robl em may b e the tel eph one call ed or ca llin g you ). St at io n c a bl e wir in g If st at ic on IC M a nd C O lin e c al ls, v erify wa ll ja ck c on nec tio n an d MDF co nnect io ns. Cor rect any problem s found. Bad com ponent If noi se per sists, replace handset cord. Te l c o p r o bl e m †If st at ic on ly on o utsi de C O ca l ls, d o o ther sta ti on s hea r si mil a r sta ti c noise? †If o th er sta ti on s hea r sta tic , is i t o nly on one CO line? Which one? †If o n sev era l CO l ines, t he Telco ma y have a wet cable. Disc onnec t t he CO li ne f ro m th e K S U, a nd us in g a di al te s t handset (butt set), place a c all and li sten for st atic. If noi se is present , contact the Telco. KSU-MDF wiring If noise is present only when the KSU is co nn e ct e d t o t he C O lin e s , in s p e ct, repai r o r replac e the CO l ine feeder cab les th at p lu g i nt o th e K SU in ter fac e bo a rd. Possible m odul e pro b le m †If noi se is st ill pr esent o n a cer tain CO li ne, a n d C O in co min g lin e c ord h as been exchanged, move this c ord (CO li ne) t o a n oth er K SU l ine po siti on . If noise is now removed on the new CO li ne int erfa ce, so meth in g is b ad w ith the KSU input jack. †Call Customer Service.

Sy s te m D ia g no st i cs6-9 Ch apter 6 - Mainten ance /Trou bles hootin g Table6-9:COLineProblems Symptom Diagnostic Aid Cause Corrective Action Li ne s o n Ho ld, n o on e th ere.System Pro gra m min gIf t he c usto mer co mplains of seei ng ma ny h ol din g lin es, a nd wh en ac cessed no on e is o n the oth er en d, c a lls ma y b e left in an abandoned stat e. Outsi de ca lle r abandons callIf t he s e r v ing C e nt ra l O f f ic e ( T e lco ) pr ovides disconnect super vi sion: †The K SU sh ou ld b e p rog ra mme d (o n a p er C O lin e b a sis) to reco gn ize an abandoned call (default). †Wh en the ou tsid e ho ld in g p a r ty hangsup,theCOlineinterface d e te c ts c ha ng e in C O vo lta g e f or th e associated li ne. †The K SU t hen remo v es the in si de Hold indication at all telephones and restoresthelineto idle. User erro r Auto Hold Al low may be enabled at a s ta tio n tha t is u ns u re of t he p ro p e r operati on of t his feat ure. †If s o , in s ure t ha t i ns i de u s e rs d o n o t accident ally place calls on Hold while skipping from one CO line to another, refer to the Key telephone U ser Guide. †By programming Auto Hold Deny (codeF94)attheabusingstations, in co mi ng CO l in es wil l n ot be accident ally placed on Hold. Tabl e 6 -1 0: Li n es S tay Bus y Symptom Diagnostic Aid Cause Corrective Action Li nes so met imes show busy even th ou gh no on e el se is in the office, or no oneisusingtheline.System Pro gra m min gCu s to me r c on f us i on or Prog ra mm in g erro rVeri fy C O li ne p ro gra m min g fo r D ISA, E xt e rn al Ca l l F or wa rd ing , a nd D ay /N ig ht Service. (Th e sy st em w ill ho ld up c erta i n t run k- to- tru nk ca l ls u nti l a f or ced d is co nn ect in terv a l t ime i s rea ch ed.)

6-10System D iagnostics Ch apter 6 - M ain ten ance/ Troubles hooting Table 6-11: Btn Programming is Lost/Changed a t Key Telephone Symptom Diagnostic Aid Cause Corrective Action Prev io usl y pr og rammed featu re bu tt on s no w d o n ot wor k or h a ve di fferent feat ures assigned.Exec uti ve Key Te l e p h on e Di s pl ayUn a uth or ized cu s tom er rep rog ramm in g1. SeeifcustomerhasaUserGuideand u nd erstan ds feat ure b u tto n p ro gra m min g. 2. Compare t he cur rent system database and station feature button p ro gra m min g wit h th e c omp let ed p ro gra m min g wor ksh eets. Fea tu re b ut ton p rog ra m memo ry is reta in ed a t th e KSU . The m emo ry is pr otec ted b y a N i-C a d or Nic k el Met al Hy dr id e b at te ry . †If system power i s r emoved for l onger than seven (7) days, all system database programming may be lost and default dat abase is loaded. †Loss of power w ill also affect other customer unique system p ro gra mm in g a lo ng wit h a ll o the r key tel eph on es featu re b utt on p ro gra mm in g.

A Database Programming Forms Use the following forms to complete the customer specific programming applications prior to actual system programming. For several database fields some forms do not provide an entry area for all possible programming, since the majority of installation applications will not require changes to all data in all program fields.

Programming Work SheetsA-3 A ppen di x A - Dat abase P ro gr ammi ng Fo rm s Programming Work Sheets You ma y photocopy th ese forms to use as actual programming work sheets. Ta ble A-1: System Application Numbering Plan DATA PARAMETER RANGE CUSTOMER DATA St atio n 20 1-272 30 1-372 CO Line 70 0-795 CO Line Group 1-24 Hu nt Gro up 43 0-453 TableA-2:COLineData DATA FIELD RANGECO L ine NumbersDE FAUL T12345678910111213141516 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 Dialing Ty pe Tone/Puls e To n e Call A bandon Y/N N CO Line Type CO/PBX/ Open/E mp ty CO Loud Bell Y/N N CO Line Group1-24 1 Pr i v at e To 201-272 301-372Empty Tol l Override Y/N N D i st i n c t To n e 1/ 2/ 3 / 4 ICLID Port 1 -96

A-4P rog ra m mi ng Work Sh e ets App endix A - Databas e Pr ogr ammin g Forms Table A-3: Station Data DATA FIELD RANGEST AT IO N NU M BERS DEFAULT 201/ 30 1202/ 30 2203/ 303204/ 30420 5/ 30520 6/ 30620 7/ 307208/ 30 8 Day COS 0-7 0 Night COS 0-7 0 CO Line Assi gnmentPor t 1Te n a nt 1Y/N Y 21 Y/N Y 31 Y/N Y 41 Y/N Y 51 Y/N Y 61 Y/N Y 71 Y/N Y 81 Y/N Y CO Line Receive Assi gnmentPor t 1Te n a nt 1Y/N Y 21 Y/N Y 31 Y/N Y 41 Y/N Y 51 Y/N Y 61 Y/N Y 71 Y/N Y 81 Y/N Y

Programming Work SheetsA-5 A ppen di x A - Dat abase P ro gr ammi ng Fo rm s Tabl e A -3: TR U N KS Da ta DATA FIELD RANGEST AT IO N NU M BERS DEFAULT 201/ 30 1202/ 30 2203/ 303204/ 30420 5/ 30520 6/ 30620 7/ 307208/ 30 8 CO L ine Ring Assign ment700 day/ ni gh t/ both/ no neStati on - 100 B ot h 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 Ac co un t C od e F orc ed Y/ N N St at ion G rou p (1- 24) 1 Wa r nin g Ton e Y/ N N D ro p Time-o ut Y/ N N St at ion Po siti on 201-272 301-372 (201- 272 301 -372) VM Port Y/N N DSS Own er 201-272 301-372 (none)

A-6P rog ra m mi ng Work Sh e ets App endix A - Databas e Pr ogr ammin g Forms Tabl e A -1 : Cal l Handl ing Dat a D A TA P AR A MET ER FOR MA T C U ST OME R DA TA DEF AULT In tru sion ( Pri va c y ) Relea se Y /N N In tru sion ( Pri va c y ) Ton e Y /N Y Exc lusi ve Ho ld Time 0-8 min ut es 0 Fl ash Ti me 0.1-1 .5 CO 1.0 PB X .2 Remi nd Tim e 0/ 10/30/ 60/ 90 30 Park Remi nd 30/ 60/90 /120/ 150/ 180 30 Pause Ti me 1-8 2 PBX Au to Pause 0-9 1 Di alin g Ratio To ne Ti me 90/ 120/ 1 50 90 Di alin g Ratio In ter- Di git Tim e 400/ 800 80 0 VM Dial in g R atio To ne Ti me 60/ 90/ 120/15 0 120 VM Diali ng Rati o I nter -Di gi t Tim e 60/ 90/ 120/15 0 120 Wa rn ing Tim e 30 5 Rec al l Ti me 16/ 30/60/ 90/ 120 30 SLT Ho ok Flash Star t 60/ 100/ 200/ 300...1400 200 SLT Ho ok Flash En d 100/ 200/ 300...15 00 800 Wa it I C LI D 3.5/ 4/4. 5/5/ 5.5/6 /6.5/ 7 4.0 VM M on Time 10/20 /30/ 40/50 /60 10