Mitel Sx 200 Ml Pabx Lightware 16 Instructions Guide
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CDE Form Descriptions 1:25 PM 12-JfiN-97 alarm status = NO f?LfiRM > [GRP 1: IfTERMlfRECORD. 1 Name Message Length OPTIONS 0:00 Name l- +QLlIT 2- 3- h- S- 7- 8- 9- 0- Figure 4-26 Recording Hunt Group Options Subform Layout 5:ill Prl 19-ml+97 alarn status = HO flLfMl S#-2@D nL LIGHTWIRE 16 1.a 17-nRR-1997 nain mm I I-SfsTEn i-QUIT 2- 7-LOGS 3-DIRGtlOSTICS 4- S-RCD-REPORTS g-REPORTS 5-TRRFFICJIERS e- Figure 4-27 Auto Attendant Hunt Group Options Subform Layout March 1997 Issue 1 Revision 0 4-8 1

Customer Data Entry 11:00 flM 10-.JflN-97 [GRP l:Zq l[TERMl[STN/SET 1 > Name Ouerf low alarm status = NO fiLfiRM OPTIONS mktg < Name l- 6-QUIT Z- 3- 7- 8- mktg 4- 5- g-DELETE FIELD 0- Figure 4-28 Station / Set Hunt Group Options Subform Layout 11:04 fiM 10-JfiN-97 alarm status = NO flLflRM Figure 4-29 RABTOS Hunt Group Options Subform Layout 4-82 Issue 1 Revision 0 March 1997

CDE Form Descriptions Form 18 - Miscellaneous System Ports 4.22 This form assigns a physical location to three types of devices and three alarms. The devices are a Music on Hold source, paging equipment and night bells equipment. The alarms are minor, major and critical. The system supports 25 night bells, nine paging zones and one Music on Hold source. Refer to Figure 4-30 for the form layout. 5:50 PM 9-JflN-97 alarm status = NO fiLfiRM > ENTRY DESCRIPTION BfW SLT CCT SCT DIR PflGER EXT #I 01 Music On Hold 02 Pager 1 03 Pager 2 04 Pager 3 05 Pager 4 06 Pager 5 07 Pager 6 08 Pager 7 09 Pager 8 10 Pager 9 11 Minor filarm 12 Major filarm 01 Music On Hold l- 2- 3- 4-TOP 5-BOTTOM 6-QUIT 7-ENTRY NUM 8- 9- 0- < Figure 4-30 Form 18 Layout Field Descriptions ENTRY NUMBER: This field lists the entry numbers for the miscellaneous ports. There is a total of 38 entry numbers. The field cannot be modified. DESCRIPTION: This field lists the titles assigned to the entry numbers. The field cannot be modified. BAY, SLT and CCT These fields list the bay, slot and circuit numbers of the device being programmed. SCT The SCT (subcircuit) field specifies the relay location on each module for each night bell and each alarm circuit. Figure 4-31 shows the circuit and subcircuit layout of modules on the Universal Card. DIR: Enter the direction of the paging device as “1” (one way) or “2” (both way). PAGER: This field associates a pager number with each night bell, providing integrated paging. Integrated paging causes a warble tone to be produced on the paging system whenever selected night bells are active. The PLID used to program Pager I . . Pager 9 must be either: the PLID of a Music Pager Module on a Universal card OR a PLID programmed as a DMP on a DNIC card on a spine/bullet bay. Once a Pager is pro- grammed, it may be iteegrated with night bells. March 1997 Issue 1 Revision 0 4-83

Customer Data Entry EXT This field applies only to the night bell entries. The EXTENSION NUMBER field lists the extension numbers (a maximum of five digits) assigned to the night bells. This field links the night bell designations to Form 19 (Call Rerouting Table). This field also links the incoming trunks of Form 14 (Non-Dial-In Trunks) to the night bell designations. Softkeys ENTRY NUM: This softkey selects an entry number. Pressing the ENTRY NUM softkey displays the ENTER ENTRY NUM: prompt on the command line. The selection is completed by entering a valid entry number (1 to 38). This entry number can now be specified by its bay, slot, circuit and, if applicable, subcircuit numbers. The standard softkeys CANCEL, DELETE, ENTER, TOP, BOlTOM and QUIT are also provided. 1 Table 4-8 Miscellaneous System Ports Entry Number Designations Entry Number Title 01 Music on Hold 02 Pager I 03 Pager 2 04 Pager 3 05 Pager 4 06 Pager 5 07 Pager 6 08 Pager 7 09 Pager 8 10 Pager 9 11 Minor Alarm 12 Major Alarm 13 Critical Alarm 14 Night Bell I 15 Night Bell 2 16 Night Bell 3 17 Night Bell 4 18 Night Bell 5 19 Night Bell 6 Entry Number Title 20 Night Bell 7 21 Night Bell 8 22 Night Bell 9 23 Night Bell 10 24 Night Bell 11 25 Night Bell 12 26 Night Bell 13 27 Night Bell 14 28 Night Bell 15 29 Night Bell 16 30 Night Bell 17 31 Night Bell 18 32 Night Bell 19 33 Night Bell 20 34 Night Bell 21 35 Night Bell 22 36 Night Bell 23 37 Night Bell 24 38 Night Bell 25 4-84 Issue 1 Revision 0 March 1997

CDE Form Descriptions Form 19 - Call Rerouting Table 4.23 This form designates where intercepted and attendant-directed calls will route based on Day Service, Night1 Service and Night2 Service. Dial-in trunks to ACD Paths may also be rerouted as defined in this form. The ACD Path is assigned a tenant number in Form 41. Refer to Figure 4-31 for the form layout and to Table 4-9 for Call Rerouting Options. Each Tenant Group requires a Call Rerouting Table. “DIAL 0” calls can be directed to an LDN, Rotary Dial or DTMF set, SW,WSE~telephone or Night Bell extension number, or to an individual console. For further information, refer to the Features Description Practice (under Ca// Rerouting). 11:10 flM 10-JRN-97 alarm status q NO I?LI?RM [TENflNT : 1 1 TYPE OF GILL I Di?Y Nl NZ Station Dial 0 Routing Priority Dial 0 Routing DID Recall Points On Busy DID Recall Points On No hswer DID Routing For Calls Into This Tenant DID Illegal # Intercept For This Tenant DID Uacant Number Routing For This Tenant DID fittendant lkcess Night Points Non-Dial-In Trunks Mternate Recall Points Dial-In Tie Recall Points On Busy Dial-In Tie Recall Points On No finswe; Dial-In Tie Routing For Calls Into This Tenant 1801 1801 1801 Station Dial 0 Routing 1801 l- Z-TENr?NT NfiME 3- 4-TOP 6-QUIT 7-TENfiNT 8-DELETE 9- 1801 180 1 5-BOTTOM 0- Figure 4-31 Form 19 Layout Field Descriptions The header line displays the tenant group number being programmed. DAY: This field designates a directory number for each type of call in day service mode. The directory number is defined in one of the following forms: Form 07, Console Assignments Form 08, Attendant LDN Assignments Form 09, Station/SWE/XE7Telephones Form 17, Hunt Groups Form 18, Miscellaneous System Ports Form 41, ACD Paths Form 45, Key System Telephones If this field is blank, calls do not reroute for features such as no answer or busy for- warding, and reorder tone is heard for features such as vacant number intercept or Do March 1997 Issue 1 Revision 0 4-85

Customer Data Entry Not Disturb intercept. An ONS Voicemail port with a caller on soft hold will receive dial tone. Nl: This field specifies the extension that calls are routed to during Night1 Service Mode. If this field is blank, the call reroutes to the extension specified in the DAY field. N2: This field specifies the extension number where calls are routed to during Night2 Service Mode. If this field is blank, the call does not reroute. 4-86 Table 4-9 Call Rerouting Options Station Dial 0 Routing - Any extension which dials the extension general attendant access code (0) is routed here. This rerouting option is based on the caller’s tenant. Priority Dial 0 Routing - Any extension which dials the extension general attendant access code (0) and has COS Option 239 (Priority Dial 0) enabled in its COS is routed here. This rerouting option is based on the caller’s tenant. DID Recall Points on Busy - A DID call reaching a busy extension or hunt group is routed here. This rerouting option is based on the destination tenant. DID Recall Points on No Answer - A DID call reaching an extension which does not answer is routed here. This rerouting option is based on the destination tenant. DID Routing for Calls into this Tenant - All DID calls normally routed to extensions are routed here to allow screening of DID calls. This rerouting option is based on the destination tenant. DID Illegal # Intercept for this Tenant - A DID call to an illegal number is routed here. This rerouting option is based on the DID’s tenant. DID Vacant Number Routing for this Tenant - A DID call to a vacant number is routed here. This rerouting option is based on the DID’s tenant. DID Attendant Access Night Points - A DID call to the atiendant while the system is in Night Service is routed here. This rerouting option is based on the DID’s tenant. Non-Dial-In Trunks Alternate Recall Points - Non-Dial-In trunks that have waited for a busy Dr non-answering extension for the pre-determined recall time are routed here. This rerouting Dption is based on the destination tenant. Dial-In Tie Recall Points on Busy - A Dial-In Tie call reaching a busy extension is routed here. This rerouting option is based on the destination tenant. Dial-In Tie Recall Points on No Answer - A Dial-In Tie call reaching an extension which does not answer is routed here. This rerouting option is based on the destination tenant. Dial-In Tie Routing for Calls into this Tenant - All Dial-In Tie calls normally routed to extensions are routed here to allow screening of Dial-In Tie calls. This rerouting option is based on the destination tenant. Dial-In Tie Illegal # Intercept for this Tenant - A Dial-In Tie call to an illegal number is routed here. This rerouting option is based on the Tie trunk’s tenant. Dial-In Tie Vacant Number Routing for this Tenant - A Dial-In Tie call to a vacant number is routed here. This rerouting option is based on the Tie trunk’s tenant. Dial-In Tie Attendant Access Night Points - A Dial-In Tie call to the attendant while the system is in Night Service is routed here. This rerouting option is based on the Tie trunk’s tenant. Page 1 of : Issue 1 Revision 0 March 1997

CDE Form Descriptions Table 4-9 Call Rerouting Options (continued) DND Intercept Routing for this Tenant - An extension with Do Not Disturb activated has its incoming calls routed here. This rerouting option is based in the extension’s tenant. Automatic Wake-up Routing for this Tenant - Extensions answering a wakeup call are routed here. Normally the routing point is a recording group. This rerouting option is based on the extension’s tenant. Ensure there are sufficient RADs to provide good wakeup performance. UCD/Attendant Recording for this Tenant - Incoming calls destined for UCD agents are routed here when all of the agents are busy. Calls are normally routed to a recording group. UCD on Hold Time-out for this Tenant - Incoming calls to busy UCD hunt groups which are not answered after a pre-determined time-out period are routed here. DISA Day Service Routing for this Tenant - Direct Inward System Access (DISA) calls are routed here. This rerouting option is based on the DISA trunks tenant. Station Vacant Number Routing for this Tenant - Any station dialing a vacant number is routed here. This rerouting option is based on the extension’s tenant. CO Line Routing Points on No Answer - Incoming calls to a CO line that are not answered within a programmed time-out period are routed here. The time-out period is specified by the Attendant-Times Recall (No Ans) timer in the class of service of the set the CO line is calling. This rerouting option is based on the CO line’s tenant.. Station Illegal Number Routing for this Tenant - Any station or ONS Voicemail port with a caller on soft hold that dials an illegal number is routed here. This rerouting option is based on the extension’s tenant. Page 2 of 2 Softkeys TENANT This softkey selects a tenant group. Pressing the TENANT softkey displays the ENTER TENANT GROUP NUM: prompt on the command line. The selection is completed by entering a valid number (I to 25). The system displays the selected tenant group number on the header line. TENANT NAME: Allows a name to be programmed for the selected tenant group. The name may have a maximum of eight characters. The standard softkeys CANCEL, DELETE, ENTER, TOP, BOTTOM, and QUIT are also provided. March 1997 Issue 1 Revision 0 4-87

Customer Data Entry Form 20 - ARS: Class of Restriction Groups 4.24 Class of Restriction groups together users with the same outside call capabilities. A COR is assigned to each attendant console, station, SUfEKXTtelephone and Di- al-In Trunk. This form specifies the Class-of-Restriction (COR) Group members. Refer to Figure 4-32 for the form layout. The system supports a maximum of 50 COR Groups with up to 25 CORs per group. Each COR Group specifies by COR number those extensions which are restricted from accessing the route. 5:5? PM 9-Jwk97 alarm status q NO f3LBRM COR GROUP MEMBERS (SEPRRflTE WITH SPRCES) I COMMENTS 01 u l- Z- 3- 4-TOP 5-BOTTOM 64UIT 7-COR GROUP 8- 9- 0- 4438 Field Descriptions Figure 4-32 Form 20 Layout COFI GROUP: This field lists the COR Group numbers from I to 50. The COR GROUP field cannot be modified. COR GROUP MEMBERS: This field lists the separate members of each COR group. The COR Group members must be separated by a space (the + key, TAB key or space bar on the terminal or the + key on the console). Consecutively numbered CORs can be separated by a dash (by pressing the “-” key on the terminal or the ninth softkey on the console). COMMENTS: This field is reserved for additional data (a maximum of 20 characters). It is stored by the system but not used. Softkeys COR GROUP: This softkey selects a Class-of-Restriction (COR) group. Pressing the COR GROUP softkey displays the ENTER COR GROUP NUM: prompt on the com- mand line. The selection is completed by entering a valid number (1 to 50). The selected COR group number is displayed on the command line. ‘-7 This softkey is available only while a COR group is being edited. Pressing this softkey inserts a dash between a set of consecutive COR group members. It is valid only when it is inserted between consecutive COR group members. For example, 1 2 3 4 5 is equivalent to l-5. The softkeys CANCEL, DELETE (this softkey appears after data has been entered), ENTER, TOP, BOTTOM, and QUIT are also provided. Issue 1 Revision 0 March 1997

CDE Form Descriptions Form 21 - ARS: Day Zone Definition 4.25 This form defines the day zones for each day of the week. There is a maximum of three day zones. All days of the week must have a zone specification before this form can be saved. Refer to Figure 4-33 for the form layout. 5:55 PM 9-JfiN-97 alarm status = NO flLFiRM ION. TUE. WED. THU. FRI. !if~T SUN. DI%’ ZONE r > 01 * * * * * * * < 02 03 01 * * * * * * * 1-DISfiBLE 2- 3- 4- 5- 6-QUIT 7- 8- 9- 0- Figure 4-33 Form 21 Layout Field Descriptions DAY ZONE: This field lists the day zones for the system. Pressing the up and down arrow keys select different day zones. This field cannot be modified. MON., TUE., WED., THU., FRI., SAT. and SUN.: These fields list the zone specification. Pressing the right and left arrow keys (or the TAB key on the CRT terminal) selects separate days. Only one day zone number can be assigned to each day of the week. When a day is assigned to a day zone, the form displays an asterisk (*) in that day field. Softkeys ENABLE/DISABLE: This softkey has two functions; it enables and disables the day zone specification for each day. Pressing the ENABLE softkey sets the selected day to the day zone that is displayed on the command line. The form displays an asterisk (*) in the selected day field opposite the chosen day zone. When the cursor is at an asterisk, this softkey displays DISABLE. Pressing the DISABLE softkey removes that day specification from the selected day zone. The asterisk disappears and the softkey displays ENABLE again. The standard softkeys CANCEL, ENTER, and QUIT are also provided. March 1997 Issue 1 Revision 0 4-89

Customer Data Entty Form 22 - ARS: Modified Digit Table 4.26 This form specifies those digits that modify the user-dialed digits. The digit modifica- tion prepares the dialed digits for dialing out on certain trunks such as FX, TIE and WATS. Refer to the Automatic Route Selection and Toll Control Practice for details. Refer to Figure 4-34 for the form layout. 11:14 BM 10-JON-97 11:14 BM 10-JON-97 alarm status q NO BLORM alarm status q NO BLORM ENTR’f QT’f TO DEL UTR’f QT’f TO DEL DIGITS TO BE INSERTED DIGITS TO BE INSERTED COMMENTS COMMENTS > 01 01 I I < < 02 02 03 03 04 04 05 05 06 06 07 07 08 08 09 09 10 10 11 11 12 12 01 01 il il l- z- z- 3- 3- 4-TOP 4-TOP 5-BOTTOM 5-BOTTOM 6-QUIT -QUIT 7-ENTRV 7-ENTRV NUM NUM 8-DELETE 8-DELETE 9- 9- 0- 0- Figure 4-34 Form 22 Layout Field Lkscriptions ENTRY NUM: This field lists the entry numbers. There is a maximum of 100 entry numbers. The ENTRY NUM field links this form to Form 23, ARS: Route Definition. This field cannot be modified. QTY TO DELETE: This field lists the quantity of digits that the system removes from the user-dialed digits before outpulsing on a trunk. A maximum of 25 digits can be deleted from each entry number. The digit “1” instructs the system to delete the first dialed digit. DIGITS TO BE INSERTED: This field lists those digits that the system adds to the user-dialed digits for each entry number. A maximum of 38 digits can be inserted; including any pauses and wait for dial tone symbols. Special number sequences are: *1 = Pause for 5 Seconds *2 = Wait for Dial Tone *3 = Switch to DTMF for Subsequent Digits *4 = Stop or start displaying modified digits. Modified digits are displayed on the sets and in the SMDR records (SMDR must be enabled in CDE Form 16, Trunk Groups). The first time *4 appears in a digit string, the system stops displaying the following modified digits. The next time *4 appears the system starts displaying the following modified digits. You can repeat *4 in a digit string to stop or start the displaying of digits. 4-90 Issue 1 Revision 0 March 1997