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Lucent Technologies DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Installation, Upgrades, And Additions For Compact Modular Cabinets Manual

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    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation, Upgrades, 
    and Additions for Compact Modular Cabinets  555-233-118  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Installing and Cabling the Cabinets 
    1-15 AC Power and Ground 
    Approved Grounds
    An ap p roved  g round  is the c losest ac c ep tab le med ium for g rounding  the 
    b uild ing  entranc e protec tor, entranc e c ab le shield , or sing le-p oint ground of 
    elec tronic  telep hony eq uip ment. If more than 1 typ e of ap p roved  g round  is 
    availab le on the p remises, the g round s must b e b ond ed  tog ether as required  in 
    Sec tion 250-81 of the National Elec tric al Cod e.
    Grounded Building Steel
    — The metal frame of the b uild ing  where it is 
    effec tively g round ed  b y 1 of the following  g round s: ac c ep tab le metallic  water 
    p ip e, c onc rete enc ased  g round , or a g round  ring .
    Acceptable Water Pipe
    — A metal und erg round  water p ip e, at least 1/2-in. 
    (1.3 c m) in d iameter, in d irec t c ontac t with the earth for at least 10 ft (3 m). The 
    p ip e must b e elec tric ally c ontinuous (or mad e elec tric ally c ontinuous b y b ond ing  
    around  insulated  joints, p lastic  pip e, or plastic  water meters) to the p oint where 
    the p rotec tor g round  wire c onnec ts. A metallic  und erg round  water p ip e must b e 
    sup p lemented  b y the metal frame of the build ing , a c onc rete-enc ased  g round , or 
    a g round  ring . If these g round s are not availab le, the water p ip e g round  c an b e 
    sup p lemented  b y 1 of the following  typ es of g round s:
    nOther loc al metal und erg round  systems or struc tures — Loc al 
    und erg round  struc tures suc h as tanks and  p iping  systems
    nRod  and  p ip e elec trod es — A 5/8-in. (1.6 c m) solid  rod  or 3/4-in. (2 c m) 
    c ond uit or p ip e elec trod e d riven to a minimum d ep th of 8 ft (2.4 m)
    nPlate elec trod es — Must have a minimum of 2 ft2 (0.185 m2) of metallic 
    surfac e exp osed  to the exterior soil
    Concrete Encased Ground
    — An elec trod e enc ased  b y at least 2 in. (5.1 c m) 
    of c onc rete and  loc ated  within and  near the b ottom of a c onc rete found ation or 
    footing  in d irec t c ontac t with the earth. The elec trod e must b e at least 20 feet (6.1 
    m) of 1 or more steel reinforc ing  b ars or rod s 1/2-in. (1.3 c m) in d iameter, or at 
    least 20 ft (6.1 m) of b are, solid  c op p er, 4 AWG (26 mm
    2) wire.
    Ground Ring
    — A buried  g round  that enc irc les a b uild ing  or struc ture at a d ep th 
    of at least 2.5 ft (0.76 m) b elow the earth’s surfac e. The g round  ring  must be at 
    least 20 ft (6.1 m) of 2 AWG (35 mm
    2), bare, copper wire. 
    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation, Upgrades, 
    and Additions for Compact Modular Cabinets  555-233-118  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Installing and Cabling the Cabinets 
    1-16 AC Power and Ground 
    If the ap p roved  g round  is insid e a d ed ic ated  eq uip ment room, then these 
    connec tions must be made by a qualified electric ian.
    Floor g round s are those g round s on eac h floor of a hig h-rise b uild ing  that are 
    suitab le for c onnec tion to the g round  terminal in the riser c loset and to the 
    c ab inet sing le-point g round  terminal. App roved  floor g round s may inc lud e:
    nBuild ing  steel
    nThe grounding  c ond uc tor for the sec ond ary sid e of the p ower transformer 
    feeding  the floor
    nMetallic  water p ip es
    nPower-feed  metallic  c ond uit sup plying  p anel b oard s on the floor
    nA g rounding  p oint sp ec ific ally p rovid ed  in the b uild ing  for the p urp ose
    Uninterruptible Power Supply
    An op tional UPS (Uninterruptib le Power Sup ply) may b e used for p ower 
    hold over. The typ e of UPS d ep end s on the hold over req uirements. Hold over 
    times vary from less than 10 minutes to up  to 8 hours. The UPS must p rovid e 
    surg e p rotec tion for all c onnec ted c ab inets.
    1. Connec t the UPS to an elec tric al outlet c ap ab le of hand ling the p ower 
    req uirements of all c ab inets:
    a. For 100 VAC, multip ly 4.5 Amp s times the numb er of c ab inets.
    b . For 120 VAC, multip ly 3.8 Amp s times the numb er of c ab inets.
    c . For 200 VAC, multip ly 2.3 Amp s times the numb er of c ab inets.
    d . For 220-240 VAC, multiply 2.0 Amp s times the numb er of c ab inets.
    2.Be sure that Cab inet A (c ontrol c arrier) is c onnec ted  to an “ unswitc hed ”  or 
    “ always on”  elec tric al outlet on the UPS. 
    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation, Upgrades, 
    and Additions for Compact Modular Cabinets  555-233-118  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Installing and Cabling the Cabinets 
    1-17 AC Power and Ground 
    CMC Cabinet Power Switch 
    The latc h only removes DC p ower from the c ab inet. Unseating  the p ower 
    sup p ly removes AC power from the p ower sup p ly, b ut not from the c ab inet. 
    To remove AC p ower from the c ab inet, p ull the AC p ower c ord  from the AC 
    ap p lianc e c onnec tor on the rear of the c abinet. See Figure 1-9
    Figure 1-9. CMC Power Supply Figure Notes
    1. Latc h
    psdmdc RPY 011998
    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation, Upgrades, 
    and Additions for Compact Modular Cabinets  555-233-118  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Installing and Cabling the Cabinets 
    1-18 AC Power and Ground 
    Connect Cabinet Grounds and Other Grounds
    The following ad d itional g round ing  req uirements must be met:
    nThe ap p roved  ground wire must be g reen, 6 AWG (#40) (16 mm2), 
    c op p er, strand ed  wire (this is in ad d ition to the ground  wire in the AC 
    power cord)
    nBond  all ap p roved  g round s at the sing le-p oint ground  to form a sing le 
    g round ing elec trod e system
    Install the Ground Block
    1. Mount the g round  b loc k as shown in Figure 1-10.
    2. Make the c ab le c onnec tions as shown in Figure 1-11
    Figure 1-10. Ground Block Installation to Right Panel Figure Notes
    1. #12 x 1-inc h should er sc rews 2. Sing le-p oint ground  b loc k
    indmingb RPY 012398
    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation, Upgrades, 
    and Additions for Compact Modular Cabinets  555-233-118  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Installing and Cabling the Cabinets 
    1-19 AC Power and Ground 
    Figure 1-11. Typical Cabinet Grounding  Figure Notes
    1. 6 AWG (#40) (16 mm
    2) c ab inet g round  
    2. 6 AWG (#40) (16 mm
    2) g round  wire to 
    next c ab inet
    3. Sing le-p oint ground b loc k4. AC load  c enter single-p oint g round
    5. 10 AWG (#25) (6 mm
    2) wire to c oup led  
    b ond ing  c ond uc tor (CBC)
    6. 6 AWG (#40) (16 mm
    2) ground wire from 
    sing le-p oint g round  b loc k to the AC load  
    c enter single-p oint g round
    cadmgrd1 KLC 020698
    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation, Upgrades, 
    and Additions for Compact Modular Cabinets  555-233-118  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Installing and Cabling the Cabinets 
    1-20 AC Power and Ground 
    Install Coupled Bonding Conductor 
    The Coup led  Bond ing  Cond uc tor (CBC) provid es for mutual induc tanc e c oup ling  
    b etween the CBC and  the telep hone c ab les that are exposed  to lig htning . The 
    c ond uc tor c an b e a 10 AWG (#25) (6 mm
    2) wire tie wrapped to the exposed 
    c ab les, a metal c ab le shield  around the exp osed  c ab les, or 6 sp are p airs from 
    the exposed cable. 
    In a hig h rise b uild ing , c onnec t the CBC to an ap proved  b uild ing  g round  on eac h 
    floor. To provid e the c oup led  b ond ing  p rotec tion:
    1. Connec t 1 end  of the c ond uc tor to a telephone c able b uilding  entranc e 
    p rotec tor g round  that is c onnec ted  to an ap p roved  g round .
    2. Route the rest of the c ond uc tor next to the exp osed telep hone c ab les 
    b eing  p rotec ted until they reac h the c ross-c onnec t nearest to the 
    telep hone system.
    3. Position the non-exp osed  telephone c ab les at least 12 inc hes (30.5 c m) 
    away from exposed  telep hone c ab les whenever p ossible.
    4. Terminate the other end  to the sing le-p oint g round  b loc k p rovid ed  for the 
    telep hone system.
    Connect and Route Cabinet AC Power Cords
    The AC power cords may connect to a properly rated power distribution 
    unit, ind ivid ual AC p ower rec ep tac les, or to a UPS. See Figure 1-12
    1. Be sure the c irc uit b reakers at the AC load c enter are 
    2.Connec t Cab inet A to an “ unswitc hed ”  or “ always on”  elec tric al outlet.  
    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation, Upgrades, 
    and Additions for Compact Modular Cabinets  555-233-118  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Installing and Cabling the Cabinets 
    1-21 AC Power and Ground 
    Figure 1-12. Routing AC Power Cords to a Power Distribution Unit Figure Notes
    1. Cabinet AC p ower c ord 2. Surg e-p rotec ted  AC p ower 
    distribution unit (120 VAC 
    systems) (optional)
    /, 1( ) $ 8/ 7*5281 2.
    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation, Upgrades, 
    and Additions for Compact Modular Cabinets  555-233-118  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Installing and Cabling the Cabinets 
    1-22 Cable the System 
    Cable the System 
    Install Processor Interface Cable — Cabinet A
    Only and TDM/LAN Bus Terminator
    Figure 1-13. System Cable Connections
    1. Connect the Processor Interface Cable to slot 1 of Cabinet A. See Figure 
    2. Install the TDM/LAN bus terminators. Figure Notes
    1. TDM/LAN b us terminator 2. Proc essor interfac e c ab le (c ab inet A only)
    cadm1mds LJK 060297 
    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation, Upgrades, 
    and Additions for Compact Modular Cabinets  555-233-118  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Installing and Cabling the Cabinets 
    1-23 Cable the System 
    Cable the Multi-Cabinet System — Wall-Mount
    Vertically Mounted System
    1. Route the TDM/LAN b us c ab les throug h the c ab le troug h. 
    See Figure 1-14
    Figure 1-14. TDM/LAN Bus Cables and Terminators Figure Notes
    1. TDM/LAN b us terminator (at 
    eac h end  of the TDM/LAN b us)2. Vertic al TDM/LAN b us c ab le (List 8)
    cadmtrm3 KLC 011698 
    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation, Upgrades, 
    and Additions for Compact Modular Cabinets  555-233-118  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Installing and Cabling the Cabinets 
    1-24 Cable the System 
    Vertically and Horizontally Mounted System
    Only 1 horizontal TDM/LAN Bus c ab le is allowed  per system. See Figure 1-15.
    1. Route the TDM/LAN b us c ab les throug h the c ab le troug h.
    Figure 1-15. System Cable Connections Figure Notes
    1. TDM/LAN b us terminator (at eac h end  
    of the TDM/LAN b us)
    2. Vertic al TDM/LAN b us c ab le (List 8)3. Horizontal TDM/LAN b us c able 
    (List 9)
    indmin10 KLC 011698 
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