Vodavi Starplus Dhs-l Technical Manual
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Cam p O n3-71 Chapt er 3 - Key Station Featu res , Opera tion , an d Programmin g 2. Press [camp]. The display shows: 3. Ifthelineisalreadycamped-on,thedisplayshows: 4. You will hear ringing when the line becomes available and the display will show: To ca nc el : Hang up h andse t. Co n dit io n s †CO lines can be camp ed- on by one station at a time. †Stations can Camp On one bus y CO line at a time . †The Camp On Alerting Ring Time is 30 seconds. If the camp on goes unanswered during the 30 second ring time, the camp on is canceled. †CO lines tha t hav e be en campe d will re call the Camp On initiator. The camp ed CO line will become available to other stations if the camped station fails to answer within 30 seconds. †Camp On at a station using a Pooled Group button f or acces s of CO lines, is the sa me as that of a station with CO line button appearances, except that, to answer a Camp On, t he user m ust l ift t he hand set t o b e c onne c t ed to the c am ped CO li ne. †During the time tha t the Ca mp On is re calling the in itia tor, a ne w incoming call will ta ke pr ec ed enc e over C amp On and wil l be ans wer ed when the s ta ti on goe s off- hook. †If Ca mp On invoked, CO or station mus t remain off- hook. CAMP ON CO LN x CAMP ON FAILURE LN x CO LI NE x CO LI NE CA MP DEL

3-72Ca mp On Ch apter 3 - Key Station Featu res , Operation , an d P rog rammin g Bu sy St a ti on Des crip ti on Camp On is used to privately alert a busy station for immediate consultation. Camp On alert tone is heard at the busy station every 30 seconds as a reminder. The party currently speaking with the busy station does not hear the tone. Opera tion ENHANCEDTEL EP HO N E S-- Whi le l is te ning to th e b usy tone af te r ca ll in g a st at ion, di al [#] . E XE CUTIVETELE PH O N ES-- 1 . Whi le l is te ning to th e b usy tone af te r ca ll in g a st at ion, t he d is pla y wi ll s how: 2. Press [next]. The display will show: 3. Press [camp]. The display will show: You will hea r a conf irmation tone, followed by, Mu sic- On- Hold (if equipped) until your Camp On is a nswe re d. Whe n the camp ed- on s tation place s the current ca ll on hold, or hangs up, the Ca mp On w ill ring a t the s tation. 4 . If t he ca mpe d-on st at ion has al re ady re ce i ved a C amp On from a dif fer ent s ta ti on, you r C amp On will be de nie d; you will he ar an error tone and the d is pla y will s how: Co n dit io n s †Each st at ion can ha ve only one Camp O n at a t ime . STA xxx B U SY cb ck m s g n e x t STA xxx BUS Y ca m p v oi c e CAMP ON TO xxx CAMP ON FAILURE

Cla ss o f Ser v ice (COS)3-73 Chapt er 3 - Key Station Featu res , Opera tion , an d Programmin g Class of Serv ice (COS) Day/Night Des crip ti on The system provides eight COSs for assignment of outside line dialing privileges. Each system station may be assigned one Day COS and one Night COS. The station COS is primarily used for restriction and control of long distance dialing. Toll restriction tables al low c ust omiz e d di al ing pr iv il ege s to be ass igne d t o a ny or a ll CO Ss . T hi s C OS is di re c t ly referenced in the Restriction, CO Line Call Discrimination, Digit Interval Table pr ogra mmi ng. Sys te m S pee d Dia l is spe cia ll y l i nked wit h COS s uch t hat al l spe ed di al bi ns ov er ri de t oll re st ri c t io n pro g ram ming i n t he to l l re st ri c ti o n t ab le s. It s ho uld be no t ed th at st at io ns assigned COS (0-7) have access to all System Speed Dial Bins (600-699). St at ions as si gned CO S 6 can onl y a ccess S yst em Spe ed Di al Bi ns (2 0 -3 9). St at i ons ass ign ed COS 7 ha ve no a cce ss to Sys te m S pe ed Dial. COS affe cts the station override of DND where a station witha lowerlevelCOS canbe overriddenby a stationwitha higher le ve l of CO S. For i nst ance , a n e xte nsi on wi t h CO S 0 may ove rr ide a st at ion wi th CO S 1 . COS also affects the operation of Intrusion Release. Stations with equal or greater levels of C OS may join a b usy C O line convers ation when Intrusion Release is enabled . F or exa mpl e, a s ta ti o n a ssi gne d C OS 1 may jo i n a CO l in e c o nv er sat i o n wi th a sta ti o n ass ign ed CO S 1 or l ower . Opera tion St at ion CO S i s as si gned in syst e m pr ogra mmi ng and is not a fe at ure t hat re qui re s s peci fi c operating instru ctions. A stations COS will determine what digit sequences may be di ale d on CO l ine s. Refe r t o“Cal l Di scri minati on”. D ay Cl as s o f Ser vi ce (CO S) Each st at ion may be ass ig ned one Cl ass Of Se rv ice (C OS ) for t he Day sys te m m ode of ope ration. T his C OS is dire ctly re fere nced in the Re striction, CO Line Call Discrimination, Digit Interval Table programming. COS also dictates which stations will be given the privilege of Overriding DND and joining an existing CO line conversation via the Intrusion Release feature. COS 0 is considered the highest level where COS 7 is the lowest. COS also dictates the stations ability to u se System Speed Dial. Defa ul t DHS-Lstation Day Class of Service is set to [0], and the range is 0-7. Th e hig hes t lev e l C OS is 0 (th e mo st dia lin g p riv ile ge) and the lo wes t CO S le ve l (le as t d ial ing priv il ege ) is 7.

3-74CO Line Ch apter 3 - Key Station Featu res , Operation , an d P rog rammin g Relate d Programm ing Refer to“In tr u sio n (Pr iva c y )”,“Call Discri minati on”,and“S peed Dialing (A BBR)”. Ni ght Cl as s o f Ser vi ce ( CO S ) Ni ght CO S s pe ci fi cal ly al lows t he p rogr am mer t o as si gn a di ffe re nt mode of oper at ion t o any station for System Night Mode operation. Defa ul t DHS-LStation Night Class of Service is set to [0], and the range is from 0-7. Relate d Programm ing Refer to“In tr u sio n (Pr iva c y )”,“Call Discri minati on”,and“S peed Dialing (A BBR)”. CO Line Assignment Des crip ti on CO Line Assignment allows complete flexibility of CO line access privileges. Each station in the s ystem may be progra mmed to be a llowed or den ied access of a ny of th e C O lines . Pro g ram mi ng A CO Line Type is selected to identify specific CO lines. CO Type designates a typical CO line connection. PBX Typ e d es igna te s a CO lin e p osition that is con nected to a PBX line (an extens ion off of an other telephone s ystem) . This designation will cause system software to search the PBX code entry of digits dialed on a line marked PBX so that toll restriction may be applied following the PBX code. In addition, Last Number Redial, Auto Busy Redial and the Saved Dialed Number features will reference the programmed PBX code to insert a Pause between the PBX code and the remaining dialed digits. Co py- - C O Line C opy i s pr ovid ed to ass is t in prog ram ming mul ti pl e CO li ne s wi t h t he sam e d ata. F ollow the displaye d instructions to copy one C O line data f ie ld to another. Parameters- - Allows the prog ram ming of various CO Line Attribute s s o that the syste m may be customi ze d to me et the cli e nts ne eds . Dialin g Type Selectio n- - D ia li ng t ype i s a se le c t ion of e it her T one (DT M F) d ial i ng or P uls e ( Rot ar y) dia li ng. Defa ul t †DHS-LC O L ine Typ e Ass ign ment is s et fo r C O, a nd can be chang ed to: PBX/EMPT Y/ PAG E /CO . †All stations have access to CO Lines Y (YES). †TheDHS- LCO ra nge is from 700-795 (Y/N).

CO Lin e3-75 Chapt er 3 - Key Station Featu res , Opera tion , an d Programmin g †The Di al in g Ty pe is se t for Ton e ( DTM F) Di al ing , and can be tog gle d f rom Tone /P ul se . Co nn ect i ng Two Sy st em s Us in g T- 1 Des crip ti on Whe n t yin g t wo sy st ems t oget he r w it h a T1 l ine , an out si de T1 ca nnot be use d. Onl y one T1 card can be installed into aDHS-Lphone system. When changes are made to T1 settings, the system must be reset in order for the new change s t o t ak e a ffe ct. †A straight-through T1 cable is needed. †Both sys te ms must hav e t he sa me T1 se tt i ngs. Pro g ram mi ng T-1 Settings Af te r ent er i ng D ata bas e Pr ogra mmi ng: 1. Go toLine Applicatio ns,thenT1 Card Category 1in DO S/ DBA . 2. Enter the following settings: †Fra ming Type = ES F †Zer o Cod e S uppr es si on Cod e = B8 ZS †DI D S ign al = DTMF †DI D Le ngt h = 3 †Return Dial Tone to Y †SetChannelTypestoWinkStartE&MwithnoANIonalllines. Te n a n t G r o u p Des crip ti on The system provides 24 CO Line Groups for assignment of specific CO lines. The CO Line Grou p as sig nmen t is us ed for CO Lin e Pool acces s. The CO Line G roups are des igna ted by 2-digit notatio n when programmed on station programmable feature buttons. CO Line Grou p 1 is p rogramm ed by d ialing [01] , C O L ine Group 2 is progra mmed by dialing [02], etc.AnAllCOLineGroupcodeisavailableforprogrammablefeaturebuttonassignment by dialing [00] for that feature button. At default, all CO Lines are assigned to Group 1. Pro g ram mi ng The re a re 2 4 CO li ne gr oup a ssi gnme nt s t hat ma y be a ssi gne d t o CO l in es. Gr oupi ng i s usua lly done to s egme nt CO lin es into te nant group. CO line grouping a llows s ystem users to dial access to a pa rticu lar ten ant by group access codes . Whe n CO lin e g roups are acce sse d the hig her numb er idle C O line is se le cte d a s the firs t choice. F or exa mple, if CO lines ( 4- 6) are in the group d ialed for a ccess the g roup is searchedforanidleCOlinefromCOline6,thenCOline5,etc.

3-76CO Line Ch apter 3 - Key Station Featu res , Operation , an d P rog rammin g Defa ul t TheDHS- LCO Line Grou p Ass ignm ent is Group 1, the available G roup ra nge is from 1-24. Receive Assignment Des crip ti on R ec e ive A ss ign ment a ll ows f le xib il it y of CO l i ne i nc omi ng s ign ali ng. St at ions i n t he system may be programmed to follow CO line ringing condition of any of the CO lines. This is not a ring as signme nt; ra the r a me ans of re stricting ce rta in s ta tions f rom a ccess ing CO line s that are ringin g. Wh en s et to Y the s ta tion CO line button (if programme d on the telephone) will flash incoming ring flash while calls come into the system on that CO line. Defa ul t Al lDHS-Ls ta tions have acce ss to incoming ring ing CO Lin es (Y), a nd the C O ran ge is from 700-795. Automatic Selection Des crip ti on This fea ture allows you to access a specif ic ou tside line or intercom (ICM) a utom atically when you lift th e ha ndse t or press [S PKR] . A line will not be accessed automatically when your telephone is receiving an incoming call (outside or intercom) or a line is recalling at your telephone. However, you may override this incoming call priority operation by pre-selecting an outgoing line before li ft ing t he h andse t . Opera tion ENHANCEDTEL EP HO N E S-- 1. Press [FEAT ]. 2. Dial [9] + [5] + [0 or 1] + (Route numbe r) + [9] . 3 . Di al th e f oll owin g c ode s t o s el ec t t he it em you wa nt the t el ep hone to ac c es s automatically: [0] - intercom, [1] - specific CO line number or route number from Route Table. 4. Dial desired CO number (700-795). E XE CUTIVETELE PH O N ES-- 1. Press [FEAT ]. 2. Dial [9] + [5]. T he dis play s hows: SEL ECT : ICM IC M line route

CO Lin e3-77 Chapt er 3 - Key Station Featu res , Opera tion , an d Programmin g 3. Se le ct [ICM], the display shows : 4 . Se le c t [l ine ], t he di spl ay shows: 5 . Pr es s [ save ], t he di spl ay shows: 6. Se le ct [ro ute ], the display shows: To Cancel Automatic Selection: E XE CUTIVETELE PH O N ES-- 1. Press [FEAT ]. 2. Dial [ ✳]+ [9]+ [5]. E NHANCEDTEL EP HO N E S-- 1. Press [FEAT ]. 2. Dial [ ✳] + [9] + [5]. Co n dit io n s †A Li ne Pr ogra mmed for Autom ati c Li ne Se l ection must b e p rogr amm ed as avai la ble for acces s in syst em pr ogra mmi ng. †When Automatic Line Selection is set to EMPTY, you will not hear a dial tone when you lif t the han dset or press [SPKR]. Howev er, you may still dial intercom n umbers. Call Di scrimi natio n Des crip ti on The system pro vides 100 digit interval tables to apply call restrictions. Each table is comprised of four data fields: From, To, DAY ALLOWED and NIGHT ALLOWED. The From and To data fields allow the programmer to enter a range of allowed digits up to 10 digits each in length. This flexibility allows the programmer to enter only the digits significant to the d ial i ng r es tr ic t io n de si re d. SEL ECT ICM DIR # : __ __ bksp s ave chg LINE : xxx dir num ber DIR # : __ __ bksp s ave chg

3-78CO Line Ch apter 3 - Key Station Featu res , Operation , an d P rog rammin g Consider the default entry in Table bin 001 where the From entry is 0 and the To entry is # (refer toTa b l e 3 - 1 5). I n t hi s ca se , (de faul t ) st at i ons a ssi gne d a CO S corr es pondi ng t o t he table (default) can dial any telephone number so long as the first dialed digit is a 0-#. A spe c if ic nu mber m ay b e a ll owed for an y CO S by u sin g a ta ble e ntr y wit h a c onst r ic t ed ra nge. Cons ide r a t ab le pr ogr amme d a s: From 1 80 0 To 18 0 0. Thi s ta ble e ntr y all ows th e us er assigned the associated COS to dial only numbers beginning with 1800. Defa ul t TheDHS- Lde faul t set t ing s of ass oc ia te d C O Line C all D is c ri min ati on D ig it I nte r val dat a fi el ds a re : †TABLE BIN: 001 (0-#) †COS 0 = Y †COS 1 -7 = N Pro g ram mab le Ra nge †Table Bins: = Range 001-100 †Digits (allowable) = 0000000000-9999999999,##########,SSSSSSSSSS †DAY/N IGH T COS = Range 0-7 ( Y/N ) Sign alin g Des crip ti on Incom ing CO line calls are ind icate d by a fla shing red LED and distinctive tone from the key telepho ne s pe aker. De pend ing on the progra mmed datab ase , a station may se e incom ing call f las h i ndi cat ion wit hout an audi bl e i ndi cat ion, and st i ll ans wer t he cal l. If the s ta ti o n i s no t ass igne d C O Lin e R e c ei ve i n t he d at abas e fo r a s pe ci fi c CO l in e, inc om ing c all s on t hat C O l i ne wil l not fl ash at th e s ta ti on b ut ins te ad wil l di spl ay a CO li ne busy i ndic a ti on. Tabl e 3 -1 5: Rest ri ct i on Dat a ( Exam pl e) CO Ca ll Discrimination Interva l (de fault s how n)FROM (10 digits max)TO (10 digits max)Day Allowed (COS) Night Allowed (COS) 012345670123 4567 001 0 # YNNNNNNNYNNNNNNN 002 003 004 005

CO Lin e3-79 Chapt er 3 - Key Station Featu res , Opera tion , an d Programmin g Opera tion Incom ing calls signaling on C O line 1 and CO Line 2 dis pla y a s follows: Co n dit io n s †Only thos e s ta tions with correspon ding CO line ring and receiv e a ssignments disp lay current incoming CO line ca ll status. CO line re ceive must b e e nab le d for the station. †When the remote party abandons the incoming call before it is answered, the incoming call s igna ling o f the affected CO line will be removed af ter (1. 6 to 6.4 s ec.), dep end ing on the connected CO. †Only the attenda nt is allowe d to rece ive e xte rnal CO line ring and can a nswer a ll inc omi ng CO li ne c all s. Ty pe A ssi gnme nt Des crip ti on Each CO line can be as sig ned as PBX , C O, EMPTY, or PAGE. The Em pty Assignme nt is re se rv ed f or CO li nes eq uip ped on t he s yst em , but not c onne c te d t o t el ep hone c ompany net wor k fa c il it i es. Empty Type(ope n de signation) alerts the sys te m that this CO line shou ld not be used to pl ace outgo ing call s when sys te m f eat ur es ar e invok ed which ini t ia te aut omat i c CO l ine se le cti on. PB X CO L ine Ty p einvokes other system automatic operations for handling PBX Station- to- Station calls and PBX trun k calls , s epa ra tely . Wh en a programmed PBX trunk acces s code is dialed, the s yste m is a le rted that the us er is acces sin g a te le phone comp any facility to make a network call. When this occurs, the system monitors digits dialed after the PBX access code and compares them against the Allowed Digit Interval Table in the COS f or tha t station. The programmed PBX Trunk acces s code a lso notifies the sys tem tha t a p ause s hould be in ser t ed when re di ali ng te le phone numb er s d ia le d on tha t CO line be ginning with the PBX a cce ss code . T his ope ra tion a pplie s for Spe ed Dial, La st Numbe r Redi al , Sav e D ia le d Num ber , User S ave Nu mber Re di al, and A utom ati c Bus y Redial. Pa ge Ty p eis de si gnat ed so a C O Line c an be use d a s a pa ging por t. Doi ng s o t ake s a CO li ne out of H unt, so it wi ll not b e ac c es sed by pr ess ing 9 . CO L ine Ty p e As s ignm e ntindicates that the CO line is a dire ct te le phone compa ny facility acce ss CO line . T oll Re striction m onitoring is comme nced from the first d igit di ale d a nd no oth er sp ec i al c al l h andl ing c har ac t er is ti c s a re i mpl eme nt ed on CO l i nes of thi s ty pe. A t def ault , CO l ine t ype is s et t o CO for a ll C O l i nes . LINE INCOMING --> 1/1

3-80CO-Use In di ca tion Ch apter 3 - Key Station Featu res , Operation , an d P rog rammin g CO-Use Indication Des crip ti on When you are using a CO line, the associated lamp will light green and flash at a double- wink rate a t your te le phone . This lamp will light s te ady red at oth er teleph ones . Co n fe ren c e Su per vis ed Des crip ti on The system can accommodate 8 four-member (party) conferences simultaneously. Confe r ence combi nation s ma y cons is t of two C O l i nes maxi mum and any n umbe r o f st at ions t o a maxi mum o f four me mbe rs . O ne in sid e key te le phone s tat i on i s t he controlle r of the confe re nce a nd cons titute s one con ference me mbe r. To establish a conference while on a line: 1. Press [HOLD]. The current call is placed on hold and intercom dial tone is heard. 2. Pres s a nother line button. 3 . Di al th e s econd par t y. (Re pea t St eps 1- 3 to add a t hi rd par t y). 4 . To jo in the pa r ti es in a co n fer enc e, P re ss [FE AT ]. 5. Dial [6] + [0]. T he dis play s hows: 6 . You wi ll he ar a c onfi rma ti on t one and mome nta ri ly t he d is pla y wi ll c han ge to: To add a fou rt h pa rt y: 1. Press [HOLD]. 2 . Di al th e f our th par t y. 3. Press [FEAT ]. 4. Dial [6] + [0]. Befor e a con fere nce c an b e establ ishe d wit h a maxi mum of four memb ers, a thr ee -memb er conference mustfirstbe established. CON FER EN CE LNx s s private f orce d