Mitel Sx 200 Ml Pabx Lightware 16 Instructions Guide
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CDE Form Descriptions *5 = Pause IO Seconds *6 = Insert caller’s ID (for analog networking) *7 = Insert caller’s dialed account code (for analog networking) *8 = Insert PBX node ID number (for analog networking) *9 = Pause for 1 second. The asterisk (*) character is generated on the Attendant Console and the terminal by pressing the * key. If however, the asteriskcharacter is required in a string of characters, the * key must be pressed twice. COMMENTS: This field is reserved for additional data (a maximum of 20 characters). It is stored by the system but not used. ENTRY NUM: This softkey selects an entry number and displays it on the command line. Pressing the ENTRY NUM softkey displays the ENTER ENTRY NUM: prompt on the command line. The selection is completed by entering a valid number (I to 100). The standard softkeys CANCEL, DELETE, ENTER, TOP, BOTTOM, and QUIT are also provided. number and the modified digit entry. Refer to 4-35 for the form layout. 16:00 PM 9-JRN-97 alarm status q NO nLRRM Form 23 - ARS: Route Definition 4.27 This form defines each ARS Route by specifying the trunk group number, COR group iK GROUP 1 COR GROUP 1 MOD DIGIT ENTR’f 1 COMMENTS I ROUTE NUM TRW > 01 < 02 03 0b 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 01 m l- 2- 3- ‘#-TOP S-BOTTOM 6-QUIT 7-ROUTE NUM 8- 9- 0- Field Descriptions Figure 4-35 Form 23 Layout ROUTE NUM: This field lists the route numbers. Note that the ROUTE NUM field cannot be modified. There is a maximum of 200 route numbers. March 1997 Issue 1 Revision 0 4-91

Customer Data Entry TRUNK GROUP: This field displays the trunk group number specification (1 to 50) for each route number. COR GROUP: This field lists the COR group number specification (I to 50) for each route number. This field links this form to Form 20 (refer to Form 20, ARS: COR Group Definition). Those users with CORs in the listed COR Group number are restricted from using this route. If no COR group number is specified, then all users can use this route. MOD DIGIT ENTRY: This field lists the entry number specification (1 to 100) for each route number. This field links this form to Form 22, ARS: Modified Digit Table. COMMENTS: This field is reserved for additional data which is stored by the system but not used (a maximum of 20 characters). Softkeys ROUTE NUM: This softkey selects a route number and displays it on the command line. Pressing the ROUTE NUM softkey displays the ENTER ROUTE NUM: prompt on the command line. The selection is completed by entering a valid number from1 to 200. The standard softkeys CANCEL, DELETE, ENTER, TOP, BOTTOM, and QUIT are also provided. Form 24 - ARS: Route Lists 4.28 This form specifies the order that the route numbers are selected. There are 100 route list numbers; each route list number accommodates a maximum of six route numbers. Refer to Figure 4-36 for the form layout. It?:01 PM It?:01 PM 9-JfiN-97 9-JfiN-97 alarm status = NO RLRRM alarm status = NO RLRRM LIST NUM LIST NUM FIRST FIRST SECOND WT THIRD WT FOURTH WT FIFTH WT SIXTH WT SECOND WT THIRD WT FOURTH WT FIFTH WT SIXTH WT > > 01 01 < < 02 02 03 03 04 04 05 05 06 06 07 07 08 08 09 09 10 10 11 11 12 12 01 01 u u l- l- 2- 2- 3- 3- 4-TOP 4-TOP 5-BOTTOM 5-BOTTOM 64JIT 6-QUIT 7-LIST 7-LIST NUM NUM 8- 8- 9- 9- 0- 0- 4-92 Figure 4-36 Form 24 Layout Issue 1 Revision 0 March 1997

CDE Form Descriptions Field Descriptions LIST NUM: This field displays the route list numbers. Note that the LIST NUM field cannot be modified. There is a maximum of 100 list numbers. FIRST, SECOND, THIRD, FOURTH, FIFTH and SIXTH: These fields specify the route numbers for each route list number. Valid entries are 01 to 200. These fields link this form to Form 23 (ARS: Route Definition). WT There are five of these; one for each of the SECOND, THIRD, FOURTH, FIFTH and SIXTH fields. ON in this field indicates that the chosen route number is an expen- sive route. The system indicates this by providing an audible warning tone when that route is selected. Softkeys LIST NUM: This softkey selects a route list number and displays it on the command line. Pressing the LIST NUM softkey displays the ENTER ROUTE LIST NUM: prompt on the command line. The selection is completed by entering a valid route list number (01 to 100). DELETE/ADD: This softkey appears when the pointer is pointing to data (i.e., data on the command line). This softkey has two functions; it deletes and adds data to the form. Pressing the DELETE softkey removes the data from the selected field. The deletion is completed by pressing the ENTER softkey. If the delete key is pressed while the cursor is in the [FIRST] field, data on that line is deleted; The field is ready for new data and the softkey blanks. When the cursor is at a blank WT field on the command line, this softkey displays ADD. Pressing the ADD softkey enables the warning tone. The WT field displays ON and the softkey now displays DELETE. The standard softkeys CANCEL, ENTER, TOP, BOTTOM, and QUIT are also provid- ed. March 1997 Issue 1 Revision 0 4-93

Customer Data Entry Form 25 - ARS: Route Plans 4.29 *This form assigns the route lists to the time and day zones. There are 18 time zones (six for each day zone). Each time zone has a start time that can be set by the instail- er. The last specified start time creates a time period from its start time to the first specified start time of that day zone. If a time zone has no assigned route list number, then all calls during that time period are restricted from this route plan. There are a maximum of 50 route plans. Refer to Figure 4-37 for the form layout. [3:47 PM 16-JRN-97 [3:47 PM 16-JRN-97 alarm status = NO RLflRM alarm status = NO RLflRM TIME TIME DRY ZONE 1 DRY ZONE 1 DRY ZONE 2 DRY ZONE 2 DRY ZONE 3 DRY ZONE 3 ZONE ZONE STfiRT HOUR ROUTE LIST STfiRT HOUR ROUTE LIST STRRT HOUR ROUTE LIST STfiRT HOUR ROUTE LIST STfiRT HOUR ROUTE LIST STRRT HOUR ROUTE LIST > Bl > Bl < < e2 e2 e3 e3 04 04 65 65 m3 m3 L3’ m L3’ m 6-QUIT 6-QUIT 7-ROUTE PLRN 8- 7-ROUTE PLRN 8- 9- 9- e- e- Figure 4-37 Form 25 Layout Field Descriptions TIME ZONE: This field lists the six time zones for each day zone. The TIME ZONE field cannot be modified. START HOUR: There are three of these fields (one for each day zone). The START HOUR field specifies the starting time of each time zone. The time is represented by two digits in 24 hour format. For example, 18 represents 18:OO. ROUTE LIST There are three of these fields (one for each day zone). The ROUTE LIST field displays the route list numbers and links this form to Form 24, ARS: Route Lists. Valid entries are 01 to 100. Softkeys ROUTE PLAN: This softkey has two functions. It displays the selected route plan number and enables the user to select an alternate route plan. Pressing the ROUTE PLAN softkey displays the following on the command line: CURRENT ROUTE PLAN: XX ENTER ROUTE PLAN NUM: ROUTE PLAN: where XX is route plan number 01 to 50. The route plan selection is completed by entering a new route plan number. 4-94 Issue 1 Revision 0 March 1997

CDE Form Descriptions The standard softkeys CANCEL, DELETE, ENTER, and QUIT are also provided. Form 26 - ARS: Digit Strings 4.30 This form (and its nested form) link the digits dialed by the user to the appropriate route, route list or route plan. It selects the relevant route (if there is only one route), or route list (if there is more than one route and the time of day is not important), or route plan (if the choice of routes vary with the time of day) by the user-dialed digits. Refer to Figure 4-38 for the form layout. Refer to the Automatic Route Se/ectjon and 7b// Co/-Pro/ Practice for details. 7:XI PM 9-JRN-97 alarm status q NO fiLfiRM LERDING DIGITS RETURN DII?L TONE RESTRICTED COR GROUP > 9 NO Unrestricted < 9 NO Unrestricted l- z- 3- 4- 5- 6-QUIT 7-LEnDING DIG 8-DELETE g-SHOW STRINGS @- Figure 4-38 Form 26 Layout Field Descriptions LEADING DIGITS: This field displays the first digits of each digit string for digit analysis. The maximum number of digits in this field is five. RETURN DIAL TONE: If this field displays YES, the system provides a dial tone after the leading digits have been dialed. Alternately, the system does not provide a tempo- rary dial tone when NO is displayed in this field. Refer to the Automatic Route Selection WC/ To// Contra/ Practice for details. RESTRICTED COR GROUP: This field lists the COR group which cannot dial the specified leading digit(s). If this field is left blank, then every COR group can access the specified leading digit(s). March 1997 Issue 1 Revision 0 4-95

Customer Data Entry Softkeys YES/NO: This softkey has two functions; it enables or disables system dial tone for each entry. Pressing the YES softkey enables the system dial tone when that leading digit is accessed. The RETURN DIAL TONE field displays YES and the softkey now displays NO. Pressing the NO softkey disables the system dial tone when that leading digit is accessed. The RETURN DIAL TONE field displays NO and the softkey displays YES again. Note that this softkey only appears when the cursor is in the “RETURN DIAL TONE” field. INSERT This softkey adds new entries to the form. Pressing the INSERTsoftkeyclears the command line and moves the cursor to the LEADING DIGITS field. The addition is completed by entering the new data for each field and pressing the ENTER softkey. Note that the system inserts the addition after the line that was displayed on the command line. LEADING DIG: This softkey selects an entry in the LEADING DIGITS field. Pressing the LEADING DIG softkey displays the ENTER LEADING DIGITS: prompt on the command line. The selection is completed by entering a valid number. Valid entries are the digits 0 through 9 or an asterisk (*). SHOW STRINGS: Pressing this softkey accesses the nested form for any defined leading digits entry. Refer to the ARS: Nested Digit Strings subform. The standard softkeys CANCEL, DELETE, ENTER, **MORE** and QUIT are also provided. Digit Strings Subform For Form 26 4.31 This form is reserved for specifying subsequent digits for each entry in the LEADING DIGITS field of the previous form. It can only be accessed from the previous form. Re- fer to Figure 4-39 for the form layout. Refer to the Automatic Route Se/ection and To// Contra/ Practice for details. 8:01 PM 9- JfiN-97 alarm status = NO RLRRM DIGITS TO BE ~INRLVZED QTV TO FOLLOW LONG DISTt2NCE TERM TYPE flNll NIJM > 10 7 NO ROUTE 1 < 10 7 NO ROUTE 1 l- ii?- X 3- 4-N0X 5- sx MORE xx 6-QUIT 7-FIND STRING 8-DELETE 9-NlX 0- Figure 4-39 Digit Strings Subform Layout 4-96 Issue 1 Revision 0 March 1997

CDE Form Descriptions Field Descriptions DIGITS TO BE ANALYZED: This field displays those digits for digit analysis. Digit analysis is required so that the appropriate route, route list or route plan can be se- lected. The total number of digits in this field, the number of digits in the QTY TO FOLLOW field plus the digits in the LEADING DIGITS field in the previous form (refer to the top level Digit Strings form) cannot exceed 26. QTY TO FOLLOW: This field lists the number of digits that the user dials AFTER the analyzed digits. The ‘Unknown’ prompt in this field indicates that the number of sub- sequent digits is unknown to the system. LONG DISTANCE: This field specifies which digit string entries require ‘long distance’ management. Several features (account codes, Hotel/Motel, etc.) use this to control access to ARS. Default condition is NO. TERM TYPE AND NUM: This field specifies where the digit string terminates. If there is only one route, then ROUTE is selected. If there is more than one route, but the time of day is not important, then LIST is selected. If the choice of routes vary with the time of day, then PLAN is selected. Softkeys YES/NO: This softkey only appears when the cursor is at the LONG DISTANCE field. Pressing the YES softkey indicates to the system that this entry requires “long distance” management. The default condition is no “long distance” management required as 3 indicated by NO in the LONG DISTANCE field. UNKNOWN: This softkey appears only when the cursor is at the QTY TO FOLLOW 3. field. Pressing the UNKNOWN softkey indicates to the system that the quantity of dialed digits AFTER the analyzed digits is unknown. INSERT This softkey adds new entries to the form. Pressing the INSERTsoftkey clears the command line and moves the cursor to the DIGITS TO BE ANALYZED field. The 1 G 9 Q y.: z.. addition is completed by entering the new data for each field and pressing the ENTER softkey. Note that the system inserts the addition one line after the line that was dis- played on the command line. The system automatically places all inserted or added strings in numerical ascending order with relation to existing strings. NOX: This softkey functions as a wild card sequence, where N is any digit from 2 to 9. It represents half of the area codes in North America. Pressing this softkey displays NOX in the DIGITS TO BE ANALYZED field. Note that this softkey can only be pressed at the beginning of a digit string. ROUTE: This softkey only appears when the cursor is at the TERM TYPE AND NUM field. Pressing the ROUTE softkey terminates that entry at a route (the route number must still be defined). ROUTE appears in the TERM TYPE AND NUM field. X: This softkey functions as a wild card digit; it represents any digit from 0 to 9. Pressing this softkey displays X in the DIGITS TO BE ANALYZED field. Note that this softkey can only be pressed at the end of a digit string. PLAN: This softkey only appears when the cursor is at the TERM TYPE AND NUM field. Pressing the PLAN softkey terminates that entry at a route plan (the number must still be defined). PLAN appears in the TERM TYPE AND NUM field. March 1997 issue 1 Revision 0 4-97

Customer Data Entry 4-98 FIND STRING: This softkey selects an entry in the DIGITS TO BE ANALYZED field. Pressing the FIND STRING softkey displays the ENTER DIGIT STRING: prompt on the command line. The selection is completed by entering a valid digit string. Note: The entered digit string does not have to be an exact match; the system accepts subsets of digit strings and moves the cursor to the closest entry. NIX: This softkey functions as a wild card sequence, where N is any digit from 2 to 9. It represents half of the area codes in North America. Pressing this softkey displays Nl X in the DIGITS TO BE ANALYZED field. Note that this softkey can only be pressed at the beginning of a digit string. LIST This softkey appears only when the cursor is at the TERM TYPE AND NUM field. Pressing the LIST softkey terminates that entry at a Route List (the number must still be defined). LIST appears in the TERM TYPE AND NUM field. 1 NIX, 1 NOX, ON1 X, ONOX: For area codes not specifically identified, and where dialing is preceded by a I or 0 (long distance access code), these wildcard sequences followed by 7 digits would cover all unspecified area codes. This allows wild card restriction of 555 and 976 numbers. These softkeys can only be pressed at the beginning of a digit string. They are accessed by pressing the ** MORE ** softkey once. 1 OXXXONOX, 1 OXXXONI X, 10XxX1 NOX, IOXXXl Nl X, 1 OXXXO, 1 OXXXI : These wildcard sequences, designed for the call aggregator market (i.e. hotels, motels, hos- pitals, universities), prevent unauthorized calls from being billed to the originating line, while allowing customers access to the long distance carriers of their choice. These softkeys can only be pressed at the beginning of a digit string. Press the ** MORE ** softkey twice to access IOXXXONOX, IOXXXONlX, lOXXX1 NOX and IOXXXI Nl X. Press ** MORE ** softkey three times to access IOXXXO and lOXXX1. The standard softkeys CANCEL, DELETE, ENTER, and QUIT are also provided, Issue 1 Revision 0 March 1997

CDE Form Descriptions Form 27 - ARS: Maximum Dialed Digits 4.32 This form specifies the maximum number of dialed digits allowed for each Class of Restriction. The purpose of this form is to accommodate countries with open number- ing plans, where it is generally not possible to determine from the leading digits the number of digits to follow. For North America, the specified default value of Unlimited applies. Refer to the Automatic Route Se/e&ion and To// Control Practice for detailed information and additional CDE considerations if a value other than ‘Unlimited’ is cho- sen. See Figure 4-40 for the form layout. 6:07 PM 9-Jfw-97 alarm status q NQ fiLRRH I COR I MRXIMUM NUMBER OF DIQLED DIGITS I > 1 Unlimited 2 Unlimited 3 Unlimited 4 Unlimited 5 Unlimited 6 Unlimited 7 Unlimited 8 Unlimited 9 Unlimited 10 Unlimited 11 Unlimited 12 Unlimited 1 u Unlimited l- 2.- 3- Q-TOP 5-BOTTOM 6-QUIT 7- 8-COR 9- 0- Field Descriptions Figure 4-40 Form 27 Layout COR: This field lists the COR (I + 25). Note: The COR field cannot be modified. Maximum Number of Dialed Digits: This field lists the allowed number of dialed digits, 1 to 25, plus the default value of Unlimited. Twenty-six is equivalent to UNLIMITED. Therefore, when 26 is entered the value UNLIMITED is displayed. Softkeys UNLIMITED: Pressing the UNLIMITED softkey enters the default value of ‘Unlimited’ in the Maximum Number of Dialed Digits field. If the cursor is positioned at the default value, ‘Unlimited’ is not displayed. COR: When this softkey is pressed the user is prompted with ENTER COR NUMBER. After entering the COR number and pressing the ENTER softkey, the cursor is posi- tioned to the COR specified. If the COR selected is out of range, the message “The value xx is outside valid range for COR (I + 25)” is displayed. The standard softkeys CANCEL, ENTER, TOP, BOlTOM, and QUIT are also provid- ed. March 1997 Issue 1 Revision 0 4-99

Customer Data Entry Form 28 - Form Access Restriction Definition 4.33 This form specifies the level of access for the various CDE forms. There are five levels of access; the installer level has the highest degree of access and the attendant level has the lowest- Each form is defined as read only, read/write or no access. When the system is first initialized, the installer level and MAINTI level have read/write access for each form; the rest of the levels default to no access. Note that at each level of ac- cess the user can only modify those forms plus the forms at the lower levels of access. For example, the user at the supervisor level can only modify those forms at SUPERVISOR and ATTENDANT levels. Refer to Figure 4-41 for the form layout. 6:09 PM 9-JRN-97 alarm status q NO ~IL~~RM FORM NOME INST MOINT 1 MfiINTZ SUPER f2TT 01 q SfSTEM CONFIGURfiTION R/W R/W 02 q FEfiTURE fiCCESS CODES R/W R/W 03 q COS DEFINE R/W R/W 04 q S’fS OPTIONSBVS TIMERS R/W R/W 05 = TENRNT INTERCONNECTION R/W R/W 06 = TENRNT NIGHT SWITCHING R/W R/W 07 = CONSOLE fXiSIGNMENTS R/W R/W 08 q hTTENDRNT LDN FiSGN R/W RfW 09 = STfiTIONSBlJPERSET TELEPHON R/W R/W 10 = PICKUP GROUPS R/W R/W 11 q DRTr? CIRCUIT DESCRIPTOR R/W R/W 12 q DflTR ftSSIGNMENT R/W R/W none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none 01 = S’fSTEM CONFIGURf?TION R/W I R/td 1 none I none I none 6-QUIT l7-SET PIXSWORD~#+ILL FORMS l9-FORM NUM l0- Figure 4-41 Form 28 Layout Field Descriptions FORM NAME: This field lists all the form numbers and names of the CDE package. The FORM NAME field cannot be modified. If the FORM NAME is listed as RE- SERVED, the form is not available. INST, MAINTI, MAlNT2, SUPER and ANTI These fields represent the five levels of access and list the access type (read only, read/write or no access) for each form. The selected level of access is not displayed on the softkeys. The INST field cannot be modified. Softkeys READ ONLY: Pressing the READ ONLY softkey restricts the user to viewing the selected form; no modifications can be made. The R prompt appears beside the se- lected form and under the selected access level. READ/WRITE: Pressing the READ/WRITE softkey enables the user to view and modify the selected form. The form displays the RM/ prompt to indicate this state. 4-100 Issue 1 Revision 0 March 1997