Mitel Sx 200 Ml Pabx Lightware 16 Instructions Guide
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Diagnostic Functions Disabling Background Diagnostics For an Entire Bay 7.5 To disable background diagnostics for an entire bay, press the following softkeys: MORE-KEYS DISABLE-DIAG BACKGROUND BAY/SLOT/CCT (enter the required bay number; then press the RETURN key four times) ENTER For an Entire Peripheral Card To disable background diagnostics for an entire peripheral card, press the following keys: MORE-KEYS DISABLE-DIAG BACKGROUND BAY/SLOT/CCT (enter the required bay; press the RETURN key; enter the required card slot number; press the RETURN key three times) ENTER For a Specific Circuit To disable background diagnostics for a specific circuit, press the following softkeys: MORE-KEYS DISABLE-DIAG BACKGROUND BAYISLOTICCT (enterthe required bay, slot, circuit and sub-circuit numbers; pressing the RETURN key after each) ENTER For a Specific Extension To disable background diagnostics for a specific extension number, press the following softkeys: MORE-KEYS DISABLE-DIAG BACKGROUND EXT-NUM (enter the required extension number; then press the RETURN key) ENTER March 1997 Issue 1 Revision 0 7-9

RS-232 Maintenance Terminal For a Specific Device Type To disable background diagnostics for a specific device type, press the following soft- keys: MORE-KEYS DISABLE-DIAG BACKGROUND DEVICE TYPE (press one of the softkeys shown in Table 7-2 on page 7-6) ENTER In all cases, the system will echo the command into the applications area of the screen. The user may verify that the particular background diagnostics have been disabled via the SHOW STATUS command. Directing Tests 7.6 Directed diagnostics consist of exactly the same tests as the power-up and background diagnostics, but are initiated by the user from the maintenance terminal, and have priority over power-up and background diagnostics. Directed tests also differ from power-up and background tests in that they return immediate responses to the user via the maintenance terminal. On a Specific Circuit To run a directed test on a specific circuit, press the following softkeys: TEST BAYIS LOT/CCT (enter the required bay, slot, circuit and sub-circuit numbers; pressing the RETURN key after each) ENTER On a Specific Extension To run a directed test on a specific extension number, press the following softkeys: TEST EXT-NUM (enter the required extension number; then press the RETURN key) ENTER 7-10 Issue 1 Revision 0 March 1997

Diagnostic Functions On a Specific Device Type To run a directed test on a specific device type, press the following softkeys: TEST DEVICE TYPE (see note) (press one of the softkeys shown in Table 7-2 on page 7-6) ENTER Note: Testing can be performed on system printer. Selection of DEVICE TYPE will be followed by entering one of the softkeys in Table 7-2 on page 7-6 and two printer related softkeys; PRINTER PLID and PRINTER PORT. In all cases, the system will output the test results in the applications area of the screen. To stop a directed test, press the following softkey: STOP-TEST ENTER Range Testing It is possible for the maintenance user to test a range of devices by using wild card characters. To test an entire bay, press the following softkeys: TEST BAY/S LOTKCT (enter the required bay number) (answer the slot, circuit and sub-cjrcuit prompts by pressing the RETURN key) ENTER To test an entire card, specify the bay and the slot, but answerthe circuit and sub-circuit prompts by pressing only the RETURN key. March 1997 Issue 1 Revision 0 7-l 1

RS-232 Maintenance Terminal Busying Out Equipment 7.7 Peripheral circuits may be placed in a state such that they are accessible only through maintenance. While in this state, the device will appear busy when requested by call processing. The following circuit types can be busied out in this manner: l ONS lines l LS/GS Trunks l E&M Trunks l Ti Trunks l DID Trunks l COV line circuits l DNIC Lines l Receivers l Link/Channel l Printer PLID l Printer Port. Specific Circuits To busy out a specific circuit, press the following softkeys: MORE-KEYS BUSY-OUT BAY/SLOT/CCT (enter the required bay, slot, circuit and sub-circuit numbers; pressing the RETURN key after each) ENTER Specific Extensions To busy out a specific extension number, press the following softkeys: MORE-KEYS BUSY-OUT EXT-NUM (enter the required extension number; then press the RETURN key) ENTER Specific Link/Channels To busy out a specific Link/Channel, press the following softkeys: MORE-KEYS BUSY-OUT DEVICE-TYPE LINK/CHANNEL (enter the required link number and channel number and press the RETURN key after each) ENTER Note: On System Reset as replacement of a card, any circuit that had been busied out, will remain busied out, The exception is DTMF receiver modules, which reboot or power up to the idle state. 7-12 Issue 1 Revision 0 March 1997

Diagnostic Functions Returning Busy Equipment to Service Specific Circuits 7.8 To return a specific circuit to service, press the following softkeys: MORE-KEYS RET-TO-SVC BAY/S LOT/CCT (enterthe required bay, slot, circuit and sub-circuit numbers; pressing the RETURN key after each) ENTER Specific Extensions To return a specific extension number to service, press the following softkeys: MORE-KEYS RET-TO-SVC EXT-NUM (enter the required extension number; then press the RETURN key) ENTER Specific Link/Channels To return a specific Link/Channel to service, press the following softkeys: MORE-KEYS RET-TO-SVC DEVICE-TYPE LINK/CHANNEL (enter the required link number and channel number pressing the RETURN key after each) ENTER Disconnect Trunk To force release a locked-up trunk, press the following softkeys: MORE-KEYS DISC-TRUNK BAY/S LOT/CCT (enter the required bay, slot, and circuit numbers; pressing the RETURN key after each) ENTER March 1997 Issue 1 Revision 0 7-13

RS-232 Maintenance Terminal Clear Extension Features - From Remote Terminal The maintenance terminal can be used to clear CALL FORWARDING, DO NOT DISTURB, and CALL BACK features that are active on an extension. Clear allows all features on a card in a Sx-ZUU ML PABX to be de-programmed from a remote maintenance terminal without requiring a local Attendant console. Only SUPERSET telephones and industry standard sets may be cleared from the maintenance terminal. The extension to be cleared may be identified either by extension number or by Bay/Slot/Circuit; standard error messages are returned if invalid values are entered. If the identification or extension number entered is not that of an extension, the following message is displayed: Device type must be a SUPERSETteiephone or industry stan- dard telephone set Enter this application from the maintenance diagnostic menu, as follows: PRESS SOFTKEY 2 CLR-FEATURE The screen displays 4 softkey prompts: i-FORWARD 2-DO-N-DISTURB 3-CALL-BACK 4-ALL Select the feature (or ALL features) to be cleared, by pressing the softkey. The screen displays 2 softkey prompts: I -BAY/SLOT/CCT 3-EXT-NUM Enter bay, slot, circuit, and sub-circuit numbers (sub-circuit is not used, but is part of standard prompt format) or enter the extension number, when prompted. When you have entered all the information, the screen displays the O-ENTER softkey prompt and all the entered parameters Press O-ENTER to clear the specified telephone set. Note: Softkey SCANCEL is also available with these prompts, 7-14 Issue 1 Revision 0 March 1997

8 Other Maintenance Terminal Applications Customer Data Entry (CDE) 8.1 The RS-232 maintenance terminal is also the main device used for the programming of customer data. At the start of the login procedure, the user is queried to start either a maintenance session or a CDE session (see “Login Procedures” on page 2-2). Only a VT100 compatible terminal may be used for CDE. For further information on CDE, refer to the Customer II&a ,EWy I?-actIce. Traffic Measurement 8.2 Traffic measurement is a separate level in maintenance. All of the information in Part 3 (Command Input) of this practice applies to Traffic Measurement as well. Refer to Practice 9109-098-450-NA, Traffic Measurement, for command descriptions and fur- ther information. Table 8-i contains the operations available in traffic measurement functions, except CANCEL and ENTER. The user can press the CANCEL softkey at any time to exit the current operation without committing (saving) any changes, or press the ENTER softkey, when it is available, to commit changes. Table 8-l Traffic Measurement Functions March 1997 Issue 1 Revision 0 8-l

RS-232 Maintenance Terminal 8-2 Issue 1 Revision 0 March 1997

Appendix A Maintenance Terminal Error Messages Table A-i lists status and error messages which may appear at the Maintenance Terminal during a maintenance session: Table A-l Maintenance Terminal Error Messages Message Meaning ACD reports already in progress. In traffic measurement, parameters cannot be changed without STOP first. stopping the data collection procedure first. A specific value cannot follow the If the user has entered a default value for the default value ‘XX’. BAY/SLOT/CIRCUIT prompt, a specific value cannot follow. An invalid or incorrect password Displayed in SET PASSWORD when the old password does was entered. not match the one stored in the system, or when the new passwords contain invalid characters (characters other than [‘A..‘Z’,‘a’..‘z’,O..9]). Card not installed. No card is installed at the specified location. Use SHOW CONFIG command to check the state of the card. Change terminal speed and press An instruction message ratherthan an error message; appears RETURN when ready. when changing the speed of the maintenance port while on the maintenance terminal. Circuit “XX” does not exist on this Use SHOW CONFIG command to verify installed cards. card OR card not programmed. Clearing of Tl Trunk errors is not The user attempted to clear Tl errors; this is not permitted. permitted. Data value % outside of valid range Enter new value within range of 0 - 255. (O-255) * Database Corrupt in: templates. Theverification of the database has failed. The template section may be corrupted. Note: - Database Corrupt in: templates and static section. If more than one section is - Database Corrupt in: templates and b-tree. corrupted, one of these may be - Database Corrupt in: static section and b-tree. displayed instead: - Database Corrupt in: templates, static section, and b-tree. Device is currently in use. Wait until device is idle (device is locked up). Device not programmed. An attempt was made to RET-TO-SVC or BUSY-OUT a device by specifying a PLID which is not programmed. Invalid data station specified. The user has tried to SHOW DEVICE DATASTN-PLID and specifies a PLID which is not a data station. Page 1 of 4 March 1997 Issue Revision 0 A-l

RS-232 Maintenance Terminal Table A-l Maintenance Terminal Error Messages (continued) Message Meaning Invalid day forthe month specified. Valid month entries are dependent upon the Roman calendar. Date not set. For example, an attempt may have been made to set the date to February 30. Invalid parameter “XX”. TIME (or Time may be set to OO:OO-2359, date may be set to 01-31 for DATE) not set. days, 01-l 2 for months, 00-99 for years, Valid month entries are dependent upon the Roman calendar. Invalid qualifier. The qualifier specified is invalid for this device type. Logical channel specified is not in The user has tried to SHOW CHANNEL-MAP LOGICAL use. CHANNEL NUM ### which is idle. This function shows only those channels which are in use. MONITOR LOGS already in use. A second attempt was made to monitor logs. Monitor logs was already in progress. Must specify at least a bay number When entering bay number for junctor diagnostics, a specific in Bay/SlotCct. value must be used. Must specify at least a link number. The user has tried to BUSY-OUT or RET-TO-SVC a pcm channel and uses a wild card for the link parameter. NO CONSOLE programmed. No Data Sets programmed. No Digital Sets programmed. No errors found within specified range. Program a console first. Program a data set first. Program a digital telephone set first. The user attempted to SHOW ERRORS and the devices specified (DIGITAL-SETS, HDLC, DATASETS, CONSOLE, Tl-TRUNK) have no errors. Note: This function always gives the Tl Trunk error form, even though there are no errors. No loopbacks are presently set. An analog loopback test has been started after clear loopbacks (internal or external). No programmed devices within There are no programmed devices within the specified range. specified range. Use SHOW CONFIG command to check range. No wild cards allowed for this The user has specified wild cards in a PLID parameter when function. trying to BUSY-OUT or RET-TO-SVC. PRINTER PLID is invalid as a printer de&e. The user has tried to SUSPEND-PRTR or RESUME-PRTR. The specified PLID is not a printer PLID. Stop of ptint pending or no print There was no PRINT process running when STOP PRINT was currently in progress. entered. System busy, please try again later. Copy database is inhibited for several minutes after a system reset; maximum time is approximately eight minutes. The access code “XXX” does not The specified extension number does not exist. Use SHOW exist. STATUS command to check the status code. The Bay/Slot/Circuit - XXXXXX The user attempted to clear errors through Bay/Slo%ircuit of used is inappropriate. an inappropriate device. The etiension number “XXXX” is The user has specified an extension number when he tries to not a SUPERSETtelephone, CLEAR ERRORS. Errors are only compiled for these types of CONSOLE, or DATASET. devices. Page 2 off A-2 Issue 1 Revision 0 March 1997