Vodavi Starplus Dhs-l Technical Manual
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DHS- L Ge n er al D esc rip tio n 2-13 Ch apter 2 - Description a n d In stallation LCOB-8 Board 8- Circuit Loop Start (LCOB-8) provides a ll outbound and inb ound ca ll sup ervision on the nece ssa ry circuitry for the conne ction of eight CO lin es. Th e n omina l imp eda nce of ea ch CO l ine ci rcui t is 6 00 .DTMF, dial pulse, or a combination of both may be used for outb ound ca lls. Lin es 1 and 2 of each L COB- 8 are con nected to power- fail ports (on the RJ-21X block) d uring p ower outage s. All conne ctions to the LC OB- 8 are ma de through a 24-p in champ amph enol-type connector. Figure 2-8: LCOB-8 (8-Circuit Loop Start Board) DT IB- 8 Boa rd Each 8- Ci rcui t Di git al I nt er face Boar d ( DTI B-8 ) s uppor t s up to 8 st at ions . E ach s ta ti on i s connected to the DTIB-8 through a single twisted wire pair. A s ingle 24-p in champ amph enol-type connector, located on the front pan el of the card, provid es th e wiring to the card. If the SLA box is used, for each digital station, two-analog stations are available.. Fi gure 2 -9 : DT IB-8 (8 -Ci rcui t Di gi ta l T el epho ne Bo ard) Ω

2-14 D HS - L G e n er al D e s cr ip t io n Ch apter 2 - Des crip tion and Ins tallation DT IB- 16 Board Each 16-C ircuit D ig ital Interf ace Board (DTIB-16) supp orts u p to 16 stations . Each s ta tion is c onnec t ed to the 1 6- Ci rc ui t D igi t al Te le phone boar d t hr ough a s ing le twi st ed wir e pai r. A single 36-pin cha mp a mphe nol- ty pe connector, locate d on the front p ane l o f the card , pr ovid es th e w ir ing to th e c a rd. Figure 2-10: DTIB-16 (16- Circuit Digital Te le phone Board) SLIB-16 Board The 1 6- Ci rcui t SLT boar d s uppor ts up t o 1 6 SLT s, both touch -t one a nd pul se di al ing. Ea ch station is conne cte d to the 16-C ircuit S LT Ca rd using a single-twisted wire pair, and a single 36-pin cha mp a mphenol- typ e con nector loca ted on the front pa nel of the ca rd pr ovid es th e w ir ing to th e c a rd. Figure 2-11: SLIB-16 (16-Circuit SLT Board)

DHS- L Ge n er al D esc rip tio n 2-15 Ch apter 2 - Description a n d In stallation Digita l Key T ele phon es TheDHS- Lsupports two proprietary digital key telephones (Enhanced and Executive). All key telepho ne m odels operate on one single twisted pa ir and provide D/A and A/D convers ion a t the term inal. T hes e k ey telephones sup port hot key pad for dia ling digits at any ti me . En hanced Key Tele phone The E nhance d Ke y T elephon e is fully equippe d f or hands -free , s pea kerphon e op eration. This key te le phone ha s a tota l of 28 buttons , e igh t buttons are for fixed function s . Twenty buttons are user-programmable feature buttons equipped and dual color LED with pre-assigned default settings for quick power up operation. These buttons are arra nged in five rows and four columns. Beg inning at th e top le ft button they are assigned the following default values; Station 201-212, CO line 764-769, HF/Tone and Message Waitin g. The Enha nced Ke y T elephon e is also e quippe d with a 12-ke y Dial Pa d for dialing intercom numbers, system feature codes, and telephone network numbers on CO lines. Fi g u r e 2- 12 : E n ha n ced Ke y Te le p h on e Each telephone is equipped w ith an Additional Device Port (ADP) located on the unde rs ide of the p hone for use r- frie ndly conne ction of analog d evices (a nswe ring machines, faxes, modems, cordless telephones, etc.). An analog adapter is required for thi s por t to be equi ppe d for use as an ext ens ion of t he sys te m.

2-16 D HS - L G e n er al D e s cr ip t io n Ch apter 2 - Des crip tion and Ins tallation Ex ec ut i v e K ey Te l ep hone The E xecut iv e Ke y T el ep hone mode l has a 2 x 16 , 3 2 -char act er S upe r T wi st LCD di spl ay , with three interactive So ft Buttons to enhance system features operatio n. The S uper T wis t LCD elimina te s the ne ed for contras t adjustme nt and enha nces angled viewing position clarity of displayed data. A visual reference to call progress and call dur at ion, as wel l as ti me and dat e in form at ion, is di spl aye d. The di sp lay al so e nab le s t he Exe c uti ve K ey Te le phone us er t o se nd a nd r ec e iv e v is ual adv is ory and ca ll bac k mes sag es. The E xecutiv e m odel telep hone is fully eq uipp ed for hand s-f re e, spe ake rp hone ope ration, a nd e nable s ha nds- fre e outg oing and incoming calls. Thesame20ProgrammableFeatureButtonsareavailableontheExecutivemodel,ason the E nhance d mod el, with e ight f ixe d fun ction buttons. Figure 2-13: Executive Key Telephone Each telephone is equipped with an ADP located on the underside of the phone for use r- frien dly conne ction of analog d evices (a nswe ring ma chine s, faxe s, mode ms, cordless phones, etc.). An analog adapter is required for this port to be equipped for use as an e xt ens ion of t he sys te m.

DHS- L Ge n er al D esc rip tio n 2-17 Ch apter 2 - Description a n d In stallation Dire ct Statio n Sel ector (DSS ) Co ns ole A Di re c t St at ion Se le c tor (D SS) Cons ole i s a ls o av ail ab le on t heDHS- L. Four D SS Cons oles may be ass ig ned to a s ta ti on. E ac h DSS Con sole us es one Di git al S ta ti on P or t. TheDSSConsolebuttonsareprogrammedbytheStationUserusingtheFEAT+#+4 command , then pres sing the button on the DSS to be p rogramme d. Fe at ure s ar e sep ar at ed i nt o two dis ti nct cate gor ie s for pr ogr ammi ng on a but ton : CO li ne or station. Figure 2-14: DSS Console

2-18 D HS - L G e n er al D e s cr ip t io n Ch apter 2 - Des crip tion and Ins tallation 2-Port Analog Adapter A 2- Port Analog Ada pter is optionally ava ilable which will sup port m ost auxiliary equipme nt within a bus ine ss en vironme nt such as fax m achines, ans wering de vices and Single Line Telephones (SLT). Each adapter requires an unused digital station port and will yield two a nalog de vice interface s. The 2-Port Ana log Ad apter is a wa ll mount a pparatus tha t is powered f rom the KS U. T he ada pter receives b oth voice cha nnels and data control from the KS U, over one pa ir of wire s. T he 2- Port Analog Ada pter ge nerates + 30V D C a nd 20- 25Hz, 50V s quare wave ringing fo r op eration of S LTs , f ax ma chine s, ans wering de vice s, and most mo dems . All te rm ina tions are b y RJ-11 conne ction. When used with the DTIB-8 (only), the analog Adapter utilizes the B1 channel for voice tip/ring connectio n to one ana log station, and th e B2 cha nnel for the other. D chann el provid es port control to and from the KSU. The ad apter p rovide s two D TMF re ceive rs (one for ea ch an alog port) . Third party ana log d evices conne cte d to th e 2-Port Ana log Ada pter must ge nerate DTMF si gnal ing (P uls e/ rot ar y di al te l ephon es/ e quip ment ar e not s uppor t ed). The 2- P ort A nal og Ad apter p rovides a deq uate ho usin g sp ace for one 2- Port Analog E xpa nsion. Figure 2-15: 2-Port Analog Adapter Loo p discon ne ct and me ssa ge wa itin g lamps are not supp orte d by th e an alog adapt er. DTIB-8 (2-1) Th e Por t An alog A dap ter o nly i s s up porte d on th e 8-po rt DT IB- 8.

DHS- L Ge n er al D esc rip tio n 2-19 Ch apter 2 - Description a n d In stallation Tw o - P o r t A n a l o g E x p a n d e r A 2-Port Analog Expander module is optionally available and is designed to be installed ins id e the 2-Port Analog Ada pter hous ing. T he 2-Port Analog Ex pande r provides the sam e i nt er face cap abi li ti es of the 2 -Por t An alog A dapt e r a nd i s in fact compr i sed of the sam e c i rc ui t bo a rd use d i nsi de the 2 -P o r t An alo g A dapt e r. Fi gure 2-1 6: 2 -Port Ana log Ex pa nder Th e 2 -Por t An alog E xp and er re qui res its own, d edi cate d dig italDHS- Lport for operation. Loo p discon ne ct and me ssa ge wa itin g lamps are not supp orte d by th e an alog adapt er.

2-20 D HS-L Tec hn i ca l Sp ec if ic a tion Ta bl es Ch apter 2 - Des crip tion and Ins tallation DHS-L Techn ical Specification Tables Table 2-4: Digital Hybrid System Capacities Component Description S y s tem Pr og ra mmi ng Mem or y Pr otec ti on 30 0 Ho ur s on a f ull y -ch ar ged b at ter y ( i nter na l N im h batter y requir es 14 co nt inuo us-power ed hours o f syst em o per at io n to b eco me fu lly c ha rg ed.) Po rt s: CO /P BX /C ent rex Li nes Di gi tal Stati on s St a nd a r d SLT s 24 Dig ital COs DS S C on s ol e s96 (Note: 0 stations max. with this configuration.) 14 4 (No te: 0 c op p er li nes m ax . w ith th is c on fig ura ti on .) 14 4 (No te: 0 d ig it al stati on s max. wit h t his con fig ur at ion .) 24 Di gi tal T1 c han nel s 12 ma xi mu m DTMF Receivers: LCO B 8 T1 DT M F2(8 COlines) 2(24 channels) 8 DTMF Senders U nl imi ted. (DTMF signal generatio n is derived from the core system tone resour ce. Tone com bi nati ons are available as nee ded.) Tone Detectors (used to monitor call progress tones: Busy, Ri ng-back tones, etc.): LCO B 8 T1 DT M F R e ce iv e r B oa rd2 (Shared for advanced cal l processing system feat ures; DISA; ECF; ABR) 1 (Shared for advanced cal l processing system feat ures; DISA; ECF; ABR) 8 (Shared for advanced cal l processing system feat ures; DISA; ECF; ABR) C on ta c ts 2 L B C con ta c t is av a ila b le v ia t he MI SB. Conference Circ ui ts Four-part y c onference c irc uit s (8 per system). DISA Circuits Any number of CO lines may be programmed for DISA operation. System At tendant s 1 + 1 (6 tenants and 6 alternate tenant s)

DHS-L Technical Specification Tables 2-21 Ch apter 2 - Description a n d In stallation Component Description Hunt Groups Mem ber s per Gro up Group Types24 24 VA a n d U C D Vo ic e M a il G ro up s : Mem ber s (po rt s): Integration Method: V M M e s s a ge W ai tin g: VM Control codes: Disconnect Digit(s): Pr efi x fo r i nter co m cal ls: Pr efi x fo r t ransferr ed c alls: R ecor d D ig it s f or Voi ce R ecor der f un ct ion : Suffi x for i nter com cal ls: Suffi x for t ransferr ed calls:1(SelectedasVMtypefrom HG) 24 (p ro gr am mab le u nd er U CD g ro up s) In-band [#] + [96] + stat ion n umb er to t ur n V M b utt on L ED o n. [#] + [ *] + [96] + stati on nu mb er to tu rn V M b utt on LED off. 8 d ig it s ma x . 4 d ig it s ma x . 4 d ig it s ma x . 4max. 2max. 2max. CO Li ne Lo op Cu rre nt Sen sin g I nter rupt pro g rammable fro m 50 to 2500 ms Pag in g 24 In tern al Page Ex ten sio n G ro up s 2External PagePort (viaMISB) 1 I nt e rna l All Ca l l 1System(Internal/External)AllCall Speed Di al ing (AB BR) Sy s t e m St a t i o n ( D K T a n d S LT )(16 dig it s per bin; maxi mu m speed dial bi ns = 1 000) 10 0 50 per statio n L ast N um ber Red ial 16 di gi ts p er stati on Sav e Nu mb er R edi al 16 di gi ts p er stati on U ser Saved Number Redial 20 di gi ts per stati on C a llb a ck R equ est Per St a tio n 1 C a mp On B y A Bu sy Sta tio n 1 Stations Camped On To Station 1 Stations Camped On To Busy Line 1 Mes s a g e - E xec ut iv e No tif i ca ti on 6 P rep rog ra mm ed; 1 Pers on a l p er s t at ionTable 2-4: Digital Hybrid System Capacities

2-22 D HS-L Tec hn i ca l Sp ec if ic a tion Ta bl es Ch apter 2 - Des crip tion and Ins tallation Component Description Message - Exec ut ive Preprogramm ed 6 P reprogramm ed; 1 Personal per st at ion Messa g e Wa iti ng 40 Simu lta n eou s N a me in D isp la y 1 P er sta ti on , 7 c ha ra c ters m ax . Class Of Ser vice (COS) 8 (0- 7) per Day, 8 (0 -7) per Night To ll Restr ic tio n To/ Fro m Ta bl es 10 0 Entr ies, 10 d ig it s per ent ry Forc ed Verifi ed Ac co unt Codes 10 0 Bi ns, 8 digit s max. U nverifi ed Ac co unt Codes 8 Di git s max. Call Pick Up Groups 8 Extension Groups Stati on L ock Passwo rd 4 D i git s max . per stati on System Pr ogrammi ng Password 8 Di git s (########, defaul t) Sy stem R emin d er Ala r m 8 T ime set tin gs Station Alar m 1 Per station Ring Schemes 4 Distinctive Ring Tones 4 Per station; 4 Per CO External Call Forward 1 incoming line, 1 outgoing lineTable 2-4: Digital Hybrid System Capacities