Vodavi Starplus Dhs-l Technical Manual
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4 SLT Features and Operation The System and Single Line Telephone Features of theSTARPLUS®DHS-L™Systems are listed and described in alphabetical order. Features described here pertain to Single Line Telephones and Analog devic es (FA X, modem, c ordless phone, etc .) co nn e ct e d t o t heDHS-Lvia the 2-Port Analog Adapter and 2-Port Analog Expander. An abbreviated feature index is provided; refer to Table4-1: SLT FeatureAccessCodes.

SLT Fea t u re Co de Ta bl e4-3 Chap ter 4 - SLT Featu res an d Operation SLT Feature Co de Table Single Line Telephones can access all of the following feature codes: Ta ble 4-1 : SLT Fe at ure A cc ess Co des Feat ure Co de Alar m Clo ck Set Cancel#92+hhmm+[1or2] #✳92 Call Back Clear[Ext ]# #✳##sss Call Brokering [Flash] Call For ward Busy Cancel D ir ect (A ll C a ll s) DND Forward External Forward Fol low To Fol low Me Call Forward No Answer#2 + (Forw ard type) #21 + [d estin a tio n] #✳2+ (Forwardtype) #22 + [d estin a tio n] #27 + [d estin a tio n] #26 #25 + [d estin a tio n] #23 + [d estin a tio n] + p p pp #24 + [d estin a tio n] + (ri ng ti me 01-0 4) Call Operator 0 Call Park Answer by CO Line #73 + (Call Park st at ion number ) Call Pickup Direct Group[Ext ]6 #54 Camp On 4 CO L i ne A c ce s s Speci fic Li ne9 700-795 Do Not Disturb (Set/Clear) #4 Flash Fl ash Ho ld [ Fl as h ] Ho t L in e ( Ri ng D ow n) Cancel#9✳ [Flash]#✳9✳

4-4S LT Fe at u re Co de Ta ble Ch apter 4 - SLT Features an d Operation In terc om Cal l 201-272 , 301-372 In tru sio n (Pr iv ac y ) [Ext ]8 Last Number Redial #8 L i n e Fl a sh C O /P B X [ Fl as h ] Message Wai ting Cancel Clear Message Sent Retrieve Send#✳96 + sss #✳#9 + sss #96 [Ext ]9 Page Exter nal—Pag in g Sp eak ers Meet Me Answer (Meet Me Page) St at ion Group System All Call820 o r 821 #59 40 + g g 425 Speed Dial Dialing Stori ngbb b #1+bbb+n+[Flash] Stati on Lock Password Change Unlock#97 + PP PP + # #97 + PP PP + pp p p #97 + PP PP +✳ Tr ansfer Fl ash + sss + hangup UCD Gr ou p (H un t) 430-453 Vo ice M ai l # 64 bbb = bi n number gg = group number n = outside phone number PPPP = current password pppp = new password ss s = st at io n n u mb er Ta ble 4-1 : SLT Fe at ure A cc ess Co des Feat ure Co de

Al ar m C l o c k4-5 Chap ter 4 - SLT Featu res an d Operation Alarm Clock Des crip ti on An SLT may instruct the system to ring the telephone at a predetermined time for use as areminder. Opera tion Set 1. Lift hands et. 2. Di al [#] + [9] + [2] + [hh] + [mm] + [1 or 2]. hh = hour in mi litary format mm = min u t e [1 ] = o ne t i me [2 ] a l wa y s Canc el 1. Lift hands et. 2. Dial [#] + [✳]+[9]+[2]. Ca l l B ac k Des crip ti on When the SLT user calls another system station that is busy he may leave a Call Back request at the station. When the Call Back request is invoked, the SLT station will ring when the b usy station goes on hoo k. Once the S LT answe rs the Call Back ringing, a ne w int e rc om c all i s pla c ed to the s tat i on pr ev ious ly di ale d. Opera tion When listening to Busy Tone after dialing a station number or CO line number: Di al [#] . Cle ar ToclearaAllCallBackrequest: 1. Lift hands et. 2. Dial [#] + [✳] +[#]+ [#]+ [xxx] x x x = St a t io n N um ber 20 1- 27 2, 30 1- 37 2 St ation Ala rm se tti ng is can cel led after e ach u se .

4-6Call Brokering Ch apter 4 - SLT Features an d Operation Call Brokering Des crip ti on Single L ine T elephon e ( SLT ) station use rs ma y conne ct to a s econd party and alte rnate be twe en connection s. This f eature is des irable whe n an SLT us er wants to mainta in th e connection of the pa rtie s and at th e s ame time ke ep them se parate f rom ea ch other. Opera tion While engaged on an intercom or C O line call: 1. Pres s H ook Flas h. T he original conversation pa rty is placed on h old. 2 . Di al th e n ext s tat i o n o r CO l ine c al l. When the new party answers: PressHookFlashtobeconnectedtothefirstpartyandplacethenewcallonhold. Ca l l For w ar d Des crip ti on The S LT user m ay f orwa rd telephone calls to a nother station, VM or Hun t Group using 4 call type criteria. The SLT us er may also u se Follow Me F orwa rd to extend calls at an other station to this station. Opera tion Calls to this station will follow the forward scheme selected. To set up Cal l For war d mo des : Lift hands et. Bu sy 1. Lift hands et. 2. Dial [#] +[ 2] + [1] + [xxx]. xxx = destination de sired Canc el 1. Lift hands et. 2. Dial [#] + [✳]+[2]+(forwardtype). Dire ct (All Call) 1. Lift hands et. 2. Dial [#] + [2] + [2] + [xxx]. xxx = destination de sired Th e use r a t t he forwa rde d sta tion wi ll he ar sp eci al In terc om Remi nde r tone si gnify ing th at Cal l F orward i s a ctiv ate d.

Cal l Operator (C al l Attendant) 4-7 Chap ter 4 - SLT Featu res an d Operation DN D Fo r wa rd 1. Lift hands et. 2. Dial [#] + [2] + [7] + [xxx]. xxx = destination de sired External Forward 1. Lift hands et. 2. Dial [#] + [2] + [6]. Fo llow To 1. Lift hands et. 2. Dial [#] + [2] + [5] + [xxx]. xxx = destination de sired Fo llow Me Call Forward 1. Lift hands et. 2. Dial [#] + [2] + [3] + [xxx] + [ppp p]. xxx = destination de sired pppp = current password No An sw e r 1. Lift hands et. 2. Dial [#] + [2] + [4] + [xxx] + [t]. xxx = destination de sired t=timetoringbeforeforwarding; 0=10secs,1=20secs,2=30secs, 3=40secs, and 4=50secs Call Operato r (Call Attendant) Des crip ti on The system Attendant station may be easily called by one dialed digit code. At default, thi s c o de is 0 . Opera tion 1. Lift hands et. 2. Dial [0]. Co n dit io n s †The code dialed for the system attendant (0- 9) is dependent on Database Programming of Operator Code. If 9 is p rogramm ed, tha t is th e code that mus t be used to call the system attendant. †The Operator acces s code (0 or 9) is mutu ally exclus ive with the outs ide CO line acces s code.

4-8Ca ll Pa rk An swe r Ch apter 4 - SLT Features an d Operation Ca l l P ar k A n s wer Des crip ti on SLT users can retrieve calls that have been placed into Call Park status, by dialing the Call Park Answe r Fe ature Cod e p lus the s ta tion n umber or the CO Line numbe r. Opera tion 1. Lift hands et. 2. Dial [#] + [7] + [3] + [xxx ]. xxx = Call Park station number Call Pickup Direct Des crip ti on Ringing calls at unattende d s ta tions may be re trieve d usin g the Dire ct Pickup code. Opera tion 1. Lift hands et. 2. Dial [xxx] + [6]. x x x = St a t io n N um ber 20 1- 27 2, 30 1- 37 2 Group Des crip ti on Ringing calls at unattende d s ta tions may be re trieve d via Group Pickup cod e, ass uming that the station invoking the feature is in the same Station Group as the ringing station. Opera tion 1. Lift hands et. 2. Dial [#] +[ 5] +[4]. Ca m p On Des crip ti on ThisfeatureallowsyoutoCampOnabusyCOlineandreservethatCOlineforusewhen it b ec ome s a vai la ble . Thi s f eat ur e el imi nat es t he nee d f or y ou t o c ont inua ll y ob se rve t he li ne st at us f or ava il abi li t y. You may only hav e one C amp On act ive a t any t i me. Opera tion 1. Lift hands et. 2. Dial CO or STA #, receive busy tone. 3. Dial [4].

CO Lin e Acc e ss4-9 Chap ter 4 - SLT Featu res an d Operation CO Line Access Des crip ti on CO line access is simplif ied a t an SLT by d ialing a CO line access code. The cod e m ay b e 0- 9, dep endi ng on D at abas e Pr ogra mmi ng. C O l ine gr oup acce ss code s a re als o ava il abl e. Unused C O ports must b e p rogram med as open . Opera tion To acces s a ny idle CO line: 1. Lift hands et. 2. Dial [9]. Spe cif ic Lin e To acces s a specif ic CO Line: 1. Lift hands et. 2. Dial [ccc]. ccc = the CO line number/code for the desired CO line number (700-795) Co n dit io n s †An SLT station may dial access any CO line that has been allowed in database pr ogra mmin g. †The di al code s 0-9 a re mutual ly excl usi ve. Whe n one or the o the r is pr ogra mme d as the Operator Code the remaining is assigned for out dialing at SLT stations. †The CO line(s) permitted for outgoing s election in any CO line Group, or in div idua lly, are d ependent on the station prog ram ming for CO line access. Do No t Disturb (D ND) Des crip ti on SLT stations may place their telephones in DND mode to avert incoming calls. Opera tion To set D ND: 1. Lift hands et. 2. Dial [#] + [4]. To cl e ar: 1. Lift hands et. 2. Dial [#] + [4]. Cal ls to a statio n in D ND wi ll he ar DN D Tone .

4-10Fla sh Ch apter 4 - SLT Features an d Operation Co n dit io n s †Reminde r Tone is heard each time the us er goe s off h ook to mak e ca lls when DND is active to remind the user of the DND condition. †When an SLT is in D ND mode, DS S b utton LE Ds at other s tations w ill fla sh, (Ref er to Chapter 3, Key Station Features, O peration, and Programming,and”Do Not Dist urb (DND)”. Flash Des crip ti on Thi s f ea tur e all ows CO /P B X li ne use rs wor king be hind a C ent r ex or P B X li ne to gene ra te a hook-f la sh ov er that line to access fea tures or tra nsfer calls . Opera tion While connected to a CO/PBX line: Pr es s F las h . Programming Single L ine T elephon e op eration requires that the user of a SL T h ook flash to in voke call ro ut i ng fe at ure s suc h a s H o ld and Cal l Tr ans fer . T heDHS-Lmust moni tor the timi ng of a hook f las h a t a S LT to dis tinguish a hook flash reques t from a hang up req uest. A hook f la sh req uest is ty pica lly an y depress ion of the hook switch la sting less tha n 0.8 sec (800 msec), however users may also use the hook switch to disconnect the current call a nd req ues t dia l tone for a second ca ll. SLT Hook Fla sh i s d iv ide d i nto two prog ra mmabl e dat a fi e lds ; ST A R T a nd EN D. T he STA R T field entry d etermines the m inimum on-hook duration tha t will be accep ted a s a hook fl ash. The E ND dat a f ie ld ent r y de te rm ine s t he max imum on-hoo k dur at ion th at wil l be accepted as a hook flash. Defa ul t TheDHS- LSTART field is set for 300 msec, and the END field is set for 800 msec. †TheprogrammablerangefortheSTARTfieldis: 100/200/300/400/500/600/700/800/900/1000/1100/1200/1300/1400 †The programmable range for the END field is: 400/500/600/700/800/900/1000/1100/1200/1300/1400/1500 It is re com mend ed tha t S LT st ation s in st alle d be e quip ped wi th a T A P o r F LA S H butto n a nd the guaranteed disconnect feature. (Many SLT models offer these features.) These features will g rea tly e nha nce .If the SL T stat ion use r st ays on-h ook fo r any ti me e xce ed ing th e E ND time progr amme d, the prev io us c all wi ll be discon nec ted . Th e system software wi ll alway s mai ntai n a ho ok flash time o f 100 msec mi nimum . It is not possible to pro gram a h ook fla sh time t hat pr ovi des no h ook fl ash ope ratio n time .