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Lucent Technologies DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Installation, Upgrades, And Additions For Compact Modular Cabinets Manual

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    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation, Upgrades, 
    and Additions for Compact Modular Cabinets  555-233-118  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Installing and Cabling the Cabinets 
    1-55 Activate and Administer the System 
    Log into the System
    1. Verify the sc reen d isp lays: Login:
    2. Type craft
     and  p ress 
    En t e r.
    3. Type crftpw
     and  p ress
     En t e r. The password does not display as it is typed. 
    The sc reen d isp lays the system software version and  the terminal typ es.
    Terminal Type (513, 715, 4410, 4425, VT220): [513]
    4. Enter the typ e of manag ement terminal (suc h as 715) and  p ress 
    En t e r.
    Check System Status 
    The system status may sug gest p rob lem areas. Refer to DEFINITY Enterp rise 
    Communic ations Server Release 8 Maintenanc e for R8c si.
    1. Type status system all-cabinets
     and press 
    En t e r.
    2. Verify the sc reen d isp lays a servic e state of in
     for all app rop riate areas.
    Change Customer Options
    Refer to DEFINITY Enterp rise Communic ations Server Release 8 Ad ministrator’s 
    Guid e to view a samp le sc reen. 
    The following  features are p art of the b asic  software p ac kag e and  d o not req uire 
    ac tivation. They d efault to y
     (yes) on the Op tional Features form. 
    nARS/AAR Partitioning
    nEmerg enc y Ac c ess to Attend ant
    nHosp itality (Basic )
    nService Ob serving
    An init
     login is required to change c ustomer options. Contact your regional 
    CSA (Customer Software Ad ministrator) to p erform this func tion. 
    1. Enter change system-parameters customer-options
     and  p ress 
    En te r. 
    2. Using  the c ustomer ord er, enab le the op tional features p urc hased  by the 
    customer (as shown by PEC codes on the customer order).
    3. Press 
    En t e r when finished  to sub mit the form.
    4. Log off and  then log  b ac k in to affec t the c ustomer op tion c hang es.  
    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation, Upgrades, 
    and Additions for Compact Modular Cabinets  555-233-118  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Installing and Cabling the Cabinets 
    1-56 Activate and Administer the System 
    Set Country Options
    Some c ountry options need  to b e set to turn off the red  alarm LEDs.
    1. Enter change system-parameters country options
     and  p ress 
    En te r . A 
    sc reen similar to Screen 1-1
     d isp lays on the terminal. The c ursor is set on 
    the Companding Mode
    Screen 1-1. Typical System Parameters Country-Options Screen
    2. The d efault (United  States) c omp and ing  mod e is mu-Law. If the c ountry 
    uses A-Law c omp anding , typ e A-Law. Press 
    En t e r when finished .
    Other items eventually need  to b e entered  on this sc reen, b ut this is 
    all that is need ed  to turn the red  alarm LEDs off. 
    3. Set the c ountry c od es as needed  in the following  field s. Refer to Table 1-9
    for the c ountry c od es. The United  States c ountry c od e (1) is shown in the 
    examp le above.
    nDigital Loss Plan:
    nAnalog Ringing Cadence:
    nAnalog Line Transmission: 
    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation, Upgrades, 
    and Additions for Compact Modular Cabinets  555-233-118  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Installing and Cabling the Cabinets 
    1-57 Activate and Administer the System 
    4. If all red  LEDs remain on, reseat any p ort c irc uit p ac ks d isp laying  red  
    5. If the red  LEDs remain on, refer to DEFINITY Enterp rise Communic ations 
    Server Release 8 Maintenanc e for R8c si.
    Ig nore the red  LED on any TN767 or TN464 DS1 c irc uit p ac k until 
    after it is ad ministered. Refer to Chapter 2, ‘‘Completing Installation 
    and Cable Pinouts’’ to set the switc hes on these c irc uit p ac ks. 
    Alarms ap p ear in the Alarm Log  when p ower is app lied to the 
    system b efore all eq uip ment c onnec ting  to port c irc uit p ac ks is 
    installed. Some alarms are logged when power is applied, but 
    resolve q uic kly. If no eq uip ment is c onnec ted  to the p ort c irc uit 
    p ac ks, alarms assoc iated  with these p orts c an take up  to 4 hours to 
    log , b ut c lear automatic ally after all eq uip ment is installed  and  
    operating correctly.
    Table 1-9. Country Codes
    Country Code Country Code
    USA 1 Franc e 12
    Australia 2 Germany 13
    Jap an 3 Czec hoslovakia 14
    Italy 4 Russia 15
    The Netherland s 5 Arg entina 16
    Sing ap ore 6 Greec e 17
    Mexic o 7 China 18
    Belg ium 8 Hong Kong 19
    Saud i Arab ia 9 Thailand 20
    United  Kingd om 10 Mac ed onia 21
    Sp a in 1 1 
    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation, Upgrades, 
    and Additions for Compact Modular Cabinets  555-233-118  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Installing and Cabling the Cabinets 
    1-58 Activate and Administer the System 
    Change Craft Password
    The p assword  for the c raft log in must b e c hang ed  b y the installing  tec hnic ian to 
    p revent unauthorized  ad ministration c hang es.
    After the password is changed, the new password must be safeguarded so 
    no unauthorized  ad ministration c hang es c an b e mad e. This p assword  
    M U ST N O T B E REVEAL ED  t o  t h e  c u s t o m e r  o r  t o  a n y  u n a u t h o r iz e d  p e r s o n .
    1. Log in as craft
     and  enter change password craft
    . Press 
    En te r. See Screen 
    1-2. The c ursor is p ositioned  on Password for Login Making 
    Screen 1-2. Typical Change Password Screen
    2. Typ e the p assword  for the c raft log in (assig ned  as c rftp w when the system 
    is shipped) and press 
    En te r. 
    3. Enter the new password (obtained from the regional CSA). Valid 
    p assword s c onsist of a c omb ination of 4 to 11 alp ha or numeric  
    c harac ters. Use at least 1 letter and 1 numb er. 
    4. In the Reenter Login’s Password
    : field , type the new p assword  ag ain 
    and  p ress 
    En t e r. 
    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation, Upgrades, 
    and Additions for Compact Modular Cabinets  555-233-118  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Installing and Cabling the Cabinets 
    1-59 Activate and Administer the System 
    Set Daylight Savings Rules
    You c an set up  to 15 c ustomized d aylig ht saving s time rules. If you have switc hes 
    in several d ifferent time zones, you c an set up  rules for eac h. A d aylig ht saving s 
    time rule sp ec ifies the exac t time when you want to transition to and  from daylig ht 
    saving s time. It also spec ifies the inc rement at whic h to transition. 
    The d efault d aylig ht saving s rule is 0
    , no d aylig ht saving s.
    1. Type change daylight-savings-rules
     and press 
    En t e r. 
    2. Type the appropriate start and stop information in the Change Day
    , Date
    , Time
    , and  Increment
     (for example, 1:00
     eq uals one hour) 
    field s for eac h rule. 
    You c an c hang e any rule exc ep t rule 0 (zero). You c annot delete a 
    d aylig ht saving s rule if it is in use on either the Loc ations or Date and 
    Ti m e  s c re e n s .
    3. Press 
    En t e r.
    Rule Change Day Month___Date Time____Increment
    0: No Daylight Savings
    1: Start: first Sunday
    ___ on or after April___ 1  at _2:00 01:00Stop:  first Sunday___ on or after October_ 25 at _3:002: Start: first       ___ on or after ________ __ at _____ 
    Stop:  first        ___ on or after _______ __ at _____3: Start: first _________ on or after ________ __ at __:__
    Stop:  first _________ on or after ________ __ at __:__
    4: Start: first _________ on or after ________ __ at __:__
    Stop:  first _________ on or after ________ __ at __:__
    5: Start: first _________ on or after ________ __ at __:__
    Stop:  first _________ on or after ________ __ at __:__
    6: Start: first _________ on or after ________ __ at __:__
    Stop:  first _________ on or after ________ __ at __:__
    7: Start: first _________ on or after ________ __ at __:__
    Stop:  first _________ on or after ________ __ at __:__ 
    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation, Upgrades, 
    and Additions for Compact Modular Cabinets  555-233-118  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Installing and Cabling the Cabinets 
    1-60 Activate and Administer the System 
    Set Date and Time
    1. Enter set time 
    p ress En te r.
    2. Typ e the d ay of the week in Eng lish (Sunday throug h Saturd ay). See 
    Table 1-10
     for Eng lish day of the week names.
    Table 1-10. English Day of the Week Names
    Day Number Day Name
    2 Mond ay
    4 Wed nesd ay
                               DATE AND TIME
     Day of the Week: Tuesday
    Month: FebruaryDay of the Month: 8 Year: 2000
    Hour: 20 Minute: 30Second: XX Type: standardDaylight Savings Rule: 0 
    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation, Upgrades, 
    and Additions for Compact Modular Cabinets  555-233-118  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Installing and Cabling the Cabinets 
    1-61 Activate and Administer the System 
    3. In the Month:
     field , typ e the c urrent month in Eng lish (January throug h 
    Dec emb er). See Table 1-11
     for English month names. 
    4. In the Month:
     field, type the d ay of month (1 throug h 31).
    5. In the Year:
     field , typ e the c urrent year.
    6. In the Hour:
     field , typ e the c urrent hour for a 24-hour c loc k. 
    7. In the Minute:
     field , typ e c urrent minute (0 through 59). Sec ond s c annot 
    b e set.
    8. Press 
    En t e r when the information is c orrec t.
    Table 1-11. English Month Names
    Month Number Month Name
    1 January
    9 Sep temb er
    10 Oc tob er
    11 November
    12 Dec emb er 
    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation, Upgrades, 
    and Additions for Compact Modular Cabinets  555-233-118  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Installing and Cabling the Cabinets 
    1-62 Activate and Administer the System 
    Circuit Pack Administration
    After the eq uip ment is installed  (inc lud ing  c irc uit p ac ks), the c irc uit pac ks must 
    b e ad ministered . Refer to DEFINITY Enterp rise Communic ations Server 
    Release 8 Ad ministrator’s Guid e, for more information.
    The following desc rib es g eneral ad ministration information:
    nUse the Circ uit Pac ks form to ad minister c irc uit p ac ks to c arrier slots. The 
    c irc uit p ac ks must b e installed  (or assig ned  using  the Circ uit Pac ks form) 
    before administering voice terminals, attendant consoles, or trunks.
    nEac h p ag e of the form rep resents 1 c arrier in the c ab inet shown on the 
    c ommand  line. For Release 8 CMC, all c arriers and  slots ap p ear even if 
    they are not inc lud ed  in the hard ware.
    nIt is not nec essary to fill in the Circ uit Pac ks form if the c irc uit p ac ks are 
    installed  at the time of ad ministration.
    nRefer to DEFINITY Communic ations System Generic  3 Planning  and 
    Config uration, 555-230-601, for more information ab out c irc uit pac k 
    ad ministration and port assig nment rec ord s (the DS1 c irc uit p ac k and 
    translations are c overed  in Chap ter 2 and  Chap ter 3).
    nFor initial installation, assig n c irc uit p ac ks to slots using the hard ware 
    configuration layout record from the fac tory or Customer Services 
    Org anization. Do not arb itrarily assig n c irc uit p ac ks to slots.
    nWhen a c irc uit p ac k in a slot d iffers from what has b een ad ministered on 
    the form, a “ #”  d isp lays b etween the “ Sfx”  and  “ Name”  field s.
    Set System Maintenance Parameters
    To prevent unnec essary troub le tic kets, d o not enab le the system alarms (Alarm 
    Orig ination feature) until all installation and  ad ministration p roc ed ures are c omp leted .
    1. Enter change system-parameters maintenance 
    and press
    2. Enter the alarm notific ation and  sc hed uled  maintenanc e information into 
    eac h field  on Pag e 1 of the form.
    3. Enter the app rop riate information on Page 2 of the form.
    4. Press 
    En t e r when finished . 
    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation, Upgrades, 
    and Additions for Compact Modular Cabinets  555-233-118  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Installing and Cabling the Cabinets 
    1-63 Activate and Administer the System 
    Administer the Attendant Console
    If no attend ant c onsole is installed , proc eed  to ‘‘Save Translations’’.
    1. Enter display system-parameters country-options 
    and press 
    En te r. 
    Verify the system’s c ompand ing  mod e for its loc al stations (usually, A-Law 
    for Europ e and  mu-Law for North Americ a and  Jap an).
    2. If necessary, enter change terminal-parameters 603/302B1 
    to c hange 
    the d efault system-level p arameters and  aud io levels for these terminals.
    For information about c hang ing  the d efault p arameters and  aud io 
    levels, refer to DEFINITY App lic ation Notes available throug h the 
    ITAC (International Tec hnic al Assistanc e Center).
    3. Ad minister other forms listed  under “ Attend ant Console”  in DEFINITY 
    Enterp rise Communic ations Server Release 8 Ad ministrator’s Guid e.
    Save Translations
    1. Enter save translation 
    and  p ress En te r. This c op ies the c urrent system 
    translations onto the translation c ard  and  takes ab out 10 minutes.
    2. Remove the original translation card and replace with the backup c ard.
    3. Rep eat Step  1 for the b ac kup  translation c ard . 
    4. Remove the b ac kup  c ard  and  rep lac e with the orig inal translation c ard .
    5. Lab el the b ac kup  c ard  with the d ate and  time of the b ac kup and  store in a 
    sec ure p lac e.
    Add Translations
    1. Refer to DEFINITY Enterp rise Communic ations Server Release 8 
    Ad ministrator’s Guid e, to ad d  new terminals. 
    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation, Upgrades, 
    and Additions for Compact Modular Cabinets  555-233-118  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Installing and Cabling the Cabinets 
    1-64 Install and Wire Telephones and Other Equipment 
    Install and Wire Telephones and Other 
    Only 1 p air of wires is availab le for emerg enc y transfer, and  1 p air of wires 
    is availab le for attend ant c onsole p ower.
    The wiring  p roc ed ures are the same for most of the DEFINITY System telep hones 
    and  other eq uip ment. 
    This c hapter p rovid es wiring examp les of these similar installation proc ed ures. 
    These are examp les only and  ac tual wiring  p roc ed ures may vary at eac h site. 
    The system c an c onnec t to all DTE terminals. The system c an have RS-232 (or 
    EIA-232) or DCP interfac es.
    All wiring  p inouts for p ort c irc uit pac ks are in the tables at the end  of this c hap ter.
    Refer to Figure 1-21 on page 1-37
     for punc h-d own information for c ommon c irc uit 
    p ac ks. The figure shows the c olors of the p unc h-d owns and  is b est viewed  from 
    CD-ROM or on-line.
    After installing the hard ware, the d ata for the system and  telep hone features is 
    ad ministered . These proc edures are p rovid ed  in DEFINITY Enterp rise 
    Communic ations Server Release 8 Ad ministrator’s Guid e.
    Telephone Connection Examples
    The 302C1 Attend ant Console d esc rib es a typ ic al telep hone c onnec tion. This 
    information is typ ic al of the 603E, 84xx (4-wire), and  94xx telep hones. The 
    attend ant c onsole always req uires auxiliary (ad junc t) p ower (-48 VDC). See 
    Figure 1-30
    . Only 1 c onsole c an b e p owered  b y the system throug h the AUX 
    c onnec tor. The p rimary c onsole should  b e p owered from the system so it has the 
    same power failure bac kup  as the system.
    The maximum c abling  d istanc e for the c onsole p owered  from the c ab inet is 
    350 feet (100 m) using  24 AWG (#5) (0.26 mm
    2) wire.
    The g eneral step s to c onnec t a telep hone are: 
    1. Choose a d evic e to c onnec t suc h as a 302C1 Attend ant Console.
    2. Choose the port circuit pac k and its carrier and slot number, such as 
    TN754B, Cab inet 1, Carrier A, Slot 06.
    3. Choose a p ort c irc uit on the p ort c irc uit pac k, suc h as Port 05. 
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