Lucent Technologies
Communications System
Lucent Technologies DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Installation, Upgrades, And Additions For Compact Modular Cabinets Manual
Lucent Technologies DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Installation, Upgrades, And Additions For Compact Modular Cabinets Manual
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What’s New in Release 8.2csi xi DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation, Upgrades, and Additions for Compact Modular Cabinets 555-233-118 Issue 1 April 2000 What’s New in Release 8.2csi This is a short list of what changed from Release 7csi. For more detailed information, refer to DEFINITY ECS Release 8 What’s New in Release 8. The categories addressed are as follows: nFeatures nHard ware nTools nCommands, sc reens, and field s nProc ed ures nUpgrade tips nCautions and warnings nProd uc t names Features This list p rovid es c ateg orized features availab le with Release 8.2. For full descriptions, see DEFINITY Enterp rise Communic ations Server Release 8, Issue 1.0 Chang e Desc rip tion. Phone featuresNetworking — ISDN Public 64 b rid g ed c all ap pearanc es ATM circuit emulation servic e (CES) Abort transferFeature plus — non-DID c alling via UDP Automatic exc lusion Restric ted Presentation Circ ular station hunting Multip le p ub net c alling/c onnect numb ers/system Coverag e of calls red irec ted off-net Pass advic e of charge to BRI (basic rate interfac e) end p oints Group call p ick-up BellCore calling name ID Long hold rec all - warning Networking — QSIG

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation, Upgrades, and Additions for Compact Modular Cabinets 555-233-118 Issue 1 April 2000 What’s New in Release 8.2csi xii Reset shift c all Call-ind ep end ent signaling c onnection (CISC) enhanc ements Station self d isp lay VALU d istinc tive alerting Call CenterVALU call coverage Advocate related enhanc ements Transfer to Aud ix ASAI/c omp uter telep hony integ ration (CTI) enhanc ementsCoverag e interaction sup p ort Inc reased Call Center c ap ac ities (G3r) CAS Attend ant d isp lay of COR Site stats for ATM c onnected remote EPNs CAS Attend ant return c all CMS measurement of ATM trunks CAS Display enhanc ements C A LL MA STER V ( C C 6 41 6D + ) na t iv e s up p o r t C A S Pr i or i t y q ue u e PASTE u p d at e C A S RL T em ul at i o n vi a PRI CentreVu comp uter Telephony on MAPD Green to Standard DEFINITY Wireless Business Systems (DWBS)13-d igit authorization c od es (red to std ) X-station mob ilityNetworking — Other Hospitality IP Solutions Auto dig it rotation for d irec t inward dial Interworking with bandwid th c onstric ted ATM networks Crisis alert to p ag er ATM - Hyb rid reliab ility Suite c hec k-in via the hunt-to feature System availability/serviceability International Op tic al d rive Administrable loss p lan Restart notific ation Brazil and Hung ary — E&M sig naling Reliab ility op tions China — sp ec ial d ial tone C-LAN servic eab ility tools China — time sup ervision & forc ed release Terminal support Jap an — Sup port for Jap an National Private NetworkingIDS (6200) family of analog terminals native sup p ort Jap an — Transfer Call Bac k 6400 tip/ring mod ule Brazil and Hung ary — E&M sig naling Fast analog mod em supp ort Security Platform DADMIN log in 24-p ort analog line (TN793/TN2793B) with Caller ID Analog trunk & line b oard (TN797) without b usy tone detec tion

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation, Upgrades, and Additions for Compact Modular Cabinets 555-233-118 Issue 1 April 2000 What’s New in Release 8.2csi xiii Hardware Minimum required hardware You need the following minimum required hardware to upgrade to Release 8.2csi software. R8.2csi hardware The following up g rad e eq uip ment is new to Release 8.2c si. EquipmentCode Comcode Notes Basic p roc essor c ab inet J5889OT-1 —Contains the following c irc uit pac ks: nTN798B (p roc essor) nTN2182B (tone c loc k) AC Power unit 650A 107949364 EquipmentCode Comcode Notes R8csi Generic Program Card (orang e)— 406805481 2-Mbyte translation flashcard (white) 4-Mbyte translation flashcard (white) 1 10-Mb yte translation flashc ard (white)2 1. Required for systems using rec ord ed announc ements. 2. Req uired for systems with a DEFINITY ECS Wireless Business System installed . — 601817448 — 601817422 — 601817430 Proc essor TN798B 108186255if not alread y installed

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation, Upgrades, and Additions for Compact Modular Cabinets 555-233-118 Issue 1 April 2000 What’s New in Release 8.2csi xiv Additional hardware available The following eq uipment is p ort slot hard ware introd uc ed with Release 8.2c si. Discontinued hardware No eq uip ment was d isc ontinued with Release 8.2c si. To o l s No new tools b ec ame available with Release 8.2c si. EquipmentCode Comcode Notes DS1 interfac e TN2313 108382607Cost red uc tion, no new features Analog line TN793 10355746824-p ort analog line with CID Analog trunk/line combo TN797 103557500Comb ines an analog trunk and line into one circuit pack. Control-LAN (C-LAN) TN799B 108525528Up dates TN799; enables trac e route c ommand IP interfac e assemb ly TN802B 108517996Up dates TN802; exp ansion of IP trunk; introd uc es two modes: Med ia Proc essor Mod e and IP Trunk Mode

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation, Upgrades, and Additions for Compact Modular Cabinets 555-233-118 Issue 1 April 2000 What’s New in Release 8.2csi xv Commands, screens, and fields The following c ommands and sc reens are new to or affec ted b y Release 8.2c si. The numb er of sc reens has c hang ed , and some field s have moved to d ifferent sc reens. Procedures The following proc ed ures and step s c hang ed or were ad d ed b ec ause of p rob lems identified in the lab oratory or d uring early introd uc tion. Many of the up g rad e p roc ed ures were reord ered and the step s within the p roc ed ure b etter d efined . Chec k the task tab les at the b eginning of eac h up g rad e c hap ter for the c urrent ord er. Also, to red uc e red und anc y in the b ook, there is no long er a sep arate upg rad e p roc ess for hig h or c ritic al reliab ility. The p roc ed ures and step s that ap p ly to hig h or c ritic al reliab ility are noted where they oc c ur in the up g rad e p roc ess. Command/field Screen Notes reset translation-id System Parameters Sec urity This c ommand resets the translation-ID on the translation c ard to matc h the p roc essor; saves translations to the memory card ; and restores use of the ad d , c hang e, remove, and dup lic ate commands. Needs init log in to c orrec t TRANS-ID alarm. Procedure Steps Notes Chec k SPE 1. Typ e status system 1 and p ress En t e r to c hec k the health of the system.Bec omes first step of upgrade procedure Se t D a yl ig h t Sa v in g s Ru l e s 1. Typ e change daylight-savings-rules and press En t e r.The d efault is 0, no d aylig ht saving s

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation, Upgrades, and Additions for Compact Modular Cabinets 555-233-118 Issue 1 April 2000 What’s New in Release 8.2csi xvi Upgrade tips The following up g rad e tip s were generated from p rob lems id entified in the laboratory or during early introd uc tion. nAdd Pooled Modem — The p ooled mod em req uires a Luc ent WP90110 L7 power supply. Althoug h integrated c onversion c an use either the L5 or L7, the c omb ined only works with an L7. Cautions and warnings The following new c autions and warning s were g enerated from p rob lems affec ting possib le d ata loss that were id entified in the lab oratory or d uring early introd uc tion. Product names The following prod uc ts have b een renamed . Procedure Caution or Warning Add Pooled Modem !CAUTION: The L5 and L7 p ower sup p lies look identic al. Chec k the lab el to b e sure you have the L7 b efore installing . Product name Old name IP Interfac e Assemb ly (TN802B)IP trunk (TN802)

About This Book xvii Conventions Used in This Book DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation, Upgrades, and Additions for Compact Modular Cabinets 555-233-118 Issue 1 April 2000 About This Book This d oc ument p rovid es p roc ed ures to install, up g rad e, or make ad d itions to a DEFINITY® Enterp rise Communic ations Server Release 8.2c si, using the Compact Modular Cabinet. This document is intended for use by trained installation technic ians. Conventions Used in This Book nInformation you typ e is shown as: save translation . To sub mit the command you typed, press the En t e r key in the numbers sec tion of the keyb oard , not the En te r/Re t u r n key in the letters sec tion. nInformation d isp layed on the manag ement terminal is shown as: login nKeyb oard keys are shown as: En t e r. nCirc uit p ac k c od es (suc h as TN798B or TN2182B) are shown with the minimum ac c ep tab le alp hab etic suffix (like the ‘‘B” in TN2182B). Generally, an alp hab etic suffix hig her than that shown is also ac c ep tab le. However, not every vintag e of either the minimum suffix or a higher suffix code is necessarily acceptable. NOTE: Refer to Tec hnic al Monthly: Referenc e Guid e for Circ uit Pac k Vintag es and Chang e Notic es for c urrent information ab out usab le vintag es of sp ec ific c irc uit p ac k c od es (inc lud ing the suffix).

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation, Upgrades, and Additions for Compact Modular Cabinets 555-233-118 Issue 1 April 2000 About This Book xviii Related Documents The following c onventions d esc rib e the systems referred to in this d oc ument. nThe word system is a g eneral term enc omp assing Release 8 and inc lud es referenc es to the DEFINITY Enterp rise Communic ations Server nSystems in this b ook are c alled Release 8, Release 8 CMC, and R8c si nInformation in this b ook is ap plic ab le for Release 8 unless otherwise sp ec ified nDEFINITY Enterp rise Communic ations Server is ab b reviated as DEFINITY EC S nPhysic al d imensions in this b ook are in inc hes (in.) followed b y metric c entimeters (c m) in p arentheses. Wire g aug e measurements are in AWG followed b y the c ross-sec tional area in millimeters sq uared (mm 2) in p arentheses Related Documents As sup p lemental information, you may need the following d oc uments when installing a DEFINITY ECS Release 8 system. These d oc uments are availab le in Eng lish only unless otherwise noted . nDEFINITY Enterp rise Communic ations Server Release 8 Ad ministration for Network Connec tivity nBCS Prod uc ts Sec urity Hand book nDEFINITY Enterp rise Communic ations Server Release 8 Installation for Ad junc ts and Perip herals nDEFINITY Enterp rise Communic ations Server Release 8 Ad ministrator’s Guid e nDEFINITY Enterp rise Communic ations Server Release 8 Maintenanc e for R8 c s i nDEFINITY Enterp rise Communic ations Server Release 8 System Desc rip tion (availab le in other lang uag es) nDEFINITY Communic ations System and System 75 and System 85 Terminals and Ad junc ts nSwitc h Ad ministration for DEFINITY AUDIX nDEFINITY Enterp rise Communic ations Server Release 8 System ATM Installation, Up g rad es, and Administration In ad d ition to this book, other d esc rip tion, installation and test, maintenanc e, and ad ministration b ooks are availab le.

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation, Upgrades, and Additions for Compact Modular Cabinets 555-233-118 Issue 1 April 2000 About This Book xix How to Order Documentation How to Order Documentation A c omp lete list of DEFINITY b ooks is availab le in the Business Communic ations System Pub lic ations Catalog . You c an ord er this d oc ument and any other DEFINITY doc umentation d irec tly from the Luc ent Tec hnolog ies Business Communic ations System Pub lic ations Fulfillment Center at 1-317-322-6791 or toll free within the United States at 1-800-457-1235. How to Comment on This Book Luc ent Tec hnolog ies welc omes your feedb ac k. Please fill out the read er c omment c ard at the front of this b ook and return it. Your c omments are of g reat value and help us to imp rove our d oc umentation. If the read er c omment c ard is missing, fax your c omments to 1-303-538-1741 or to your Luc ent Tec hnolog ies rep resentative, and mention this d oc ument’s name and number, DEFINITY Enterp rise Communic ation Server Release 8 Installation and Test for Comp ac t Mod ular Cab inets, 555-233-118. Where to Call for Technical Support Te l e p h o n e N u m b e r DEFINITY Help line (feature ad ministration and system applications)1-800-225-7585 Luc ent Tec hnolog ies Toll Fraud Intervention 1-800-643-2353 Luc ent Tec hnolog ies National Customer Care Center 1-800-242-2121 Luc ent Tec hnolog ies Corp orate Sec urity 1-800-822-9009 Streamlined Imp lementation (for missing eq uip ment) 1-800-772-5409 USA/Canada Tec hnic al Servic e Center 1-800-248-1234 ITAC 1-303-804-3777 Luc ent Tec hnolog ies Centers of Exc ellenc e Asia/Pac ific Reg ional Sup p ort Center 65-872-8686 Western Europ e/Mid d le East/South Afric a 44-1252-77-4800 Central/Eastern Europ e 361-345-4334 Central/Latin Americ a Carib b ean 1-303-804-3778 Australia 61-2-9352-9090 North Americ a (INADS Datab ase Ad ministration) 1-800-248-1111

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation, Upgrades, and Additions for Compact Modular Cabinets 555-233-118 Issue 1 April 2000 About This Book xx Security Issues Security Issues To ensure the greatest sec urity p ossib le for c ustomers, Luc ent Tec hnolog ies offers servic es that c an red uc e toll-fraud liab ilities. Contac t your Luc ent Tec hnolog ies rep resentative for more sec urity information. Log in sec urity is an attrib ute of the DEFINITY ECS software. Existing p assword s exp ire 24 hours after installation. For Ac c ess Sec urity Gateway (ASG), see Ap p end ix C, ‘‘Ac c ess Sec urity Gateway’’. Trademarks This d oc ument c ontains referenc es to the following Luc ent Tec hnolog ies trad emarked prod uc ts: nACCUNET® nAUDIX® nCallmaster® nCallVisor® nC O N VERSA N T® nDEFINITY® nFO RU M™ nMEGACOM® nTRA N STA L K™ The following produc ts are trademarked by their appropriate U.S. vendor: nLINX™ is a trad emark of Illinois Tool Works, Inc orp orated nShoc kwatc h® is a reg istered trad emark of Med ia Rec overy, Inc orp orated nStyrofoam® is a reg istered trad emark of Styrofoam Corp oration nTi l t w a t c h® is a reg istered trad emark of Med ia Rec overy, Inc orp orated