Mitel Sx 200 Ml Pabx Lightware 16 Instructions Guide
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CDE Form Descriptions Softkeys ACTlVEhNACTlVE: This softkey has two functions. Pressing the ACTIVE softkey activates the selected account code entry so that the account code can be used. The ACTIVE prompt appears in the ACTIVE field and the softkey now displays the INAC- TIVE prompt. Pressing the INACTIVE softkey sets the selected Account Code entry to ‘Inactive’ and the account can no longer be accessed. The ACTIVE field now displays the INACTIVE prompt and the softkey displays the ACTIVE prompt once again. Note that this softkey only appears when the cursor is in the ACTIVE field. NULL COWNULL COR: This softkey has two functions; it deletes selected COS and COR number entries. When the cursor is in a COS field which has a COS number, the NULL COS prompt appears on the softkey display. Pressing the NULL COS softkey erases the data in the COS field; the NULL COS prompt disappears only when the cursor moves to the next field. Similarly, when the cursor is in a COR field which has a COR number, the NULL COR prompt appears on the softkey display. Pressing the NULLCOR softkey erases the data in the COR field; the NULL COR prompt disappears only when the cursor moves to the next field. INSERT The INSERT softkey adds a new account code to this form. Pressing this softkey opens a window with a clear command line and moves the cursor to the AC- COUNT CODE field. The new account code is programmed by entering an account code value, a COS number and a COR number (if required). The system inserts the new account code in its appropriate sequential position. The line pointer now points to the new account code. Note that if there is no data in this form or if the line pointer is pointing to the last line of data, then this softkey does not appear. DELETE RANGE: Pressing the DELETE RANGE softkey displays the FIRST AC- COUNT CODE TO DELETE: prompt on the command line. After an Account Code has been entered, the display returns the LAST ACCOUNT CODE TO DELETE: prompt. The deletion is completed by entering an Account Code. All Account Code entries between and including these specified Account Codes are removed from the form. If an invalid account code is entered the system will display ‘Non-existent account code value has been entered’. Pressing CANCEL followed by QUIT returns the display without any modifications. FIND: This softkey selects an account code and appears only when there is an account code in the form. Pressing the FIND softkey displays the ENTER ACCOUNT CODE: prompt on the command line. The selection is completed by entering a valid account code. The standard softkeys CANCEL, ENTER, DELETE, TOP, BOTTOM, and QUIT are also provided. March 1997 Issue 1 Revision 0 4-111

Customer Data Entry Form 34 - Directed IO 4.42 This form allows the user to specify the location of the system printer ports, designate the type of printout for each printer, and define whether the printout is guaranteed or not (will or will not print). Data outputs such as Traffic Measurement, SMDR, Ho- tel/Motel can be routed to any data port with an asynchronous dataset. If no new point is specified, printouts continue to default to the system printer RS-232 port. If the printer specified is currently active, then any request to print is queued. The system can support 7 different printers. When the form is entered for the first time the default printer routing is displayed for all valid printouts. See Figure 4-50 for the form layout. 8:13 PM 9-Jfwk91 alarm status q NO flLfiRM EXT NUM PRINTOUT PRINTOUT T’fPE GUfiRfiNTEED > Printer Port Maintenance Logs fhtopr-int NO < z 1 Printer Port Maintenance Logs hutoprint NO l- 2- 3-fiDD ‘+-TOP 5-BOTTOM 6-QUIT 7- 8-DELETE 9- 0- Figure 4-50 Form 34 Layout Field Descriptions EXT NUM: This field lists printer ports and extension numbers of programmed datasets. This form is linked to Form 12, Data Assignment. PRINTOUT This field lists the specified data outputs, such as Traffic Measurement, SMDR, Hotel/Motel, DATA SMDR, etc., for each programmed printer. Values in this field are entered through softkey commands. Note that the PMS (Property Manage- ment System) softkey is displayed only if the PMS system option is enabled. PRINTOUT TYPE: This field lists the type of printout provided for each data output such as Autoprint, Directed and Monitor. Values in this field are entered through soft- keys. The softkeys displayed will depend upon the data output programmed in the PRINTOUT field. Table 4-i 0 lists available softkeys as determined by the PRINTOUT field. 4-l 12 Issue 1 Revision 0 March 1997

CDE Form Descriptions Table 4-10 Available Softkeys Application Printout Type Options Maintenance Logs AUTOPRINT, DIRECTED, MONITOR Traffic Measurement SMDR AUTOPRINT, DIRECTED AUTOPRINT CDE Data Print Hotel/Motel Wakeup DIRECTED AUTOPRINT Hotel/Motel Audit PMS DIRECTED AUTOPRINT ACD Agent Summary ACD Monitor Print AUTOPRINT DIRECTED I ACD Group Summary I MONITOR I , MAl* AUTOPRINT * If software option is enabled. GUARANTEED: This field is only modifiable for SMDR and Data SMDR printouts. The field defaults to NO in all other cases. If this field is set to YES, SMDR records are guaranteed to print without losing records. Softkeys DELETE: Pressing the DELETE softkey deletes from the form the printout listed at the cursor position. The ENTER softkey must then be pressed to change the database. The user is alerted if the printout is currently active (printing or queued to print) before the delete is pet-formed. If the printout is active, the user can cause the immediate deletion of the printout by pressing the CONTINUE softkey or cancel the delete oper- ation by pressing the CANCEL softkey. When the deletion is completed the message ‘DELETION COMPLETED’ is returned. The printer is deleted when the last printout directed to it is deleted. ADD: This softkey appears upon entry to the form and is used to insert additional printer locations and/or extension numbers of datasets. When the ADD softkey is pressed, the form is in the ADD mode, and the following softkeys are presented. PRINTER PORT This softkey appears when the cursor is positioned on the EXT NUM field. The programmer can enter a valid dataset number or press the PRINTER PORT softkey to enter printer port in the EXT NUM field. SMDR: This softkey defines the printout as an SMDR printout. CDE DATA: This softkey appears after the MORE softkey has been pressed. It defines the selected printout as a CDE DATA record, allowing the user to print the CDE pro- grammable data to a specified printer. March 1997 Issue 1 Revision 0 4-l 13

Customer Data Entty 4-l 14 DATA SMDR: This softkey defines the printout as a DATA SMDR. DATA SMDR is a record of internal data calls. ACD AGT SUM: This softkey appears after the MORE softkey has been pressed. Available only if system software contains ACD Option. Refer to the ACD TELEMARKETER Apphcation Package Practice for further information. ACD MONITORS: This softkey appears after the MORE softkey has been pressed. Available only if system software contains ACD Option. Refer to the ACD TELEMARKETER Appkation Package Practice for further information. ACD GRP SUMMARY: This softkey appears after the MORE softkey has been pressed. Available only if system software contains ACD Option. Refer to the ACD TELEMARKETER Appbcation fackage Practice for further information. TRAFFIC: This softkey defines the printout as a traffic measurement report. MAINT LOGS: This softkey defines the printout as a maintenance log printout. HM WAKEUP: This softkey defines the printout as a report of wakeup calls. HM AUDIT This softkey defines the printout as an audit report. PMS: This softkey appears only if Property Management System is enabled in the CDE System Options/System Timers form. When the programmer presses the PMS softkey, “PMS Port” appears in the PRINTOUTfield the AUTOPRINT softkey appears. Pressing the AUTOPRINT softkey completes programming of the PMS port. MAI: This softkey appears only if Mite1 Application Interface is enabled in the CDE System Options/System Timers form. When the programmer presses the MAI softkey, “MAI” appears in the PRINTOUT field and the AUTOPRINT softkey appears. Pressing the AUTOPRINT softkey completes programming of the MAI port. AUTOPRINT The printout occurs automatically when a certain condition in the system is met. DIRECTED: The printout occurs at the user’s request. MONITOR: This softkey is available only if the PRINTOUT field is set to maintenance logs. The logs are printed as they occur. YES: Pressing YES guarantees the printing of the record. By default, the GUARAN- TEED field is set to NO. NO: This softkey appears if the GUARANTEED field has been set to YES. Pressing this softkey restores it to NO. The standard softkeys CANCEL, ENTER, DELETE, TOP, BOTTOM, **MORE**, and QUIT are also provided. Issue 1 Revision 0 March 1997

CDE Form Descriptions Form 35 - Global Find Access Code 4.43 This form lists the access codes in the CDE database, including ARS Leading Digits. Callback Busy and Executive Busy Override are excluded, since they can only be dialed when receiving busy tone. This form exists to provide access code information conveniently to the user. Codes can be assigned, modified or deleted only in the appropriate forms. 16:31 PM 9-JRN-97 WCESS CODE DEFINED BflY SLT CCT SCT MULTIPLE fiPP. 1801 PBX SUPERSET I 08 01 I N/l? 1802 PBX SUPERSET I 08 02 I N/R 1803 PBX SLIPERSET I 08 03 1 N/fl 1804 PBX SUPERSET I 08 04 I NM 1805 PBX SUPERSET I 08 05 I NM 1806 PBX SUPERSET I 08 06 I N/B 1807 PBX SUPERSET I 08 07 I N/R 1808 PBX SUPERSET I 08 08 I WI? 1809 PBX SUPERSET I 08 09 I N/fl 1810 PBX SUPERSET I 08 I0 I N/R 1811 PBX SUPERSET I 08 II I N/f3 1812 PBX SUPERSET I 08 I2 I NM 1801 PBX SUPERSET I 08 01 I 1 N/B l- 2- 3- 4-TOP 5-BOTTOM kQlJIT 7-BCCESS CODE 8- 9- 0- alarm status q NO flLBRM Figure 4-51 Form 35 Layout Field Descriptions ACCESS CODE: This field lists all programmed access codes as assigned in numerical order by the first digits, for example 10, Ill, 1210, 132, 20. DEFINED: This field lists the areas where access codes have been assigned. BAY, SLOT, CCT and SCTz These fields list the physical location of devices, and LDNs. MULTIPLE APP.: This indicates if there are multiple appearances of number (LDNs or extension numbers) - this will be one of YES, NO or N/A. Softkeys ACCESS CODE: Pressing the ACCESS CODE softkey displays ENTER ACCESS CODE prompt on the command line. After the user enters the access code and presses the ENTER softkey, the code is then verified by the system. If the number entered is not presently used as an access code, the following message is displayed: The ac- cess code xxx does not exist. March 1997 Issue 1 Revision 0 4-l 15

Customer Data Entry NEXT This softkey is displayed when an unassigned number is entered at the ENTER ACCESS CODE prompt, and is cancelled. Pressing this softkey displays the next access code that follows the one requested. The standard softkeys CANCEL, ENTER, TOP, BOTTOM, and QUIT are also provid- ed. Form 36 - Modem Assignment 4.44 This form assigns pooled modems to the system database. A pooled modem consists of a modem connected to an ONS or OPS circuit and a dataset connected to a digital line circuit. Each line of the form establishes the software association between the ONS or OPS circuit and the digital line circuit for one pooled modem. BIW SLT CCT CDN BflY SLT CCT EXTN TEN DTE COS COR MODE DIRL BRY SLT CCT CDN BflY SLT CCT EXTN TEN DTE COS COR MODE DIRL COMMENTS COMMENTS > > 1 01 02 1 01 02 < < 1 01 03 1 01 03 1 01 04 1 01 04 1 01 05 1 01 05 1 01 06 1 01 06 1 01 07 1 01 07 1 01 08 1 01 08 1 01 09 1 01 09 1 01 10 1 01 10 1 01 11 1 01 11 1 01 12 1 01 12 1 01 02 1 01 02 I 1 -MOUE 1 -MOUE Z-FIND EXT Z-FIND EXT 3- 3- 4- 4- 5- 5- 6-QUIT 6-QUIT 7-BfiY/SLT/CCT 7-BfiY/SLT/CCT 8- 8- 9- 9- 0- 0- 4 4 6:32 PM 9-JflN-97 alarm status q NO RLRRM 4-l 16 Issue 1 Revision 0 March 1997 Figure 4-52 Form 36 Layout Field Descriptions BAY/SLT/CCT The three left-most columns contain the BAY/SLT/CCT numbers of all unassigned ONS and OPS circuits. The system provides this information. CDN: A Circuit Descriptor Number (CDN) must be assigned to each DNIC device. The default CDN is I. Circuit Descriptors are programmed in the CDE Data Circuit Descrip- tor Form. BAY/SLT/CCT The second set of BAY/SLT/CCT columns lists the DNIC circuits as- sociated with each ONS (or OPS) circuit. BAY/SLT/CCT numbers assigned here do not appear in the Data Assignment form or the Stations/SWERSE~Telephones form. EXTN: This column lists the extension numbers assigned to the pooled modems.

CDE Form Descriptions TEN: This column lists the tenant numbers to which the pooled modems are assigned. The default tenant number is I. DTE: This column lists the optional DTE Descriptor that applies to each pooled modem. The DTE Descriptor is needed for incoming or internal modem pooling calls that require a DTRX. DTE Descriptors are programmed in the CDE DTE Descriptor Form. COS: This column lists the Class of Service (COS) of each pooled modem. The default COS is 1. COR: This column lists the Class of Restriction (COR) of each pooled modem. The default COR is 1. An entry is required in this column because outgoing calls connect to trunks and are routed via ARS. MODE: This column lists the mode of operation for each modem. The options are ANSWER, ORIGINATE, or BOTH. The default is BOTH. DIAL: This column lists the auto-dial capability of each modem. The options are AU- TODIAL or NON AUTODIAL. The default is NON AUTODIAL. COMMENTS: There is a COMMENTS field of 15 characters for each modem listed. Softkeys MOVE: This softkey relocates a device via its bay, slot, and circuit numbers. When the MOVE softkey is pressed, the command line requests the FROM location (BAY: SLOT CCT). When the location is specified and the ENTER softkey is pressed, the command line requests the TO location. The new location is designated and the ENTER softkey is pressed. Entering invalid numbers inhibits cursor movement. FIND EXT This softkey locates a pooled modem by its extension number. ANSWER: This softkey appears when the cursor is on the MODE field. Pressing it enables the modem to operate in answer mode only. NON AUTODIAL: This softkey appears when the cursor is on the DIAL column. Press- ing it tells the system that the modem does not dial automatically. AUTODIAL: This softkey appears when the cursor is on the DIAL column. Pressing it tells the system that the modem can dial automatically. ORIGINATE: This softkey appears when the cursor is on the MODE field. Pressing it enables the modem to operate in originate mode only. BOTH: This softkey appears when the cursor is on the MODE field and the ANSWER or ORIGINATE softkey has been pressed. Pressing the BOTH softkey enables the modem to operate in both answer and originate modes. DELETE FIELD: This softkey appears when the cursor is on the DTE field and a DTE Descriptor number has been entered. Pressing the DELETE FIELD softkey restores the field to its default, blank. The standard softkeys CANCEL, BAY/SLT/CCT, ENTER, DELETE, TOP, BOTTOM, and QUIT are also provided. March 1997 Issue 1 Revision 0 4-117

Customer Data Entry Form 37 - Guest RM SUPERSE~ Keys Template 4.45 Form 37 (see Figure 4-53) provides 3 preprogrammed sets (templates) of speed dial and feature keys for hotel/motel guest room phones. In each COS, the programmer can enable one template which will apply to all SUPERSET 4 70, SUPERSET 420 and SUPERSET 430 telephones in that COS that have Room Status Applies enabled. 6:33 PM 9-JRN-97 alarm status = NO fiLeRM TEMPLfiTE 1 1 KEY 1 TVPE I SPEED DIRL NUMBER PRIWTE 02 Speed Dial 03 Speed Dial 04 Speed Dial 05 Speed Dial 06 Speed Dial 07 Speed Dial 08 Speed Dial 09 Speed Dial 10 Speed Dial 11 Speed Dial 12 Speed Dial l- 02 Speed Dial Z- 3-FERTURE +TEMPLfiTE NO 5- 6-QUIT I 7-KEY I 8- I 9- I 0- 4-1 18 Issue 1 Field Descriptions Figure 4-53 Form 37 Layout TYPE: This field lists the function of each key, either speed dial (the default) or a feature (e.g. Do Not Disturb). SPEED DIAL NUMBER: If the key is a speed dial key, the programmer enters the number here. PRIVATE: If the key is a speed dial key, the programmer can prevent the user from displaying the number by selecting the PRIVATE feature for this field. Softkeys FEATURE: Pressing this softkey makes the set key a feature access key. The following softkeys appear: ACCOUNT CODE AUTO ANSWER CALUATTN CALLBACK CALL FORWARD CALL PICKUP CAMPON DATA DISC DIRECT PAGE DO NOT DIST DOUBLE FLASH FORWARD CALL MUSIC NIGHT ANSWER OVERRIDE PA PAGING PRIVACY REL RELEASE SINGLE FLASH SWAP Revision 0 March 1997

CDE Form Descriptions These softkeys are the same ones that appear in the nested Expand Set form of the Stations/SUi?E/%X~Telephones form. Refer to Form 09 for more information. TEMPLATE NO: Pressing the TEMPLATE NO softkey prompts the user to “ENTER TEMPLATE NUMBER:“. Valid template numbers are 1,2 and 3. When a valid template number is entered, the new template form is displayed. KEY: Pressing this key prompts the user to “ENTER KEY NUM:“. The valid range for the key number is 2 - 12. PRIVATE: This softkey appears when a speed dial number has been entered and the cursor is on the PRIVATE field. Pressing this key makes a non-private speed dial number private. When a speed dial number is entered under the SPEED DIAL NUM- BER column, just tab over to the PRIVATE column and press the PRIVATE softkey to make the number private. The word PRIVATE will appear under the PRIVATE column. NON PRIVATE: This softkey appears when the cursor is on the PRIVATE field of a line containing a private speed dial number. Pressing this key makes a private speed dial number non-private. The standard softkeys CANCEL, DELETE, ENTER and QUIT are also provided. Form 38 - ACD Keys Template 4.46 The ACD Keys Template form provides up to three different function key configura- tions for each ACD position: agent, supervisor and senior supervisor. In each COS, however, only one template for one position type can be enabled. Line appearance keys assigned in the Stations/S~/%E/XE~Telephones form have priority over ACD feature keys. 11:X? HIM 10-JflN-97 alarm status q NO RLRRM fiGENT [ll 1 l+GENT I 6-QUIT I KEY 1 T’fPE 02 Speed Dial 03 Speed Dial 04 Speed Dial 05 Speed Dial 06 Speed Dial 07 Speed Dial 08 Speed Dial 09 Speed Dial 10 Speed Dial 11 Speed Dial 12 Speed Dial 13 Speed Dial 02 1 Speed Dial !-SUPERUISOR 13-SENI r-KE’f I 8-DELE SPEED DI~IL NUMBER I PRIWTE 5551212 5551212 I IR I 4-WD KEYS I 5- ‘E 19-NON-fXD KEVSi0- March 1997 Figure 4-54 Form 38 Layout Issue 1 Revision 0 4-l 19

Customer Data Entry Field Descriptions The header lists the ACD position to which the template applies and the template number (I, 2 or 3). Key: This field lists the line select keys. The keys are numbered on the set from bottom to top. Key 01, the prime line key, is not shown because it cannot be reprogrammed. Type: This field lists the function of each key. The default is speed dial. Speed Dial Number: This field lists the speed dial number for each speed dial key. Private: The word ‘Private’ in this field indicates that the speed dial number is private and cannot be displayed at the set. Softkeys AGENT Pressing the AGENT softkey prompts the user to enter an agent template number “ENTER AGENTTEMPLATE NUMBER:“. When a valid template number (l-3) is entered, the selected agent keys template is displayed. The title line is updated with the agent template number. SUPERVISOR: Pressing the SUPERVISOR softkey prompts the user to enter a su- pervisor template number “ENTER SUPERVISOR TEMPLATE NUMBER:“. When a valid template number (i-3) is entered, the selected supervisor keys template is dis- played. The title line is updated with the supervisor template number. SENIOR: Pressing the SENIOR softkey prompts the user to enter a senior supervisor template number “ENTER SENIOR SUPERVISOR TEMPLATE NUMBER:“. When a valid template number (I -3) is entered, the selected senior supervisor keys template is displayed. The title line is updated with the senior supervisor template number0 ACD KEYS: Pressing the ACD KEYS softkey provides a set of softkeys used to assign ACD feature keys to the set’s line select keys. The feature keys presented depend on the type of keys template being programmed. All templates have a QUEUE STATUS key available. In addition, an agent template can have a MAKE BUSY key and a supervisor template can have an AGENT STATUS key. Both the SUPERVISOR and SENIOR SUPERVISOR can be provided with a SHIFT key. KEY: Pressing the KEY softkey prompts the user to enter a key number (2-15). When a valid line key number is entered, the cursor points to that line. The command line displays the line, ready for editing. PRIVATE: Pressing the PRIVATE softkey makes the programmed speed dial number private. NON PRIVATE: Pressing the NON PRIVATE softkey makes a private speed dial num- ber non-private. SINGLE FLASH: Pressing the SINGLE FLASH softkey provides the ability to send TRANSCONF, dial the Flash Over Trunk access code, then go into either dial state or talk state (if the CENTREX Flash Over Trunk option is enabled in the COS of the trunk). 4-120 issue 1 Revision 0 March 1997