Vodavi Starplus Dhs-l Technical Manual
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Conference3-81 Chapt er 3 - Key Station Featu res , Opera tion , an d Programmin g The conference in itia tor ma y force- releas e a conference mem ber or talk privately w ith a conference member. E NHANCEDTEL EP HO N E S-- To force-release: 1. Press [FEAT ]. 2. Dial [7] + [4]. 3 . Di al th e s ta ti o n nu m ber o r p re ss the l ine bu tt o n t o r el ea se. To ta lk priva te ly (conne cts se cond pa rty, places third p arty on hold): 1. Press [FEAT ]. 2. Dial [5] + [7]. 3 . Di al th e s ta ti o n nu m ber o r p re ss the l ine bu tt o n t o t al k pr i vat el y. E XE CUTIVETELE PH O N ES-- To forc e r el ea se or ta lk pr iva te ly : 1 . Pr es s [ pri vat e] or [for c ed]. 2 . Di al th e s ta ti o n nu m ber o r p re ss the l ine bu tt o n t o r el ea se o r ta lk pr ivat e ly. Co n dit io n s †The statio n who estab lishe s a confe re nce is calle d the controlling pa rty, a nd only the controlling party is allowed to invite or forcibly release any attending internal or external party, or to setup a private talk with any one attending party. †Whe n adding ne w partie s to a confe re nce a nd while spe aking privately to a particular c onfer en ce me mbe r, ot he r memb er s of t he con fer enc e wi ll be c onne c t ed to Music-On -Hold. †Conference can only be established at a key telephone. †Each of the calls involved in a holding conference will be placed on Exclusive Hold. Un su p e r v i se d Des crip ti on This f eature a llows you (as the conference controller) to ex it a conf erence, yet enab le two outs id e lines also e ngag ed in the confe rence to continue their conve rs ation. This conference is called Unsupervised, since no internal user is involved as a member of the conference. To estab lish an Uns upervised conf erence, y ou mus t first bu ild a Sup ervis ed conference. An y con fere nce featu re co de ma y be p rogra mmed o n any ava ilab le pr ogra mmable feature button.

3-82Conference Ch apter 3 - Key Station Featu res , Operation , an d P rog rammin g Opera tion 1. Two CO lines are conferenced (F+[6]+[0]) at your station: 2. Press [FEAT ]. 3. Dial [7] + [7]. At an Executive Telephone, the following display will be seen momentarily. 4. If no f urthe r action is take n, the display re turns to idle status. At this tim e, the two lines are conferenced. To re jo i n t he unsup er vi se d c o nfe re nc e: 1 . At yo u r s ta ti o n , pre ss [ FE AT ] . 2. Dial [6] + [0]. Pro g ram mi ng Station users may leave two CO line connected parties in conference unsupervised. That is , t he st at ion use r does not ha ve to re mai n c onne c te d t o t he CO l ine s to mai nta in the conference con nection. Th is settin g allo ws or disa llows this function. Defa ul t TheDHS- LUnsup er vi sed Con fer enc e i s a ll owed Y , and t he pr ogr amma ble v alue c an be tog gle d e it he r Y or N. Co nf erence Time Des crip ti on CO line s that a re left un atte nded in confe re nce (Unsup ervised Conf erence ) will b e al lowe d t o r em ain in t his st at us for the dur at i on of the Uns upe rvi se d C onfe re nce Ti me. Users that are familiar with the conference operation can extend this time during operation by dialing [0] + [ ✳], or [ 0] + [#] to dis connect. Defa ul t TheDHS- LUnsup er vi sed Con fer enc e T ime i s s et fo r 1 m inut e, and i s va ri abl e fr om 1 / 2/ 3 / 4/ 1 0/ 1 5 mi nu te s. LNx LNx private f orce d UN S UP ER V I S ED C NF Single Line Telephones (SLT) cannot conference.

Day /Ni gh t Se rv ic e3-83 Chapt er 3 - Key Station Featu res , Opera tion , an d Programmin g Co n dit io n s †New confe re nce p artie s ma y only b e a dde d whe n the conferen ce controller is a mem ber of th e conf erence. †If an outs id e l i ne h angs up, t he li ne wi ll be r el ea sed. Day/ Nig ht Service Des crip ti on The sy stem can b e p rogramm ed for Night Serv ice opera tion which a ffects incom ing CO line ringing a nd rece iv e a ssignme nts. The Atte ndant of a T ena nt Gro up ma y ma nually switch the system service from Day to Night mode, or vice-versa using the Night Service code. Dur in g Ni ght Se rv ice mode , s ta ti on an d DI SA C la ss Of Ser vi ce (CO S) ou ts ide di al ing privileges a re chan ged in accord ance with the Toll Res triction Night COS programming. Opera tion An Attenda nt wh en in id le mode , can activate N ight Se rv ice from an attend ant te le phone as fol lows : 1. Pres s [ FEAT ] + [#] + [3] to progra m a DS S cons ole button. 2. Pres s the sof t button you wish to p rogram for nig ht se rv ice. 3. Press [chg]. 4 . Pr es s [ FEAT ]. T he dis pla y sh ows: 5. Pres s [ FEAT ] + [6] + [3]. 6. Then press [save]. Co n dit io n s †Each time the Night Service code is entered, the system mode of operation changes to the o p po si te mo d e. †When the system is in the Night Service mode, all Executive Key Telephones will display night. †For Attendant Only -- Feature must be programmed on an feature key. Dial Pulse to DTMF Conversion Des crip ti on Whe n a C O l ine is se t t o pul se (r ota ry) dia li ng, t he digi t s fol lo wing [✳]willbesentinDTMF ton e m ode. Puls e- to- tone chan ge- over ca n be programme d into any Sp ee d Dial bin. SEL ECT FU N CTION dir f eat

3-84 D ire ct I nw a rd S y st e m A c ce ss ( D I S A ) Ch apter 3 - Key Station Featu res , Operation , an d P rog rammin g Di re c t In wa rd Syst em Ac ce ss ( D ISA) Des crip ti on This feature allows you to remotely access system features such as System Speed Dial, Line Acce ss for long distance calling, CO Line- to- CO Line Confe re ncin g, a nd Intercom dialing. Anynumber of DISAlines maybe assignedincomingDISAaccessbasedon the systemservicemode(Day,NightorAlways).Talktimecanbemanuallyextendedbythe outs id e D IS A par t y. S ince t he pas swor ds ar e r el at i vel y s hort , caut ion shoul d b e e xer ci sed when permitting unauthorized use of the DISA facilities. Opera tion CO l ine 1 i s p rogr amm ed for DI SA ope r ati on. Whe n a call i s made t o CO l i ne 1 , tha t call i s automatically answered and a DISA dial tone is heard. When a DISA dial tone is heard: 1. Dial [#]. 2 . Di al th e d esi r ed st ati on numbe r + you r p ass word. 3. Dial [#]. Once your password is verified, a second dial tone is presented. 4. Dial a CO line access code (700-795) or a v alid s ta tion nu mber. Co n dit io n s †Two DISA CO lines may be used simultaneo usly. If more than two DISA CO lines are si gnal ing for ans wer, th e s ubse que nt call s wil l re cei ve an i nt er nal bus y t one. †DISA CO line (COS) as sig nment coincid es with Toll Res triction COS Ta ble s. †Activation time for a DISA CO line is p rogramma ble f or Never, D ay, Night or Always . †If you dial a station number which is non-existent, your call will be directly transferred to the at t end ant. †TheCOLine-to-COlineconferencetimeisprogrammablefor1,2,3,5,10,and15 min ute s (de fault is one m inute). The CO line- to- CO lin e confe re nce time ma y be set to automatically drop the connected outside parties upon expiration of a pr e-p rogr amm ed ti me .

Dis tin cti ve Rin gi n g3-85 Chapt er 3 - Key Station Featu res , Opera tion , an d Programmin g Distinctive Ringin g Des crip ti on You may choose from four distinctive ringing tones to signal incoming calls. This allows you to easily distinguish your calls from calls ringing at other stations near you. Opera tion ENHANCEDTEL EP HO N E S-- 1. Press [FEAT ]. 2. Dial [#] + [7]. 3. Dial a ringing tone code (1-4). E XE CUTIVETELE PH O N ES-- 1. Press [FEAT ]. 2. Dial [#] + [7]. You will hea r the curre nt ringing tone . T he d is pla y will s how: 3 . Pr es s [ c hg]. You wi ll he ar t he n ew r i ngi ng t one. The di spl ay wil l show : Pro g ram mi ng You may choose from four distinctive ringing tones to signal incoming calls. This allows you to easily distinguish your calls from calls ringing at other stations near you. Defa ul t Defaults to the first of four distinctive ringing tones. Di st inc t iv e Tone s c a n be use d t o i de nti fy a p art i c ular C O li ne whil e ri ngi ng. The re ar e fi ve di st inc t iv e t ones t hat c an be pr ogr amme d. T he defa ult se t ti ng 0 i ndic a te s t hat t her e i s no distinct tone programmed. CO distinctive tone settings override station distinctive ri ngi ng. TheDHS- Lhas no D is tinctive T one prog ram med, and the Dis tinctiv e T one se ttin g is programmable from 1/2/3/4. RI NG T Y P E : 1 chg RI NG T Y P E : 2 chg Th e D istinc tiv e Rin gin g featu re co de ma y be p rogra mmed o n a prog rammab le fe ature butto n.

3-86Do Not Distu rb (DN D) Ch apter 3 - Key Station Featu res , Operation , an d P rog rammin g Do No t Disturb (D ND) Des crip ti on DND allows y ou to tem pora rily block a nd discontinu e ringing from incomin g CO ca lls a nd intercom calls. You can activate DND while your telepho ne is idle or busy. Some stations with a higher COS may override a stations DND condition. When you have activated DND, you will hear a special intercom (stutter) reminder tone when you lift th e ha ndse t or use the spe ake rp hone. If you have as signed a button on your telepho ne specifically for DND, the butto n lights whenever you activate the feature. Opera tion 1. Press [FEAT ]. 2. Dial [4]. You will hear a confirmation tone on an Executive Telephone displays: 3 . Repe at S te ps 1 and 2 a bove to cancel D ND. You wi ll he ar a con fir mat i on t one on an E xecutiv e Telep hone. The display the will show the following prior to returning to the idle display message: DND Override (Attendant Only) Di al [ex t] and pre ss [3 ]. Co n dit io n s †At any time while your telephone is idle, you may immediately divert an incoming tone rin ging inte rcom ca ll to the atte ndant by using the DN D fe ature . †Your DSS/BLF button on other key telephones will flash when you activate DND. †May ca use anal og VM int e grat i on si t uat ions , su ch as re cal li ng a t mai n at t enda nt ins te ad of t he int en ded voi ce ma il box. DO NOT DIST URB DND DELE TE Th e D ND fe ature code may b e pro gramme d on a p rogra mmabl e feat ure b utton .

DSS C onso le3-87 Chapt er 3 - Key Station Featu res , Opera tion , an d Programmin g DSS Conso le Des crip ti on Fo u r D S S c o nso l es may be ass ig ned to a s ta ti o n. E ac h DSS Co n so le u s es o ne di git al st at ion por t. Up to 1 2 DS S co nsol es may be ins ta ll ed on a sy st em. The D SS consol e buttons are progra mme d by the s ta tion us er us ing the F EAT + # + 4 comma nd, the n pressing the button on the DSS to be programmed. All system feature codes may be stored on the Programmable Feature Buttons for one-button operation. Certain progra mmed fea ture b uttons will ligh t when activ ated (D ND, C all Forward, D SS /BLF , etc.) , while others s uch as C all Pick-Up , Backg round Music, La st Numb er Re dia l, do not. Fe at ure s a re se par at e d i nto thr e e d ist i nct cat egor ie s for pr ogra mmi ng on a but t on: C O Line, Station, or Feature. Pro g ram mi ng Toaccesstheremoteprogramming: 1. Press [FEAT ] + [#] + [ ✳] + pa sswor d ( ## ### ## #), t hen pre ss [sh ow ]. 2. Pres s [ next] u ntil re aching Re source , the n pres s [s how]. 3. Pres s [ next] u ntil re aching DS S Allo ca tion, the n p re ss [show]. 4 . Pr es s [ show], th en e nt er t he DSS Uni t numbe r. 5 . Pr es s [ show], th en p re ss [c hg]. 6. Enter the station numbe r where you wa nt the DS S to be ass igne d, the n pres s [ save ]. 7. Pres s [ next], this will bring you to the DIR Numb er, the n p re ss [chg]. 8. Enter the station number of where the DSS is attached, then press [save]. 9 . Pr es s [ hold] , t hen pr ess [c l ea r] to exi t re mote p rogr ammi ng. Opera tion EXE CUTIVETELE PH O N ES-- To prog ram DS S cons ole b uttons: 1. Press [FEAT ]. 2. Dial [#] + [4]. 3 . Pr es s p rogr amm abl e feat ur e butt on. 4. Press [chg]. 5. Dial the desired directory number (201-272, 301-372, 700-795). 6. Press [save]. To erase the conte nts of a prog ram mable fea ture button : 1. Press [FEAT ]. 2. Dial [#] + [4]. 3 . Pr es s p rogr amm abl e feat ur e butt on. 4. Dial [0]. 5. Press [HOLD].

3-88End-to-End Signaling Ch apter 3 - Key Station Featu res , Operation , an d P rog rammin g End-to-End Signalin g Des crip ti on This fe ature allow s digital key te le phone stations to ge ne rate in- band D TMF tone s on ICM calls to an on-site voice mail system. DTMF digits will only be sent to the SLT port when connected to a 2- Port Analog Adap ter/E xpans ion tha t is programmed a s a VM PORT . Feature Button Co py Fe at ure B ut ton Copy is pr ovi de d t o as si st i n pr ogr ammi ng m ult ip le st at i ons wi t h t he sam e b utton p rogramm ing. Once a station’s feature buttons are programmed using the station feature Programmable Feature Buttons [F#3] that station’sbuttonprogramming may be copied to other sys tem s ta tions in this databa se progra mming function. F ollow the d isp la yed ins tr uc t ions t o c opy one st at ion’s bu tton data to another. Station Number range is 201-272 and 301-372. In q ui r y Des crip ti on You ma y r evi ew th e p rogr amm ing for fea tur e but ton s at a n i dle E xec ut iv e T el ep hone. To re vi ew the pr ogr ammi ng, di al th e F ea tur e Button Pr ogr ammi ng mo de. Opera tion 1. Press [FEAT ]. 2. Dial [#] + [3]. T he dis pla y s hows: 3 . Pr es s d es ir ed fea tur e but ton to vie w i t s c ont ent s (c ode). I n t his e xampl e, but ton 20 i s p re sse d. 4. Press[show].Thenameofthefeatureisdisplayed. PR ES S FEATU R E K EY F9 6__ show chg MES SAG E WAITIN G

Fe a t ure B ut t on3-89 Chapt er 3 - Key Station Featu res , Opera tion , an d Programmin g 5. The display then returns to the previous screen. Programming Des crip ti on The E xecut iv e m odel s have 2 0 dual -col ore d p rogr amm abl e fea tur e but tons av ail ab le . A l l sys tem feature cod es may be stored on th e p rogramm able fea ture buttons for one-button operation. Certain programmed feature buttons will light when activated (DND , C all F orw ard , D SS/BLF , etc. ), while others do not, such as Call Pick- Up, Background Musi c, La st Numb er Red ial . Fe atur e s a re se par at ed i nto thr ee di st i nct cate gor ie s f or programming on a bu tton: CO line, station, or feature. Opera tion EXE CUTIVETELE PH O N ES-- To prog ram a fea ture button: 1. Press [FEAT ]. 2. Dial [#] + [3]. T he dis pla y s hows: 3. Press a programmable feature button. The current contents of that button is d is play ed. For thi s exam ple , l et’suse button 20. 4 . Pr es s [ show]. The nam e o f t he c urr ent fe at ure s tor ed is di spl aye d. 5. Pres s [ chg]. T he display s hows the following: Butto ns witho ut featu re p rogra mming wi ll di sp lay B TN U NAVAILABL E. PR ES S FTR BT N F9 6 show chg MES SAG E WAIT ING SEL ECT FU N CTION dir f eat

3-90Feature Button Ch apter 3 - Key Station Featu res , Operation , an d P rog rammin g To prog ram a CO li ne but t on: 1. Se le ct [dir]. 2. Enter CO line or station number (201-272, 301-372). The display shows: 3. Press [save]. To prog ram a syst e m fe at ure : 1 . Pr es s [ FEAT ]. T he dis pla y sh ows: 2 . Pr es s [ FEAT ]. F wi ll ap pea r on t he dis pl ay: 3. Dial the feature code. 4. Press [save]. To erase the conte nts of a prog ram mable fea ture button : Press [save] instead of dialing a code. Co n dit io n s †In some cas es, a use r m ay p rogr am a fe at ure bu tt on for a sp eci fic CO li ne al thoug h access is restricted to that line via system programming. In this situation, the te le phone i s s ti l l g over ned by syst e m pr ogr ammi ng a nd woul d s ti ll b e u nabl e to access the CO line if restricted. †Va li d f eat ur e c od es must b e i n t he for m of ei t her [F ] + [n] or [ F] + [n n] whe re F is t he fea tur e but ton and n i s e it he r a 1 -di gi t or 2- dig it c ode, i nc ludi ng ast er is k [ ✳]and pound [#] di ale d f rom the di al pa d. †Any fe atu re but ton pr ogra mmed wi th a code p re vious ly as sig ned to a di ffe r ent fea tu r e bu t to n wil l c au se t he pr evi o u sl y pro gr amm ed fea tu r e bu t to n to bec o me unas sig ned. DIR # bksp save c h g FTR CODE: __ bksp save chg FTR CODE: F bksp save chg If y ou dia l an inv ali d code , y ou wil l h ea r e rror ton e an d a n E x ecu tiv e Key Te lep hon e displ ay will show CODE UNAVAILABLE.