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    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation, Upgrades, 
    and Additions for Compact Modular Cabinets  555-233-118  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Glossary and Abbreviations 
    Wireless fixed base
    Wide Area Telecommunications Service (WATS)
     A servic e in the United  States that allows calls to certain areas for a flat-rate c harg e b ased on 
    exp ec ted  usage.
    A c irc uit-switc hed  c all at a d ata rate g reater than 64 kb ps. A c ircuit-switc hed  call on a sing le T1 or 
    E1 facility with a b and wid th between 128 and  1536 (T1) or 1984 (E1) kbp s in multip les of 64 kb p s. 
    H0, H11, H12, and  N x DS0 c alls are wideb and .
    wideband access endpoint
    Acc ess endp oints, extend ed with wid eb and  switc hing  to include wid eb and  ac cess end p oints. A 
    wid eb and  ac cess end point consists of one or more c ontig uous DS0s on a line-side T1 or E1 fac ility 
    and  has an extension. The Ad ministered  Connec tions feature p rovid es c all c ontrol for c alls 
    orig inating  from wid eband  ac cess end points.
    wink-start tie trunk
    A trunk with which, after making  a connec tion with a d istant switc hing system for an outgoing  c all, 
    the system waits for a momentary signal (wink) before send ing  the d ig its of the c alled  numb er. 
    Similarly, on an incoming c all, the system send s the wink sig nal when read y to receive d ig its.
    work mode
    One of four states (Auto-In, Manual-In, ACW, AUX-Work) that an ACD ag ent can be in. Up on 
    log g ing  in, an ag ent enters AUX-Work mod e. To b ec ome availab le to receive ACD calls, the ag ent 
    enters Auto-In or Manual-In mod e. To d o work assoc iated  with a c ompleted  ACD call, an agent 
    enters ACW mod e.
    work state
    An ACD ag ent may b e a memb er of up  to three d ifferent sp lits. Each ACD ag ent c ontinuously 
    exhib its a work state for every sp lit of whic h it is a member. Valid  work states are Avail, Unstaffed, 
    AUX-Work, ACW, ACD (answering  an ACD call), ExtIn, ExtOut, and  OtherSp l. An agent’s work 
    state for a particular sp lit may c hang e for a variety of reasons (examp le: when a c all is answered  or 
    ab and oned , or the ag ent c hang es work mod es). The BCMS feature monitors work states and uses 
    this information to p rovid e BCMS reports.
    write operation
    The process of p utting  information onto a storag e med ium, suc h as a hard d isk.
    Waiting  session ac c ep t
    Wireless Subscrib er System
    Zero Cod e Sup p ression 
    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation, Upgrades, 
    and Additions for Compact Modular Cabinets  555-233-118  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Glossary and Abbreviations 
    DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation, Upgrades, 
    and Additions for Compact Modular Cabinets  555-233-118   Issue 1
    April 2000
    25-p air cab le p inout,1-100
    26B1 Selec tor Console,1-752-wire d ig ital station wiring,1-67367A ad apter,1-91
    3-pair and 4-pair modularity,1-72
    AC load c enter,1-14
    AC power
    g round  wiring,1-18g round ing,1-14
    AC power supply,1-14AC voltag e test,1-14Ac c ess Sec urity Gateway,C-1
    AC-powered  system,1-54turn on p roced ure,1-54ad ap ter
    circuit packs,4-1
    CO trunk,4-2, 4-5code calling access,4-5DID trunk,4-2
    DS1 tie trunk,4-5FX trunk,4-2, 4-5OPS trunk,4-5
    PCOL trunk,4-2pooled modem,4-6sp eec h synthesis,4-5
    tie trunk,4-3WATS trunk,4-2, 4-5ad junc t p ower,1-66
    c onnections,1-67, 1-76
    log,1-57origination d isab le p roced ure,2-2relay contac t,1-76
    alarm inp ut,1-76alarm outp ut,1-76A-Law companding,1-56
    analog  station (2-wire),1-67analog  tie trunk,1-68APP c onnec tor information,1-64, 2-9, 2-15, 
    2-18to2-20ap p roved floor ground s,1-16ap p roved g round,1-15, 1-18
    country code,1-57ASG,C-1
    attend ant c onsole,1-64
    302C1,1-64maximum cabling distance,1-64Australia
    country code
    ,1-57auxiliary eq uip ment p in 
    auxiliary eq uip ment p inout information,1-64, 2-9, 2-15auxiliary p ower,1-77
    b ac kup  translations,1-63Belg ium
    country code
    ,1-57b it rate
    BR851-B ad ap ter,1-90BRI
    multipoint cabling distances,1-92
    terminating  resistor,1-86BRI terminating  resistor,1-86bus bridge,4-15
    p inout
    25-p air,1-100
    diagrams,2-9, 2-15, 2-18to2-20chang ing
    system-parameters c ountry options
    ,1-56system-parameters maintenanc e,1-62China
    country code
    ,1-57circuit packs
    ,4-1c omp lete list,1-31digital line,1-48
    p in d esig nations,2-18to2-20slot load ing,1-34TN2182B Tone-Cloc k,1-34
    TN2185 ISDN-BRI 4-wire S Interfac e,2-14TN2224 Dig ital Line,2-12, 2-17TN744D Call Classifier/Tone Detec tor,1-34
    TN798B Proc essor,1-34CO trunk wiring,1-67CO trunk, ad ding,4-2, 4-5
    code calling access, adding,4-5comcodes,1-3commercial AC power,1-14
    companding mod e,1-56 
    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation, Upgrades, 
    and Additions for Compact Modular Cabinets  555-233-118    Issue 1
    April 2000
    connec ting
    AC p ower
    ,1-14manag ement terminal,1-64connec tions
    ,4-24, 4-27, 4-34
    Control-LAN circuit p ack,4-15country c odes,1-57country op tions, setting,1-56
    coupled b ond ing  c ond uc tor,1-19, 1-20craft p assword , chang ing,1-58Czec hoslovakia
    country code
    d ate, set p roc edure,1-60, 3-10
    d ay of the week,1-60tab le of Eng lish names,1-60, 3-10d aylig ht saving s rules,1-59, 3-9
    DC power
    signaling  lead s,2-5DCS Interface,4-15
    DEFINITY Network Administration,1-43DEFINITY Site Ad ministration,1-43DID trunk
    ,1-67d ig ital line circ uit pac k,1-48digital station (2-wire),1-67
    digital tie trunk,1-69distributed communications system,4-15DNA),1-43
    DS1 tie trunk, ad d ing,4-5DSA,1-43
    electrical c onnection,1-14emerg enc y transfer p ower p anel,1-77, 1-98
    emerg enc y transfer telep hone,1-105English day names
    tab le of,1-60, 3-10
    Eng lish month names
    tab le of,1-61, 3-11Equador
    country code
    ,1-57eq uip ment,1-3comcodes,1-3
    Europ ean Union Standard s,xxiiiexternal alarm
    wiring  examp le,1-67
    external mod em
    U.S. Rob otic s,1-30, 1-107external mod em op tion settings,1-30, 1-107
    Feature Acc ess Cod e (FAC) form
    sc reens and  implementation notes
    country code,1-57
    FX trunk, ad ding,4-2, 4-5
    country code
    ,1-57Greec e
    country code,1-57
    g round
    ap p roved  floor,1-16building steel,1-15
    concrete encased,1-15ring,1-15water pipe,1-15
    Ground  Block Installation to Rig ht Panel,1-18g round  wiring
    g round ing
    AC p ower,1-14ap p roved,1-14
    Hong  Kong
    country code
    ,1-57Hung ary
    country code,1-57
    impedance, setting,2-7INADS
    reg ister system,2-2
    integrated  c hannel servic e unit,4-51integration p rocess
    c onnecting
    ITS c omp onents
    ,4-23, 4-33
    ITS to the network,4-24, 4-27, 4-34
    Internet Telep hony Server
    c onnecting  c omponents,4-23, 4-33
    network services, c hanging,4-44 
    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation, Upgrades, 
    and Additions for Compact Modular Cabinets  555-233-118    Issue 1
    April 2000
    fanout of multipoint installations
    terminating  resistor,1-86
    ISDN interfac e links
    country code,1-57
    Jap an
    country code,1-57
    lab els
    Main Distrib ution Frame,1-42
    lead d esignations,2-9port board,1-77telep hones,1-77
    log  in to system,1-55
    Mac ed onia
    country code
    ,1-57major alarm c ontac t,1-76MDF mounting,1-25
    Mexic o
    country code,1-57mod em
    external, switc h setting s
    ,1-30, 1-107modem, pooled,4-6mod ularity
    3-p air
    ,1-724-p air,1-72
    month names
    table of English,1-61, 3-11Mounting  MDFs,1-25
    mu-Law c ompanding,1-56multip oint
    fig ure,1-92
    multip oint ad ap ters,1-90
    NAA1 Fib er Op tic  Circ uit Pac k,4-55
    National Elec tric al Cod e
    g round ing  rules,1-14neon voltag e (ring p ing ),2-3
    country code
    c onfig uration
    c hang ing  network services
    ,4-24, 4-27, 4-34
    NT1 network interfac e,1-86
    off-p remises stations,1-93OPS, ad ding,4-5
    packet bus support,4-11password
    ,1-58c raft, c hanging,1-58req uirements for valid,1-58
    PCOL trunk, ad d ing,4-2pin designations
    auxiliary equipment,2-18to2-20
    circuit packs,2-18to2-20p inout information
    auxiliary equipment,1-64, 2-9, 2-15
    circuit packs,1-64, 2-9, 2-15c onnector and  c ab le diagrams,2-9port,1-77
    p rocessor interface cab le,2-11telep hones,1-77TN2185 ISDN-BRI,2-14
    p inouts
    auxiliary,2-18to2-20circuit packs,2-18to2-20
    Pol a nd
    country code,1-57
    p ooled  mod em, ad ding,4-6p ort circ uit pac k p inout information,1-77p ower down AUDIX, p roc edure,3-14
    power up
    AC-p owered  system, proc ed ure,1-54AUDIX p roc edure,3-14
    p roc ed ures
    return equipment,3-14Proc essor Interfac e c ab le
    c onnection
    ,1-22, 1-30, 1-76p inout,2-11
    reg istering  system with INADS,2-2 
    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation, Upgrades, 
    and Additions for Compact Modular Cabinets  555-233-118    Issue 1
    April 2000
    return eq uip ment,3-14
    ring  ping,2-3ring ing  op tion,1-53Rus si a
    country code
    Saud i Arabia
    country code
    ,1-57save translations,1-64Selec tor Console,1-75
    b it rate,2-7d ate and  time,1-60
    line impedance,2-7ring op tion,1-53setting  d ate and  time, p roc edure,3-10
    signaling leads, DC power,2-5Sing ap ore
    country code,1-57
    sing le-p oint g round,1-18sing le-p oint g round  b loc k,1-18sneak c urrent
    fuse p anel
    ,1-39fuses,1-40p rotec tion,1-39
    Sp a i n
    country code,1-57sp eec h synthesis, ad ding,4-5
    status system all-c abinets
    c ommand,1-55switc h setting s
    external modem
    ,1-30, 1-107TN464 c irc uit pac k,2-7TN760 tie trunk,2-5
    system g round ing,1-14system status,1-55system-p arameters maintenanc e,1-62
    T1 Channel Servic e Unit,1-71
    Ta i w a n
    country code,1-57telep hone
    emerg enc y transfer
    ,1-105p inout information,1-77telep hone connec tion,1-64
    c onnections,1-64type,1-55
    terminating resistor,1-86terminating resistor ad apter,1-87terminating resistor b lock,1-88
    country code
    ,1-57tie trunk
    analog wiring  examp le,1-68c ircuit p ack op tion settings,2-5digital wiring,1-69
    time, set proc ed ure,1-60, 3-10TN2181 p inout information,1-77TN2224 Dig ital Line,2-12, 2-17
    TN2793,2-15TN464 c irc uit p ac k
    op tion setting s,2-7
    TN760 c irc uit p ac k
    op tion setting s,2-5TN 7 9 3,2-15
    TN798 Proc essor,1-54, 1-63Translation Copy Protection,B-1translations
    b ac kup p roced ure
    ,1-63save proced ure,1-64trunks
    enab le p roced ure,3-12
    type-approved external modem,1-30, 1-107
    U.S. Robotics modem,1-30, 1-107
    uninterruptible power supply,1-16United Kingdom
    country code,1-57
    United States
    country code,1-57UPS,1-16
    USA, country code,1-57
    country code,1-57 
    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation, Upgrades, 
    and Additions for Compact Modular Cabinets  555-233-118    Issue 1
    April 2000
    WATS trunk, ad d ing,4-2, 4-5
    2-wire d igital station,1-67analog station,1-67
    analog tie trunk,1-68CO trunk,1-67d ig ital tie trunk,1-69
    pin designations,2-18to2-20p inouts,1-64, 2-9, 2-15Processor Interface cab le,1-22, 1-30, 1-76
    telep hone c onnec tion,1-64wiring examp le
    2-wire d igital station,1-67
    302C Attend ant Console,1-643-pair and 4-pair modularity,1-72alarms,1-67
    analog station,1-67analog tie trunk,1-68attend ant console,1-64
    CO trunk,1-67DID trunk,1-67d ig ital station (2-wire),1-67
    d ig ital tie trunk,1-69telep hone c onnec tion,1-64 
    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation, Upgrades, 
    and Additions for Compact Modular Cabinets  555-233-118    Issue 1
    April 2000
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