Vodavi Starplus Dhs-l Technical Manual
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Fla sh3-91 Chapt er 3 - Key Station Featu res , Opera tion , an d Programmin g Flash Des crip ti on When Flas h is a ccess ed, the system will generate a timed open loop flas h condition on any CO line . F las h s hould be programme d on a f eature b utton w hen the s ystem is use d be hind Centrex or PBX. If C all Wa iting se rv ice is prov id ed, you can us e the F la sh fe ature to answ er a secon d incomin g call while connecte d to anothe r outs ide p arty. Opera tion While on a CO line call: 1. Press [FEAT ]. 2 . Di al [3 ]. A n E xec ut iv e Te le phone wi ll di sp lay : ( CO l i ne loop is ope ned for t he p rogr amme d Fla sh T im e ). 3. At a n Exe cutive Telep hone, the disp lay re turns to the C O line con nected display f ollowing the fla sh time- out or 10 s econds la ter. Pro g ram mi ng Fl ash is t ypi c all y u sed on C O li nes t hat ar e equ ipp ed wit h s pec i al fe at ure s from t he telephone company such as Call Waiting. Flash may also be used on CO lines connected to a PBX or to Ce ntrex line s fo r ca ll tra nsfe r on those line s. The F las h tim e m ust be se t to c oinc i de wi th the r equ ir ed ti mi ng pa ra met er of t he con nec t ed li ne to ope ra te c or re c tl y. Typ ical l y a val ue f rom 60 0 t o 80 0 mse c i s us ed for the se fe at ure s. A hig her fl ash ti me may be se t to a llow the us er to in voke flash to res tore dia l tone on the connected CO line . T his se tt in g i s t ypi c al ly 1. 5 sec (15 0 0 mse c ). Defa ul t TheDHS- LFlash Time is set for 0.7 sec (700 msec), and is variable from 0.1 sec (100 msec) to 1. 5 sec (1500 mse c). Co n dit io n s †The Flash code may be stored in any speed dial bin. †TheFlashcodemaybestoredintheLastNumberRedialbuffer.Whenyouactivate re di al, an Exe cu ti ve Te l ephone d isp lay wi ll sh ow a/(forward slash) to indicate the Fla sh cod e. †The Fl ash ti me i s p rogr amma bl e f rom 100ms to 1500ms in incr eme nts of 100ms (1/10th of a se cond). †At a n Exe cutive Telep hone, when th e f las h code is d iale d a/(forward s las h) will b e displayed temporarily and then the display will return to the previous message unless oth er digits are d ialed. LINE xx x

3-92Flexible Line Assignment Ch apter 3 - Key Station Featu res , Operation , an d P rog rammin g †Si ngl e l i ne s ta ti ons cannot us e s ystem gene rate d ho ok-fl ash . Flexib le Line Ass ignmen t Des crip ti on A station may be assigned outgo ing access to any or all of the system CO lines in System Programm ing . Th e us er ma y program any C O line to app ear und er any one of 20 dual-colored f eature buttons . However, the line(s ) can not be used for outgoing ca lls unless granted outgoing privileges by the system administrator. A station programmed wit h L ine A ss ignm ent pr i vil eg es may re tr i eve he ld c al ls . Flexible Receive Assignm ent Des crip ti on Stations may be allowed to answer or retrieve from hold, specific CO lines assigned in sys te m programming. Re ceive as signmen ts should be as signed to any s ta tions that ne ed to answer incoming calls. A station does not have to hear ringing or be programmed with Flexible Ring Assignme nt in orde r to ans wer an incoming CO line . Als o, Ca ll Pickup can be used to answer the oldest incoming CO calls. During System Night Service operation, Ni ght Se rv ice st at ions wi ll r in g and can answe r al l incomi ng CO li ne s, re gar dle ss of the norm al Day mode configuration. Flexible Ring Assignment Des crip ti on A station can b e p rogram med to ring f or any, or all incoming C O lines . T he Ring As signme nt will not es ta blish ringing a t any station tha t does not also have the Rece ive Assignment enabled for the associated incoming CO line. In this situation, the CO line app ear ance woul d p rov ide a vi sual i ndi cati on only, wi thout t he ab il it y t o a nswe r the incom ing call b y Direct Line Button Acces s. A desig nated Nig ht Service station will re ceive aud ible ringing a nd can ans wer all line s whe n the sys te m is ope rating in the Ni ght Se rv ice mode .

Forced Tone Ringing3-93 Chapt er 3 - Key Station Featu res , Opera tion , an d Programmin g Forced Tone Ringing Des crip ti on In certa in env ironme nts whe re ba ckgro und noise is p re dominant or whe re s pea ker volume has been minimized, a station in Voice Announce mode may not hear your voice when you place an intercom call. This situation may be averted by using the Forced Tone Ringing fea ture. Afte r connection to a V oice Announce station, you ma y chan ge the alert si gnal at t he cal le d s ta ti on fr om Voice A nnounce t o Ton e Ri ng. Opera tion 1 . You hav e j us t pla ce d an i nte rcom cal l to a st at i on i n Voice A nnounce mode and cannot ge t a res pons e. At an Exe cutive Te lephon e, the display shows: 2. Dial [ ✳] to cha nge the a le rt sig nal at the calle d statio n from Voice Announce to Tone Ringing. At an Exe cutive Te le phone , the display s hows: 3. A Tone Ringing a le rt signal is s ent an d continue s at the ca ll statio n until an swered. 4. If your call remains unanswered, you may dial [[] aga in to re tu r n t o Vo i ce C all Announce mod e. Co n dit io n s †If you want to leave a Call Back request at a called station that doesnt answer, the alertsignalmustbesetforToneRinging. VOICE STA xxx msg STA xxx cbck msg

3-94Ho ld Ch apter 3 - Key Station Featu res , Operation , an d P rog rammin g Hol d Automatic Des crip ti on You may ena ble t his fe atu re on your t el eph one t o si mpl i fy cal l handl in g, av oid accid ent al lost calls, and assist call transfers. Automatic Hold will occur when you skip from line button to line button or in tercom call to outside call and vice-v ersa. For in stance, if you a re curre ntly on a call on Line 1 a nd pres s L ine 2, the ca ll on L ine 1 will be pl ac ed on H old aut omat ic a ll y. T he nee d t o p re ss [HO LD] is el i mina te d, exc e pt if you want t o pl ace a call on Excl usi ve Hol d. T hi s fe at ur e i s ide al for a tt end ant ope ra ti on. You can a nswe r an incoming ca ll and then pre ss the des ired DSS /BLF b utton to pla ce the int e rc om c all a nd pu t t he l ine on hold in one ac t ion. Opera tion To enab le / dis abl e: 1. Press [FEAT ]. 2. Dial [9] + [4]. During a te le phone conve rs ation on a line or an intercom ca ll: Pres s a different line button . T he f irst call is automatically pla ced on Exclusive Hold. Co n dit io n s †If you access an idle line and skip to another line before dialing, the first line will not be automatically placed on Hold. †If you have the Automatic Hold feature programmed on a feature button, the feature button lamp will light when the feature is enabled. †You can only see mem bers of a nother Tenant g roup when a ca ll is transf erred to you by that Te nant group. Call Abandon (Loop Supervision) Des crip ti on Each CO line ha s a progra mming option that directs the sys te m to mo nitor distant party disconnect or F alse Hold conditions . T his is a useful network f eature in b usy office env ironme nts whe re the ins ide p arty accide ntally press es the [ HOL D], [IC M] or [DS S] button while expecting the outside line conversation to be concluded. Anytime the sys tem detects a disconnect s igna l from the C entral Office, an ex is ting Hold condition will be re leas ed, free ing that line for future inbou nd tra ffic. Th e A utoma tic Ho ld fea ture p lace s a call o n E xclu si ve Hold .

Hold3-95 Chapt er 3 - Key Station Featu res , Opera tion , an d Programmin g Opera tion 1. While connected to any CO line: 2. Press [HOLD]. Co n dit io n s †The CO line mus t have loo p sup ervision interrup t sig nal from the loca l ca rrier upon disconnec t by the outside party. All types of Hold like System Hold, Exclusive Hold andConferenceHoldarerelatedtotheHoldCallAbandonfeature. †Certain C entra l Off ices do not provid e loop supervision. †If t he outs ide he ld par t y dis c onnec t s, th e s yst em wil l aut omat ic a ll y r el ea se t he h el d CO li ne. At d efa u lt , Cal l Ab an do n is en abl ed fo r al l CO li n e s. Call Answer/Sel ect Des crip ti on Call Answer allows a user to place and retrieve calls ON and OFF of hold by simply pressing the HOLD button. When multiple calls are holding at the station, Call Answer will acces s the CO lin e that ha s b een holding for the lon ges t period of time while placing the curren t ca ll on hold . Ca ll Answ er works f or all C O lines rega rdless of the station CO line but ton pr ogra mmi ng. Opera tion Pres s [ HOLD ]. A currently conne cte d call will be place d on hold. If there was a previously held call, this call is now connected. Co n dit io n s †Call Answer will also operate for intercom calls placed on hold. †If the person on Hold hangs up, the system will automatically release the held CO line. †Li ne a ppe ar ance is not r equi re d f or st ati on t o p ut call on hol d. CO LI NE 1 xx:xx If us ing C O l ine s for p agin g or e xte rnal d ev ice s , ass ig n de vic es to low es t ava ilab le l ine .

3-96Ho ld Ch apter 3 - Key Station Featu res , Operation , an d P rog rammin g Excl us ive Des crip ti on Whe n using the [F EAT] button and the [HOLD ] button togethe r, you m ay p lace a n outs id e ca ll on priva te hold. The he ld line will app ear in us e at other stations. Opera tion 1. Press [FEAT ]. 2. Press [HOLD]. Pro g ram mi ng Calls placed on Exclusive Hold will remain on Exclusive Hold for the duration of this timer. When the timer expires the holding line will change from Exclusive Hold flash to Recall Flash and ale rt the station use r w ith one tone ring ov er the te le phone spe ake r. Whe n the timer expires a second time and the CO line remains on hold the station will receive a se cond ale rt tone and the C O line holding co ndition will chan ge to Sys te m Hold s o that any station may access the holding line. Defa ul t TheDHS- LExclusiveHoldTimeissettofourminutes,andisvariablefrom0-8minutes (whe re 0 is infinite) . Co n dit io n s †The Exclusive Hold Timer must be set before programming Exclusive Hold feature. †When you place a CO line call on Exclusive Hold, the green lamp for that line at your te le phone wi ll f las h fa st and t he r e d l amp wil l li ght st e ady a t othe r st at ions . †A CO l i ne c a ll wil l be pla c ed on Sys te m Hol d aft e r t he Exc lu siv e Hol d t i me e xpi re s. Y ou will hear a tone alerting y ou tha t the timer has exp ired and your call is now o n System Hold. Th e g re en lam p at your tele phone will flash slowly and the red la mp a t othe r st at ions wi ll be gi n t o fl ash sl owly. †ExclusiveHoldisusedonlyforCOlinecalls. †The Exclusive Hold duration is programmable from 1-8 minutes in system pr ogra mmin g. Reminder Time Des crip ti on The sy st em pro vid es a p rogr amm abl e ti mer t o r em ind you t hat a cal l has be en l e ft on System or Exclusive Hold. When enabled, you will hear one ring tone repeated each time the s el ec t ed ti me e xpir e s. TheHoldRemindertimeis systemprogrammableandcanbe setfor:0 (disabled),10,30, 60, o r 90 second s.

Hold3-97 Chapt er 3 - Key Station Featu res , Opera tion , an d Programmin g Pro g ram mi ng The Remind Time can be programmed to alert stations of calls that have been placed on System Ho ld at their station. The station that placed a call on System Hold will hear a reminder tone over the key telephone speaker once each time the Remind Time expires until the CO Line is ans wered, or the ca ll is d is connected . Defa ul t TheDHS- LRemind Time is set for 30 sec, and is variable fro m 0/10/30/60/90 sec. Co n dit io n s †Hold Rem ind er app lies to both intercom and CO line calls . †Hol d Rem ind er app li es t o CO l ine cal ls t hat ar e on Sy st em Hold, Excl usi ve Hold or Screened Transfer Hold. Sys te m Des crip ti on You ma y place any CO line on Sys tem Hold by one bu tton op eration of [HOLD ]. W hen you place a line on System Hold, the green lamp for that line will flash at the I-Hold rate. This System Hold line will flash the red lamp at all other stations. Opera tion While on a line, the green lamp for that line is I-Use flashing (double wink rate): Press[HOLD].Thegreenlampnowflashesataslowrateandthecallisplacedon Sys te m Hol d. Co n dit io n s †Pres sing [H OLD ] will place a co nference on Exclus iv e H old if you a re the controlling party and you temporarily exit to add another party. †Whe n an int er c om c a ll (c onfe re nc e) is pl ac e d on Hold, th e s te ady la mp i ndi c at ion of the othe r sta tion(s ) will not cha nge. †I-Hold Indication allows you to distinguish between a call you placed on hold at your telephone a nd calls placed on hold at other telep hones . Wh en you place a ca ll on System Hold, the associated line lamp will flash at the System Hold rate but will light green. The same held CO line at other stations will flash at the System Hold rate but will light red. An y party wh o i s pl ace d on H old will h ear music , on ly if ava ilab le thr ough th e ex tern al mus ic s ourc e co nne ctio n.

3-98Hot Dia l Pa d Ch apter 3 - Key Station Featu res , Operation , an d P rog rammin g Hot D i a l Pa d Des crip ti on When the Hot Dial Pad feature is enabled, the telephone keypad can be operated while the telephone receiver is on-hook. When this feature is not enabled, the telephone key pad can only be operated whe n the te le phone rece iv er is off -hook. Opera tion To allow or d eny (tog gle) op eration of the Hot Dial Pad: Pre ss [FE AT ] + [# ] + [6]. Hot L i ne (R i ng Dow n) Des crip ti on This fea ture allows you to use the a ssociated enha nced , e xecutiv e or s ing le line telephone (SLT) port for automatic signaling to a predetermined destination. When the fea ture is e nabled , the des tination is s igna le d wh ene ver that tele phone goe s off -hook. You ma y hook- flash at the te le phone whe re the fea ture is e nabled so tha t y ou can re que st in te rcom dial tone to p erform other fun ctions a nd cha nge or dis able th e f eature when no delay time is programmed. You can set up the Hot Line feature to call another Telephone, H unt/Voice Ma il Group, Paging Zone, CO line or CO line Group. Pro g ram mi ng ENHANCEDTEL EP HO N E S-- 1. Press[FEAT]+ [9]+ [ ✳]. The di spl ay shows: 2. Enter desired destination. 3 . Di al th e d el ay t i me (0- 9) se co nds. (0 = i mme di ate , 1 -9 = de la y i n se conds) E XE CUTIVETELE PH O N ES-- 1. Press[FEAT]+ [9]+ [ ✳]. The di spl ay shows: 2. Press [chg]. 3. Enter desired destination. 4 . Pr es s [ save ]. T he di spl ay s hows: HOTLINE TO : NULL chg imm ediate dela y

Hour Mod e S e le ct io n3-99 Chapt er 3 - Key Station Featu res , Opera tion , an d Programmin g 5. Press [delay]. 6 . Di al th e d el ay t i me (1- 9) se co nds. Canc el Di al [✳]+ [9]+ [✳]. Opera tion 1. Go of f-hook. 2 . Wai t f or the de la y t im e t o e xpi re . Co n dit io n s †Op er at ion of Hot Li ne t o a St ati on, Spe ed Di al Bi n or CO li ne, t hat i s not va li d or pr o gra mmed, re sul t s i n an er r o r to ne . †If used for 911 (emergency), it must be tested regularly to verify proper operation. Hou r M od e Se le ct i on Des crip ti on St anda rd 12 -hour t im e or mi li ta ry 24 -hou r t im e ca n be se le cte d for common dis pla y at al l Executive Key Telephones. The correct system time is entered in system programming along with the Hour Mo de S election , from any Exe cutive Key T elep hone s ta tion us ing the sys te m p rogramming pas sword. T he AM and PM indication s a re not displaye d. Pro g ram mi ng The di sp lay ed hour for mat at E xec ut iv e Ke y T el ep hones ma y be s el ec t ed for 2 4- hour or 12 -ho u r f o rma t. Whe n pro grammi ng re late d fea ture s, mi lita ry 24-ho ur time is r efe ren ced .

3-100In t e r c o m C al l Ch apter 3 - Key Station Featu res , Operation , an d P rog rammin g In t er c om Ca l l Des crip ti on All intercom calls are made by dialing the stationunique 3-digitDHS- Lin te rc om numbe r. If a station fea ture button is p rogramm ed a s a BL F/DSS butto n, it ma y be use d to pla ce a n inte rcom call. Any in te rcom call ca n be place d ha nds- fre e without lif ting the hand set. However, acoustic conditions a t the local and /or d istant s ta tion m ay d ictate the use of the ha ndse t to achieve op timum voice conne ction. Each station user determines how intercom ca lls a re receiv ed; either in Voice Anno unce mode or Tone Ringing. The intercom calling station can force the called station from Voice Announce mode to T one Ring mode by press ing [ ✳]afterdialingthestation numbe r. Opera tion To place an ICM call: 1. Dial theDHS-L3-digit station number on the telephone dial pad. 2. Ring back tone is he ard or if the calle d s ta tion is in Voice Announce mod e, a connection is automatically selected. 3. If the called station is busy, busy tone is heard. 4. If the called busy station has Call Wait enabled, ringback tone is heard. Ot h er D is pl a y s: †When the station is in DND: CALL ING STA xxx cbck m sg VOICE CAL L xxx ms g STA xxx BUS Y cbck m sg next STA xxx WAIT cbck m sg STA xxx DND